2023-06-26 23:30:39 -05:00
The following console Commands work in the pop up console
cheat money [amount]
Add or Remove the given amount from the curret money score
cheat keys [amount]
Add or Remove the given amount of keys from the current amount
cheat allgadgets
Unlocks all of the gagets in the game
cheat spawn [id] ([amount])
2023-06-28 00:26:21 -05:00
spawns given item for the given ammount
2023-06-26 23:30:39 -05:00
tp [DestinationPlayer]
Teleports the player that entered in the commant to the player entered
Prints the list of current players to the console
sleep [Hours]
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Sleep command followed by the time in in game hours to "sleep"". Fast forwards the game the alotted hours.
console [enable/disable] [logtype]
Sets whether a specific log type should be displaying in the console.
All type default to enabled.
Log Types: Error, Assert, Warning, Log, Exception