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using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Net;
using NetEndPoint = System.Net.IPEndPoint;
namespace Lidgren.Network
/// <summary>
/// Represents a local peer capable of holding zero, one or more connections to remote peers
/// </summary>
public partial class NetPeer
private static int s_initializedPeersCount;
private int m_listenPort;
private object m_tag;
private object m_messageReceivedEventCreationLock = new object();
internal readonly List<NetConnection> m_connections;
private readonly Dictionary<NetEndPoint, NetConnection> m_connectionLookup;
private string m_shutdownReason;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the NetPeerStatus of the NetPeer
/// </summary>
public NetPeerStatus Status { get { return m_status; } }
/// <summary>
/// Signalling event which can be waited on to determine when a message is queued for reading.
/// Note that there is no guarantee that after the event is signaled the blocked thread will
/// find the message in the queue. Other user created threads could be preempted and dequeue
/// the message before the waiting thread wakes up.
/// </summary>
public AutoResetEvent MessageReceivedEvent
if (m_messageReceivedEvent == null)
lock (m_messageReceivedEventCreationLock) // make sure we don't create more than one event object
if (m_messageReceivedEvent == null)
m_messageReceivedEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);
return m_messageReceivedEvent;
/// <summary>
/// Gets a unique identifier for this NetPeer based on Mac address and ip/port. Note! Not available until Start() has been called!
/// </summary>
public long UniqueIdentifier { get { return m_uniqueIdentifier; } }
/// <summary>
/// Gets the port number this NetPeer is listening and sending on, if Start() has been called
/// </summary>
public int Port { get { return m_listenPort; } }
/// <summary>
/// Returns an UPnP object if enabled in the NetPeerConfiguration
/// </summary>
public NetUPnP UPnP { get { return m_upnp; } }
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the application defined object containing data about the peer
/// </summary>
public object Tag
get { return m_tag; }
set { m_tag = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets a copy of the list of connections
/// </summary>
public List<NetConnection> Connections
lock (m_connections)
return new List<NetConnection>(m_connections);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the number of active connections
/// </summary>
public int ConnectionsCount
get { return m_connections.Count; }
/// <summary>
/// Statistics on this NetPeer since it was initialized
/// </summary>
public NetPeerStatistics Statistics
get { return m_statistics; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets the configuration used to instanciate this NetPeer
/// </summary>
public NetPeerConfiguration Configuration { get { return m_configuration; } }
/// <summary>
/// NetPeer constructor
/// </summary>
public NetPeer(NetPeerConfiguration config)
m_configuration = config;
m_statistics = new NetPeerStatistics(this);
m_releasedIncomingMessages = new NetQueue<NetIncomingMessage>(4);
m_unsentUnconnectedMessages = new NetQueue<NetTuple<NetEndPoint, NetOutgoingMessage>>(2);
m_connections = new List<NetConnection>();
m_connectionLookup = new Dictionary<NetEndPoint, NetConnection>();
m_handshakes = new Dictionary<NetEndPoint, NetConnection>();
m_senderRemote = (EndPoint)new NetEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0);
m_status = NetPeerStatus.NotRunning;
m_receivedFragmentGroups = new Dictionary<NetConnection, Dictionary<int, ReceivedFragmentGroup>>();
/// <summary>
/// Binds to socket and spawns the networking thread
/// </summary>
public void Start()
if (m_status != NetPeerStatus.NotRunning)
// already running! Just ignore...
LogWarning("Start() called on already running NetPeer - ignoring.");
m_status = NetPeerStatus.Starting;
// fix network thread name
if (m_configuration.NetworkThreadName == "Lidgren network thread")
int pc = Interlocked.Increment(ref s_initializedPeersCount);
m_configuration.NetworkThreadName = "Lidgren network thread " + pc.ToString();
// start network thread
m_networkThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(NetworkLoop));
m_networkThread.Name = m_configuration.NetworkThreadName;
m_networkThread.IsBackground = true;
// send upnp discovery
if (m_upnp != null)
// allow some time for network thread to start up in case they call Connect() or UPnP calls immediately
/// <summary>
/// Get the connection, if any, for a certain remote endpoint
/// </summary>
public NetConnection GetConnection(NetEndPoint ep)
NetConnection retval;
// this should not pose a threading problem, m_connectionLookup is never added to concurrently
// and TryGetValue will not throw an exception on fail, only yield null, which is acceptable
m_connectionLookup.TryGetValue(ep, out retval);
return retval;
/// <summary>
/// Read a pending message from any connection, blocking up to maxMillis if needed
/// </summary>
public NetIncomingMessage WaitMessage(int maxMillis)
NetIncomingMessage msg = ReadMessage();
while (msg == null)
// This could return true...
if (!MessageReceivedEvent.WaitOne(maxMillis))
return null;
// ... while this will still returns null. That's why we need to cycle.
msg = ReadMessage();
return msg;
/// <summary>
/// Read a pending message from any connection, if any
/// </summary>
public NetIncomingMessage ReadMessage()
NetIncomingMessage retval;
if (m_releasedIncomingMessages.TryDequeue(out retval))
if (retval.MessageType == NetIncomingMessageType.StatusChanged)
NetConnectionStatus status = (NetConnectionStatus)retval.PeekByte();
retval.SenderConnection.m_visibleStatus = status;
return retval;
/// <summary>
/// Reads a pending message from any connection, if any.
/// Returns true if message was read, otherwise false.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>True, if message was read.</returns>
public bool ReadMessage(out NetIncomingMessage message)
message = ReadMessage();
return message != null;
/// <summary>
/// Read a pending message from any connection, if any
/// </summary>
public int ReadMessages(IList<NetIncomingMessage> addTo)
int added = m_releasedIncomingMessages.TryDrain(addTo);
if (added > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < added; i++)
var index = addTo.Count - added + i;
var nim = addTo[index];
if (nim.MessageType == NetIncomingMessageType.StatusChanged)
NetConnectionStatus status = (NetConnectionStatus)nim.PeekByte();
nim.SenderConnection.m_visibleStatus = status;
return added;
// send message immediately and recycle it
internal void SendLibrary(NetOutgoingMessage msg, NetEndPoint recipient)
NetException.Assert(msg.m_isSent == false);
bool connReset;
int len = msg.Encode(m_sendBuffer, 0, 0);
SendPacket(len, recipient, 1, out connReset);
// no reliability, no multiple recipients - we can just recycle this message immediately
msg.m_recyclingCount = 0;
static NetEndPoint GetNetEndPoint(string host, int port)
IPAddress address = NetUtility.Resolve(host);
if (address == null)
throw new NetException("Could not resolve host");
return new NetEndPoint(address, port);
/// <summary>
/// Create a connection to a remote endpoint
/// </summary>
public NetConnection Connect(string host, int port)
return Connect(GetNetEndPoint(host, port), null);
/// <summary>
/// Create a connection to a remote endpoint
/// </summary>
public NetConnection Connect(string host, int port, NetOutgoingMessage hailMessage)
return Connect(GetNetEndPoint(host, port), hailMessage);
/// <summary>
/// Create a connection to a remote endpoint
/// </summary>
public NetConnection Connect(NetEndPoint remoteEndPoint)
return Connect(remoteEndPoint, null);
/// <summary>
/// Create a connection to a remote endpoint
/// </summary>
public virtual NetConnection Connect(NetEndPoint remoteEndPoint, NetOutgoingMessage hailMessage)
if (remoteEndPoint == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("remoteEndPoint");
lock (m_connections)
if (m_status == NetPeerStatus.NotRunning)
throw new NetException("Must call Start() first");
if (m_connectionLookup.ContainsKey(remoteEndPoint))
throw new NetException("Already connected to that endpoint!");
NetConnection hs;
if (m_handshakes.TryGetValue(remoteEndPoint, out hs))
// already trying to connect to that endpoint; make another try
switch (hs.m_status)
case NetConnectionStatus.InitiatedConnect:
// send another connect
hs.m_connectRequested = true;
case NetConnectionStatus.RespondedConnect:
// send another response
hs.SendConnectResponse(NetTime.Now, false);
// weird
LogWarning("Weird situation; Connect() already in progress to remote endpoint; but hs status is " + hs.m_status);
return hs;
NetConnection conn = new NetConnection(this, remoteEndPoint);
conn.SetStatus(NetConnectionStatus.InitiatedConnect, "user called connect");
conn.m_localHailMessage = hailMessage;
// handle on network thread
conn.m_connectRequested = true;
conn.m_connectionInitiator = true;
m_handshakes.Add(remoteEndPoint, conn);
return conn;
/// <summary>
/// Send raw bytes; only used for debugging
/// </summary>
public void RawSend(byte[] arr, int offset, int length, NetEndPoint destination)
// wrong thread - this miiiight crash with network thread... but what's a boy to do.
Array.Copy(arr, offset, m_sendBuffer, 0, length);
bool unused;
SendPacket(length, destination, 1, out unused);
/// <summary>
/// In DEBUG, throws an exception, in RELEASE logs an error message
/// </summary>
/// <param name="message"></param>
internal void ThrowOrLog(string message)
throw new NetException(message);
/// <summary>
/// Disconnects all active connections and closes the socket
/// </summary>
public void Shutdown(string bye)
// called on user thread
if (m_socket == null)
return; // already shut down
LogDebug("Shutdown requested");
m_shutdownReason = bye;
m_status = NetPeerStatus.ShutdownRequested;