using Lidgren.Network; using SRMultiplayer; using SRMultiplayer.Networking; using SRMultiplayer.Packets; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using UnityEngine; namespace SRMultiplayer { /// /// Extends multiple objects to add extras functionality /// /// public static class Extensions { public static void Rebuild(this RefineryUI ui) { foreach(Transform child in ui.inventoryGridPanel.transform) { GameObject.Destroy(child.gameObject); } GadgetDirector gadgetDirector = SRSingleton.Instance.GadgetDirector; PediaDirector pediaDirector = SRSingleton.Instance.PediaDirector; int num = 0; foreach (Identifiable.Id id in ui.listedItems) { int refineryCount = gadgetDirector.GetRefineryCount(id); Identifiable.Id id2 = id; PediaDirector.Id? pediaId = pediaDirector.GetPediaId(Identifiable.IsPlort(id) ? ui.PlortToSlime(id) : id); if (refineryCount == 0 && pediaId != null && !pediaDirector.IsUnlocked(pediaId.Value)) { id2 = Identifiable.Id.NONE; } ui.AddInventory(id2, refineryCount); num++; } for (int j = num; j < 15; j++) { ui.AddEmptyInventory(); } } #region Ammo Slot Extensions public static void WriteAmmoSlot(this NetOutgoingMessage om, Ammo.Slot slot) { om.Write(slot != null); if (slot != null) { om.Write((ushort); om.Write(slot.count); om.Write(slot.emotions != null); if (slot.emotions != null) { om.Write(slot.emotions.Count); foreach (var emotion in slot.emotions) { om.Write((byte)emotion.Key); om.Write(emotion.Value); } } } } public static Ammo.Slot ReadAmmoSlot(this NetIncomingMessage im) { if (im.ReadBoolean()) { var slot = new Ammo.Slot((Identifiable.Id)im.ReadUInt16(), im.ReadInt32()); if (im.ReadBoolean()) { int emotionCount = im.ReadInt32(); slot.emotions = new SlimeEmotionData(); for (int l = 0; l < emotionCount; l++) { slot.emotions.Add((SlimeEmotions.Emotion)im.ReadByte(), im.ReadFloat()); } } return slot; } return null; } #endregion #region Packet Handling Extensions public static void Send(this Packet packet, NetDeliveryMethod method = NetDeliveryMethod.ReliableOrdered, int sequence = 0) { if(!Globals.IsClient) { NetworkServer.Instance.SendToAll(packet, method, sequence); return; } NetworkClient.Instance.Send(packet, method, sequence); } public static void Send(this Packet packet, NetworkPlayer player, NetDeliveryMethod method = NetDeliveryMethod.ReliableOrdered, int sequence = 0) { if (!Globals.IsServer) { SRMP.Log("Trying to send packet as server while not server"); return; } NetworkServer.Instance.Send(player.Connection, packet, method, sequence); } public static void SendToAll(this Packet packet, NetDeliveryMethod method = NetDeliveryMethod.ReliableOrdered, int sequence = 0) { if (!Globals.IsServer) { SRMP.Log("Trying to send packet as server while not server"); return; } List cons = new List(); foreach (var p in Globals.Players.Values) { if (p.Connection != null) { cons.Add(p.Connection); } } NetworkServer.Instance.SendTo(packet, cons, method, sequence); } public static void SendToAllInRegions(this Packet packet, NetworkPlayer player, bool includeSelf, NetDeliveryMethod method = NetDeliveryMethod.ReliableOrdered, int sequence = 0) { if (!Globals.IsServer) { SRMP.Log("Trying to send packet as server while not server"); return; } List cons = new List(); foreach(var netRegion in player.Regions) { foreach(var p in netRegion.Players) { if(p.ID != player.ID && p.Connection != null && !cons.Contains(p.Connection)) { cons.Add(p.Connection); } } } NetworkServer.Instance.SendTo(packet, cons, method, sequence); } public static void SendToAllExcept(this Packet packet, NetworkPlayer player, NetDeliveryMethod method = NetDeliveryMethod.ReliableOrdered, int sequence = 0) { if (!Globals.IsServer) { SRMP.Log("Trying to send packet as server while not server"); return; } List cons = new List(); foreach (var p in Globals.Players.Values) { if (p.ID != player.ID && p.Connection != null) { cons.Add(p.Connection); } } NetworkServer.Instance.SendTo(packet, cons, method, sequence); } #endregion #region Component Handling Extensions public static T CopyComponent(this T original, GameObject destination) where T : Component { System.Type type = original.GetType(); Component copy = destination.AddComponent(type); System.Reflection.FieldInfo[] fields = type.GetFields(); foreach (System.Reflection.FieldInfo field in fields) { field.SetValue(copy, field.GetValue(original)); } return copy as T; } public static T GetOrAddComponent(this GameObject obj) where T : Component { var comp = obj.GetComponent(); if(comp == null) { return obj.AddComponent(); } return comp; } public static T GetInParent(this GameObject obj) where T : Component { var cmp = obj.GetComponent(); if (cmp != null) { return cmp; } if (obj.transform.parent != null) { return GetInParent(obj.transform.parent.gameObject); } return default(T); } public static string GetGameObjectPath(this Transform transform, bool withID = true) { string path = + (withID ? transform.GetSiblingIndex().ToString() : ""); while (transform.parent != null) { transform = transform.parent; path = + (withID ? transform.GetSiblingIndex().ToString() : "") + "/" + path; } return path; } public static string GetGameObjectPath(this GameObject transform, bool withID = true) { return GetGameObjectPath(transform.transform, withID); } public static bool GetBit(this byte b, int bitNumber) { return (b & (1 << bitNumber)) != 0; } public static byte SetBit(this byte b, int position, bool value) { if(value) { return (byte)(b | (1 << position)); } else { return (byte)(b & ~(1 << position)); } } public static Transform FindDisabled(this Transform transform, string name) { if(, StringComparison.CurrentCulture)) { return transform; } foreach(Transform child in transform) { var found = FindDisabled(child, name); if(found != null) { return found; } } return null; } #endregion } }