using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Threading; #if !__NOIPENDPOINT__ using NetEndPoint = System.Net.IPEndPoint; #endif namespace Lidgren.Network { public partial class NetConnection { internal bool m_connectRequested; internal bool m_disconnectRequested; internal bool m_disconnectReqSendBye; internal string m_disconnectMessage; internal bool m_connectionInitiator; internal NetIncomingMessage m_remoteHailMessage; internal double m_lastHandshakeSendTime; internal int m_handshakeAttempts; /// <summary> /// The message that the remote part specified via Connect() or Approve() - can be null. /// </summary> public NetIncomingMessage RemoteHailMessage { get { return m_remoteHailMessage; } } // heartbeat called when connection still is in m_handshakes of NetPeer internal void UnconnectedHeartbeat(double now) { m_peer.VerifyNetworkThread(); if (m_disconnectRequested) ExecuteDisconnect(m_disconnectMessage, true); if (m_connectRequested) { switch (m_status) { case NetConnectionStatus.Connected: case NetConnectionStatus.RespondedConnect: // reconnect ExecuteDisconnect("Reconnecting", true); break; case NetConnectionStatus.InitiatedConnect: // send another connect attempt SendConnect(now); break; case NetConnectionStatus.Disconnected: m_peer.ThrowOrLog("This connection is Disconnected; spent. A new one should have been created"); break; case NetConnectionStatus.Disconnecting: // let disconnect finish first break; case NetConnectionStatus.None: default: SendConnect(now); break; } return; } if (now - m_lastHandshakeSendTime > m_peerConfiguration.m_resendHandshakeInterval) { if (m_handshakeAttempts >= m_peerConfiguration.m_maximumHandshakeAttempts) { // failed to connect ExecuteDisconnect("Failed to establish connection - no response from remote host", true); return; } // resend handshake switch (m_status) { case NetConnectionStatus.InitiatedConnect: SendConnect(now); break; case NetConnectionStatus.RespondedConnect: SendConnectResponse(now, true); break; case NetConnectionStatus.RespondedAwaitingApproval: // awaiting approval m_lastHandshakeSendTime = now; // postpone handshake resend break; case NetConnectionStatus.None: case NetConnectionStatus.ReceivedInitiation: default: m_peer.LogWarning("Time to resend handshake, but status is " + m_status); break; } } } internal void ExecuteDisconnect(string reason, bool sendByeMessage) { m_peer.VerifyNetworkThread(); // clear send queues for (int i = 0; i < m_sendChannels.Length; i++) { NetSenderChannelBase channel = m_sendChannels[i]; if (channel != null) channel.Reset(); } if (sendByeMessage) SendDisconnect(reason, true); if (m_status == NetConnectionStatus.ReceivedInitiation) { // nothing much has happened yet; no need to send disconnected status message m_status = NetConnectionStatus.Disconnected; } else { SetStatus(NetConnectionStatus.Disconnected, reason); } // in case we're still in handshake lock (m_peer.m_handshakes) m_peer.m_handshakes.Remove(m_remoteEndPoint); m_disconnectRequested = false; m_connectRequested = false; m_handshakeAttempts = 0; } internal void SendConnect(double now) { m_peer.VerifyNetworkThread(); int preAllocate = 13 + m_peerConfiguration.AppIdentifier.Length; preAllocate += (m_localHailMessage == null ? 0 : m_localHailMessage.LengthBytes); NetOutgoingMessage om = m_peer.CreateMessage(preAllocate); om.m_messageType = NetMessageType.Connect; om.Write(m_peerConfiguration.AppIdentifier); om.Write(m_peer.m_uniqueIdentifier); om.Write((float)now); WriteLocalHail(om); m_peer.SendLibrary(om, m_remoteEndPoint); m_connectRequested = false; m_lastHandshakeSendTime = now; m_handshakeAttempts++; if (m_handshakeAttempts > 1) m_peer.LogDebug("Resending Connect..."); SetStatus(NetConnectionStatus.InitiatedConnect, "Locally requested connect"); } internal void SendConnectResponse(double now, bool onLibraryThread) { if (onLibraryThread) m_peer.VerifyNetworkThread(); NetOutgoingMessage om = m_peer.CreateMessage(m_peerConfiguration.AppIdentifier.Length + 13 + (m_localHailMessage == null ? 0 : m_localHailMessage.LengthBytes)); om.m_messageType = NetMessageType.ConnectResponse; om.Write(m_peerConfiguration.AppIdentifier); om.Write(m_peer.m_uniqueIdentifier); om.Write((float)now); Interlocked.Increment(ref om.m_recyclingCount); WriteLocalHail(om); if (onLibraryThread) m_peer.SendLibrary(om, m_remoteEndPoint); else m_peer.m_unsentUnconnectedMessages.Enqueue(new NetTuple<NetEndPoint, NetOutgoingMessage>(m_remoteEndPoint, om)); m_lastHandshakeSendTime = now; m_handshakeAttempts++; if (m_handshakeAttempts > 1) m_peer.LogDebug("Resending ConnectResponse..."); SetStatus(NetConnectionStatus.RespondedConnect, "Remotely requested connect"); } internal void SendDisconnect(string reason, bool onLibraryThread) { if (onLibraryThread) m_peer.VerifyNetworkThread(); NetOutgoingMessage om = m_peer.CreateMessage(reason); om.m_messageType = NetMessageType.Disconnect; Interlocked.Increment(ref om.m_recyclingCount); if (onLibraryThread) m_peer.SendLibrary(om, m_remoteEndPoint); else m_peer.m_unsentUnconnectedMessages.Enqueue(new NetTuple<NetEndPoint, NetOutgoingMessage>(m_remoteEndPoint, om)); } private void WriteLocalHail(NetOutgoingMessage om) { if (m_localHailMessage != null) { byte[] hi = m_localHailMessage.Data; if (hi != null && hi.Length >= m_localHailMessage.LengthBytes) { if (om.LengthBytes + m_localHailMessage.LengthBytes > m_peerConfiguration.m_maximumTransmissionUnit - 10) m_peer.ThrowOrLog("Hail message too large; can maximally be " + (m_peerConfiguration.m_maximumTransmissionUnit - 10 - om.LengthBytes)); om.Write(m_localHailMessage.Data, 0, m_localHailMessage.LengthBytes); } } } internal void SendConnectionEstablished() { NetOutgoingMessage om = m_peer.CreateMessage(4); om.m_messageType = NetMessageType.ConnectionEstablished; om.Write((float)NetTime.Now); m_peer.SendLibrary(om, m_remoteEndPoint); m_handshakeAttempts = 0; InitializePing(); if (m_status != NetConnectionStatus.Connected) SetStatus(NetConnectionStatus.Connected, "Connected to " + NetUtility.ToHexString(m_remoteUniqueIdentifier)); } /// <summary> /// Approves this connection; sending a connection response to the remote host /// </summary> public void Approve() { if (m_status != NetConnectionStatus.RespondedAwaitingApproval) { m_peer.LogWarning("Approve() called in wrong status; expected RespondedAwaitingApproval; got " + m_status); return; } m_localHailMessage = null; m_handshakeAttempts = 0; SendConnectResponse(NetTime.Now, false); } /// <summary> /// Approves this connection; sending a connection response to the remote host /// </summary> /// <param name="localHail">The local hail message that will be set as RemoteHailMessage on the remote host</param> public void Approve(NetOutgoingMessage localHail) { if (m_status != NetConnectionStatus.RespondedAwaitingApproval) { m_peer.LogWarning("Approve() called in wrong status; expected RespondedAwaitingApproval; got " + m_status); return; } m_localHailMessage = localHail; m_handshakeAttempts = 0; SendConnectResponse(NetTime.Now, false); } /// <summary> /// Denies this connection; disconnecting it /// </summary> public void Deny() { Deny(string.Empty); } /// <summary> /// Denies this connection; disconnecting it /// </summary> /// <param name="reason">The stated reason for the disconnect, readable as a string in the StatusChanged message on the remote host</param> public void Deny(string reason) { // send disconnect; remove from handshakes SendDisconnect(reason, false); // remove from handshakes lock (m_peer.m_handshakes) m_peer.m_handshakes.Remove(m_remoteEndPoint); } internal void ReceivedHandshake(double now, NetMessageType tp, int ptr, int payloadLength) { m_peer.VerifyNetworkThread(); byte[] hail; switch (tp) { case NetMessageType.Connect: if (m_status == NetConnectionStatus.ReceivedInitiation) { // Whee! Server full has already been checked bool ok = ValidateHandshakeData(ptr, payloadLength, out hail); if (ok) { if (hail != null) { m_remoteHailMessage = m_peer.CreateIncomingMessage(NetIncomingMessageType.Data, hail); m_remoteHailMessage.LengthBits = (hail.Length * 8); } else { m_remoteHailMessage = null; } if (m_peerConfiguration.IsMessageTypeEnabled(NetIncomingMessageType.ConnectionApproval)) { // ok, let's not add connection just yet NetIncomingMessage appMsg = m_peer.CreateIncomingMessage(NetIncomingMessageType.ConnectionApproval, (m_remoteHailMessage == null ? 0 : m_remoteHailMessage.LengthBytes)); appMsg.m_receiveTime = now; appMsg.m_senderConnection = this; appMsg.m_senderEndPoint = this.m_remoteEndPoint; if (m_remoteHailMessage != null) appMsg.Write(m_remoteHailMessage.m_data, 0, m_remoteHailMessage.LengthBytes); SetStatus(NetConnectionStatus.RespondedAwaitingApproval, "Awaiting approval"); m_peer.ReleaseMessage(appMsg); return; } SendConnectResponse((float)now, true); } return; } if (m_status == NetConnectionStatus.RespondedAwaitingApproval) { m_peer.LogWarning("Ignoring multiple Connect() most likely due to a delayed Approval"); return; } if (m_status == NetConnectionStatus.RespondedConnect) { // our ConnectResponse must have been lost SendConnectResponse((float)now, true); return; } m_peer.LogDebug("Unhandled Connect: " + tp + ", status is " + m_status + " length: " + payloadLength); break; case NetMessageType.ConnectResponse: HandleConnectResponse(now, tp, ptr, payloadLength); break; case NetMessageType.ConnectionEstablished: switch (m_status) { case NetConnectionStatus.Connected: // ok... break; case NetConnectionStatus.Disconnected: case NetConnectionStatus.Disconnecting: case NetConnectionStatus.None: // too bad, almost made it break; case NetConnectionStatus.ReceivedInitiation: // uh, a little premature... ignore break; case NetConnectionStatus.InitiatedConnect: // weird, should have been RespondedConnect... break; case NetConnectionStatus.RespondedConnect: // awesome NetIncomingMessage msg = m_peer.SetupReadHelperMessage(ptr, payloadLength); InitializeRemoteTimeOffset(msg.ReadSingle()); m_peer.AcceptConnection(this); InitializePing(); SetStatus(NetConnectionStatus.Connected, "Connected to " + NetUtility.ToHexString(m_remoteUniqueIdentifier)); return; } break; case NetMessageType.Disconnect: // ouch string reason = "Ouch"; try { NetIncomingMessage inc = m_peer.SetupReadHelperMessage(ptr, payloadLength); reason = inc.ReadString(); } catch { } ExecuteDisconnect(reason, false); break; case NetMessageType.Discovery: m_peer.HandleIncomingDiscoveryRequest(now, m_remoteEndPoint, ptr, payloadLength); return; case NetMessageType.DiscoveryResponse: m_peer.HandleIncomingDiscoveryResponse(now, m_remoteEndPoint, ptr, payloadLength); return; case NetMessageType.Ping: // silently ignore return; default: m_peer.LogDebug("Unhandled type during handshake: " + tp + " length: " + payloadLength); break; } } private void HandleConnectResponse(double now, NetMessageType tp, int ptr, int payloadLength) { byte[] hail; switch (m_status) { case NetConnectionStatus.InitiatedConnect: // awesome bool ok = ValidateHandshakeData(ptr, payloadLength, out hail); if (ok) { if (hail != null) { m_remoteHailMessage = m_peer.CreateIncomingMessage(NetIncomingMessageType.Data, hail); m_remoteHailMessage.LengthBits = (hail.Length * 8); } else { m_remoteHailMessage = null; } m_peer.AcceptConnection(this); SendConnectionEstablished(); return; } break; case NetConnectionStatus.RespondedConnect: // hello, wtf? break; case NetConnectionStatus.Disconnecting: case NetConnectionStatus.Disconnected: case NetConnectionStatus.ReceivedInitiation: case NetConnectionStatus.None: // wtf? anyway, bye! break; case NetConnectionStatus.Connected: // my ConnectionEstablished must have been lost, send another one SendConnectionEstablished(); return; } } private bool ValidateHandshakeData(int ptr, int payloadLength, out byte[] hail) { hail = null; // create temporary incoming message NetIncomingMessage msg = m_peer.SetupReadHelperMessage(ptr, payloadLength); try { string remoteAppIdentifier = msg.ReadString(); long remoteUniqueIdentifier = msg.ReadInt64(); InitializeRemoteTimeOffset(msg.ReadSingle()); int remainingBytes = payloadLength - (msg.PositionInBytes - ptr); if (remainingBytes > 0) hail = msg.ReadBytes(remainingBytes); if (remoteAppIdentifier != m_peer.m_configuration.AppIdentifier) { ExecuteDisconnect("Wrong application identifier!", true); return false; } m_remoteUniqueIdentifier = remoteUniqueIdentifier; } catch(Exception ex) { // whatever; we failed ExecuteDisconnect("Handshake data validation failed", true); m_peer.LogWarning("ReadRemoteHandshakeData failed: " + ex.Message); return false; } return true; } /// <summary> /// Disconnect from the remote peer /// </summary> /// <param name="byeMessage">the message to send with the disconnect message</param> public void Disconnect(string byeMessage) { // user or library thread if (m_status == NetConnectionStatus.None || m_status == NetConnectionStatus.Disconnected) return; m_peer.LogVerbose("Disconnect requested for " + this); m_disconnectMessage = byeMessage; if (m_status != NetConnectionStatus.Disconnected && m_status != NetConnectionStatus.None) SetStatus(NetConnectionStatus.Disconnecting, byeMessage); m_handshakeAttempts = 0; m_disconnectRequested = true; m_disconnectReqSendBye = true; } } }