"brainalertpassphrasetooshort":"The passphrase you entered is too short.\n\n",
"brainalertpassphrasewarning":"Warning: Choosing a strong passphrase is important to avoid brute force attempts to guess your passphrase and steal your bitcoins.",
"brainalertpassphrasedoesnotmatch":"The passphrase does not match the confirm passphrase.",
"detailalertnotvalidprivatekey":"The text you entered is not a valid Private Key",
"detailconfirmsha256":"The text you entered is not a valid Private Key!\n\nWould you like to use the entered text as a passphrase and create a Private Key using a SHA256 hash of the passphrase?\n\nWarning: Choosing a strong passphrase is important to avoid brute force attempts to guess your passphrase and steal your bitcoins.",
"bip38alertincorrectpassphrase":"Incorrect passphrase for this encrypted private key.",
"bip38alertpassphraserequired":"Passphrase required for BIP38 key",
"vanityinvalidinputcouldnotcombinekeys":"Invalid input. Could not combine keys.",
"vanityalertinvalidinputpublickeysmatch":"Invalid input. The Public Key of both entries match. You must input two different keys.",
"vanityalertinvalidinputcannotmultiple":"Invalid input. Cannot multiply two public keys. Select 'Add' to add two public keys to get a bitcoin address.",
"vanityprivatekeyonlyavailable":"Only available when combining two private keys",
"vanityalertinvalidinputprivatekeysmatch":"Invalid input. The Private Key of both entries match. You must input two different keys.",