diff --git a/src/culture/sv.js b/src/culture/sv.js index b2a10a1..c63c500 100644 --- a/src/culture/sv.js +++ b/src/culture/sv.js @@ -147,6 +147,14 @@ "vanitylabelprivatekey": "Personlig privat nyckel (WIF):", // "Vanity Private Key (WIF):" "vanitylabelnotesprivatekey": "Ovanstående är den privata nyckel som ska läsas in i din plånbok.", // "The above is the Private Key to load into your wallet. " + // split wallet html + "splitlabelthreshold": "Minimum share threshold needed to combine", // "Minimum share threshold needed to combine" + "splitlabelshares": "Number of shares", // "Number of shares" + "splitview": "Skapa", // "Generate" + "combinelabelentershares": "Enter Available Shares (whitespace separated)", // "Enter Available Shares (whitespace separated)" + "combineview": "Combine Shares", // "Combine Shares" + "combinelabelprivatekey": "Combined Private Key", // "Combined Private Key" + // detail wallet html "detaillabelenterprivatekey": "Ange privat nyckel:", // "Enter Private Key" "detailkeyformats": "Nyckelformat: WIF, WIFC, HEX, B64, B6, MINI, BIP38", // "Key Formats: WIF, WIFC, HEX, B64, B6, MINI, BIP38"