ninja.wallets.splitwallet = { open: function () { document.getElementById("splitarea").style.display = "block"; secrets.setRNG(); secrets.init(7); // 7 bits allows for up to 127 shares }, close: function () { document.getElementById("splitarea").style.display = "none"; }, mkOutputRow: function (s, id, lbltxt) { var row = document.createElement("div"); var label = document.createElement("label"); label.innerHTML = lbltxt; var qr = document.createElement("div"); var output = document.createElement("span"); output.setAttribute("class", "output"); output.innerHTML = s; qr.setAttribute("id", id); row.setAttribute("class", "splitsharerow"); row.appendChild(label); row.appendChild(output); row.appendChild(qr); row.appendChild(document.createElement("br")); return row; }, stripLeadZeros: function (hex) { return hex.split(/^0+/).slice(-1)[0]; }, hexToBytes: function (hex) { //if input has odd number of digits, pad it if (hex.length % 2 == 1) hex = "0" + hex; for (var bytes = [], c = 0; c < hex.length; c += 2) bytes.push(parseInt(hex.substr(c, 2), 16)); return bytes; }, // Split a private key and update information in the HTML splitKey: function () { try { var numshares = parseInt(document.getElementById('splitshares').value); var threshold = parseInt(document.getElementById('splitthreshold').value); var key = new Bitcoin.ECKey(false); var bitcoinAddress = key.getBitcoinAddress(); var shares = ninja.wallets.splitwallet.getFormattedShares(key.getBitcoinHexFormat(), numshares, threshold); var output = document.createElement("div"); output.setAttribute("id", "splitoutput"); var m = {}; output.appendChild(this.mkOutputRow(bitcoinAddress, "split_addr", "Bitcoin Address: ")); m["split_addr"] = bitcoinAddress; for (var i = 0; i < shares.length; i++) { var id = "split_qr_" + i; output.appendChild(this.mkOutputRow(shares[i], id, "Share " + (i + 1) + ": ")); m[id] = shares[i]; } document.getElementById("splitstep1area").innerHTML = output.innerHTML; ninja.qrCode.showQrCode(m); document.getElementById("splitstep1area").style.display = "block"; document.getElementById("splitstep1icon").setAttribute("class", "less"); } catch (e) { // browser does not have sufficient JavaScript support to generate a bitcoin address alert(e); } }, // Combine shares of a private key to retrieve the key combineShares: function () { try { document.getElementById("combinedprivatekey").innerHTML = ""; var shares = document.getElementById("combineinput").value.trim().split(/\W+/); var combinedBytes = ninja.wallets.splitwallet.combineFormattedShares(shares); var privkeyBase58 = new Bitcoin.ECKey(combinedBytes).getBitcoinWalletImportFormat(); document.getElementById("combinedprivatekey").innerHTML = privkeyBase58; } catch (e) { alert(e); } }, // generate shares and format them in base58 getFormattedShares: function (key, numshares, threshold) { var shares = secrets.share(key, numshares, threshold).map(ninja.wallets.splitwallet.hexToBytes).map(Bitcoin.Base58.encode); return shares; }, // combine base58 formatted shares and return a bitcoin byte array combineFormattedShares: function (shares) { var combined = secrets.combine(; return ninja.wallets.splitwallet.hexToBytes(combined); }, openCloseStep: function (num) { // do close if (document.getElementById("splitstep" + num + "area").style.display == "block") { document.getElementById("splitstep" + num + "area").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("splitstep" + num + "icon").setAttribute("class", "more"); } // do open else { document.getElementById("splitstep" + num + "area").style.display = "block"; document.getElementById("splitstep" + num + "icon").setAttribute("class", "less"); } } };