JavaScript Client-Side Bitcoin Wallet Generator
Addresses per page:
Addresses to generate:
Start index:
Rows to generate:
Enter Private Key (any format):
Generating Bitcoin Address...
MOVE your mouse around to add some extra randomness...
MOVE your mouse around to add some extra randomness...
Bitcoin Address:
Private Key (Wallet Import Format):
Comma Separated Values: Index,Bitcoin Address,Private Key (Wallet Import Format)
Your Bitcoin Private Key is a unique secret number that only you know. It can be be encoded in a number of different formats.
Below we show the Bitcoin Address and Public Key that corresponds to your Private Key as well as your Private Key in the most popular encoding formats (WIF, HEX, B64, MINI).
Bitcoin Address (33 or 34 characters, starts with a '1'):
Public Key (130 characters [0-9A-F]):
Private Key WIF (51 characters base58, starts with a '5'):
Private Key WIF (52 characters base58, compressed wallet format, bitcoin v0.6+):
Private Key Hexadecimal Format (64 characters [0-9A-F]):
Private Key Base64 (44 characters):
Why should I use a Bulk Wallet to accept Bitcoins on my website?
The traditional approach to accepting bitcoins on your website requires that
you install the official bitcoin client daeman ("bitcoind"). Many website hosting packages
don't support installing the bitcoin daeman. Also, running the bitcoin daeman on your
web server means your private keys are hosted on the server and could get stolen if your web
server is hacked. When using a Bulk Wallet you can upload only the bitcoin addresses
and not the private keys to your web server. Then you don't have to worry about your
bitcoin wallet being stolen if your web server is hacked.
How do I use a Bulk Wallet to accept Bitcoins on my website?
- Use the Bulk Wallet tab to pre-generate a large number of bitcoin addresses (10,000+). Copy and paste the generated comma separated values (CSV) list to a secure text file on your computer. Backup the file you just created to a secure location.
- Import the bitcoin addresses into a database table on your web server. (Don't put the wallet/private keys on your web server, otherwise you risk hackers stealing your coins. Just the bitcoin addresses as they will be shown to customers.)
- Provide an option on your website's shopping cart for your customer to pay in Bitcoin. When the customer chooses to pay in Bitcoin you will then display one of the addresses from your database to the customer as his "payment address" and save it with his shopping cart order.
- You now need to be notified when the payment arrives. Google "bitcoin payment notification" and subscribe to at least
one bitcoin payment notification service. There are various services that will notify you via Web Services, API, SMS, Email, etc.
Once you receive this notification, which could be programmatically automated, you can process the customer's order.
To manually check if a payment has arrived you can use Block Explorer. Replace THEADDRESSGOESHERE with the bitcoin address
you are checking. It could take between 10 minutes to one hour for the transaction to be confirmed.
Unconfirmed transactions can be viewed at:
You should see the transaction there within 30 seconds. - Bitcoins will safely pile up on the block chain. Use the original wallet file you generated in step 1 to spend them.