// secrets.js - by Alexander Stetsyuk - released under MIT License (function(exports, global){ var defaults = { bits: 8, // default number of bits radix: 16, // work with HEX by default minBits: 3, maxBits: 20, // this permits 1,048,575 shares, though going this high is NOT recommended in JS! bytesPerChar: 2, maxBytesPerChar: 6, // Math.pow(256,7) > Math.pow(2,53) // Primitive polynomials (in decimal form) for Galois Fields GF(2^n), for 2 <= n <= 30 // The index of each term in the array corresponds to the n for that polynomial // i.e. to get the polynomial for n=16, use primitivePolynomials[16] primitivePolynomials: [null,null,1,3,3,5,3,3,29,17,9,5,83,27,43,3,45,9,39,39,9,5,3,33,27,9,71,39,9,5,83], // warning for insecure PRNG warning: 'WARNING:\nA secure random number generator was not found.\nUsing Math.random(), which is NOT cryptographically strong!' }; // Protected settings object var config = {}; /** @expose **/ exports.getConfig = function(){ return { 'bits': config.bits, 'unsafePRNG': config.unsafePRNG }; }; function init(bits){ if(bits && (typeof bits !== 'number' || bits%1 !== 0 || bitsdefaults.maxBits)){ throw new Error('Number of bits must be an integer between ' + defaults.minBits + ' and ' + defaults.maxBits + ', inclusive.') } config.radix = defaults.radix; config.bits = bits || defaults.bits; config.size = Math.pow(2, config.bits); config.max = config.size - 1; // Construct the exp and log tables for multiplication. var logs = [], exps = [], x = 1, primitive = defaults.primitivePolynomials[config.bits]; for(var i=0; i= config.size){ x ^= primitive; x &= config.max; } } config.logs = logs; config.exps = exps; }; /** @expose **/ exports.init = init; function isInited(){ if(!config.bits || !config.size || !config.max || !config.logs || !config.exps || config.logs.length !== config.size || config.exps.length !== config.size){ return false; } return true; }; // Returns a pseudo-random number generator of the form function(bits){} // which should output a random string of 1's and 0's of length `bits` function getRNG(){ var randomBits, crypto; function construct(bits, arr, radix, size){ var str = '', i = 0, len = arr.length-1; while( i config.bits || rng(config.bits).length < config.bits){ throw new Error("Random number generator is invalid. Supply an RNG of the form function(bits){} that returns a string containing 'bits' number of random 1's and 0's.") }else{ config.rng = rng; } config.alert = !!alert; return !!config.unsafePRNG; }; function isSetRNG(){ return typeof config.rng === 'function'; }; // Generates a random bits-length number string using the PRNG /** @expose **/ exports.random = function(bits){ if(!isSetRNG()){ this.setRNG(); } if(typeof bits !== 'number' || bits%1 !== 0 || bits < 2){ throw new Error('Number of bits must be an integer greater than 1.') } if(config.unsafePRNG){ warn(); } return bin2hex(config.rng(bits)); } // Divides a `secret` number String str expressed in radix `inputRadix` (optional, default 16) // into `numShares` shares, each expressed in radix `outputRadix` (optional, default to `inputRadix`), // requiring `threshold` number of shares to reconstruct the secret. // Optionally, zero-pads the secret to a length that is a multiple of padLength before sharing. /** @expose **/ exports.share = function(secret, numShares, threshold, padLength, withoutPrefix){ if(!isInited()){ this.init(); } if(!isSetRNG()){ this.setRNG(); } padLength = padLength || 0; if(typeof secret !== 'string'){ throw new Error('Secret must be a string.'); } if(typeof numShares !== 'number' || numShares%1 !== 0 || numShares < 2){ throw new Error('Number of shares must be an integer between 2 and 2^bits-1 (' + config.max + '), inclusive.') } if(numShares > config.max){ var neededBits = Math.ceil(Math.log(numShares +1)/Math.LN2); throw new Error('Number of shares must be an integer between 2 and 2^bits-1 (' + config.max + '), inclusive. To create ' + numShares + ' shares, use at least ' + neededBits + ' bits.') } if(typeof threshold !== 'number' || threshold%1 !== 0 || threshold < 2){ throw new Error('Threshold number of shares must be an integer between 2 and 2^bits-1 (' + config.max + '), inclusive.'); } if(threshold > config.max){ var neededBits = Math.ceil(Math.log(threshold +1)/Math.LN2); throw new Error('Threshold number of shares must be an integer between 2 and 2^bits-1 (' + config.max + '), inclusive. To use a threshold of ' + threshold + ', use at least ' + neededBits + ' bits.'); } if(typeof padLength !== 'number' || padLength%1 !== 0 ){ throw new Error('Zero-pad length must be an integer greater than 1.'); } if(config.unsafePRNG){ warn(); } secret = '1' + hex2bin(secret); // append a 1 so that we can preserve the correct number of leading zeros in our secret secret = split(secret, padLength); var x = new Array(numShares), y = new Array(numShares); for(var i=0, len = secret.length; i exp(log(fx) + log(x)) + coeff[i], // so if fx===0, just set fx to coeff[i] because // using the exp/log form will result in incorrect value function horner(x, coeffs){ var logx = config.logs[x]; var fx = 0; for(var i=coeffs.length-1; i>=0; i--){ if(fx === 0){ fx = coeffs[i]; continue; } fx = config.exps[ (logx + config.logs[fx]) % config.max ] ^ coeffs[i]; } return fx; }; function inArray(arr,val){ for(var i = 0,len=arr.length; i < len; i++) { if(arr[i] === val){ return true; } } return false; }; function processShare(share){ var bits = parseInt(share[0], 36); if(bits && (typeof bits !== 'number' || bits%1 !== 0 || bitsdefaults.maxBits)){ throw new Error('Number of bits must be an integer between ' + defaults.minBits + ' and ' + defaults.maxBits + ', inclusive.') } var max = Math.pow(2, bits) - 1; var idLength = max.toString(config.radix).length; var id = parseInt(share.substr(1, idLength), config.radix); if(typeof id !== 'number' || id%1 !== 0 || id<1 || id>max){ throw new Error('Share id must be an integer between 1 and ' + config.max + ', inclusive.'); } share = share.substr(idLength + 1); if(!share.length){ throw new Error('Invalid share: zero-length share.') } return { 'bits': bits, 'id': id, 'value': share }; }; /** @expose **/ exports._processShare = processShare; // Protected method that evaluates the Lagrange interpolation // polynomial at x=`at` for individual config.bits-length // segments of each share in the `shares` Array. // Each share is expressed in base `inputRadix`. The output // is expressed in base `outputRadix' function combine(at, shares){ var setBits, share, x = [], y = [], result = '', idx; for(var i=0, len = shares.length; imax){ throw new Error('Share id must be an integer between 1 and ' + config.max + ', inclusive.'); } var padding = max.toString(config.radix).length; return config.bits.toString(36).toUpperCase() + padLeft(id.toString(config.radix), padding) + combine(id, shares); }; // Evaluate the Lagrange interpolation polynomial at x = `at` // using x and y Arrays that are of the same length, with // corresponding elements constituting points on the polynomial. function lagrange(at, x, y){ var sum = 0, product, i, j; for(var i=0, len = x.length; iconfig.bits; i-=config.bits){ parts.push(parseInt(str.slice(i-config.bits, i), 2)); } parts.push(parseInt(str.slice(0, i), 2)); return parts; }; // Pads a string `str` with zeros on the left so that its length is a multiple of `bits` function padLeft(str, bits){ bits = bits || config.bits var missing = str.length % bits; return (missing ? new Array(bits - missing + 1).join('0') : '') + str; }; function hex2bin(str){ var bin = '', num; for(var i=str.length - 1; i>=0; i--){ num = parseInt(str[i], 16) if(isNaN(num)){ throw new Error('Invalid hex character.') } bin = padLeft(num.toString(2), 4) + bin; } return bin; } function bin2hex(str){ var hex = '', num; str = padLeft(str, 4); for(var i=str.length; i>=4; i-=4){ num = parseInt(str.slice(i-4, i), 2); if(isNaN(num)){ throw new Error('Invalid binary character.') } hex = num.toString(16) + hex; } return hex; } // Converts a given UTF16 character string to the HEX representation. // Each character of the input string is represented by // `bytesPerChar` bytes in the output string. /** @expose **/ exports.str2hex = function(str, bytesPerChar){ if(typeof str !== 'string'){ throw new Error('Input must be a character string.'); } bytesPerChar = bytesPerChar || defaults.bytesPerChar; if(typeof bytesPerChar !== 'number' || bytesPerChar%1 !== 0 || bytesPerChar<1 || bytesPerChar > defaults.maxBytesPerChar){ throw new Error('Bytes per character must be an integer between 1 and ' + defaults.maxBytesPerChar + ', inclusive.') } var hexChars = 2*bytesPerChar; var max = Math.pow(16, hexChars) - 1; var out = '', num; for(var i=0, len=str.length; i max){ var neededBytes = Math.ceil(Math.log(num+1)/Math.log(256)); throw new Error('Invalid character code (' + num +'). Maximum allowable is 256^bytes-1 (' + max + '). To convert this character, use at least ' + neededBytes + ' bytes.') }else{ out = padLeft(num.toString(16), hexChars) + out; } } return out; }; // Converts a given HEX number string to a UTF16 character string. /** @expose **/ exports.hex2str = function(str, bytesPerChar){ if(typeof str !== 'string'){ throw new Error('Input must be a hexadecimal string.'); } bytesPerChar = bytesPerChar || defaults.bytesPerChar; if(typeof bytesPerChar !== 'number' || bytesPerChar%1 !== 0 || bytesPerChar<1 || bytesPerChar > defaults.maxBytesPerChar){ throw new Error('Bytes per character must be an integer between 1 and ' + defaults.maxBytesPerChar + ', inclusive.') } var hexChars = 2*bytesPerChar; var out = ''; str = padLeft(str, hexChars); for(var i=0, len = str.length; i