Just below the exam details you will find the list of applied SEB exam configurations. Currently the number of SEB exam configurations that can be applied
to the exam and this configuration gets delivered to all the SEB clients that connect to the SEB server and participate to the exam.
To apply a SEB exam configuration to an exam use the "Add Exam Configuration" action on the right action pane. A pop-up will prompt you to select an
SEB exam configuration by a drop-down selection. The drop-down box will present you all SEB exam configurations that are in state "Ready To Use" and
that are not already used by another exam. If there are more SEB exam configurations in the selection as fitting into the drop-down box, you can either
scroll the content of the drop-down box or start typing the name of SEB exam configuration to filter the list. After selecting a SEB exam configuration,
the pop-up shows the description and the status of the selected configuration.
If there are no SEB exam configurations available for applying, the application will note this within a pop-up message.
In this case you can create a new one for this exam as described in :ref:`seb_restriction-label`
found the SEB exam configuration double-click on the table entry to open the SEB exam configuration. Then use the "Copy Exam Configuration" action
from the right action pane. A pop-up will prompt you the give a new name and optionally description for the copy. Click "OK" and the system will
generate a copy of the original SEB exam configuration with the new name and description and will lead you to the details page of the copy configuration.
Click the "OK" button on the pop-up to apply the selected SEB exam configuration. You will see the applied SEB exam configuration in the list.
If the automated SEB restriction feature is supported by the LMS of the exam, the application of a SEB exam configuration will automatically update
the SEB restriction details with the generated Config-Key. See :ref:`seb_restriction-label` for more information.
When a SEB exam configuration is applied to the exam you are able to export the SEB exam configuration XML in plain text or the generated Config-Key for
testing purposes. Just select the SEB exam configuration in the list to activate the action on the action pain on the right side and use the
appropriate action. The SEB exam configuration export action will instruct the browser to open a download dialog. How the download is applied is up the
the browser of use. Usually you are able to either save the file or open it up with a application. If you have already installed the Safe Exam Browser on
your device, the browser probably associates the download file already with the SEB client application.
To just generate the Config-Key for testing purposes or to manually apply it on an LMS without the automated SEB restriction feature you can
use the "Export Config-Key" action to generate the key. The Config-Key is presented by a pop-up and can be selected and copied to the clip-board.
For more information about the Config-Key its purpose and use, please visit the `SEB documentation <https://www.safeexambrowser.org/developer/seb-config-key.html>`_.
To remove an already applied SEB exam configuration from the exam, select the SEB exam configuration in the table and use the "Delete Exam Configuration"
action form the right action pane. If the automated SEB restriction feature is supported by the LMS of the exam, the removal of a SEB exam configuration will
automatically update the SEB restriction details and remove the Config-Key form the restriction details. See :ref:`sebRestriction-label` for more information.
- Login as an exam administrator and go to the "Exam" page under the "Exam Administration" section.
- Use the filter to find the exam on that you have to change the supporter assignments.
- Double click the list entry of the exam to go to the exam details page. Check if you are on the right exam.
- Use the "Edit Exam" action form the right action pane to go into the exam edit page.
- Find Eric's user account on the list of selected exam supporter and use the minus sign icon on the entry to remove Eric from the list of exam supporter
- Click into the input field of the exam supporter selector and start typing the name of Anie's account. The drop down will present you all matching entries. Select Anie's account to add it to the list of selected exam supporter.
- If the exam has already one exam configuration attached you have first to delete this attachment before being able to attach another exam configuration. Use the "Delete Configuration" action from the right action pane to remove the attached exam configuration.
- On the attachment dialog use the drop down selection to select the exam configuration you want to apply to the exam. The drop down selection shows the names of the available exam configurations and you can filter this names by start typing the name of the exam configuration you want to find in the input field of the selection.
- If you want or need to put an password protected encryption to the exam configuration for this exam you can do so by give the password for the encryption also within the attachment dialog. Be aware that every SEB client that will receive an encrypted exam configuration from the SEB Server will prompt the user to give the correct password. In most cases an encryption of the exam configuration is not needed, because a secure HTTPS connection form SEB client to SEB Server is already in place.