diff --git a/docs/config_template.rst b/docs/config_template.rst
index 7483a541..756b15a5 100644
--- a/docs/config_template.rst
+++ b/docs/config_template.rst
@@ -3,10 +3,71 @@
Exam Configuration Templates
+With this feature you can create and manage templates for SEB exam configuration settings. You are able to mainly define default values for each SEB exam
+settings attribute for an exam config and you are also able to define whether the settings attribute shall be viewed on an exam configuration created from
+the template or if it shall be hidden.
+.. note::
+ The exam configuration template feature is the most experimental feature in SEB Server for now and my change for the upcoming releases.
+To view all available exam configuration templates go to the "SEB Configuration" section and click on the "Configuration Template" menu entry of the
+left menu pane. SEB Server will then present you a list of all available exam configuration templates. You can filter and sort the list as usual to find
+a specific template by name for example.
-Use Cases
+.. image:: images/config_templates/list.png
+ :align: center
+ :target: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SafeExamBrowser/seb-server/master/docs/images/config_templates/list.png
+To create a new exam configuration template use the "Add Configuration Template" action from the right action pane. You will see the creation form
+with a name and description for the new template. At least a unique name is mandatory and the description is optional.
+.. image:: images/config_templates/templateEdit.png
+ :align: center
+ :target: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SafeExamBrowser/seb-server/master/docs/images/config_templates/templateEdit.png
+To create and save the new exam configuration template use the "Save Configuration Template" action from the right action pane. The template will be
+created with all default settings attribute and views and you will see the configuration template view page. In the view page you will see the information
+of the template within the page header following by a list of all exam configuration setting attributes available for a SEB exam configuration on the
+SEB Server. The name of an attribute is composed of the internal attribute name followed by the display name of the attribute.
+.. image:: images/config_templates/templateView.png
+ :align: center
+ :target: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SafeExamBrowser/seb-server/master/docs/images/config_templates/templateView.png
+The type of the attribute defines the input field type and cannot be changed in any way. The view defines the tab on which the settings attribute is placed.
+And the group defines the named group where a settings attribute belongs to.
+.. note::
+ For now the "View" and "Group" properties of an settings attribute cannot be changed, just be set whether the settings attribute shall be shown
+ on its defined view (tab) and within its defined position on the tab or if it shall be hidden at all.
+ In a future version of SEB Server it may possible to also place a settings attribute to another "View" and/or "Group" and also to a certain position
+ of the view grid.
+To attach or detach a particular settings attribute for the template from the view to show or hide it in the configuration settings, select the specific
+settings attribute from the list and use either the "Remove From View" action when you want to remove an attached one,
+or the "Attach To View" action when you want to attach a hidden settings attribute to the default view.
+To define a default value for a specific attribute, select the attribute from the list and use the "Edit Attribute" action from the right action pane to open
+the settings attribute in edit mode. Or just double click on the specific list entry of the settings attribute.
+In the settings attribute edit page you see general information about the attribute on the upper part of the page and on the second part you see the
+input field if the settings attribute with the current default value set. To alter the default value just use the input field of the attribute to change
+the value and the change will automatically be set as new default value. If you want to reset the default value of the settings attribute to the original
+default value, use the "Set Default Values" action from the right action pane to do so. You are also able to attach or detach the settings attribute from
+the view here by using the "Remove From View" or "Attach To View" actions from the right action pane. To go back to the exam configuration template view
+use the "View Configuration Template" action from the right action pane.
+.. image:: images/config_templates/templateAttribute.png
+ :align: center
+ :target: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SafeExamBrowser/seb-server/master/docs/images/config_templates/templateAttribute.png
+Back in the exam configuration template view you are able to create a new SEB exam configuration directly from this template by using the "Create Exam Configuration"
+action from the right action pane. The application will present you a creation dialog within a pop-up where you can define a name and description for the
+new SEB exam configuration. At least a unique name is mandatory.
+ .. image:: images/config_templates/createConfig.png
+ :align: center
+ :target: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SafeExamBrowser/seb-server/master/docs/images/config_templates/createConfig.png
+After defines a name and description for the new SEB exam configuration you can click on "OK" to do so an the application will show you the new created
+SEB exam configuration in the usual place.
diff --git a/docs/images/config_templates/createConfig.png b/docs/images/config_templates/createConfig.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..eb1f09b6
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/images/config_templates/createConfig.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4c270d19
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/images/config_templates/list.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..32da586b
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/images/config_templates/templateAttribute.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..81dbfd39
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/images/config_templates/templateEdit.png differ
diff --git a/docs/images/config_templates/templateView.png b/docs/images/config_templates/templateView.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e226028f
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/images/config_templates/templateView.png differ
diff --git a/docs/images/monitoring/sebClientLogDetail.png b/docs/images/monitoring/sebClientLogDetail.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8b0746d7
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/images/monitoring/sebClientLogDetail.png differ
diff --git a/docs/monitoring.rst b/docs/monitoring.rst
index 37c9979a..76d5ba39 100644
--- a/docs/monitoring.rst
+++ b/docs/monitoring.rst
@@ -86,4 +86,26 @@ overview temporary network latency or other irregularities, when this two time v
In the detail view you are also able to use the instructions "Quit SEB Client" and "Mark as Canceled" for the selected SEB client connection.
+All SEB Client Logs
+As an exam administrator as well as an exam supporter, you are able to search SEB client events for all exams that have been run on the SEB Server and that
+you have access to within your user-account privilege settings. As an exam supporter you will only see the SEB client logs of the exams you are assigned to.
+To search all SEB client log events, go the the "Monitoring" section and click on the "SEB Client Logs" menu on the left menu pane. The SEB Server will show
+you a list of all SEB client logs ever happen and you have access to. You can filter and sort the list as usual by using the filter above to find all logs
+of an exam for example.
+.. image:: images/monitoring/sebClientLogs.png
+ :align: center
+ :target: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SafeExamBrowser/seb-server/master/docs/images/monitoring/sebClientLogs.png
+To show a detailed view of a specific SEB client log, just double click on the list entry or select the specific list entry and use the "Show Details"
+action form the right action pane to open up a pop-up containing all related information about the SEB client log event.
+.. image:: images/monitoring/sebClientLogDetail.png
+ :align: center
+ :target: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SafeExamBrowser/seb-server/master/docs/images/monitoring/sebClientLogDetail.png
+Currently there is no export functionality to export all interessting SEB client logs to a CSV table for example. But such a feature will probably come
+with a next version of SEB Server.
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diff --git a/docs/overview.rst b/docs/overview.rst
index 0f77ef7a..ee68432b 100644
--- a/docs/overview.rst
+++ b/docs/overview.rst
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-Safe Exam Browser Server (SEB Server) is a web-service application to help setting up and maintain e-assessments with
-`Safe Exam Browser `_ (SEB) in a centralized manner. The SEB Server application can be used
+Safe Exam Browser Server (SEB Server) is a web-service application with the objective to help setting up and maintain e-assessments with
+`Safe Exam Browser `_ (SEB) in a centralized and more efficient manner. The SEB Server application can be used
by an institution or organization as a self-maintained, lightweight server application to organize and setup their e-assessments.
For an organization or institution that wants to provides safe e-assessments with `Safe Exam Browser `_,
SEB Server can help to organize this e-assessments more effectively, safely and in one place.
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ there is yet just a built-in and lightweight user-account management where users
administrator users that has the privileges to maintain user accounts. Currently there is no possibility to register with a third
party account and/or single sign on.
-SEB Server is written in Java and uses Docker for installation and setup. For more information about the architecture and installation,
+SEB Server is written mainly in Java and uses Docker for installation and setup. For more information about the architecture and installation,
please go to `SEB Server Installation Guide `_
The key features of SEB Server are:
@@ -50,23 +50,23 @@ Roles and Use-Cases
The SEB Server supports a simple role based privilege system where a role has read, modify and write privileges on certain domain entities.
-The privileges for a role are pre-defined and cannot be changed by a user. But roles can be combined within one user-account.
+The privileges for a role are pre-defined and cannot be changed by a user. But roles can be combined for a user-account. A user-account for
+example can have the "Exam Administrator" and the "Exam Supporter" role active to be able to setup and support an exam (e-assessment) within
+one user-account.
-Privileges for domain objects are categorized in read, modify and write where write includes creation and deletion grants as well as activation grants in addition to the more
-restrict modify right that only allows to modify already created entities. They are also categorized in overall, institutional and owner privileges where
-overall means for all entities, over all available institutions and institutional means only the entities that belongs to the own institution
-whereas owner-privilege means the creator or assigned owner of an entity.
+Privileges for domain objects are categorized in read, modify and write rights. Write right includes creation and deletion grants
+as well as activation grants in addition to the more restrict modify right that only allows to modify already created entities.
+They are also categorized in overall, institutional and owner privileges where overall means for all entities, over all available institutions
+and institutional means only the entities that belongs to the own institution whereas owner-privilege means the creator or assigned owner of an entity.
-There are four different roles. This reflect a good separation of concerns within the SEB Server application administration itself and the setup and
-maintaining work that has to be done for e-assessments with SEB.
-below are the names and a short description of each role.
+There currently exists four different roles. This reflect a good separation of concern within the SEB Server application administration itself and the setup and
+maintaining work that has to be done for e-assessments with SEB. Below are the names and a short description of each role.
**SEB Server Administrator**
-This role is primarily to administer the SEB Server application. Create new and maintain available institutions and user-accounts. In addition to that a
-SEB Server administrator also has overall read privileges for the most domains to be able to analyze problems and help others to solve them.
+This role is primarily to administer the SEB Server application, to create new and maintain available institutions and user-accounts.
+In addition to that a SEB Server administrator also has overall read privileges for the most domains to be able to analyze problems and help others to solve them.
A typical use-case for a SEB Server administrator would be to create a new institution and an institutional administrator for this institution.
Another use-case would be to maintain registered user accounts, to give more privileges. Or to entirely deactivate an existing user account.
@@ -175,9 +175,9 @@ A column tool-tip usually also explains how to use the column-related filter.
Forms are used for domain entity specific data input or presentation, like HTML Forms usually do. Forms appear in three
different ways within the SEB Server GUI:
-- When a object is first created in edit mode
-- When an object is modified also in edit mode
-- And when an object is just shown, in read-only mode
+- When a domain entity is first created in edit mode
+- When a domain entity is modified also in edit mode
+- And when a domain entity is just shown, in read-only mode
The following images shows the same form, once in read-only mode and once edit mode
@@ -191,8 +191,13 @@ The following images shows the same form, once in read-only mode and once edit m
:align: center
:target: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SafeExamBrowser/seb-server/master/docs/images/overview/form_edit.png
-There usually is a tool-tip on a form field element for almost all attributes that can be activated by either going over and stay on the form field label or the input section.
-If a form field is mandatory to either create or save an object, this is marked with a little red arrow just to the right of the form field label.
-There may be more field validations takes place on saving the object. If a input needs a special form that is not given by the current input, the form-field
-will be marked with a red border and a thin red explanation text is shown right below the input field. After correct the missing or wrong input and save again,
-the SEB Server will accept and process the changes. If the user navigates away from a form in edit mode, the GUI will inform about possible data loss and asks for proceed or abort.
\ No newline at end of file
+There usually is a tool-tip on a form field element for almost all attributes that can be activated by either going over and stay on the form
+field label or the input section.
+If a form field is mandatory to either create or save an entity, this is marked with a little red arrow just to the right of the form field label.
+There may also be more field validation takes place on saving the object. If a input needs a special form that is not given by the current input, the form-field
+will be marked with a red border around the input field and a thin red explanation text is shown right below the input field.
+After correcting the missing or wrong input and saveing the form again, the SEB Server will accept and process the changes.
+.. note::
+ If you navigate away from a form in edit mode, the GUI will inform you about possible data loss on this action and will prompt you to
+ proceed or abort the action.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/troubleshooting.rst b/docs/troubleshooting.rst
index 1985d1e7..a0713836 100644
--- a/docs/troubleshooting.rst
+++ b/docs/troubleshooting.rst
@@ -1,4 +1,15 @@
+This page's purpose is to collect frequently ask questions, problems and workarounds that are reported and known.
+There shall be at least a problem description, an optional explanation if needed, a solution description and the SEB Server version and domain information. For Example:
+- **Version** : 1.0.0
+- **Domain** : Exam Administration / Exam / Indicator
+- **Problem** : This is an example problem description.
+- **Explanation** : An explanation is not mandatory but shall be provided if you want to give some background information to the problem.
+- **Solution** : A description of the solution, workaround or upcoming fixes.