diff --git a/docs/exam_proctoring.rst b/docs/exam_proctoring.rst
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--- a/docs/exam_proctoring.rst
+++ /dev/null
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-.. _sebProctoringSettings-label:
-Live Proctoring (Deprecated)
-.. attention::
- Deprecation Note:
- The SEB Server live proctoring integration with Zoom and Jitsi Meet is deprecated in SEB Server 1.6.
- The upcoming version of SEB Server, targeted for August 2024, will remove the live proctoring integration with Zoom and Jitsi Meet.
-Live proctoring is experimental feature of SEB and SEB Server. The feature is fully optional and not enabled by default.
-The main goal of the live proctoring feature is to support the integration
-of an external meeting service like Jitsi Meet or Zoom for example, within a SEB and SEB Server setup for an exam.
-In this scenario a SEB client is able to join a meeting and send audio and video data to the meeting where a proctor can watch the students during
-an exam within this meeting(s). The role of SEB Server in this scenario is mainly to bind a particular meeting service and automatically create
-meeting rooms, instruct connected SEB clients to join a certain meeting room. SEB Server can also instruct SEB clients to participate in the meeting by
-allowing connected SEB clients to receive audio and video as well as enabling chat functionality.
-.. note::
- This feature is still in a prototype state and not all functionality might work as expected. Basically the meeting features
- are given or restricted by the meeting service that is used and the API and GUI that is given by that meeting service client
-To be able to use the integrated live proctoring feature with SEB and SEB Server you need an external meeting service that can be used by the SEB Server to automatically create meetings.
-If this feature is enabled, you are able to setup a live proctoring service for a specified exam that can be used in the monitoring later on while the exam is running and SEB clients are connected.
-Currently supported meeting services are:
-- `Jitsi Meet `_ with JWT token authentication enabled.
-- `Zoom meeting service `_ with an account plan that fits your need and supports the `Zoom API and Client SDKs `_.
-To bind and setup a live proctoring service in SEB Server for an exam, go to the view page of the exam and use the "Proctoring Settings" action on the right action pane to open up the proctoring settings dialog.
-.. image:: images/exam/proctoringSettingsJITSI.png
- :align: center
- :target: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SafeExamBrowser/seb-server/master/docs/images/proctoringSettingsJITSI.png
-Within the proctoring settings dialog you are able to switch the service on and off by using the "Proctoring enabled" checkbox. You also see if the proctoring service is enabled within
-the action icon that is either an eye when active or a slashed eye when not active.
-To define and bind a service you have to choose a service type from the available service types. And you need to give the API access credentials like "Application Key" and "Secret" for
-the external meeting service. SEB Server will then try to connect to the meeting service with these credentials to automatically create meetings/rooms for proctoring.
-Within the "Collecting Room Size" field you can define the number of maximal participants that shall be collected within one proctoring room. SEB Server will automatically
-create these collecting rooms while SEB clients are connecting to the running exam in the monitoring view.
-.. note::
- If you choose Zoom as your proctoring service and you also want to conduct your exam with Mac and/or iOS SEB Clients you will also need a Zoom SDK-Key and -Secret since SEB Mac/iOS uses Zoom SDK for proctoring integration.
-Scroll down the Proctoring Settings window to see more settings for SEB Server based proctoring features:
-.. image:: images/exam/proctoringSettings2.png
- :align: center
- :target: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SafeExamBrowser/seb-server/master/docs/images/exam/proctoringSettings2.png
-- Use Zoom App-Client: Enable this setting to use a Zoom App/Desktop client for the origin proctoring room. This needs an existing Zoom Desktop App installation on the proctor's desktop.
-- Broadcasting Feature: Enable this to see the broadcasting features buttons in the opened proctoring windows. E.g. "Enable/Disable Audio" and "Enable/Disable Video" buttons.
-- Chat Feature: Enable this to see the "Enable/Disable Chat" feature buttons in the opened proctoring windows.
-- One to One Room: Enable this to see the One to One Room feature button during an exam monitoring within a SEB Client detail view
-- Town-Hall Room: Enable this to see the Town-Hall Room feature button in the exam monitoring view
-To read more about this proctoring features, please have a look at `Exam Monitoring `_.
-After you have all the settings done, use "OK" to confirm the settings. SEB Server will then try to connect to the meeting service with the given settings and check the access.
-.. note::
- Once a proctoring service is integrated for an exam, it is currently not possible to switch it to another service anymore.
- This is because different services needs different meeting reference data on SEB Server and there is no conversion supported.
- In the future we will make it possible to at least delete an already existing proctoring setup and to start from scratch.
-The SEB client settings for proctoring can be found in the "Exam Configuration" "SEB Settings". There is a new tab with the name "Proctoring" where all SEB settings for proctoring are available.
-These settings are directly used by a SEB client that supports the proctoring feature. SEB will initialize with this settings when connecting to SEB Server and also will use this settings as default settings during an exam.
-.. image:: images/exam/proctoringSEBSettings.png
- :align: center
- :target: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SafeExamBrowser/seb-server/master/docs/images/exam/proctoringSEBSettings.png
-Since SEB Server version 1.2 there is also an Zoom service section that let you define the default SEB settings for a Zoom proctoring setup.
-Please be aware that not all of the settings are functioning yet. Please refer to the settings tool-tip to get a actual description of
-a particular SEB feature setting
-**Jitsi Meet**
-To setup and configure a Jitsi Meet service for testing you can refer to the `Docker installation documentation `_
-.. note::
- The Jitsi Meet integration works only with JWT authentication. Please refer to the above documentation for how to setup JWT authentication.
-.. image:: images/exam/proctoringSettingsJITSI.png
- :align: center
- :target: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SafeExamBrowser/seb-server/master/docs/images/proctoringSettingsJITSI.png
-.. image:: images/exam/proctoringSettingsZoom.png
- :align: center
- :target: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SafeExamBrowser/seb-server/master/docs/images/proctoringSettingsZoom.png
-To integrate Zoom meetings as a live proctoring service within SEB Server you need to have an appropriate Zoom account with API and SDK access.
-`Zoom API and Client SDKs `_.
-Then you need to setup the Zoom account to run with JWT apps as described:
-- Login into your Zoom account and use "App Marketplace" to setup an API app account
-.. image:: images/exam/zoom1.png
- :align: center
- :target: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SafeExamBrowser/seb-server/master/docs/images/exam/zoom1.png
-- Within the Zoom Marketplace use "Develop" and select "Build App".
-.. image:: images/exam/zoom2.png
- :align: center
- :target: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SafeExamBrowser/seb-server/master/docs/images/exam/zoom2.png
-.. image:: images/exam/zoom3.png
- :align: center
- :target: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SafeExamBrowser/seb-server/master/docs/images/exam/zoom3.png
-- Choose "MeetingSDK" fist to create a meeting SDK app that is been used SEB to connect to Zoom meetings.
-- Follow the instructions to create the API account and use the "SDK Key" and "SDK Secret" within the setup in SEB Server proctoring settings
-.. image:: images/exam/zoom4.png
- :align: center
- :target: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SafeExamBrowser/seb-server/master/docs/images/exam/zoom4.png
-- Then choose the "Server-toServer OAuth" to create a API access for SEB Server to connect to Zoom service API. This is needed on SEB Server do create and maintain users and meetings
-- Follow the instructions to create the "Server-toServer OAuth" app on the page and make sure you have and set needed privileges as shown below.
-.. image:: images/exam/zoomauth1.png
- :align: center
- :target: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SafeExamBrowser/seb-server/master/docs/images/exam/zoomauth1.png
-.. image:: images/exam/zoomauth2.png
- :align: center
- :target: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SafeExamBrowser/seb-server/master/docs/images/exam/zoomauth2.png
-.. image:: images/exam/zoomauth3.png
- :align: center
- :target: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SafeExamBrowser/seb-server/master/docs/images/exam/zoomauth3.png
-Reset Rooms
-This functionality is new since SEB Server version 1.5 and allows you to reset already created but collecting rooms for an exam. This action is only
-available if you already have collecting rooms for an running exam and if there is no active SEB client connected to the exam. Then you can reset your
-proctoring rooms with this actions and also do some proctoring settings changes.
-.. image:: images/exam/proctoringSettingsZoom.png
- :align: center
- :target: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SafeExamBrowser/seb-server/master/docs/images/exam/proctoringSettingsZoom.png
diff --git a/docs/exam_template.rst b/docs/exam_template.rst
index 88976231..55ccb969 100644
--- a/docs/exam_template.rst
+++ b/docs/exam_template.rst
@@ -56,12 +56,7 @@ And you are able to add/edit/remove monitoring indicators for the exam template
:align: center
:target: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SafeExamBrowser/seb-server/master/docs/images/exam_template/indicator.png
-There are also proctoring settings available since SEB Server version 1.4 for the exam template. They just have the same settings and
-look like the ones on the Exam and will get copied for an exam imported with the respective template that defines the proctoring settings.
-.. image:: images/exam_template/proctoringSettings.png
- :align: center
- :target: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SafeExamBrowser/seb-server/master/docs/images/exam_template/proctoringSettings.png
+TODO Screen Proctoring Settings
Import Exam with Template
diff --git a/docs/exams.rst b/docs/exams.rst
index d1861ed3..6327d99e 100644
--- a/docs/exams.rst
+++ b/docs/exams.rst
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ We will go through all the steps to setting up an exam for Safe Exam Browser wit
- exam_proctoring
+ exam_screen_proctoring
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--- a/docs/monitoring.rst
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@@ -140,99 +140,10 @@ overview temporary network latency or other irregularities, when those two time
In the detail view you are also able to use the instructions "Quit SEB Client" and "Mark as Canceled" for the selected SEB client connection.
-(Deprecated) Live Proctoring
+Screen Proctoring
-.. attention::
- Deprecation Note:
- The SEB Server live proctoring integration with Zoom and Jitsi Meet is deprecated in SEB Server 1.6.
- The upcoming version of SEB Server, targeted for August 2024, will remove the live proctoring integration with Zoom and Jitsi Meet.
-Live proctoring is a new and yet experimental feature of SEB and SEB Server. The feature is fully optional and not enabled by default.
-This section is about the live proctoring on monitoring a running exam and using the optional live proctoring within.
-To configure the optional live proctoring for a specific exam please have a look at `Optional Live Proctoring `_
-.. note::
- This feature is still in a prototype state and not all functionality might work as expected. Basically, the meeting features
- are given or restricted by the meeting service that is used and the API and GUI that is given by that meeting service client
-**Proctoring (Collecting) Rooms**
-When the exam live proctoring feature is enabled for the running exam (see :ref:`sebProctoringSettings-label`), SEB Server will automatically create and collect
-connected SEB clients into so called collecting rooms. The size of this collecting rooms can be defined within the proctoring settings in the exam.
-One proctor can then open such a collecting room by left-clicking on the room action.
-SEB Server will then open a proctoring window and join the proctor to the meeting where the participants of this room can be seen.
-.. image:: images/monitoring/proctoringExam.png
- :align: center
- :target: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SafeExamBrowser/seb-server/master/docs/images/monitoring/proctoringExam.png
-A proctor is also able to view the names of all participants of a room by right-clicking on the specified room action.
-SEB Server will then open a dialog with a list of all participants. Double-clicking on a particular participant will automatically
-load the detailed monitoring view of that participant.
-.. note::
- A collecting room, once created, will live as long as the exam is running and not has been deleted. When the exam ends or is been deleted,
- the collecting room will automatically get deleted on the SEB Server's persistent storage as well as on the meeting service side if needed.
-**Town-Hall Feature**
-Besides the usual collecting room, there is a town-hall room feature. By using the "Open Townhall" action from the right action pane, SEB Server enforce all SEB clients that
-are in collecting rooms as well as new connecting SEB clients to leave their current meeting and join the town-hall meeting for as long as the town-hall is active.
-Within the town-hall a proctor has the same features as in the collecting room but can connect to all participants at the same time.
-When the town-hall is closed all connected SEB clients are enforced to leave the town-room and go back to its collecting room meetings again.
-.. note::
- This feature is only available if it is enabled within the exam proctoring settings in the exam administration.
-**Single Room or One-to-One Room Feature**
-Another live proctoring feature can be found in the detailed monitoring view of one particular SEB client connection. The single room features allows a proctor to connect to a single
-participant and being able to view or communication with just this one participant. You can initiate this single room connection by using the "Single Room Proctoring" action on
-the right action pane. SEB Server will then enforce the involved SEB client to leave its collecting room and join a newly created room with the proctor.
-Within the single room a proctor has the same features as in the collecting room to communicate with the student or participant.
-When the single room is closed the connected SEB clients is enforced to leave the single room and go back to its collecting room meetings again.
-.. image:: images/monitoring/proctoringClient.png
- :align: center
- :target: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SafeExamBrowser/seb-server/master/docs/images/monitoring/proctoringClient.png
-.. note::
- This feature is only available if it is enabled within the exam proctoring settings in the exam administration.
-**Broadcast Features**
-Within a live proctoring window, a proctor can use the enabled features of the integrated meeting service and is able to communicate with the SEB clients by using one
-of the following features if available for the service:
-- **Start Audio Broadcast** Will enforce the SEB clients within the particular room to enable receive audio and a proctor can speak to the students that are in the meeting.
-- **Start Video Broadcast** Will enforce the SEB clients within the particular room to enable receive audio and video and proctor is shown to the students that are in the meeting and can speak to them as well.
-- **Enable Chat** Will enforce the SEB clients within the particular room to enable the chat feature and a proctor is able to chat with all students in the meeting.
-While a broadcast feature is enabled by a proctor, the SEB Server sends an instruction to each SEB client that is within the same meeting to display the meeting client.
-A student as well as a proctor is then able to use all the features of the meeting client of the integrated meeting service.
-.. image:: images/monitoring/proctoringWindow.png
- :align: center
- :target: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SafeExamBrowser/seb-server/master/docs/images/monitoring/proctoringWindow.png
-.. note::
- Each of this features is only available if it is enabled within the exam proctoring settings in the exam administration.
-**Known Issues with Live Proctoring**
-- Within the Zoom service it often happens that a participant appears twice in a room or meeting. This is probably caused by SEB clients rejoining the meetings while rooms or feature settings are changed.
-- In Zoom it is not possible to fully control a participant microphone. Therefore, it may happen that participant can hear each other even if no proctor is in the meeting.
-- Within Jitsi Meet service when a proctor leaves the room it currently happens that a random participant became host/moderator since it is not possible in Jitsi Meet to have a meeting without host. We try to mitigate the problem with the `moderator plugin `_
-- In both services while broadcasting, it is not guaranteed that a student always sees the proctor. Usually, the meeting service shows or pins the participant that is currently speaking automatically.
-.. note::
- The above listed points are issues within the current proctoring integration and not solutions. We are working hard to improve the
- proctoring integration but due to limited resources this can take its time. And please consider that proctoring integration with
- SEB Server is still in prototype state.
Finished Exams