.. _config-template-label: Exam Configuration Templates ============================ With this feature you can create and manage templates for SEB exam configuration settings. You are able to mainly define default values for each SEB exam settings attribute for an exam config and you are also able to define whether the settings attribute shall be viewed on an exam configuration created from the template or if it shall be hidden. .. note:: The exam configuration template feature is the most experimental feature in SEB Server for now and might change for the upcoming releases. To view all available exam configuration templates, go to the "SEB Configuration" section and click on the "Configuration Template" menu entry of the left menu pane. SEB Server will then present you a list of all available exam configuration templates. You can filter and sort the list as usual to find a specific template by name for example. .. image:: images/config_templates/list.png :align: center :target: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SafeExamBrowser/seb-server/master/docs/images/config_templates/list.png To create a new exam configuration template, use the "Add Configuration Template" action from the right action pane. You will see the creation form with a name and description for the new template. At least a unique name is mandatory, and the description is optional. .. image:: images/config_templates/templateEdit.png :align: center :target: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SafeExamBrowser/seb-server/master/docs/images/config_templates/templateEdit.png To create and save the new exam configuration template use the "Save Configuration Template" action from the right action pane. The template will be created with all default settings attribute and views, and you will see the configuration template view page. In the view page you will see the information of the template within the page header following by a list of all exam configuration setting attributes available for a SEB exam configuration on the SEB Server. The name of an attribute is composed of the internal attribute name followed by the display name of the attribute. .. image:: images/config_templates/templateView.png :align: center :target: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SafeExamBrowser/seb-server/master/docs/images/config_templates/templateView.png The type of the attribute defines the input field type and cannot be changed in any way. The view defines the tab on which the settings attribute is placed. And the group defines the named group where a settings attribute belongs to. .. note:: For now, the "View" and "Group" properties of an settings attribute cannot be changed, just be set whether the settings attribute shall be shown on its defined view (tab) and within its defined position on the tab or if it shall be hidden at all. In a future version of SEB Server it might be possible to also place a settings attribute to another "View" and/or "Group" and also to a certain position of the view grid. To attach or detach a particular settings attribute for the template from the view to show or hide it in the configuration settings, select the specific settings attribute from the list and use either the "Remove From View" action when you want to remove an attached one, or the "Attach To View" action when you want to attach a hidden settings attribute to the default view. To define a default value for a specific attribute, select the attribute from the list and use the "Edit Attribute" action from the right action pane to open the settings attribute in edit mode. Or just double click on the specific list entry of the settings attribute. In the settings attribute edit page you see general information about the attribute on the upper part of the page and on the second part you see the input field if the settings attribute with the current default value set. To alter the default value just use the input field of the attribute to change the value and the change will automatically be set as new default value. If you want to reset the default value of the settings attribute to the original default value, use the "Set Default Values" action from the right action pane to do so. You are also able to attach or detach the settings attribute from the view here by using the "Remove From View" or "Attach To View" actions from the right action pane. To go back to the exam configuration template view, use the "View Configuration Template" action from the right action pane. .. image:: images/config_templates/templateAttribute.png :align: center :target: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SafeExamBrowser/seb-server/master/docs/images/config_templates/templateAttribute.png Back in the exam configuration template view you are able to create a new SEB exam configuration directly from this template by using the "Create Exam Configuration" action from the right action pane. The application will present you a creation dialog within a pop-up where you can define a name and description for the new SEB exam configuration. At least a unique name is mandatory. .. image:: images/config_templates/createConfig.png :align: center :target: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SafeExamBrowser/seb-server/master/docs/images/config_templates/createConfig.png After defining a name and description for the new SEB exam configuration you can click on "OK" to do so, and the application will show you the new created SEB exam configuration in the usual place.