2019-08-07 10:10:37 +02:00
using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Diagnostics ;
using System.Drawing ;
using System.IO ;
using System.Linq ;
using System.Security.Cryptography ;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates ;
using System.Text ;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions ;
using System.Windows.Forms ;
using SebWindowsConfig.Controls ;
using SebWindowsConfig.Entities ;
using SebWindowsConfig.Utilities ;
using DictObj = System . Collections . Generic . Dictionary < string , object > ;
using ListObj = System . Collections . Generic . List < object > ;
namespace SebWindowsConfig
public partial class SebWindowsConfigForm : Form
public bool adminPasswordFieldsContainHash = false ;
public bool quitPasswordFieldsContainHash = false ;
public bool settingsPasswordFieldsContainHash = false ;
public bool quittingMyself = false ;
public SEBURLFilter urlFilter ;
string settingsPassword = "" ;
private string lastBrowserExamKey = "" ;
private string lastSettingsPassword = "" ;
private int lastCryptoIdentityIndex = 0 ;
internal const string SEB_CONFIG_LOG = "SebConfig.log" ;
//X509Certificate2 fileCertificateRef = null;
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// <summary>
/// OnLoad: Get the file name from command line arguments and load it.
/// </summary>
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
protected override void OnLoad ( EventArgs e )
base . OnLoad ( e ) ;
string [ ] args = Environment . GetCommandLineArgs ( ) ;
string es = string . Join ( ", " , args ) ;
Logger . AddInformation ( "OnLoad EventArgs: " + es , null , null ) ;
if ( args . Length > 1 )
LoadConfigurationFileIntoEditor ( args [ 1 ] ) ;
// Update Browser Exam Key
lastBrowserExamKey = SEBProtectionController . ComputeBrowserExamKey ( ) ;
lastSettingsPassword = textBoxSettingsPassword . Text ;
lastCryptoIdentityIndex = comboBoxCryptoIdentity . SelectedIndex ;
// Display the new Browser Exam Key in Exam pane
textBoxBrowserExamKey . Text = lastBrowserExamKey ;
2020-02-19 14:30:39 +01:00
textBoxConfigurationKey . Text = SEBProtectionController . C omputeConfigurationKey ( ) ;
2019-08-07 10:10:37 +02:00
// ***********
// Constructor
// ***********
public SebWindowsConfigForm ( )
// Initialize URL filter
urlFilter = new SEBURLFilter ( ) ;
InitializeComponent ( ) ;
// This is necessary to instanciate the password dialog
/// Initialize the Logger
//Sets paths to files SEB has to save or read from the file system
SEBClientInfo . SetSebPaths ( ) ;
// Set the path of the SebConfig.log file
StringBuilder sebConfigLogFileBuilder = new StringBuilder ( SEBClientInfo . SebClientLogFileDirectory ) . Append ( SEB_CONFIG_LOG ) ;
string SebConfigLogFile = sebConfigLogFileBuilder . ToString ( ) ;
Logger . InitLogger ( SEBClientInfo . SebClientLogFileDirectory , SebConfigLogFile ) ;
// Set all the default values for the Plist structure "SEBSettings.settingsCurrent"
SEBSettings . RestoreDefaultAndCurrentSettings ( ) ;
2019-10-30 15:49:35 +01:00
SEBSettings . AddDefaultProhibitedProcesses ( ) ;
2019-08-07 10:10:37 +02:00
// Initialise the global variables for the GUI widgets
InitialiseGlobalVariablesForGUIWidgets ( ) ;
// Initialise the GUI widgets themselves
InitialiseGUIWidgets ( ) ;
// When starting up, load the default local client settings
Logger . AddInformation ( "Loading the default local client settings" , null , null ) ;
SEBClientInfo . LoadingSettingsFileName = "Local Client Settings" ;
if ( ! LoadConfigurationFileIntoEditor ( currentPathSebConfigFile ) )
// If this didn't work, then there are no local client settings and we set the current settings title to "Default Settings"
currentPathSebConfigFile = SEBUIStrings . settingsTitleDefaultSettings ;
// Update URL filter rules, also the seb-Browser white/blacklist keys,
// which are necessary for compatibility to SEB 2.1.x
urlFilter . UpdateFilterRules ( ) ;
UpdateAllWidgetsOfProgram ( ) ;
// Update Browser Exam Key
lastBrowserExamKey = SEBProtectionController . ComputeBrowserExamKey ( ) ;
lastSettingsPassword = textBoxSettingsPassword . Text ;
lastCryptoIdentityIndex = comboBoxCryptoIdentity . SelectedIndex ;
// Display the new Browser Exam Key in Exam pane
textBoxBrowserExamKey . Text = lastBrowserExamKey ;
2020-02-19 14:30:39 +01:00
textBoxConfigurationKey . Text = SEBProtectionController . ComputeConfigurationKey ( ) ;
2019-08-07 10:10:37 +02:00
} // end of contructor SebWindowsConfigForm()
// *************************************************
// Open the configuration file and read the settings
// *************************************************
private Boolean LoadConfigurationFileIntoEditor ( String fileName )
Cursor . Current = Cursors . WaitCursor ;
// Read the file into "new" settings
Logger . AddInformation ( "Loading settings from file " + fileName , null , null ) ;
// Set the filename into the global variable so it gets displayed in the password dialogs
if ( String . IsNullOrEmpty ( SEBClientInfo . LoadingSettingsFileName ) )
SEBClientInfo . LoadingSettingsFileName = Path . GetFileName ( fileName ) ;
// In these variables we get back the configuration file password the user entered for decrypting and/or
// the certificate reference found in the config file:
string filePassword = null ;
X509Certificate2 fileCertificateRef = null ;
bool passwordIsHash = false ;
if ( ! SEBSettings . ReadSebConfigurationFile ( fileName , true , ref filePassword , ref passwordIsHash , ref fileCertificateRef ) )
SEBClientInfo . LoadingSettingsFileName = "" ;
return false ;
SEBClientInfo . LoadingSettingsFileName = "" ;
if ( ! String . IsNullOrEmpty ( filePassword ) ) {
// If we got the settings password because the user entered it when opening the .seb file,
// we store it in a local variable
settingsPassword = filePassword ;
settingsPasswordFieldsContainHash = passwordIsHash ;
// We didn't get back any settings password, we clear the local variable
settingsPassword = "" ;
settingsPasswordFieldsContainHash = false ;
// Check if we got a certificate reference used to encrypt the openend settings back
if ( fileCertificateRef ! = null )
comboBoxCryptoIdentity . SelectedIndex = 0 ;
int indexOfCertificateRef = certificateReferences . IndexOf ( fileCertificateRef ) ;
// Find this certificate reference in the list of all certificates from the certificate store
// if found (this should always be the case), select that certificate in the comboBox list
if ( indexOfCertificateRef ! = - 1 ) comboBoxCryptoIdentity . SelectedIndex = indexOfCertificateRef + 1 ;
// Check if default permitted processes should be removed from settings
CheckAndOptionallyRemoveDefaultProhibitedProcesses ( ) ;
// Update URL filter rules, also the seb-Browser white/blacklist keys,
// which are necessary for compatibility to SEB 2.1.x
urlFilter . UpdateFilterRules ( ) ;
// GUI-related part: Update the widgets
currentDireSebConfigFile = Path . GetDirectoryName ( fileName ) ;
currentFileSebConfigFile = Path . GetFileName ( fileName ) ;
currentPathSebConfigFile = Path . GetFullPath ( fileName ) ;
UpdateAllWidgetsOfProgram ( ) ;
buttonRevertToLastOpened . Enabled = true ;
Cursor . Current = Cursors . Default ;
return true ;
private void CheckAndOptionallyRemoveDefaultProhibitedProcesses ( )
if ( ( bool ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyCreateNewDesktop ] )
if ( SEBSettings . CheckForDefaultProhibitedProcesses ( false ) )
var messageBoxResult = MessageBox . Show (
this ,
"Settings contain at least one of the default prohibited processes (mostly web browsers), " +
"which should not run when SEB is used with the Disable Explorer Shell kiosk mode. " +
"As your settings are not using Disable Explorer Shell, " +
"do you want to remove those default prohibited processes from the configuration?" ,
"Default Prohibited Processes Found" ,
MessageBoxButtons . YesNo ,
MessageBoxIcon . Question ) ;
if ( messageBoxResult = = DialogResult . Yes )
SEBSettings . CheckForDefaultProhibitedProcesses ( true ) ;
// ********************************************************
// Write the settings to the configuration file and save it
// ********************************************************
private Boolean SaveConfigurationFileFromEditor ( String fileName )
Cursor . Current = Cursors . WaitCursor ;
// Get settings password
string filePassword = settingsPassword ;
// Get selected certificate
X509Certificate2 fileCertificateRef = null ;
int selectedCertificate = ( int ) SEBSettings . intArrayCurrent [ SEBSettings . ValCryptoIdentity ] ;
if ( selectedCertificate > 0 )
fileCertificateRef = ( X509Certificate2 ) certificateReferences [ selectedCertificate - 1 ] ;
} //comboBoxCryptoIdentity.SelectedIndex;
// Get selected config purpose
int currentConfigPurpose = ( int ) SEBSettings . valueForDictionaryKey ( SEBSettings . settingsCurrent , SEBSettings . KeySebConfigPurpose ) ;
SEBSettings . sebConfigPurposes configPurpose = ( SEBSettings . sebConfigPurposes ) currentConfigPurpose ;
bool useOldAsymmetricOnlyEncryption = checkBoxUseOldAsymmetricOnlyEncryption . Checked ;
// Write the "new" settings to file
if ( ! SEBSettings . WriteSebConfigurationFile ( fileName , filePassword , settingsPasswordFieldsContainHash , fileCertificateRef , useOldAsymmetricOnlyEncryption , configPurpose , forEditing : true ) )
return false ;
// If the settings could be written to file, update the widgets
currentDireSebConfigFile = Path . GetDirectoryName ( fileName ) ;
currentFileSebConfigFile = Path . GetFileName ( fileName ) ;
currentPathSebConfigFile = Path . GetFullPath ( fileName ) ;
UpdateAllWidgetsOfProgram ( ) ;
Cursor . Current = Cursors . Default ;
return true ;
// *****************************************************
// Set the widgets to the new settings of SebStarter.ini
// *****************************************************
private void UpdateAllWidgetsOfProgram ( )
// Update the filename in the title bar
this . Text = this . ProductName ;
this . Text + = " - " ;
this . Text + = currentPathSebConfigFile ;
// Group "General"
textBoxStartURL . Text = ( String ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyStartURL ] ;
textBoxSebServerURL . Text = ( String ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeySebServerURL ] ;
// If an admin password is saved in the settings (as a hash),
// then we fill a placeholder string into the admin password text fields
if ( ! String . IsNullOrEmpty ( ( String ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyHashedAdminPassword ] ) )
// CAUTION: Do not change the order of setting the placeholders and the flag,
// since the fired textBox..._TextChanged() events use these data!
textBoxAdminPassword . Text = "0000000000000000" ;
adminPasswordFieldsContainHash = true ;
textBoxConfirmAdminPassword . Text = "0000000000000000" ;
// CAUTION: Do not change the order of setting the placeholders and the flag,
// since the fired textBox..._TextChanged() events use these data!
adminPasswordFieldsContainHash = false ;
textBoxAdminPassword . Text = "" ;
textBoxConfirmAdminPassword . Text = "" ;
checkBoxAllowQuit . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyAllowQuit ] ;
checkBoxIgnoreExitKeys . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyIgnoreExitKeys ] ;
// If a quit password is saved in the settings (as a hash),
// then we fill a placeholder string into the quit password text fields
if ( ! String . IsNullOrEmpty ( ( String ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyHashedQuitPassword ] ) )
// CAUTION: Do not change the order of setting the placeholders and the flag,
// since the fired textBox..._TextChanged() events use these data!
textBoxQuitPassword . Text = "0000000000000000" ;
quitPasswordFieldsContainHash = true ;
textBoxConfirmQuitPassword . Text = "0000000000000000" ;
// CAUTION: Do not change the order of setting the placeholders and the flag,
// since the fired textBox..._TextChanged() events use these data!
quitPasswordFieldsContainHash = false ;
textBoxQuitPassword . Text = "" ;
textBoxConfirmQuitPassword . Text = "" ;
listBoxExitKey1 . SelectedIndex = ( int ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyExitKey1 ] ;
listBoxExitKey2 . SelectedIndex = ( int ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyExitKey2 ] ;
listBoxExitKey3 . SelectedIndex = ( int ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyExitKey3 ] ;
// Group "Config File"
radioButtonStartingAnExam . Checked = ( ( int ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeySebConfigPurpose ] = = 0 ) ;
radioButtonConfiguringAClient . Checked = ( ( int ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeySebConfigPurpose ] = = 1 ) ;
checkBoxAllowPreferencesWindow . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyAllowPreferencesWindow ] ;
checkBoxUseOldAsymmetricOnlyEncryption . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyUseAsymmetricOnlyEncryption ] ;
comboBoxCryptoIdentity . SelectedIndex = SEBSettings . intArrayCurrent [ SEBSettings . ValCryptoIdentity ] ;
// If the settings password local variable contains a hash (and it isn't empty)
if ( settingsPasswordFieldsContainHash & & ! String . IsNullOrEmpty ( settingsPassword ) )
// CAUTION: We need to reset this flag BEFORE changing the textBox text value,
// because otherwise the compare passwords method will delete the first textBox again.
settingsPasswordFieldsContainHash = false ;
textBoxSettingsPassword . Text = "0000000000000000" ;
settingsPasswordFieldsContainHash = true ;
textBoxConfirmSettingsPassword . Text = "0000000000000000" ;
textBoxSettingsPassword . Text = settingsPassword ;
textBoxConfirmSettingsPassword . Text = settingsPassword ;
// Group "User Interface"
if ( ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyTouchOptimized ] = = true )
radioButtonTouchOptimized . Checked = true ;
radioButtonUseBrowserWindow . Checked = ( ( int ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyBrowserViewMode ] = = 0 ) ;
radioButtonUseFullScreenMode . Checked = ( ( int ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyBrowserViewMode ] = = 1 ) ;
comboBoxMainBrowserWindowWidth . Text = ( String ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyMainBrowserWindowWidth ] ;
comboBoxMainBrowserWindowHeight . Text = ( String ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyMainBrowserWindowHeight ] ;
listBoxMainBrowserWindowPositioning . SelectedIndex = ( int ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyMainBrowserWindowPositioning ] ;
checkBoxEnableBrowserWindowToolbar . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyEnableBrowserWindowToolbar ] ;
checkBoxHideBrowserWindowToolbar . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyHideBrowserWindowToolbar ] ;
checkBoxShowMenuBar . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyShowMenuBar ] ;
checkBoxShowTaskBar . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyShowTaskBar ] ;
2020-03-04 10:34:10 +01:00
checkBoxHideBrowserWindowToolbar . Enabled = checkBoxEnableBrowserWindowToolbar . Checked ;
checkBoxAllowMainWindowAddressBar . Enabled = checkBoxEnableBrowserWindowToolbar . Checked ;
checkBoxAllowAdditionalWindowAddressBar . Enabled = checkBoxEnableBrowserWindowToolbar . Checked ;
2020-02-19 11:53:29 +01:00
checkBoxShowSideMenu . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyShowSideMenu ] ;
2019-08-07 10:10:37 +02:00
checkBoxShowReloadButton . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyShowReloadButton ] ;
comboBoxTaskBarHeight . Text = ( String ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyTaskBarHeight ] . ToString ( ) ;
checkBoxEnableTouchExit . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyEnableTouchExit ] ;
2020-02-19 11:53:29 +01:00
checkBoxAllowMainWindowAddressBar . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyBrowserWindowAllowAddressBar ] ;
checkBoxAllowAdditionalWindowAddressBar . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyNewBrowserWindowAllowAddressBar ] ;
2020-03-04 10:34:10 +01:00
checkBoxAllowDeveloperConsole . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyAllowDeveloperConsole ] ;
checkBoxAllowDeveloperConsole . Enabled = checkBoxEnableBrowserWindowToolbar . Checked ;
2019-08-07 10:10:37 +02:00
var defaultText = "(part of application)" ;
var defaultStyle = new DataGridViewCellStyle { BackColor = Color . LightGray } ;
var allowedDictionaries = SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyAllowSpellCheckDictionary ] as ListObj ;
var compressor = new FileCompressor ( ) ;
var danish = new DataGridViewRow ( ) ;
var australian = new DataGridViewRow ( ) ;
var british = new DataGridViewRow ( ) ;
var american = new DataGridViewRow ( ) ;
var spanish = new DataGridViewRow ( ) ;
var french = new DataGridViewRow ( ) ;
var portuguese = new DataGridViewRow ( ) ;
var swedish = new DataGridViewRow ( ) ;
var swedishFinland = new DataGridViewRow ( ) ;
danish . Tag = true ;
danish . Cells . Add ( new DataGridViewCheckBoxCell ( false ) { Value = allowedDictionaries . Any ( l = > l as string = = "da-DK" ) , Style = defaultStyle } ) ;
danish . Cells . Add ( new DataGridViewTextBoxCell { Value = "da-DK" , Style = defaultStyle } ) ;
danish . Cells . Add ( new DataGridViewTextBoxCell { Value = defaultText , Style = defaultStyle } ) ;
australian . Tag = true ;
australian . Cells . Add ( new DataGridViewCheckBoxCell ( false ) { Value = allowedDictionaries . Any ( l = > l as string = = "en-AU" ) , Style = defaultStyle } ) ;
australian . Cells . Add ( new DataGridViewTextBoxCell { Value = "en-AU" , Style = defaultStyle } ) ;
australian . Cells . Add ( new DataGridViewTextBoxCell { Value = defaultText , Style = defaultStyle } ) ;
british . Tag = true ;
british . Cells . Add ( new DataGridViewCheckBoxCell ( false ) { Value = allowedDictionaries . Any ( l = > l as string = = "en-GB" ) , Style = defaultStyle } ) ;
british . Cells . Add ( new DataGridViewTextBoxCell { Value = "en-GB" , Style = defaultStyle } ) ;
british . Cells . Add ( new DataGridViewTextBoxCell { Value = defaultText , Style = defaultStyle } ) ;
american . Tag = true ;
american . Cells . Add ( new DataGridViewCheckBoxCell ( false ) { Value = allowedDictionaries . Any ( l = > l as string = = "en-US" ) , Style = defaultStyle } ) ;
american . Cells . Add ( new DataGridViewTextBoxCell { Value = "en-US" , Style = defaultStyle } ) ;
american . Cells . Add ( new DataGridViewTextBoxCell { Value = defaultText , Style = defaultStyle } ) ;
spanish . Tag = true ;
spanish . Cells . Add ( new DataGridViewCheckBoxCell ( false ) { Value = allowedDictionaries . Any ( l = > l as string = = "es-ES" ) , Style = defaultStyle } ) ;
spanish . Cells . Add ( new DataGridViewTextBoxCell { Value = "es-ES" , Style = defaultStyle } ) ;
spanish . Cells . Add ( new DataGridViewTextBoxCell { Value = defaultText , Style = defaultStyle } ) ;
french . Tag = true ;
french . Cells . Add ( new DataGridViewCheckBoxCell ( false ) { Value = allowedDictionaries . Any ( l = > l as string = = "fr-FR" ) , Style = defaultStyle } ) ;
french . Cells . Add ( new DataGridViewTextBoxCell { Value = "fr-FR" , Style = defaultStyle } ) ;
french . Cells . Add ( new DataGridViewTextBoxCell { Value = defaultText , Style = defaultStyle } ) ;
portuguese . Tag = true ;
portuguese . Cells . Add ( new DataGridViewCheckBoxCell ( false ) { Value = allowedDictionaries . Any ( l = > l as string = = "pt-PT" ) , Style = defaultStyle } ) ;
portuguese . Cells . Add ( new DataGridViewTextBoxCell { Value = "pt-PT" , Style = defaultStyle } ) ;
portuguese . Cells . Add ( new DataGridViewTextBoxCell { Value = defaultText , Style = defaultStyle } ) ;
swedish . Tag = true ;
swedish . Cells . Add ( new DataGridViewCheckBoxCell ( false ) { Value = allowedDictionaries . Any ( l = > l as string = = "sv-SE" ) , Style = defaultStyle } ) ;
swedish . Cells . Add ( new DataGridViewTextBoxCell { Value = "sv-SE" , Style = defaultStyle } ) ;
swedish . Cells . Add ( new DataGridViewTextBoxCell { Value = defaultText , Style = defaultStyle } ) ;
swedishFinland . Tag = true ;
swedishFinland . Cells . Add ( new DataGridViewCheckBoxCell ( false ) { Value = allowedDictionaries . Any ( l = > l as string = = "sv-FI" ) , Style = defaultStyle } ) ;
swedishFinland . Cells . Add ( new DataGridViewTextBoxCell { Value = "sv-FI" , Style = defaultStyle } ) ;
swedishFinland . Cells . Add ( new DataGridViewTextBoxCell { Value = defaultText , Style = defaultStyle } ) ;
spellCheckerDataGridView . Rows . Clear ( ) ;
spellCheckerDataGridView . Rows . Add ( danish ) ;
spellCheckerDataGridView . Rows . Add ( australian ) ;
spellCheckerDataGridView . Rows . Add ( british ) ;
spellCheckerDataGridView . Rows . Add ( american ) ;
spellCheckerDataGridView . Rows . Add ( spanish ) ;
spellCheckerDataGridView . Rows . Add ( french ) ;
spellCheckerDataGridView . Rows . Add ( portuguese ) ;
spellCheckerDataGridView . Rows . Add ( swedish ) ;
spellCheckerDataGridView . Rows . Add ( swedishFinland ) ;
foreach ( DictObj dictionary in SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyAdditionalDictionaries ] as ListObj )
var locale = dictionary [ SEBSettings . KeyAdditionalDictionaryLocale ] as string ;
var data = dictionary [ SEBSettings . KeyAdditionalDictionaryData ] as string ;
var enabled = allowedDictionaries . Any ( l = > l as string = = locale ) ;
var files = compressor . GetFileList ( data ) ;
var fileList = ToDictionaryFileList ( files ) ;
spellCheckerDataGridView . Rows . Add ( enabled , locale , fileList ) ;
// Group "Browser"
listBoxOpenLinksHTML . SelectedIndex = ( int ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyNewBrowserWindowByLinkPolicy ] ;
checkBoxBlockLinksHTML . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyNewBrowserWindowByLinkBlockForeign ] ;
comboBoxNewBrowserWindowWidth . Text = ( String ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyNewBrowserWindowByLinkWidth ] ;
comboBoxNewBrowserWindowHeight . Text = ( String ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyNewBrowserWindowByLinkHeight ] ;
listBoxNewBrowserWindowPositioning . SelectedIndex = ( int ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyNewBrowserWindowByLinkPositioning ] ;
checkBoxEnablePlugIns . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyEnablePlugIns ] ;
checkBoxEnableJava . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyEnableJava ] ;
checkBoxEnableJavaScript . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyEnableJavaScript ] ;
checkBoxBlockPopUpWindows . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyBlockPopUpWindows ] ;
checkBoxAllowVideoCapture . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyAllowVideoCapture ] ;
checkBoxAllowAudioCapture . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyAllowAudioCapture ] ;
checkBoxAllowBrowsingBackForward . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyAllowBrowsingBackForward ] ;
checkBoxAllowNavigationNewWindow . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyNewBrowserWindowNavigation ] ;
checkBoxAllowReload . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyBrowserWindowAllowReload ] ;
checkBoxShowReloadWarning . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyShowReloadWarning ] ;
checkBoxAllowReloadNewWindow . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyNewBrowserWindowAllowReload ] ;
checkBoxShowReloadWarningNewWindow . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyNewBrowserWindowShowReloadWarning ] ;
checkBoxEnableZoomPage . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyEnableZoomPage ] ;
checkBoxEnableZoomText . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyEnableZoomText ] ;
radioButtonUseZoomPage . Checked = ( ( int ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyZoomMode ] = = 0 ) ;
radioButtonUseZoomText . Checked = ( ( int ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyZoomMode ] = = 1 ) ;
enableZoomAdjustZoomMode ( ) ;
checkBoxEnableZoomText . CheckedChanged + = checkBoxEnableZoomText_CheckedChanged ;
checkBoxEnableZoomPage . CheckedChanged + = checkBoxEnableZoomPage_CheckedChanged ;
2020-03-27 13:18:24 +01:00
checkBoxAllowPdfReaderToolbar . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyAllowPDFReaderToolbar ] ;
2020-08-11 17:52:51 +02:00
checkBoxAllowFind . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyAllowFind ] ;
2019-08-07 10:10:37 +02:00
2020-03-27 13:18:24 +01:00
checkBoxAllowSpellCheck . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyAllowSpellCheck ] ;
2020-02-21 15:11:35 +01:00
checkBoxAllowDictionaryLookup . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyAllowDictionaryLookup ] ;
checkBoxRemoveProfile . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyRemoveBrowserProfile ] ;
checkBoxRemoveProfile . Enabled = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyExamSessionClearCookiesOnEnd ] ;
2019-08-07 10:10:37 +02:00
checkBoxDisableLocalStorage . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyDisableLocalStorage ] ;
checkBoxUseSebWithoutBrowser . Checked = ! ( ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyEnableSebBrowser ] ) ;
// BEWARE: you must invert this value since "Use Without" is "Not Enable"!
textBoxUserAgent . Text = ( String ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyBrowserUserAgent ] ;
textBoxUserAgentMacCustom . Text = ( String ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyBrowserUserAgentMacCustom ] ;
radioButtonUserAgentMacDefault . Checked = ( ( int ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyBrowserUserAgentMac ] = = 0 ) ;
radioButtonUserAgentMacCustom . Checked = ( ( int ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyBrowserUserAgentMac ] = = 1 ) ;
textBoxUserAgentMacCustom . TextChanged + = textBoxUserAgentMacCustom_TextChanged ;
textBoxUserAgentDesktopModeCustom . Text = ( String ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyBrowserUserAgentDesktopModeCustom ] ;
textBoxUserAgentDesktopModeDefault . Text = SEBClientInfo . BROWSER_USERAGENT_DESKTOP ;
radioButtonUserAgentDesktopDefault . Checked = ( ( int ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyBrowserUserAgentDesktopMode ] = = 0 ) ;
radioButtonUserAgentDesktopCustom . Checked = ( ( int ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyBrowserUserAgentDesktopMode ] = = 1 ) ;
textBoxUserAgentDesktopModeCustom . TextChanged + = textBoxUserAgentDesktopModeCustom_TextChanged ;
textBoxUserAgentTouchModeCustom . Text = ( String ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyBrowserUserAgentTouchModeCustom ] ;
textBoxUserAgentTouchModeDefault . Text = SEBClientInfo . BROWSER_USERAGENT_TOUCH ;
textBoxUserAgentTouchModeIPad . Text = ( String ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyBrowserUserAgentTouchModeIPad ] ;
radioButtonUserAgentTouchDefault . Checked = ( ( int ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyBrowserUserAgentTouchMode ] = = 0 ) ;
radioButtonUserAgentTouchIPad . Checked = ( ( int ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyBrowserUserAgentTouchMode ] = = 1 ) ;
radioButtonUserAgentTouchCustom . Checked = ( ( int ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyBrowserUserAgentTouchMode ] = = 2 ) ;
textBoxUserAgentTouchModeCustom . TextChanged + = textBoxUserAgentTouchModeCustom_TextChanged ;
textBoxBrowserSuffix . Text = ( ( string ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyBrowserWindowTitleSuffix ] ) ;
checkBoxEnableAudioControl . Checked = ( ( bool ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyAudioControlEnabled ] ) ;
checkBoxMuteAudio . Checked = ( ( bool ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyAudioMute ] ) ;
checkBoxSetVolumeLevel . Checked = ( ( bool ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyAudioSetVolumeLevel ] ) ;
trackBarVolumeLevel . Value = ( ( int ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyAudioVolumeLevel ] ) ;
// Group "Down/Uploads"
checkBoxAllowDownUploads . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyAllowDownUploads ] ;
2020-08-05 22:55:38 +02:00
checkBoxAllowCustomDownloadLocation . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyAllowCustomDownUploadLocation ] ;
2019-08-07 10:10:37 +02:00
checkBoxOpenDownloads . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyOpenDownloads ] ;
checkBoxDownloadPDFFiles . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyDownloadPDFFiles ] ;
checkBoxAllowPDFPlugIn . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyAllowPDFPlugIn ] ;
textBoxDownloadDirectoryWin . Text = ( String ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyDownloadDirectoryWin ] ;
textBoxDownloadDirectoryOSX . Text = ( String ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyDownloadDirectoryOSX ] ;
listBoxChooseFileToUploadPolicy . SelectedIndex = ( int ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyChooseFileToUploadPolicy ] ;
checkBoxDownloadOpenSEBFiles . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyDownloadAndOpenSebConfig ] ;
// Group "Exam"
checkBoxSendBrowserExamKey . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeySendBrowserExamKey ] ;
2020-02-19 11:53:29 +01:00
checkBoxClearSessionOnEnd . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyExamSessionClearCookiesOnEnd ] ;
checkBoxClearSessionOnStart . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyExamSessionClearCookiesOnStart ] ;
2019-08-07 10:10:37 +02:00
textBoxBrowserExamKey . Enabled = checkBoxSendBrowserExamKey . Checked ;
2020-02-19 14:30:39 +01:00
textBoxConfigurationKey . Enabled = checkBoxSendBrowserExamKey . Checked ;
2019-08-07 10:10:37 +02:00
textBoxQuitURL . Text = ( String ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyQuitURL ] ;
checkBoxQuitURLConfirm . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyQuitURLConfirm ] ;
2020-09-21 19:22:15 +02:00
checkBoxResetOnQuitUrl . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyResetOnQuitUrl ] ;
2019-08-07 10:10:37 +02:00
checkBoxUseStartURL . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyRestartExamUseStartURL ] ;
textBoxRestartExamLink . Enabled = ! ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyRestartExamUseStartURL ] ;
checkBoxRestartExamPasswordProtected . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyRestartExamPasswordProtected ] ;
textBoxRestartExamLink . Text = ( String ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyRestartExamURL ] ;
textBoxRestartExamText . Text = ( String ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyRestartExamText ] ;
2020-09-10 12:35:58 +02:00
checkBoxAllowReconfiguration . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyAllowReconfiguration ] ;
textBoxReconfigurationUrl . Text = ( String ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyReconfigurationUrl ] ;
2019-08-07 10:10:37 +02:00
// Group AdditionalResources
2020-02-19 09:41:38 +01:00
tabControlSebWindowsConfig . TabPages . Remove ( tabPageAdditionalResources ) ;
//tabPageAdditionalResources.Controls.Add(new AdditionalResources());
//foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> item in comboBoxAdditionalResourceStartUrl.Items)
// if (item.Key == SEBSettings.settingsCurrent[SEBSettings.KeyStartResource].ToString())
// {
// comboBoxAdditionalResourceStartUrl.SelectedItem = item;
// }
2019-08-07 10:10:37 +02:00
// Group "Applications"
checkBoxMonitorProcesses . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyMonitorProcesses ] ;
checkBoxAllowSwitchToApplications . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyAllowSwitchToApplications ] ;
checkBoxAllowFlashFullscreen . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyAllowFlashFullscreen ] ;
// Group "Applications - Permitted/Prohibited Processes"
// Group "Network - Filter/Certificates/Proxies"
// Update the lists for the DataGridViews
SEBSettings . permittedProcessList = ( ListObj ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyPermittedProcesses ] ;
SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessList = ( ListObj ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyProhibitedProcesses ] ;
SEBSettings . embeddedCertificateList = ( ListObj ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyEmbeddedCertificates ] ;
SEBSettings . proxiesData = ( DictObj ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyProxies ] ;
SEBSettings . bypassedProxyList = ( ListObj ) SEBSettings . proxiesData [ SEBSettings . KeyExceptionsList ] ;
// Check if currently loaded lists have any entries
if ( SEBSettings . permittedProcessList . Count > 0 )
SEBSettings . permittedProcessIndex = 0 ;
else SEBSettings . permittedProcessIndex = - 1 ;
if ( SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessList . Count > 0 )
SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessIndex = 0 ;
else SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessIndex = - 1 ;
if ( SEBSettings . embeddedCertificateList . Count > 0 )
SEBSettings . embeddedCertificateIndex = 0 ;
else SEBSettings . embeddedCertificateIndex = - 1 ;
SEBSettings . proxyProtocolIndex = 0 ;
if ( SEBSettings . bypassedProxyList . Count > 0 )
SEBSettings . bypassedProxyIndex = 0 ;
else SEBSettings . bypassedProxyIndex = - 1 ;
// Remove all previously displayed list entries from DataGridViews
groupBoxPermittedProcess . Enabled = ( SEBSettings . permittedProcessList . Count > 0 ) ;
dataGridViewPermittedProcesses . Enabled = ( SEBSettings . permittedProcessList . Count > 0 ) ;
dataGridViewPermittedProcesses . Rows . Clear ( ) ;
groupBoxProhibitedProcess . Enabled = ( SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessList . Count > 0 ) ;
dataGridViewProhibitedProcesses . Enabled = ( SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessList . Count > 0 ) ;
dataGridViewProhibitedProcesses . Rows . Clear ( ) ;
dataGridViewEmbeddedCertificates . Enabled = ( SEBSettings . embeddedCertificateList . Count > 0 ) ;
dataGridViewEmbeddedCertificates . Rows . Clear ( ) ;
dataGridViewProxyProtocols . Enabled = true ;
dataGridViewProxyProtocols . Rows . Clear ( ) ;
textBoxBypassedProxyHostList . Text = "" ;
// Add Permitted Processes of currently opened file to DataGridView
for ( int index = 0 ; index < SEBSettings . permittedProcessList . Count ; index + + )
SEBSettings . permittedProcessData = ( DictObj ) SEBSettings . permittedProcessList [ index ] ;
Boolean active = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . permittedProcessData [ SEBSettings . KeyActive ] ;
Int32 os = ( Int32 ) SEBSettings . permittedProcessData [ SEBSettings . KeyOS ] ;
String executable = ( String ) SEBSettings . permittedProcessData [ SEBSettings . KeyExecutable ] ;
String title = ( String ) SEBSettings . permittedProcessData [ SEBSettings . KeyTitle ] ;
dataGridViewPermittedProcesses . Rows . Add ( active , StringOS [ os ] , executable , title ) ;
// Add Prohibited Processes of currently opened file to DataGridView
for ( int index = 0 ; index < SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessList . Count ; index + + )
SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessData = ( DictObj ) SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessList [ index ] ;
Boolean active = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessData [ SEBSettings . KeyActive ] ;
Int32 os = ( Int32 ) SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessData [ SEBSettings . KeyOS ] ;
String executable = ( String ) SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessData [ SEBSettings . KeyExecutable ] ;
String description = ( String ) SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessData [ SEBSettings . KeyDescription ] ;
dataGridViewProhibitedProcesses . Rows . Add ( active , StringOS [ os ] , executable , description ) ;
// Add Url Filters
var filterControl = new FilterRuleControl ( ) ;
SEBSettings . urlFilterRuleList = SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyURLFilterRules ] as ListObj ;
foreach ( DictObj config in SEBSettings . urlFilterRuleList )
var rule = FilterRule . FromConfig ( config ) ;
filterControl . AddRule ( rule ) ;
filterControl . Dock = DockStyle . Fill ;
filterControl . DataChanged + = ( rules ) = >
SEBSettings . urlFilterRuleList . Clear ( ) ;
foreach ( var rule in rules )
var config = FilterRule . ToConfig ( rule ) ;
SEBSettings . urlFilterRuleList . Add ( config ) ;
} ;
UrlFilterContainer . Controls . Clear ( ) ;
UrlFilterContainer . Controls . Add ( filterControl ) ;
// Add Embedded Certificates of Certificate Store to DataGridView
for ( int index = 0 ; index < SEBSettings . embeddedCertificateList . Count ; index + + )
SEBSettings . embeddedCertificateData = ( DictObj ) SEBSettings . embeddedCertificateList [ index ] ;
Int32 type = ( Int32 ) SEBSettings . embeddedCertificateData [ SEBSettings . KeyType ] ;
String name = ( String ) SEBSettings . embeddedCertificateData [ SEBSettings . KeyName ] ;
dataGridViewEmbeddedCertificates . Rows . Add ( StringCertificateType [ type ] , name ) ;
// For downwards compatibility of embedded SSL certs, if there is no data in the new data key certificateDataBase64
// we read data from the old data key certificateDataWin and save it to the new key.
// Please note: The Browser Exam Key of these settings is changed by this
if ( type = = IntSSLClientCertificate & & String . IsNullOrEmpty ( ( String ) SEBSettings . embeddedCertificateData [ SEBSettings . KeyCertificateDataBase64 ] ) ) {
String base64Data = ( String ) SEBSettings . embeddedCertificateData [ SEBSettings . KeyCertificateDataWin ] ;
SEBSettings . embeddedCertificateData [ SEBSettings . KeyCertificateDataBase64 ] = base64Data ;
/ *
// Get the "Enabled" boolean values of current "proxies" dictionary
BooleanProxyProtocolEnabled [ IntProxyAutoDiscovery ] = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . proxiesData [ SEBSettings . KeyAutoDiscoveryEnabled ] ;
BooleanProxyProtocolEnabled [ IntProxyAutoConfiguration ] = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . proxiesData [ SEBSettings . KeyAutoConfigurationEnabled ] ;
BooleanProxyProtocolEnabled [ IntProxyHTTP ] = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . proxiesData [ SEBSettings . KeyHTTPEnable ] ;
BooleanProxyProtocolEnabled [ IntProxyHTTPS ] = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . proxiesData [ SEBSettings . KeyHTTPSEnable ] ;
BooleanProxyProtocolEnabled [ IntProxyFTP ] = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . proxiesData [ SEBSettings . KeyFTPEnable ] ;
BooleanProxyProtocolEnabled [ IntProxySOCKS ] = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . proxiesData [ SEBSettings . KeySOCKSEnable ] ;
BooleanProxyProtocolEnabled [ IntProxyRTSP ] = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . proxiesData [ SEBSettings . KeyRTSPEnable ] ;
* /
// Get the "Enabled" boolean values of current "proxies" dictionary.
// Add Proxy Protocols of currently opened file to DataGridView.
for ( int index = 0 ; index < NumProxyProtocols ; index + + )
Boolean enable = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . proxiesData [ KeyProxyProtocolEnable [ index ] ] ;
String type = ( String ) StringProxyProtocolTableCaption [ index ] ;
dataGridViewProxyProtocols . Rows . Add ( enable , type ) ;
BooleanProxyProtocolEnabled [ index ] = enable ;
// Add Bypassed Proxies of currently opened file to the comma separated list
StringBuilder bypassedProxiesStringBuilder = new StringBuilder ( ) ;
for ( int index = 0 ; index < SEBSettings . bypassedProxyList . Count ; index + + )
SEBSettings . bypassedProxyData = ( String ) SEBSettings . bypassedProxyList [ index ] ;
if ( bypassedProxiesStringBuilder . Length > 0 )
bypassedProxiesStringBuilder . Append ( ", " ) ;
bypassedProxiesStringBuilder . Append ( SEBSettings . bypassedProxyData ) ;
textBoxBypassedProxyHostList . Text = bypassedProxiesStringBuilder . ToString ( ) ;
// Load the currently selected process data
if ( SEBSettings . permittedProcessList . Count > 0 )
LoadAndUpdatePermittedSelectedProcessGroup ( SEBSettings . permittedProcessIndex ) ;
else ClearPermittedSelectedProcessGroup ( ) ;
if ( SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessList . Count > 0 )
LoadAndUpdateProhibitedSelectedProcessGroup ( SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessIndex ) ;
else ClearProhibitedSelectedProcessGroup ( ) ;
// Auto-resize the columns and cells
//dataGridViewPermittedProcesses .AutoResizeColumns();
//dataGridViewProhibitedProcesses .AutoResizeColumns();
//dataGridViewURLFilterRules .AutoResizeColumns();
//dataGridViewProxyProtocols .AutoResizeColumns();
//dataGridViewBypassedProxies .AutoResizeColumns();
//dataGridViewPermittedProcesses .AutoResizeColumns(DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.AllCells);
//dataGridViewProhibitedProcesses .AutoResizeColumns(DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.AllCells);
//dataGridViewURLFilterRules .AutoResizeColumns(DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.AllCells);
//dataGridViewProxyProtocols .AutoResizeColumns(DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.AllCells);
//dataGridViewBypassedProxies .AutoResizeColumns(DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.AllCells);
//Group "Network - URL Filter"
checkBoxEnableURLFilter . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyURLFilterEnable ] ;
checkBoxEnableURLContentFilter . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyURLFilterEnableContentFilter ] ;
checkBoxEnableURLContentFilter . Enabled = checkBoxEnableURLFilter . Checked ;
// Group "Network - Certificates"
checkBoxPinEmbeddedCertificates . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyPinEmbeddedCertificates ] ;
// Group "Network - Proxies"
radioButtonUseSystemProxySettings . Checked = ( ( int ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyProxySettingsPolicy ] = = 0 ) ;
radioButtonUseSebProxySettings . Checked = ( ( int ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyProxySettingsPolicy ] = = 1 ) ;
textBoxAutoProxyConfigurationURL . Text = ( String ) SEBSettings . proxiesData [ SEBSettings . KeyAutoConfigurationURL ] ;
checkBoxExcludeSimpleHostnames . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . proxiesData [ SEBSettings . KeyExcludeSimpleHostnames ] ;
checkBoxUsePassiveFTPMode . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . proxiesData [ SEBSettings . KeyFTPPassive ] ;
// Group "Security"
2020-06-23 13:53:10 +02:00
listBoxSebServicePolicy . SelectedIndex = ( int ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeySebServicePolicy ] ;
checkBoxSebServiceIgnore . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeySebServiceIgnore ] ;
labelSebServiceIgnore . Enabled = ! checkBoxSebServiceIgnore . Checked ;
labelSebServicePolicy . Enabled = ! checkBoxSebServiceIgnore . Checked ;
listBoxSebServicePolicy . Enabled = ! checkBoxSebServiceIgnore . Checked ;
groupBoxInsideSeb . Enabled = ! checkBoxSebServiceIgnore . Checked ;
checkBoxAllowWindowsUpdate . Enabled = ! checkBoxSebServiceIgnore . Checked ;
checkBoxAllowScreenSharing . Enabled = ! checkBoxSebServiceIgnore . Checked ;
checkBoxAllowChromeNotifications . Enabled = ! checkBoxSebServiceIgnore . Checked ;
2019-08-07 10:10:37 +02:00
checkBoxAllowVirtualMachine . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyAllowVirtualMachine ] ;
checkBoxAllowScreenSharing . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyAllowScreenSharing ] ;
checkBoxEnablePrivateClipboard . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyEnablePrivateClipboard ] ;
radioCreateNewDesktop . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyCreateNewDesktop ] ;
radioKillExplorerShell . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyKillExplorerShell ] ;
radioNoKiosMode . Checked = ! ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyKillExplorerShell ] & & ! ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyCreateNewDesktop ] ;
checkBoxEnableLogging . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyEnableLogging ] ;
textBoxLogDirectoryWin . Text = ( String ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyLogDirectoryWin ] ;
2020-02-19 11:53:29 +01:00
checkBoxAllowLogAccess . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyAllowApplicationLog ] ;
checkBoxShowLogButton . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyShowApplicationLogButton ] ;
2020-02-28 15:00:17 +01:00
checkBoxShowLogButton . Enabled = checkBoxAllowLogAccess . Checked ;
checkBoxAllowChromeNotifications . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyAllowChromeNotifications ] ;
checkBoxAllowWindowsUpdate . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyAllowWindowsUpdate ] ;
2020-02-19 11:53:29 +01:00
2019-08-07 10:10:37 +02:00
if ( String . IsNullOrEmpty ( textBoxLogDirectoryWin . Text ) )
checkBoxUseStandardDirectory . Checked = true ;
checkBoxUseStandardDirectory . Checked = false ;
textBoxLogDirectoryOSX . Text = ( String ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyLogDirectoryOSX ] ;
checkboxAllowWlan . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyAllowWLAN ] ;
checkBoxEnableScreenCapture . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyEnablePrintScreen ] ;
comboBoxMinMacOSVersion . SelectedIndex = ( int ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyMinMacOSVersion ] ;
checkBoxEnableAppSwitcherCheck . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyEnableAppSwitcherCheck ] ;
checkBoxForceAppFolderInstall . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyForceAppFolderInstall ] ;
checkBoxAllowUserAppFolderInstall . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyAllowUserAppFolderInstall ] ;
checkBoxAllowSiri . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyAllowSiri ] ;
checkBoxAllowDictation . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyAllowDictation ] ;
checkBoxDetectStoppedProcess . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyDetectStoppedProcess ] ;
checkBoxAllowDisplayMirroring . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyAllowDisplayMirroring ] ;
comboBoxAllowedDisplaysMaxNumber . Text = ( String ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyAllowedDisplaysMaxNumber ] . ToString ( ) ;
checkBoxAllowedDisplayBuiltin . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyAllowedDisplayBuiltin ] ;
// Group "Registry"
checkBoxInsideSebEnableSwitchUser . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyInsideSebEnableSwitchUser ] ;
checkBoxInsideSebEnableLockThisComputer . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyInsideSebEnableLockThisComputer ] ;
checkBoxInsideSebEnableChangeAPassword . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyInsideSebEnableChangeAPassword ] ;
checkBoxInsideSebEnableStartTaskManager . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyInsideSebEnableStartTaskManager ] ;
checkBoxInsideSebEnableLogOff . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyInsideSebEnableLogOff ] ;
checkBoxInsideSebEnableShutDown . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyInsideSebEnableShutDown ] ;
checkBoxInsideSebEnableEaseOfAccess . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyInsideSebEnableEaseOfAccess ] ;
2020-05-20 12:03:54 +02:00
checkBoxSetVmwareConfiguration . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeySetVmwareConfiguration ] ;
checkBoxInsideSebEnableVmWareClientShade . Enabled = checkBoxSetVmwareConfiguration . Checked ;
2019-08-07 10:10:37 +02:00
checkBoxInsideSebEnableVmWareClientShade . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyInsideSebEnableVmWareClientShade ] ;
checkBoxInsideSebEnableNetworkConnectionSelector . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyInsideSebEnableNetworkConnectionSelector ] ;
// Group "Hooked Keys"
checkBoxHookKeys . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyHookKeys ] ;
checkBoxEnableEsc . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyEnableEsc ] ;
checkBoxEnableCtrlEsc . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyEnableCtrlEsc ] ;
checkBoxEnableAltEsc . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyEnableAltEsc ] ;
checkBoxEnableAltTab . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyEnableAltTab ] ;
checkBoxEnableAltF4 . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyEnableAltF4 ] ;
checkBoxEnableRightMouse . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyEnableRightMouse ] ;
checkBoxEnablePrintScreen . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyEnablePrintScreen ] ;
checkBoxEnableAltMouseWheel . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyEnableAltMouseWheel ] ;
checkBoxEnableF1 . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyEnableF1 ] ;
checkBoxEnableF2 . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyEnableF2 ] ;
checkBoxEnableF3 . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyEnableF3 ] ;
checkBoxEnableF4 . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyEnableF4 ] ;
checkBoxEnableF5 . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyEnableF5 ] ;
checkBoxEnableF6 . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyEnableF6 ] ;
checkBoxEnableF7 . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyEnableF7 ] ;
checkBoxEnableF8 . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyEnableF8 ] ;
checkBoxEnableF9 . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyEnableF9 ] ;
checkBoxEnableF10 . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyEnableF10 ] ;
checkBoxEnableF11 . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyEnableF11 ] ;
checkBoxEnableF12 . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyEnableF12 ] ;
checkBoxShowTime . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyShowTime ] ;
checkBoxShowKeyboardLayout . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyShowInputLanguage ] ;
return ;
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// <summary>
/// Compare password textfields and show or hide compare label accordingly
/// if passwords are same, save the password hash
/// </summary>
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
public void ComparePasswords ( TextBox passwordField , TextBox confirmPasswordField , ref bool passwordFieldsContainHash , Label label , string settingsKey )
// Get the password text from the text fields
string password = passwordField . Text ;
string confirmPassword = confirmPasswordField . Text ;
if ( passwordFieldsContainHash )
// If the flag is set for password fields contain a placeholder
// instead of the hash loaded from settings (no clear text password)
if ( password . CompareTo ( confirmPassword ) ! = 0 )
// and when the password texts aren't the same anymore, this means the user tries to edit the password
// (which is only the placeholder right now), we have to clear the placeholder from the textFields
passwordField . Text = "" ;
confirmPasswordField . Text = "" ;
password = "" ;
confirmPassword = "" ;
passwordFieldsContainHash = false ;
// Compare text value of password fields, regardless if they contain actual passwords or a hash
if ( password . CompareTo ( confirmPassword ) = = 0 )
/// Passwords are same
// Hide the "Please confirm password" label
label . Visible = false ;
String newStringHashcode = "" ;
if ( ! passwordFieldsContainHash & & ! String . IsNullOrEmpty ( password ) & & settingsKey ! = null )
// If the password isn't the placeholder for the hash, isn't empty
// and we got the key to where to save the hash (for the settings pw we don't need a hash)
// we hash the password, otherwise just save the empty string into settings
// Password hashing using the SHA-256 hash algorithm
SHA256 sha256Algorithm = new SHA256Managed ( ) ;
// Hash the new quit password
byte [ ] passwordBytes = Encoding . UTF8 . GetBytes ( password ) ;
byte [ ] hashcodeBytes = sha256Algorithm . ComputeHash ( passwordBytes ) ;
// Generate a base16 hash string
newStringHashcode = BitConverter . ToString ( hashcodeBytes ) ;
newStringHashcode = newStringHashcode . Replace ( "-" , "" ) ;
// Save the new password into settings password variable
if ( ! passwordFieldsContainHash & & settingsKey = = null )
settingsPassword = password ;
// Save the new hash string into settings
if ( ! passwordFieldsContainHash & & settingsKey ! = null ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ settingsKey ] = newStringHashcode ;
// Enable the save/use settings buttons
/// Passwords are not same
// If this was a settings password hash and it got edited: Clear the settings password variable and the hash flag
if ( passwordFieldsContainHash & & settingsKey = = null )
settingsPassword = "" ;
settingsPasswordFieldsContainHash = false ;
label . Visible = true ;
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// <summary>
/// Change the enabled status of buttons and menu commands
/// for saving and using current settings.
/// </summary>
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
private void SetButtonsCommandsEnabled ( bool enabledStatus )
buttonSaveSettings . Enabled = enabledStatus ;
buttonSaveSettingsAs . Enabled = enabledStatus ;
buttonConfigureClient . Enabled = enabledStatus ;
buttonApplyAndStartSEB . Enabled = enabledStatus ;
saveSettingsToolStripMenuItem . Enabled = enabledStatus ;
saveSettingsAsToolStripMenuItem . Enabled = enabledStatus ;
configureClientToolStripMenuItem . Enabled = enabledStatus ;
applyAndStartSEBToolStripMenuItem . Enabled = enabledStatus ;
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// <summary>
/// Check if there are some unconfirmed passwords and show alert if so.
/// </summary>
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
private bool ArePasswordsUnconfirmed ( )
bool passwordIsUnconfirmed = false ;
string unconfirmedPassword ;
if ( textBoxAdminPassword . Text . CompareTo ( textBoxConfirmAdminPassword . Text ) ! = 0 )
unconfirmedPassword = SEBUIStrings . passwordAdmin ;
PresentAlertForUnconfirmedPassword ( unconfirmedPassword ) ;
passwordIsUnconfirmed = true ;
if ( textBoxQuitPassword . Text . CompareTo ( textBoxConfirmQuitPassword . Text ) ! = 0 )
unconfirmedPassword = SEBUIStrings . passwordQuit ;
PresentAlertForUnconfirmedPassword ( unconfirmedPassword ) ;
passwordIsUnconfirmed = true ;
if ( textBoxSettingsPassword . Text . CompareTo ( textBoxConfirmSettingsPassword . Text ) ! = 0 )
unconfirmedPassword = SEBUIStrings . passwordSettings ;
PresentAlertForUnconfirmedPassword ( unconfirmedPassword ) ;
passwordIsUnconfirmed = true ;
return passwordIsUnconfirmed ;
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// <summary>
/// Check if there are some unconfirmed passwords and show alert if so.
/// </summary>
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
private void PresentAlertForUnconfirmedPassword ( string unconfirmedPassword )
2020-01-30 11:38:41 +01:00
MessageBox . Show ( SEBUIStrings . unconfirmedPasswordMessage . Replace ( "%s" , unconfirmedPassword ) , SEBUIStrings . unconfirmedPasswordTitle , MessageBoxButtons . OK , MessageBoxIcon . Error ) ;
2019-08-07 10:10:37 +02:00
// **************
// Event handlers
// **************
// ***************
// Group "General"
// ***************
private void textBoxStartURL_TextChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
comboBoxAdditionalResourceStartUrl . Enabled = string . IsNullOrEmpty ( textBoxStartURL . Text ) ;
if ( ! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( textBoxStartURL . Text ) )
comboBoxAdditionalResourceStartUrl . SelectedItem = null ;
comboBoxAdditionalResourceStartUrl . Text = "Choose an embedded resource..." ;
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyStartResource ] = "" ;
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyStartURL ] = textBoxStartURL . Text ;
private void textBoxSebServerURL_TextChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeySebServerURL ] = textBoxSebServerURL . Text ;
private void textBoxAdminPassword_TextChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
ComparePasswords ( textBoxAdminPassword , textBoxConfirmAdminPassword , ref adminPasswordFieldsContainHash , labelAdminPasswordCompare , SEBSettings . KeyHashedAdminPassword ) ;
private void textBoxConfirmAdminPassword_TextChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
ComparePasswords ( textBoxAdminPassword , textBoxConfirmAdminPassword , ref adminPasswordFieldsContainHash , labelAdminPasswordCompare , SEBSettings . KeyHashedAdminPassword ) ;
private void checkBoxAllowQuit_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyAllowQuit ] = checkBoxAllowQuit . Checked ;
private void textBoxQuitPassword_TextChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
ComparePasswords ( textBoxQuitPassword , textBoxConfirmQuitPassword , ref quitPasswordFieldsContainHash , labelQuitPasswordCompare , SEBSettings . KeyHashedQuitPassword ) ;
private void textBoxConfirmQuitPassword_TextChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
ComparePasswords ( textBoxQuitPassword , textBoxConfirmQuitPassword , ref quitPasswordFieldsContainHash , labelQuitPasswordCompare , SEBSettings . KeyHashedQuitPassword ) ;
private void checkBoxIgnoreExitKeys_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyIgnoreExitKeys ] = checkBoxIgnoreExitKeys . Checked ;
groupBoxExitSequence . Enabled = ! checkBoxIgnoreExitKeys . Checked ;
private void listBoxExitKey1_SelectedIndexChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
// Make sure that all three exit keys are different.
// If selected key is already occupied, revert to previously selected key.
if ( ( listBoxExitKey1 . SelectedIndex = = listBoxExitKey2 . SelectedIndex ) | |
( listBoxExitKey1 . SelectedIndex = = listBoxExitKey3 . SelectedIndex ) )
listBoxExitKey1 . SelectedIndex = ( int ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyExitKey1 ] ;
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyExitKey1 ] = listBoxExitKey1 . SelectedIndex ;
private void listBoxExitKey2_SelectedIndexChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
// Make sure that all three exit keys are different.
// If selected key is already occupied, revert to previously selected key.
if ( ( listBoxExitKey2 . SelectedIndex = = listBoxExitKey1 . SelectedIndex ) | |
( listBoxExitKey2 . SelectedIndex = = listBoxExitKey3 . SelectedIndex ) )
listBoxExitKey2 . SelectedIndex = ( int ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyExitKey2 ] ;
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyExitKey2 ] = listBoxExitKey2 . SelectedIndex ;
private void listBoxExitKey3_SelectedIndexChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
// Make sure that all three exit keys are different.
// If selected key is already occupied, revert to previously selected key.
if ( ( listBoxExitKey3 . SelectedIndex = = listBoxExitKey1 . SelectedIndex ) | |
( listBoxExitKey3 . SelectedIndex = = listBoxExitKey2 . SelectedIndex ) )
listBoxExitKey3 . SelectedIndex = ( int ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyExitKey3 ] ;
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyExitKey3 ] = listBoxExitKey3 . SelectedIndex ;
private void buttonAbout_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
private void buttonHelp_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
private void buttonQuit_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
/ *
// If no file has been opened, save the current settings
// to the default configuration file ("SebStarter.xml/seb")
if ( currentFileSebStarterIni . Equals ( "" ) )
currentFileSebStarter = defaultFileSebStarter ;
currentPathSebStarter = defaultPathSebStarter ;
// Save the configuration file so that nothing gets lost
SaveConfigurationFile ( currentPathSebStarter ) ;
* /
// Close the configuration window and exit
this . Close ( ) ;
// *******************
// Group "Config File"
// *******************
private void radioButtonStartingAnExam_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
if ( radioButtonStartingAnExam . Checked = = true )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeySebConfigPurpose ] = 0 ;
else SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeySebConfigPurpose ] = 1 ;
sebConfigPurposeChanged = true ;
private void radioButtonConfiguringAClient_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
if ( radioButtonConfiguringAClient . Checked = = true )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeySebConfigPurpose ] = 1 ;
else SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeySebConfigPurpose ] = 0 ;
sebConfigPurposeChanged = true ;
private void checkBoxAllowPreferencesWindow_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyAllowPreferencesWindow ] = checkBoxAllowPreferencesWindow . Checked ;
private void comboBoxCryptoIdentity_SelectedIndexChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . intArrayCurrent [ SEBSettings . ValCryptoIdentity ] = comboBoxCryptoIdentity . SelectedIndex ;
SEBSettings . strArrayCurrent [ SEBSettings . ValCryptoIdentity ] = comboBoxCryptoIdentity . Text ;
private void comboBoxCryptoIdentity_TextUpdate ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . intArrayCurrent [ SEBSettings . ValCryptoIdentity ] = comboBoxCryptoIdentity . SelectedIndex ;
SEBSettings . strArrayCurrent [ SEBSettings . ValCryptoIdentity ] = comboBoxCryptoIdentity . Text ;
private void checkBoxUseOldAsymmetricOnlyEncryption_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyUseAsymmetricOnlyEncryption ] = checkBoxUseOldAsymmetricOnlyEncryption . Checked ;
private void textBoxSettingsPassword_TextChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
ComparePasswords ( textBoxSettingsPassword , textBoxConfirmSettingsPassword , ref settingsPasswordFieldsContainHash , labelSettingsPasswordCompare , null ) ;
// We can store the settings password regardless if the same is entered in the confirm text field,
// as saving the .seb file is only allowed when they are same
//settingsPassword = textBoxSettingsPassword.Text;
private void textBoxConfirmSettingsPassword_TextChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
ComparePasswords ( textBoxSettingsPassword , textBoxConfirmSettingsPassword , ref settingsPasswordFieldsContainHash , labelSettingsPasswordCompare , null ) ;
// We can store the settings password regardless if the same is entered in the confirm text field,
// as saving the .seb file is only allowed when they are same
//settingsPassword = textBoxSettingsPassword.Text;
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// <summary>
/// Check if settings changed since last saved/opened
/// </summary>
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
private int checkSettingsChanged ( )
int result = 0 ;
// Generate current Browser Exam Key
string currentBrowserExamKey = SEBProtectionController . ComputeBrowserExamKey ( ) ;
if ( ! lastBrowserExamKey . Equals ( currentBrowserExamKey ) | | ! lastSettingsPassword . Equals ( textBoxSettingsPassword . Text ) | | lastCryptoIdentityIndex ! = comboBoxCryptoIdentity . SelectedIndex )
2020-01-30 11:38:41 +01:00
var messageBoxResult = MessageBox . Show ( SEBUIStrings . unsavedChangesQuestion , SEBUIStrings . unsavedChangesTitle , MessageBoxButtons . YesNoCancel , MessageBoxIcon . Question ) ;
2019-08-07 10:10:37 +02:00
if ( messageBoxResult = = DialogResult . Yes )
result = 1 ;
if ( messageBoxResult = = DialogResult . Cancel )
result = 2 ;
return result ;
private void buttonOpenSettings_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
// Check if there are unconfirmed passwords, if yes show an alert and abort saving
if ( ArePasswordsUnconfirmed ( ) ) return ;
// Check if settings changed since last saved/opened
int result = checkSettingsChanged ( ) ;
// User selected cancel, abort
if ( result = = 2 ) return ;
// User selected "Save current settings first: yes"
if ( result = = 1 )
// Abort if saving settings failed
if ( ! saveCurrentSettings ( ) ) return ;
// Set the default directory and file name in the File Dialog
openFileDialogSebConfigFile . InitialDirectory = currentDireSebConfigFile ;
openFileDialogSebConfigFile . FileName = "" ;
openFileDialogSebConfigFile . DefaultExt = "seb" ;
openFileDialogSebConfigFile . Filter = "SEB Files|*.seb" ;
// Get the user inputs in the File Dialog
DialogResult fileDialogResult = openFileDialogSebConfigFile . ShowDialog ( ) ;
String fileName = openFileDialogSebConfigFile . FileName ;
// If the user clicked "Cancel", do nothing
// If the user clicked "OK" , read the settings from the configuration file
if ( fileDialogResult . Equals ( DialogResult . Cancel ) ) return ;
if ( fileDialogResult . Equals ( DialogResult . OK ) )
if ( ! LoadConfigurationFileIntoEditor ( fileName ) )
2020-01-30 11:38:41 +01:00
MessageBox . Show ( SEBUIStrings . openingSettingsFailedMessage , SEBUIStrings . openingSettingsFailed , MessageBoxButtons . OK , MessageBoxIcon . Error ) ;
2019-08-07 10:10:37 +02:00
return ;
// Generate Browser Exam Key of this new settings
lastBrowserExamKey = SEBProtectionController . ComputeBrowserExamKey ( ) ;
// Save the current settings password so it can be used for comparing later if it changed
lastSettingsPassword = textBoxSettingsPassword . Text ;
lastCryptoIdentityIndex = comboBoxCryptoIdentity . SelectedIndex ;
// Display the new Browser Exam Key in Exam pane
textBoxBrowserExamKey . Text = lastBrowserExamKey ;
2020-02-19 14:30:39 +01:00
textBoxConfigurationKey . Text = SEBProtectionController . ComputeConfigurationKey ( ) ;
2019-08-07 10:10:37 +02:00
// Reset the path of the last saved file which is used in case "Edit duplicate" was used
lastPathSebConfigFile = null ;
public void openSettingsFile ( string filePath )
// Check if there are unconfirmed passwords, if yes show an alert and abort saving
if ( ArePasswordsUnconfirmed ( ) ) return ;
// Check if settings changed since last saved/opened
int result = checkSettingsChanged ( ) ;
// User selected cancel, abort
if ( result = = 2 ) return ;
// User selected "Save current settings first: yes"
// User selected "Save current settings first: yes"
if ( result = = 1 )
// Abort if saving settings failed
if ( ! saveCurrentSettings ( ) ) return ;
if ( ! LoadConfigurationFileIntoEditor ( filePath ) )
2020-01-30 11:38:41 +01:00
MessageBox . Show ( SEBUIStrings . openingSettingsFailedMessage , SEBUIStrings . openingSettingsFailed , MessageBoxButtons . OK , MessageBoxIcon . Error ) ;
2019-08-07 10:10:37 +02:00
return ;
// Generate Browser Exam Key of this new settings
lastBrowserExamKey = SEBProtectionController . ComputeBrowserExamKey ( ) ;
// Save the current settings password so it can be used for comparing later if it changed
lastSettingsPassword = textBoxSettingsPassword . Text ;
lastCryptoIdentityIndex = comboBoxCryptoIdentity . SelectedIndex ;
// Display the new Browser Exam Key in Exam pane
textBoxBrowserExamKey . Text = lastBrowserExamKey ;
2020-02-19 14:30:39 +01:00
textBoxConfigurationKey . Text = SEBProtectionController . ComputeConfigurationKey ( ) ;
2019-08-07 10:10:37 +02:00
// Reset the path of the last saved file which is used in case "Edit duplicate" was used
lastPathSebConfigFile = null ;
private void buttonSaveSettings_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
saveCurrentSettings ( ) ;
public bool saveCurrentSettings ( )
// Check if there are unconfirmed passwords, if yes show an alert and abort saving
if ( ArePasswordsUnconfirmed ( ) ) return false ;
StringBuilder sebClientSettingsAppDataBuilder = new StringBuilder ( currentDireSebConfigFile ) . Append ( @"\" ) . Append ( currentFileSebConfigFile ) ;
String fileName = sebClientSettingsAppDataBuilder . ToString ( ) ;
// Update URL filter rules, also the seb-Browser white/blacklist keys,
// which are necessary for compatibility to SEB 2.1.x
urlFilter . UpdateFilterRules ( ) ;
/// Generate Browser Exam Key and its salt, in case settings or the settings password changed
string newBrowserExamKey = SEBProtectionController . ComputeBrowserExamKey ( ) ;
// Save current Browser Exam Key salt in case saving fails
byte [ ] currentExamKeySalt = ( byte [ ] ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyExamKeySalt ] ;
if ( ! lastBrowserExamKey . Equals ( newBrowserExamKey ) | | ! lastSettingsPassword . Equals ( textBoxSettingsPassword . Text ) | | lastCryptoIdentityIndex ! = comboBoxCryptoIdentity . SelectedIndex )
// As the exam key changed, we will generate a new salt
byte [ ] newExamKeySalt = SEBProtectionController . GenerateBrowserExamKeySalt ( ) ;
// Save the new salt
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyExamKeySalt ] = newExamKeySalt ;
if ( ! SaveConfigurationFileFromEditor ( fileName ) )
2020-01-30 11:38:41 +01:00
MessageBox . Show ( SEBUIStrings . savingSettingsFailedMessage , SEBUIStrings . savingSettingsFailed , MessageBoxButtons . OK , MessageBoxIcon . Error ) ;
2019-08-07 10:10:37 +02:00
// Restore the old Browser Exam Key salt
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyExamKeySalt ] = currentExamKeySalt ;
return false ;
// Before displaying message check if saved settings are local client settings or the default settings (no client settings saved yet), in other words:
// Check if not saving local client settings (in %appdata% or %commonappdata%) or if the last saved/opened file isn't the same we're saving now (usually after "Edit Duplicate") or if the flag for being duplicated was set
if ( ( ! currentPathSebConfigFile . Equals ( SEBClientInfo . SebClientSettingsAppDataFile ) & & ! currentPathSebConfigFile . Equals ( SEBClientInfo . SebClientSettingsProgramDataFile ) & & sebConfigPurposeChanged ) | | currentSebConfigFileWasDuplicated )
// In this case tell the user what purpose the file was saved for
string messageFilePurpose = ( int ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeySebConfigPurpose ] = = 0 ? SEBUIStrings . savingSettingsSucceededStartExam : SEBUIStrings . savingSettingsSucceededMessageConfigureClient ;
2020-01-30 11:38:41 +01:00
MessageBox . Show ( messageFilePurpose , SEBUIStrings . savingSettingsSucceeded , MessageBoxButtons . OK , MessageBoxIcon . Information ) ;
2019-08-07 10:10:37 +02:00
currentSebConfigFileWasDuplicated = false ;
sebConfigPurposeChanged = false ;
// Generate the new Browser Exam Key
lastBrowserExamKey = SEBProtectionController . ComputeBrowserExamKey ( ) ;
// Display the new Browser Exam Key in Exam pane
textBoxBrowserExamKey . Text = lastBrowserExamKey ;
2020-02-19 14:30:39 +01:00
textBoxConfigurationKey . Text = SEBProtectionController . ComputeConfigurationKey ( ) ;
2019-08-07 10:10:37 +02:00
// Save the current settings password so it can be used for comparing later if it changed
lastSettingsPassword = textBoxSettingsPassword . Text ;
// Reset the path of the last saved file which is used in case "Edit duplicate" was used
lastPathSebConfigFile = null ;
return true ;
private void buttonSaveSettingsAs_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
// Check if there are unconfirmed passwords, if yes show an alert and abort saving
if ( ArePasswordsUnconfirmed ( ) ) return ;
// Set the default directory and file name in the File Dialog
saveFileDialogSebConfigFile . InitialDirectory = currentDireSebConfigFile ;
saveFileDialogSebConfigFile . FileName = currentFileSebConfigFile ;
// Get the user inputs in the File Dialog
DialogResult fileDialogResult = saveFileDialogSebConfigFile . ShowDialog ( ) ;
String fileName = saveFileDialogSebConfigFile . FileName ;
// If the user clicked "Cancel", do nothing
// If the user clicked "OK" , write the settings to the configuration file
if ( fileDialogResult . Equals ( DialogResult . Cancel ) ) return ;
// Update URL filter rules, also the seb-Browser white/blacklist keys,
// which are necessary for compatibility to SEB 2.1.x
urlFilter . UpdateFilterRules ( ) ;
// Generate Browser Exam Key and its salt, if settings changed
string newBrowserExamKey = SEBProtectionController . ComputeBrowserExamKey ( ) ;
// Save current Browser Exam Key salt in case saving fails
byte [ ] currentExamKeySalt = ( byte [ ] ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyExamKeySalt ] ;
if ( ! lastBrowserExamKey . Equals ( newBrowserExamKey ) | | ! lastSettingsPassword . Equals ( textBoxSettingsPassword . Text ) | | lastCryptoIdentityIndex ! = comboBoxCryptoIdentity . SelectedIndex )
// If the exam key changed, then settings changed and we will generate a new salt
byte [ ] newExamKeySalt = SEBProtectionController . GenerateBrowserExamKeySalt ( ) ;
// Save the new salt
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyExamKeySalt ] = newExamKeySalt ;
if ( fileDialogResult . Equals ( DialogResult . OK ) ) {
if ( ! SaveConfigurationFileFromEditor ( fileName ) )
2020-01-30 11:38:41 +01:00
MessageBox . Show ( SEBUIStrings . savingSettingsFailedMessage , SEBUIStrings . savingSettingsFailed , MessageBoxButtons . OK , MessageBoxIcon . Error ) ;
2019-08-07 10:10:37 +02:00
// Restore the old Browser Exam Key salt
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyExamKeySalt ] = currentExamKeySalt ;
return ;
// If currently edited settings should be saved as local client settings (in %appdata% or %commonappdata%), then don't show the config file purpose message
if ( ! currentPathSebConfigFile . Equals ( SEBClientInfo . SebClientSettingsAppDataFile ) & & ! currentPathSebConfigFile . Equals ( SEBClientInfo . SebClientSettingsProgramDataFile ) )
// Tell the user what purpose the file was saved for
string messageFilePurpose = ( int ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeySebConfigPurpose ] = = 0 ? SEBUIStrings . savingSettingsSucceededStartExam : SEBUIStrings . savingSettingsSucceededMessageConfigureClient ;
2020-01-30 11:38:41 +01:00
MessageBox . Show ( messageFilePurpose , SEBUIStrings . savingSettingsSucceeded , MessageBoxButtons . OK , MessageBoxIcon . Information ) ;
2019-08-07 10:10:37 +02:00
currentSebConfigFileWasDuplicated = false ;
sebConfigPurposeChanged = false ;
// Generate the new Browser Exam Key
lastBrowserExamKey = SEBProtectionController . ComputeBrowserExamKey ( ) ;
// Display the new Browser Exam Key in Exam pane
textBoxBrowserExamKey . Text = lastBrowserExamKey ;
2020-02-19 14:30:39 +01:00
textBoxConfigurationKey . Text = SEBProtectionController . ComputeConfigurationKey ( ) ;
2019-08-07 10:10:37 +02:00
// Save the current settings password so it can be used for comparing later if it changed
lastSettingsPassword = textBoxSettingsPassword . Text ;
lastCryptoIdentityIndex = comboBoxCryptoIdentity . SelectedIndex ;
// Reset the path of the last saved file which is used in case "Edit duplicate" was used
lastPathSebConfigFile = null ;
private void buttonRevertToDefaultSettings_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
// Check if there are unconfirmed passwords, if yes show an alert and abort saving
if ( ArePasswordsUnconfirmed ( ) ) return ;
// Check if settings changed since last saved/opened
int result = checkSettingsChanged ( ) ;
// User selected cancel, abort
if ( result = = 2 ) return ;
// User selected "Save current settings first: yes"
if ( result = = 1 )
// Abort if saving settings failed
if ( ! saveCurrentSettings ( ) ) return ;
settingsPassword = "" ;
settingsPasswordFieldsContainHash = false ;
SEBSettings . RestoreDefaultAndCurrentSettings ( ) ;
2019-10-30 15:49:35 +01:00
SEBSettings . AddDefaultProhibitedProcesses ( ) ;
2019-08-07 10:10:37 +02:00
// Check if currently edited settings are local client settings (in %appdata% or %commonappdata%) or the default settings (no client settings saved yet)
if ( ! currentPathSebConfigFile . Equals ( SEBClientInfo . SebClientSettingsAppDataFile ) & & ! currentPathSebConfigFile . Equals ( SEBClientInfo . SebClientSettingsProgramDataFile ) & & ! currentPathSebConfigFile . Equals ( SEBUIStrings . settingsTitleDefaultSettings ) )
// If reverting other than local client/default settings, use "starting exam" as config purpose
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeySebConfigPurpose ] = 0 ;
// Update URL filter rules, also the seb-Browser white/blacklist keys,
// which are necessary for compatibility to SEB 2.1.x
urlFilter . UpdateFilterRules ( ) ;
UpdateAllWidgetsOfProgram ( ) ;
// Generate Browser Exam Key of default settings
string currentBrowserExamKey = SEBProtectionController . ComputeBrowserExamKey ( ) ;
lastSettingsPassword = textBoxSettingsPassword . Text ;
lastCryptoIdentityIndex = comboBoxCryptoIdentity . SelectedIndex ;
// Display the new Browser Exam Key in Exam pane
textBoxBrowserExamKey . Text = currentBrowserExamKey ;
2020-02-19 14:30:39 +01:00
textBoxConfigurationKey . Text = SEBProtectionController . ComputeConfigurationKey ( ) ;
2019-08-07 10:10:37 +02:00
private void buttonRevertToLocalClientSettings_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
// Check if there are unconfirmed passwords, if yes show an alert and abort saving
if ( ArePasswordsUnconfirmed ( ) ) return ;
// Check if settings changed since last saved/opened
int result = checkSettingsChanged ( ) ;
// User selected cancel, abort
if ( result = = 2 ) return ;
// User selected "Save current settings first: yes"
if ( result = = 1 )
// Abort if saving settings failed
if ( ! saveCurrentSettings ( ) ) return ;
// Get the path to the local client settings configuration file
currentDireSebConfigFile = SEBClientInfo . SebClientSettingsAppDataDirectory ;
currentFileSebConfigFile = SEBClientInfo . SEB_CLIENT_CONFIG ;
StringBuilder sebClientSettingsAppDataBuilder = new StringBuilder ( currentDireSebConfigFile ) . Append ( currentFileSebConfigFile ) ;
currentPathSebConfigFile = sebClientSettingsAppDataBuilder . ToString ( ) ;
if ( ! LoadConfigurationFileIntoEditor ( currentPathSebConfigFile ) )
settingsPassword = "" ;
settingsPasswordFieldsContainHash = false ;
SEBSettings . RestoreDefaultAndCurrentSettings ( ) ;
2019-10-30 15:49:35 +01:00
SEBSettings . AddDefaultProhibitedProcesses ( ) ;
2019-08-07 10:10:37 +02:00
currentPathSebConfigFile = SEBUIStrings . settingsTitleDefaultSettings ;
// Update URL filter rules, also the seb-Browser white/blacklist keys,
// which are necessary for compatibility to SEB 2.1.x
urlFilter . UpdateFilterRules ( ) ;
UpdateAllWidgetsOfProgram ( ) ;
// Generate Browser Exam Key of this new settings
lastBrowserExamKey = SEBProtectionController . ComputeBrowserExamKey ( ) ;
lastSettingsPassword = textBoxSettingsPassword . Text ;
lastCryptoIdentityIndex = comboBoxCryptoIdentity . SelectedIndex ;
// Display the new Browser Exam Key in Exam pane
textBoxBrowserExamKey . Text = lastBrowserExamKey ;
2020-02-19 14:30:39 +01:00
textBoxConfigurationKey . Text = SEBProtectionController . ComputeConfigurationKey ( ) ;
2019-08-07 10:10:37 +02:00
private void buttonRevertToLastOpened_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
// Check if there are unconfirmed passwords, if yes show an alert and abort saving
if ( ArePasswordsUnconfirmed ( ) ) return ;
// Check if settings changed since last saved/opened
int result = checkSettingsChanged ( ) ;
// User selected cancel, abort
if ( result = = 2 ) return ;
// User selected "Save current settings first: yes"
if ( result = = 1 )
// Abort if saving settings failed
if ( ! saveCurrentSettings ( ) ) return ;
if ( ! LoadConfigurationFileIntoEditor ( String . IsNullOrEmpty ( lastPathSebConfigFile ) ? currentPathSebConfigFile : lastPathSebConfigFile ) ) return ;
lastPathSebConfigFile = null ;
// Generate Browser Exam Key of this new settings
lastBrowserExamKey = SEBProtectionController . ComputeBrowserExamKey ( ) ;
lastSettingsPassword = textBoxSettingsPassword . Text ;
lastCryptoIdentityIndex = comboBoxCryptoIdentity . SelectedIndex ;
// Display the new Browser Exam Key in Exam pane
textBoxBrowserExamKey . Text = lastBrowserExamKey ;
2020-02-19 14:30:39 +01:00
textBoxConfigurationKey . Text = SEBProtectionController . ComputeConfigurationKey ( ) ;
2019-08-07 10:10:37 +02:00
private void buttonEditDuplicate_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
// Check if there are unconfirmed passwords, if yes show an alert and abort saving
if ( ArePasswordsUnconfirmed ( ) ) return ;
// Check if settings changed since last saved/opened
int result = checkSettingsChanged ( ) ;
// User selected cancel, abort
if ( result = = 2 ) return ;
// User selected yes: Save current settings first and proceed only, when saving didn't fail
// User selected "Save current settings first: yes"
if ( result = = 1 )
// Abort if saving settings failed
if ( ! saveCurrentSettings ( ) ) return ;
// Add string " copy" (or " n+1" if the filename already ends with " copy" or " copy n") to the config name filename
// Get the filename without extension
string filename = Path . GetFileNameWithoutExtension ( currentFileSebConfigFile ) ;
// Get the extension (should be .seb)
string extension = Path . GetExtension ( currentFileSebConfigFile ) ;
StringBuilder newFilename = new StringBuilder ( ) ;
if ( filename . Length = = 0 )
newFilename . Append ( SEBUIStrings . settingsUntitledFilename ) ;
extension = ".seb" ;
int copyStringPosition = filename . LastIndexOf ( SEBUIStrings . settingsDuplicateSuffix ) ;
if ( copyStringPosition = = - 1 )
newFilename . Append ( filename ) . Append ( SEBUIStrings . settingsDuplicateSuffix ) ;
newFilename . Append ( filename . Substring ( 0 , copyStringPosition + SEBUIStrings . settingsDuplicateSuffix . Length ) ) ;
string copyNumberString = filename . Substring ( copyStringPosition + SEBUIStrings . settingsDuplicateSuffix . Length ) ;
if ( copyNumberString . Length = = 0 )
newFilename . Append ( " 1" ) ;
int copyNumber = Convert . ToInt16 ( copyNumberString . Substring ( 1 ) ) ;
if ( copyNumber = = 0 )
newFilename . Append ( SEBUIStrings . settingsDuplicateSuffix ) ;
newFilename . Append ( " " ) . Append ( ( copyNumber + 1 ) . ToString ( ) ) ;
lastPathSebConfigFile = currentPathSebConfigFile ;
currentFileSebConfigFile = newFilename . Append ( extension ) . ToString ( ) ;
StringBuilder sebClientSettingsAppDataBuilder = new StringBuilder ( currentDireSebConfigFile ) . Append ( @"\" ) . Append ( currentFileSebConfigFile ) ;
currentPathSebConfigFile = sebClientSettingsAppDataBuilder . ToString ( ) ;
currentSebConfigFileWasDuplicated = true ;
// Update title of edited settings file
UpdateAllWidgetsOfProgram ( ) ;
private void buttonConfigureClient_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
// Check if there are unconfirmed passwords, if yes show an alert and abort saving
if ( ArePasswordsUnconfirmed ( ) ) return ;
// Get the path to the local client settings configuration file
StringBuilder sebClientSettingsAppDataBuilder = new StringBuilder ( SEBClientInfo . SebClientSettingsAppDataDirectory ) . Append ( SEBClientInfo . SEB_CLIENT_CONFIG ) ;
string filename = sebClientSettingsAppDataBuilder . ToString ( ) ;
// Update URL filter rules, also the seb-Browser white/blacklist keys,
// which are necessary for compatibility to SEB 2.1.x
urlFilter . UpdateFilterRules ( ) ;
// Generate Browser Exam Key and its salt, if settings changed
string newBrowserExamKey = SEBProtectionController . ComputeBrowserExamKey ( ) ;
// Save current Browser Exam Key salt in case saving fails
byte [ ] currentExamKeySalt = ( byte [ ] ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyExamKeySalt ] ;
if ( ! lastBrowserExamKey . Equals ( newBrowserExamKey ) | | ! lastSettingsPassword . Equals ( textBoxSettingsPassword . Text ) )
// If the exam key changed, then settings changed and we will generate a new salt
byte [ ] newExamKeySalt = SEBProtectionController . GenerateBrowserExamKeySalt ( ) ;
// Save the new salt
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyExamKeySalt ] = newExamKeySalt ;
if ( ! SaveConfigurationFileFromEditor ( filename ) )
// SebClientSettings.seb config file wasn't saved successfully, revert changed settings
// Restore the old Browser Exam Key salt
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyExamKeySalt ] = currentExamKeySalt ;
return ;
// Generate the new Browser Exam Key
lastBrowserExamKey = SEBProtectionController . ComputeBrowserExamKey ( ) ;
// Save the current settings password so it can be used for comparing later if it changed
lastSettingsPassword = textBoxSettingsPassword . Text ;
lastCryptoIdentityIndex = comboBoxCryptoIdentity . SelectedIndex ;
// Display the new Browser Exam Key in Exam pane
textBoxBrowserExamKey . Text = lastBrowserExamKey ;
2020-02-19 14:30:39 +01:00
textBoxConfigurationKey . Text = SEBProtectionController . ComputeConfigurationKey ( ) ;
2019-08-07 10:10:37 +02:00
private void buttonApplyAndStartSEB_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
// Check if there are unconfirmed passwords, if yes show an alert and abort saving
if ( ArePasswordsUnconfirmed ( ) ) return ;
// Update URL filter rules, also the seb-Browser white/blacklist keys,
// which are necessary for compatibility to SEB 2.1.x
urlFilter . UpdateFilterRules ( ) ;
// Check if settings changed and save them if yes
// Generate current Browser Exam Key
string currentBrowserExamKey = SEBProtectionController . ComputeBrowserExamKey ( ) ;
if ( ! lastBrowserExamKey . Equals ( currentBrowserExamKey ) | | ! lastSettingsPassword . Equals ( textBoxSettingsPassword . Text ) | | ! String . IsNullOrEmpty ( lastPathSebConfigFile ) )
if ( ! saveCurrentSettings ( ) ) return ;
// Get the path to the local client settings configuration file
currentDireSebConfigFile = SEBClientInfo . SebClientSettingsAppDataDirectory ;
currentFileSebConfigFile = SEBClientInfo . SEB_CLIENT_CONFIG ;
StringBuilder sebClientSettingsAppDataBuilder = new StringBuilder ( currentDireSebConfigFile ) . Append ( currentFileSebConfigFile ) ;
string localSebClientSettings = sebClientSettingsAppDataBuilder . ToString ( ) ;
StringBuilder sebClientExeBuilder = new StringBuilder ( SEBClientInfo . SebClientDirectory ) . Append ( SEBClientInfo . PRODUCT_NAME ) . Append ( ".exe" ) ;
string sebClientExe = sebClientExeBuilder . ToString ( ) ;
var p = new Process ( ) ;
p . StartInfo . FileName = sebClientExe ;
if ( ! currentPathSebConfigFile . Equals ( localSebClientSettings ) & & ! currentPathSebConfigFile . Equals ( SEBUIStrings . settingsTitleDefaultSettings ) )
p . StartInfo . Arguments = String . Format ( "\"{0}\"" , currentPathSebConfigFile ) ;
p . Start ( ) ;
Application . Exit ( ) ;
// **********************
// Group "User Interface"
// **********************
private void radioButtonUseBrowserWindow_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
if ( radioButtonUseBrowserWindow . Checked = = true )
groupBoxMainBrowserWindow . Enabled = true ;
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyBrowserViewMode ] = 0 ;
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyTouchOptimized ] = false ;
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyBrowserScreenKeyboard ] = false ;
checkBoxEnableTouchExit . Enabled = false ;
checkBoxEnableTouchExit . Checked = false ;
private void radioButtonUseFullScreenMode_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
if ( radioButtonUseFullScreenMode . Checked = = true )
groupBoxMainBrowserWindow . Enabled = false ;
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyBrowserViewMode ] = 1 ;
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyTouchOptimized ] = false ;
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyBrowserScreenKeyboard ] = false ;
checkBoxEnableTouchExit . Enabled = false ;
checkBoxEnableTouchExit . Checked = false ;
private void radioButtonTouchOptimized_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
if ( radioButtonTouchOptimized . Checked = = true )
if ( ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyCreateNewDesktop ] )
MessageBox . Show ( "Touch optimization will not work when kiosk mode is set to 'Create new desktop', please change kiosk mode to 'Disable Explorer Shell' in the Security tab." , "Warning" , MessageBoxButtons . OK , MessageBoxIcon . Exclamation ) ;
groupBoxMainBrowserWindow . Enabled = false ;
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyBrowserViewMode ] = 1 ;
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyNewBrowserWindowByLinkWidth ] = "100%" ;
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyNewBrowserWindowByLinkHeight ] = "100%" ;
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyBrowserViewMode ] = 1 ;
if ( ( bool ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyTouchOptimized ] = = false )
checkBoxEnableTouchExit . Checked = ( bool ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyEnableTouchExit ] ;
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyTouchOptimized ] = true ;
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyBrowserScreenKeyboard ] = true ;
checkBoxEnableTouchExit . Enabled = true ;
private void comboBoxMainBrowserWindowWidth_SelectedIndexChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . intArrayCurrent [ SEBSettings . ValMainBrowserWindowWidth ] = comboBoxMainBrowserWindowWidth . SelectedIndex ;
SEBSettings . strArrayCurrent [ SEBSettings . ValMainBrowserWindowWidth ] = comboBoxMainBrowserWindowWidth . Text ;
//SEBSettings.settingsCurrent[SEBSettings.KeyMainBrowserWindowWidth] = comboBoxMainBrowserWindowWidth.SelectedIndex;
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyMainBrowserWindowWidth ] = comboBoxMainBrowserWindowWidth . Text ;
private void comboBoxMainBrowserWindowWidth_TextUpdate ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . intArrayCurrent [ SEBSettings . ValMainBrowserWindowWidth ] = comboBoxMainBrowserWindowWidth . SelectedIndex ;
SEBSettings . strArrayCurrent [ SEBSettings . ValMainBrowserWindowWidth ] = comboBoxMainBrowserWindowWidth . Text ;
//SEBSettings.settingsCurrent[SEBSettings.KeyMainBrowserWindowWidth] = comboBoxMainBrowserWindowWidth.SelectedIndex;
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyMainBrowserWindowWidth ] = comboBoxMainBrowserWindowWidth . Text ;
private void comboBoxMainBrowserWindowHeight_SelectedIndexChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . intArrayCurrent [ SEBSettings . ValMainBrowserWindowHeight ] = comboBoxMainBrowserWindowHeight . SelectedIndex ;
SEBSettings . strArrayCurrent [ SEBSettings . ValMainBrowserWindowHeight ] = comboBoxMainBrowserWindowHeight . Text ;
//SEBSettings.settingsCurrent[SEBSettings.KeyMainBrowserWindowHeight] = comboBoxMainBrowserWindowHeight.SelectedIndex;
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyMainBrowserWindowHeight ] = comboBoxMainBrowserWindowHeight . Text ;
private void comboBoxMainBrowserWindowHeight_TextUpdate ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . intArrayCurrent [ SEBSettings . ValMainBrowserWindowHeight ] = comboBoxMainBrowserWindowHeight . SelectedIndex ;
SEBSettings . strArrayCurrent [ SEBSettings . ValMainBrowserWindowHeight ] = comboBoxMainBrowserWindowHeight . Text ;
//SEBSettings.settingsCurrent[SEBSettings.KeyMainBrowserWindowHeight] = comboBoxMainBrowserWindowHeight.SelectedIndex;
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyMainBrowserWindowHeight ] = comboBoxMainBrowserWindowHeight . Text ;
private void listBoxMainBrowserWindowPositioning_SelectedIndexChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyMainBrowserWindowPositioning ] = listBoxMainBrowserWindowPositioning . SelectedIndex ;
private void checkBoxEnableBrowserWindowToolbar_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyEnableBrowserWindowToolbar ] = checkBoxEnableBrowserWindowToolbar . Checked ;
checkBoxHideBrowserWindowToolbar . Enabled = checkBoxEnableBrowserWindowToolbar . Checked ;
2020-02-19 11:53:29 +01:00
checkBoxAllowMainWindowAddressBar . Enabled = checkBoxEnableBrowserWindowToolbar . Checked ;
checkBoxAllowAdditionalWindowAddressBar . Enabled = checkBoxEnableBrowserWindowToolbar . Checked ;
2020-03-04 10:34:10 +01:00
checkBoxAllowDeveloperConsole . Enabled = checkBoxEnableBrowserWindowToolbar . Checked ;
2019-08-07 10:10:37 +02:00
private void checkBoxHideBrowserWindowToolbar_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyHideBrowserWindowToolbar ] = checkBoxHideBrowserWindowToolbar . Checked ;
private void checkBoxShowMenuBar_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyShowMenuBar ] = checkBoxShowMenuBar . Checked ;
private void checkBoxShowTaskBar_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyShowTaskBar ] = checkBoxShowTaskBar . Checked ;
comboBoxTaskBarHeight . Enabled = checkBoxShowTaskBar . Checked ;
private void comboBoxTaskBarHeight_SelectedIndexChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . intArrayCurrent [ SEBSettings . ValTaskBarHeight ] = comboBoxTaskBarHeight . SelectedIndex ;
SEBSettings . strArrayCurrent [ SEBSettings . ValTaskBarHeight ] = comboBoxTaskBarHeight . Text ;
//SEBSettings.settingsCurrent[SEBSettings.KeyTaskBarHeight] = comboBoxTaskBarHeight.SelectedIndex;
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyTaskBarHeight ] = Int32 . Parse ( comboBoxTaskBarHeight . Text ) ;
private void comboBoxTaskBarHeight_TextUpdate ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . intArrayCurrent [ SEBSettings . ValTaskBarHeight ] = comboBoxTaskBarHeight . SelectedIndex ;
SEBSettings . strArrayCurrent [ SEBSettings . ValTaskBarHeight ] = comboBoxTaskBarHeight . Text ;
//SEBSettings.settingsCurrent[SEBSettings.KeyTaskBarHeight] = comboBoxTaskBarHeight.SelectedIndex;
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyTaskBarHeight ] = Int32 . Parse ( comboBoxTaskBarHeight . Text ) ;
private void addDictionaryButton_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
var validLocale = TryGetLocale ( out string locale ) ;
if ( ! validLocale )
return ;
var validFiles = TryGetFiles ( out IEnumerable < string > files ) ;
if ( ! validFiles )
return ;
var saved = TrySaveDictionary ( files , locale , out Exception exception ) ;
if ( ! saved )
var message = $"Failed to save dictionary data for locale '{locale}' and files '{String.Join(" ' , ' ", files)}'!" ;
Logger . AddError ( message , this , exception ) ;
MessageBox . Show ( this , message , "Error" , MessageBoxButtons . OK , MessageBoxIcon . Error ) ;
private bool TryGetLocale ( out string locale )
locale = string . Empty ;
var dialog = new Form
FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle . FixedDialog ,
Height = 150 ,
MaximizeBox = false ,
MinimizeBox = false ,
Owner = this ,
StartPosition = FormStartPosition . CenterParent ,
Text = "Dictionary Locale" ,
Width = 450
} ;
var description = new Label
Height = 40 ,
Left = 15 ,
Text = @"Please enter the locale for the dictionary you wish to add. The locale must comply with the format ""language-COUNTRY"", e.g. ""en-US"" or ""de-CH""." ,
Top = 10 ,
Width = 400
} ;
var textBox = new TextBox { Left = 15 , Top = 50 , Width = 400 } ;
var button = new Button { DialogResult = DialogResult . OK , Enabled = false , Left = 175 , Width = 75 , Text = "OK" , Top = 75 , } ;
var isValid = false ;
button . Click + = ( o , args ) = > dialog . Close ( ) ;
textBox . TextChanged + = ( o , args ) = >
isValid = Regex . IsMatch ( textBox . Text , @"^[a-z]{2}-[A-Z]{2}$" ) ;
button . Enabled = isValid ;
textBox . ForeColor = isValid ? Color . Green : Color . Red ;
} ;
dialog . Controls . Add ( description ) ;
dialog . Controls . Add ( textBox ) ;
dialog . Controls . Add ( button ) ;
dialog . AcceptButton = button ;
var result = dialog . ShowDialog ( ) ;
if ( isValid )
locale = textBox . Text ;
foreach ( DataGridViewRow row in spellCheckerDataGridView . Rows )
if ( row . Cells [ spellCheckerDictionaryLocaleColumn . Index ] . Value as string = = locale )
isValid = false ;
MessageBox . Show ( this , $"You can only specify one dictionary per locale ({locale})!" , "Duplicate Locale" , MessageBoxButtons . OK , MessageBoxIcon . Error ) ;
break ;
return result = = DialogResult . OK & & isValid ;
private bool TryGetFiles ( out IEnumerable < string > files )
files = Enumerable . Empty < string > ( ) ;
var dialog = new OpenFileDialog ( ) ;
var isValid = false ;
dialog . Filter = "dictionary files (*.aff, *.dic)|*.aff;*.dic" ;
dialog . FilterIndex = 2 ;
dialog . Multiselect = true ;
dialog . RestoreDirectory = true ;
var result = dialog . ShowDialog ( ) ;
isValid = dialog . FileNames . Count ( ) = = 2 ;
isValid & = dialog . FileNames . Count ( f = > f . EndsWith ( ".aff" ) ) = = 1 ;
isValid & = dialog . FileNames . Count ( f = > f . EndsWith ( ".dic" ) ) = = 1 ;
if ( isValid )
files = dialog . FileNames ;
else if ( result = = DialogResult . OK )
MessageBox . Show ( this , "You need to select one .aff and one .dic file!" , "Invalid File(s)" , MessageBoxButtons . OK , MessageBoxIcon . Error ) ;
return result = = DialogResult . OK & & isValid ;
private bool TrySaveDictionary ( IEnumerable < string > files , string locale , out Exception exception )
exception = null ;
var allowedDictionaries = SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyAllowSpellCheckDictionary ] as ListObj ;
var dictionaries = SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyAdditionalDictionaries ] as ListObj ;
var data = ZipAndEncodeDictionaryFiles ( files , locale ) ;
var format = ( int ) SEBSettings . DictionaryFormat . Mozilla ;
var fileList = ToDictionaryFileList ( files ) ;
var dictionary = new DictObj
{ SEBSettings . KeyAdditionalDictionaryData , data } ,
{ SEBSettings . KeyAdditionalDictionaryFormat , format } ,
{ SEBSettings . KeyAdditionalDictionaryLocale , locale }
} ;
dictionaries . Add ( dictionary ) ;
allowedDictionaries . Add ( locale ) ;
spellCheckerDataGridView . Rows . Add ( true , locale , fileList ) ;
catch ( Exception e )
exception = e ;
return exception = = null ;
private string ZipAndEncodeDictionaryFiles ( IEnumerable < string > files , string locale )
var compressor = new FileCompressor ( ) ;
var tempDirectory = Directory . CreateDirectory ( Path . Combine ( Path . GetTempPath ( ) , locale ) ) ;
foreach ( var file in files )
var tempFile = Path . Combine ( tempDirectory . FullName , Path . GetFileName ( file ) ) ;
File . Copy ( file , tempFile , true ) ;
var data = compressor . CompressAndEncodeEntireDirectory ( tempDirectory . FullName ) ;
tempDirectory . Delete ( true ) ;
return data ;
private string ToDictionaryFileList ( IEnumerable < string > files )
var affFile = Path . GetFileName ( files . First ( f = > f . EndsWith ( ".aff" ) ) ) ;
var dicFile = Path . GetFileName ( files . First ( f = > f . EndsWith ( ".dic" ) ) ) ;
return $@"{affFile}{Environment.NewLine}{dicFile}" ;
private void spellCheckerDataGridView_CellValueChanged ( object sender , DataGridViewCellEventArgs e )
if ( e . RowIndex > = 0 & & e . ColumnIndex > = 0 & & e . ColumnIndex = = spellCheckerDictionaryEnabledColumn . Index )
var allowedDictionaries = SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyAllowSpellCheckDictionary ] as ListObj ;
var enabled = spellCheckerDataGridView . Rows [ e . RowIndex ] . Cells [ spellCheckerDictionaryEnabledColumn . Index ] . Value is true ;
var locale = spellCheckerDataGridView . Rows [ e . RowIndex ] . Cells [ spellCheckerDictionaryLocaleColumn . Index ] . Value as string ;
if ( enabled & & allowedDictionaries . All ( l = > l as string ! = locale ) )
allowedDictionaries . Add ( locale ) ;
else if ( ! enabled )
allowedDictionaries . RemoveAll ( l = > l as string = = locale ) ;
private void spellCheckerDataGridView_CurrentCellDirtyStateChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
if ( spellCheckerDataGridView . IsCurrentCellDirty & & spellCheckerDataGridView . CurrentCell . ColumnIndex = = spellCheckerDictionaryEnabledColumn . Index )
spellCheckerDataGridView . CommitEdit ( DataGridViewDataErrorContexts . Commit ) ;
private void removeDictionaryButton_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
var warningSeen = false ;
void ShowDefaultDictionaryInfo ( )
if ( ! warningSeen )
MessageBox . Show ( this , "Default dictionaries cannot be removed, as they are part of the application installation." , "Default Dictionary" , MessageBoxButtons . OK , MessageBoxIcon . Information ) ;
warningSeen = true ;
if ( spellCheckerDataGridView . SelectedRows . Count > 0 )
foreach ( DataGridViewRow row in spellCheckerDataGridView . SelectedRows )
if ( row . Tag is true )
ShowDefaultDictionaryInfo ( ) ;
RemoveDictionary ( row ) ;
else if ( spellCheckerDataGridView . CurrentRow ! = null )
if ( spellCheckerDataGridView . CurrentRow . Tag is true )
ShowDefaultDictionaryInfo ( ) ;
RemoveDictionary ( spellCheckerDataGridView . CurrentRow ) ;
private void RemoveDictionary ( DataGridViewRow row )
var allowedDictionaries = SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyAllowSpellCheckDictionary ] as ListObj ;
var dictionaries = SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyAdditionalDictionaries ] as ListObj ;
var locale = row . Cells [ spellCheckerDictionaryLocaleColumn . Index ] . Value as string ;
allowedDictionaries . RemoveAll ( l = > l as string = = locale ) ;
dictionaries . RemoveAll ( d = > ( d as DictObj ) . TryGetValue ( SEBSettings . KeyAdditionalDictionaryLocale , out object l ) & & l as string = = locale ) ;
spellCheckerDataGridView . Rows . Remove ( row ) ;
// ***************
// Group "Browser"
// ***************
private void listBoxOpenLinksHTML_SelectedIndexChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyNewBrowserWindowByLinkPolicy ] = listBoxOpenLinksHTML . SelectedIndex ;
private void checkBoxBlockLinksHTML_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyNewBrowserWindowByLinkBlockForeign ] = checkBoxBlockLinksHTML . Checked ;
private void comboBoxNewBrowserWindowWidth_SelectedIndexChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . intArrayCurrent [ SEBSettings . ValNewBrowserWindowByLinkWidth ] = comboBoxNewBrowserWindowWidth . SelectedIndex ;
SEBSettings . strArrayCurrent [ SEBSettings . ValNewBrowserWindowByLinkWidth ] = comboBoxNewBrowserWindowWidth . Text ;
//SEBSettings.settingsCurrent[SEBSettings.KeyNewBrowserWindowByLinkWidth] = comboBoxNewBrowserWindowWidth.SelectedIndex;
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyNewBrowserWindowByLinkWidth ] = comboBoxNewBrowserWindowWidth . Text ;
private void comboBoxNewBrowserWindowWidth_TextUpdate ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . intArrayCurrent [ SEBSettings . ValNewBrowserWindowByLinkWidth ] = comboBoxNewBrowserWindowWidth . SelectedIndex ;
SEBSettings . strArrayCurrent [ SEBSettings . ValNewBrowserWindowByLinkWidth ] = comboBoxNewBrowserWindowWidth . Text ;
//SEBSettings.settingsCurrent[SEBSettings.KeyNewBrowserWindowByLinkWidth] = comboBoxNewBrowserWindowWidth.SelectedIndex;
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyNewBrowserWindowByLinkWidth ] = comboBoxNewBrowserWindowWidth . Text ;
private void comboBoxNewBrowserWindowHeight_SelectedIndexChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . intArrayCurrent [ SEBSettings . ValNewBrowserWindowByLinkHeight ] = comboBoxNewBrowserWindowHeight . SelectedIndex ;
SEBSettings . strArrayCurrent [ SEBSettings . ValNewBrowserWindowByLinkHeight ] = comboBoxNewBrowserWindowHeight . Text ;
//SEBSettings.settingsCurrent[SEBSettings.KeyNewBrowserWindowByLinkHeight] = comboBoxNewBrowserWindowHeight.SelectedIndex;
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyNewBrowserWindowByLinkHeight ] = comboBoxNewBrowserWindowHeight . Text ;
private void comboBoxNewBrowserWindowHeight_TextUpdate ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . intArrayCurrent [ SEBSettings . ValNewBrowserWindowByLinkHeight ] = comboBoxNewBrowserWindowHeight . SelectedIndex ;
SEBSettings . strArrayCurrent [ SEBSettings . ValNewBrowserWindowByLinkHeight ] = comboBoxNewBrowserWindowHeight . Text ;
//SEBSettings.settingsCurrent[SEBSettings.KeyNewBrowserWindowByLinkHeight] = comboBoxNewBrowserWindowHeight.SelectedIndex;
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyNewBrowserWindowByLinkHeight ] = comboBoxNewBrowserWindowHeight . Text ;
private void listBoxNewBrowserWindowPositioning_SelectedIndexChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyNewBrowserWindowByLinkPositioning ] = listBoxNewBrowserWindowPositioning . SelectedIndex ;
private void checkBoxEnablePlugins_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyEnablePlugIns ] = checkBoxEnablePlugIns . Checked ;
private void checkBoxEnableJava_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyEnableJava ] = checkBoxEnableJava . Checked ;
private void checkBoxEnableJavaScript_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyEnableJavaScript ] = checkBoxEnableJavaScript . Checked ;
private void checkBoxBlockPopUpWindows_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyBlockPopUpWindows ] = checkBoxBlockPopUpWindows . Checked ;
private void checkBoxAllowVideoCapture_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyAllowVideoCapture ] = checkBoxAllowVideoCapture . Checked ;
private void checkBoxAllowAudioCapture_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyAllowAudioCapture ] = checkBoxAllowAudioCapture . Checked ;
private void checkBoxAllowBrowsingBackForward_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyAllowBrowsingBackForward ] = checkBoxAllowBrowsingBackForward . Checked ;
checkBoxEnableAltMouseWheel . Checked = checkBoxAllowBrowsingBackForward . Checked ;
private void checkBoxAllowReload_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyBrowserWindowAllowReload ] = checkBoxAllowReload . Checked ;
private void checkBoxShowReloadWarning_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyShowReloadWarning ] = checkBoxShowReloadWarning . Checked ;
private void checkBoxAllowNavigationNewWindow_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyNewBrowserWindowNavigation ] = checkBoxAllowNavigationNewWindow . Checked ;
private void checkBoxAllowReloadNewWindow_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyNewBrowserWindowAllowReload ] = checkBoxAllowReloadNewWindow . Checked ;
private void checkBoxShowReloadWarningNewWindow_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyNewBrowserWindowShowReloadWarning ] = checkBoxShowReloadWarningNewWindow . Checked ;
private void checkBoxRemoveProfile_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyRemoveBrowserProfile ] = checkBoxRemoveProfile . Checked ;
private void checkBoxDisableLocalStorage_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyDisableLocalStorage ] = checkBoxDisableLocalStorage . Checked ;
// BEWARE: you must invert this value since "Use Without" is "Not Enable"!
private void checkBoxUseSebWithoutBrowser_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyEnableSebBrowser ] = ! ( checkBoxUseSebWithoutBrowser . Checked ) ;
private void checkBoxShowReloadButton_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyShowReloadButton ] = checkBoxShowReloadButton . Checked ;
private void radioButtonUseZoomPage_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
if ( radioButtonUseZoomPage . Checked = = true )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyZoomMode ] = 0 ;
else SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyZoomMode ] = 1 ;
private void radioButtonUseZoomText_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
if ( radioButtonUseZoomText . Checked = = true )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyZoomMode ] = 1 ;
else SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyZoomMode ] = 0 ;
private void radioButtonUserAgentDesktopDefault_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
if ( radioButtonUserAgentDesktopDefault . Checked = = true )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyBrowserUserAgentDesktopMode ] = 0 ;
//else SEBSettings.settingsCurrent[SEBSettings.KeyBrowserUserAgentDesktopMode] = 1;
private void radioButtonUserAgentDesktopCustom_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
if ( radioButtonUserAgentDesktopCustom . Checked = = true )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyBrowserUserAgentDesktopMode ] = 1 ;
//else SEBSettings.settingsCurrent[SEBSettings.KeyBrowserUserAgentDesktopMode] = 0;
private void textBoxUserAgent_TextChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyBrowserUserAgent ] = textBoxUserAgent . Text ;
private void textBoxUserAgentTouchModeIPad_TextChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyBrowserUserAgentTouchModeIPad ] = textBoxUserAgentTouchModeIPad . Text ;
private void textBoxUserAgentDesktopModeCustom_TextChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyBrowserUserAgentDesktopModeCustom ] = textBoxUserAgentDesktopModeCustom . Text ;
radioButtonUserAgentDesktopCustom . Checked = true ;
private void radioButtonUserAgentTouchDefault_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
if ( radioButtonUserAgentTouchDefault . Checked = = true )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyBrowserUserAgentTouchMode ] = 0 ;
//else SEBSettings.settingsCurrent[SEBSettings.KeyBrowserUserAgentTouchMode] = 1;
private void radioButtonUserAgentTouchIPad_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
if ( radioButtonUserAgentTouchIPad . Checked = = true )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyBrowserUserAgentTouchMode ] = 1 ;
private void radioButtonUserAgentTouchCustom_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
if ( radioButtonUserAgentTouchCustom . Checked = = true )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyBrowserUserAgentTouchMode ] = 2 ;
//else SEBSettings.settingsCurrent[SEBSettings.KeyBrowserUserAgentTouchMode] = 0;
private void textBoxUserAgentTouchModeCustom_TextChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyBrowserUserAgentTouchModeCustom ] = textBoxUserAgentTouchModeCustom . Text ;
radioButtonUserAgentTouchCustom . Checked = true ;
private void radioButtonUserAgentMacDefault_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
if ( radioButtonUserAgentMacDefault . Checked = = true )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyBrowserUserAgentMac ] = 0 ;
private void radioButtonUserAgentMacCustom_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
if ( radioButtonUserAgentMacCustom . Checked = = true )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyBrowserUserAgentMac ] = 1 ;
private void textBoxUserAgentMacCustom_TextChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyBrowserUserAgentMacCustom ] = textBoxUserAgentMacCustom . Text ;
radioButtonUserAgentMacCustom . Checked = true ;
// ********************
// Group "Down/Uploads"
// ********************
private void checkBoxAllowDownUploads_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyAllowDownUploads ] = checkBoxAllowDownUploads . Checked ;
private void buttonDownloadDirectoryWin_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
// Set the default directory in the Folder Browser Dialog
folderBrowserDialogDownloadDirectoryWin . RootFolder = Environment . SpecialFolder . DesktopDirectory ;
// folderBrowserDialogDownloadDirectoryWin.RootFolder = Environment.CurrentDirectory;
// Get the user inputs in the File Dialog
DialogResult dialogResult = folderBrowserDialogDownloadDirectoryWin . ShowDialog ( ) ;
String path = folderBrowserDialogDownloadDirectoryWin . SelectedPath ;
// If the user clicked "Cancel", do nothing
if ( dialogResult . Equals ( DialogResult . Cancel ) ) return ;
// If the user clicked "OK", ...
string pathUsingEnvironmentVariables = SEBClientInfo . ContractEnvironmentVariables ( path ) ;
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyDownloadDirectoryWin ] = pathUsingEnvironmentVariables ;
textBoxDownloadDirectoryWin . Text = pathUsingEnvironmentVariables ;
private void textBoxDownloadDirectoryWin_TextChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyDownloadDirectoryWin ] = textBoxDownloadDirectoryWin . Text ;
private void textBoxDownloadDirectoryOSX_TextChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyDownloadDirectoryOSX ] = textBoxDownloadDirectoryOSX . Text ;
private void checkBoxDownloadOpenSEBFiles_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyDownloadAndOpenSebConfig ] = checkBoxDownloadOpenSEBFiles . Checked ;
private void checkBoxOpenDownloads_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyOpenDownloads ] = checkBoxOpenDownloads . Checked ;
private void listBoxChooseFileToUploadPolicy_SelectedIndexChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyChooseFileToUploadPolicy ] = listBoxChooseFileToUploadPolicy . SelectedIndex ;
private void checkBoxDownloadPDFFiles_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyDownloadPDFFiles ] = checkBoxDownloadPDFFiles . Checked ;
private void checkBoxAllowPDFPlugIn_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyAllowPDFPlugIn ] = checkBoxAllowPDFPlugIn . Checked ;
// ************
// Group "Exam"
// ************
private void textBoxBrowserExamKey_TextChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
private void checkBoxSendBrowserExamKey_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeySendBrowserExamKey ] = checkBoxSendBrowserExamKey . Checked ;
textBoxBrowserExamKey . Enabled = checkBoxSendBrowserExamKey . Checked ;
2020-02-19 14:30:39 +01:00
textBoxConfigurationKey . Enabled = checkBoxSendBrowserExamKey . Checked ;
2019-08-07 10:10:37 +02:00
private void textBoxQuitURL_TextChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyQuitURL ] = textBoxQuitURL . Text ;
private void checkBoxQuitURLConfirm_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyQuitURLConfirm ] = checkBoxQuitURLConfirm . Checked ;
private void checkBoxUseStartURL_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyRestartExamUseStartURL ] = checkBoxUseStartURL . Checked ;
textBoxRestartExamLink . Enabled = ! checkBoxUseStartURL . Checked ;
private void textBoxRestartExamLink_TextChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyRestartExamURL ] = textBoxRestartExamLink . Text ;
private void textBoxRestartExamText_TextChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyRestartExamText ] = textBoxRestartExamText . Text ;
private void checkBoxRestartExamPasswordProtected_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyRestartExamPasswordProtected ] = checkBoxRestartExamPasswordProtected . Checked ;
// ********************
// Group "Applications"
// ********************
private void checkBoxMonitorProcesses_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyMonitorProcesses ] = checkBoxMonitorProcesses . Checked ;
// ******************************************
// Group "Applications - Permitted Processes"
// ******************************************
private void checkBoxAllowSwitchToApplications_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyAllowSwitchToApplications ] = checkBoxAllowSwitchToApplications . Checked ;
checkBoxAllowFlashFullscreen . Enabled = checkBoxAllowSwitchToApplications . Checked ;
private void checkBoxAllowFlashFullscreen_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyAllowFlashFullscreen ] = checkBoxAllowFlashFullscreen . Checked ;
private void LoadAndUpdatePermittedSelectedProcessGroup ( int selectedProcessIndex )
// Get the process data of the selected process
SEBSettings . permittedProcessList = ( ListObj ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyPermittedProcesses ] ;
SEBSettings . permittedProcessData = ( DictObj ) SEBSettings . permittedProcessList [ selectedProcessIndex ] ;
SEBSettings . permittedArgumentList = ( ListObj ) SEBSettings . permittedProcessData [ SEBSettings . KeyArguments ] ;
// Beware double events:
// Update the widgets in "Selected Process" group,
// but prevent the following "widget changed" event from firing the "cell changed" event once more!
ignoreWidgetEventPermittedProcessesActive = true ;
ignoreWidgetEventPermittedProcessesOS = true ;
ignoreWidgetEventPermittedProcessesExecutable = true ;
ignoreWidgetEventPermittedProcessesTitle = true ;
// Update the widgets in the "Selected Process" group
checkBoxPermittedProcessActive . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . permittedProcessData [ SEBSettings . KeyActive ] ;
checkBoxPermittedProcessAutostart . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . permittedProcessData [ SEBSettings . KeyAutostart ] ;
checkBoxPermittedProcessIconInTaskbar . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . permittedProcessData [ SEBSettings . KeyIconInTaskbar ] ;
checkBoxPermittedProcessAutohide . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . permittedProcessData [ SEBSettings . KeyRunInBackground ] ;
checkBoxPermittedProcessIconInTaskbar . Enabled = ! checkBoxPermittedProcessAutohide . Checked | checkBoxPermittedProcessAutostart . Checked ;
checkBoxPermittedProcessAllowUser . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . permittedProcessData [ SEBSettings . KeyAllowUser ] ;
checkBoxPermittedProcessStrongKill . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . permittedProcessData [ SEBSettings . KeyStrongKill ] ;
listBoxPermittedProcessOS . SelectedIndex = ( Int32 ) SEBSettings . permittedProcessData [ SEBSettings . KeyOS ] ;
textBoxPermittedProcessTitle . Text = ( String ) SEBSettings . permittedProcessData [ SEBSettings . KeyTitle ] ;
textBoxPermittedProcessDescription . Text = ( String ) SEBSettings . permittedProcessData [ SEBSettings . KeyDescription ] ;
textBoxPermittedProcessExecutable . Text = ( String ) SEBSettings . permittedProcessData [ SEBSettings . KeyExecutable ] ;
textBoxPermittedProcessOriginalName . Text = ( String ) SEBSettings . permittedProcessData [ SEBSettings . KeyOriginalName ] ;
textBoxPermittedProcessExecutables . Text = ( String ) SEBSettings . permittedProcessData [ SEBSettings . KeyWindowHandlingProcess ] ;
textBoxPermittedProcessPath . Text = ( String ) SEBSettings . permittedProcessData [ SEBSettings . KeyPath ] ;
textBoxPermittedProcessIdentifier . Text = ( String ) SEBSettings . permittedProcessData [ SEBSettings . KeyIdentifier ] ;
// Reset the ignore widget event flags
ignoreWidgetEventPermittedProcessesActive = false ;
ignoreWidgetEventPermittedProcessesOS = false ;
ignoreWidgetEventPermittedProcessesExecutable = false ;
ignoreWidgetEventPermittedProcessesTitle = false ;
// Check if selected process has any arguments
if ( SEBSettings . permittedArgumentList . Count > 0 )
SEBSettings . permittedArgumentIndex = 0 ;
else SEBSettings . permittedArgumentIndex = - 1 ;
// Remove all previously displayed arguments from DataGridView
dataGridViewPermittedProcessArguments . Enabled = ( SEBSettings . permittedArgumentList . Count > 0 ) ;
dataGridViewPermittedProcessArguments . Rows . Clear ( ) ;
// Add arguments of selected process to DataGridView
for ( int index = 0 ; index < SEBSettings . permittedArgumentList . Count ; index + + )
SEBSettings . permittedArgumentData = ( DictObj ) SEBSettings . permittedArgumentList [ index ] ;
Boolean active = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . permittedArgumentData [ SEBSettings . KeyActive ] ;
String argument = ( String ) SEBSettings . permittedArgumentData [ SEBSettings . KeyArgument ] ;
dataGridViewPermittedProcessArguments . Rows . Add ( active , argument ) ;
// Get the selected argument data
if ( SEBSettings . permittedArgumentList . Count > 0 )
SEBSettings . permittedArgumentData = ( DictObj ) SEBSettings . permittedArgumentList [ SEBSettings . permittedArgumentIndex ] ;
private void ClearPermittedSelectedProcessGroup ( )
// Beware double events:
// Update the widgets in "Selected Process" group,
// but prevent the following "widget changed" event from firing the "cell changed" event once more!
ignoreWidgetEventPermittedProcessesActive = true ;
ignoreWidgetEventPermittedProcessesOS = true ;
ignoreWidgetEventPermittedProcessesExecutable = true ;
ignoreWidgetEventPermittedProcessesTitle = true ;
// Clear the widgets in the "Selected Process" group
checkBoxPermittedProcessActive . Checked = true ;
checkBoxPermittedProcessAutostart . Checked = true ;
checkBoxPermittedProcessAutohide . Checked = true ;
checkBoxPermittedProcessAllowUser . Checked = true ;
checkBoxPermittedProcessStrongKill . Checked = false ;
listBoxPermittedProcessOS . SelectedIndex = IntWin ;
textBoxPermittedProcessTitle . Text = "" ;
textBoxPermittedProcessDescription . Text = "" ;
textBoxPermittedProcessExecutable . Text = "" ;
textBoxPermittedProcessOriginalName . Text = "" ;
textBoxPermittedProcessExecutables . Text = "" ;
textBoxPermittedProcessPath . Text = "" ;
textBoxPermittedProcessIdentifier . Text = "" ;
// Reset the ignore widget event flags
ignoreWidgetEventPermittedProcessesActive = false ;
ignoreWidgetEventPermittedProcessesOS = false ;
ignoreWidgetEventPermittedProcessesExecutable = false ;
ignoreWidgetEventPermittedProcessesTitle = false ;
// Remove all previously displayed arguments from DataGridView
dataGridViewPermittedProcessArguments . Enabled = false ;
dataGridViewPermittedProcessArguments . Rows . Clear ( ) ;
private void dataGridViewPermittedProcesses_SelectionChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
// If a row was previously selected and the user clicks onto another row,
// the SelectionChanged() event is fired TWICE!!!
// The first time, it is only for UNselecting the old row,
// so the SelectedRows.Count is ZERO, so ignore this event handler!
// The second time, SelectedRows.Count is ONE.
// Now you can set the widgets in the "Selected Process" groupBox.
if ( dataGridViewPermittedProcesses . SelectedRows . Count ! = 1 ) return ;
SEBSettings . permittedProcessIndex = dataGridViewPermittedProcesses . SelectedRows [ 0 ] . Index ;
// The process list should contain at least one element here:
// SEBSettings.permittedProcessList.Count > 0
// SEBSettings.permittedProcessIndex >= 0
LoadAndUpdatePermittedSelectedProcessGroup ( SEBSettings . permittedProcessIndex ) ;
private void dataGridViewPermittedProcesses_CurrentCellDirtyStateChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
// When a CheckBox/ListBox/TextBox entry of a DataGridView table cell is edited,
// immediately call the CellValueChanged() event,
// which will update the SelectedProcess data and widgets.
if ( dataGridViewPermittedProcesses . IsCurrentCellDirty )
dataGridViewPermittedProcesses . CommitEdit ( DataGridViewDataErrorContexts . Commit ) ;
private void dataGridViewPermittedProcesses_CellValueChanged ( object sender , DataGridViewCellEventArgs e )
// Prevent double events from switching to false process index
if ( ignoreCellEventPermittedProcessesActive = = true ) return ;
if ( ignoreCellEventPermittedProcessesOS = = true ) return ;
if ( ignoreCellEventPermittedProcessesExecutable = = true ) return ;
if ( ignoreCellEventPermittedProcessesTitle = = true ) return ;
// Get the current cell where the user has changed a value
int row = dataGridViewPermittedProcesses . CurrentCellAddress . Y ;
int column = dataGridViewPermittedProcesses . CurrentCellAddress . X ;
// At the beginning, row = -1 and column = -1, so skip this event
if ( row < 0 ) return ;
if ( column < 0 ) return ;
// Get the changed value of the current cell
object value = dataGridViewPermittedProcesses . CurrentCell . EditedFormattedValue ;
// Convert the selected "OS" ListBox entry from String to Integer
if ( column = = IntColumnProcessOS )
if ( ( String ) value = = StringOSX ) value = IntOSX ;
else if ( ( String ) value = = StringWin ) value = IntWin ;
// Get the process data of the process belonging to the current row
SEBSettings . permittedProcessIndex = row ;
SEBSettings . permittedProcessList = ( ListObj ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyPermittedProcesses ] ;
SEBSettings . permittedProcessData = ( DictObj ) SEBSettings . permittedProcessList [ SEBSettings . permittedProcessIndex ] ;
// Update the process data belonging to the current cell
if ( column = = IntColumnProcessActive ) SEBSettings . permittedProcessData [ SEBSettings . KeyActive ] = ( Boolean ) value ;
if ( column = = IntColumnProcessOS ) SEBSettings . permittedProcessData [ SEBSettings . KeyOS ] = ( Int32 ) value ;
if ( column = = IntColumnProcessExecutable ) SEBSettings . permittedProcessData [ SEBSettings . KeyExecutable ] = ( String ) value ;
if ( column = = IntColumnProcessTitle ) SEBSettings . permittedProcessData [ SEBSettings . KeyTitle ] = ( String ) value ;
// Beware double events:
// when a cell is being edited by the user, update its corresponding widget in "Selected Process" group,
// but prevent the following "widget changed" event from firing the "cell changed" event once more!
if ( column = = IntColumnProcessActive ) ignoreWidgetEventPermittedProcessesActive = true ;
if ( column = = IntColumnProcessOS ) ignoreWidgetEventPermittedProcessesOS = true ;
if ( column = = IntColumnProcessExecutable ) ignoreWidgetEventPermittedProcessesExecutable = true ;
if ( column = = IntColumnProcessTitle ) ignoreWidgetEventPermittedProcessesTitle = true ;
// In "Selected Process" group: update the widget belonging to the current cell
// (this will fire the corresponding "widget changed" event).
if ( column = = IntColumnProcessActive ) checkBoxPermittedProcessActive . Checked = ( Boolean ) value ;
if ( column = = IntColumnProcessOS ) listBoxPermittedProcessOS . SelectedIndex = ( Int32 ) value ;
if ( column = = IntColumnProcessExecutable ) textBoxPermittedProcessExecutable . Text = ( String ) value ;
if ( column = = IntColumnProcessTitle ) textBoxPermittedProcessTitle . Text = ( String ) value ;
// Reset the ignore widget event flags
if ( column = = IntColumnProcessActive ) ignoreWidgetEventPermittedProcessesActive = false ;
if ( column = = IntColumnProcessOS ) ignoreWidgetEventPermittedProcessesOS = false ;
if ( column = = IntColumnProcessExecutable ) ignoreWidgetEventPermittedProcessesExecutable = false ;
if ( column = = IntColumnProcessTitle ) ignoreWidgetEventPermittedProcessesTitle = false ;
private void buttonAddPermittedProcess_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
// Get the process list
SEBSettings . permittedProcessList = ( ListObj ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyPermittedProcesses ] ;
if ( SEBSettings . permittedProcessList . Count > 0 )
if ( dataGridViewPermittedProcesses . SelectedRows . Count ! = 1 ) return ;
//SEBSettings.permittedProcessIndex = dataGridViewPermittedProcesses.SelectedRows[0].Index;
SEBSettings . permittedProcessIndex = SEBSettings . permittedProcessList . Count ;
// If process list was empty before, enable it
SEBSettings . permittedProcessIndex = 0 ;
dataGridViewPermittedProcesses . Enabled = true ;
groupBoxPermittedProcess . Enabled = true ;
// Create new process dataset containing default values
DictObj processData = new DictObj ( ) ;
processData [ SEBSettings . KeyActive ] = true ;
processData [ SEBSettings . KeyAutostart ] = false ;
processData [ SEBSettings . KeyIconInTaskbar ] = true ;
processData [ SEBSettings . KeyRunInBackground ] = false ;
processData [ SEBSettings . KeyAllowUser ] = false ;
processData [ SEBSettings . KeyStrongKill ] = false ;
processData [ SEBSettings . KeyOS ] = IntWin ;
processData [ SEBSettings . KeyTitle ] = "" ;
processData [ SEBSettings . KeyDescription ] = "" ;
processData [ SEBSettings . KeyExecutable ] = "" ;
processData [ SEBSettings . KeyOriginalName ] = "" ;
processData [ SEBSettings . KeyWindowHandlingProcess ] = "" ;
processData [ SEBSettings . KeyPath ] = "" ;
processData [ SEBSettings . KeyIdentifier ] = "" ;
processData [ SEBSettings . KeyArguments ] = new ListObj ( ) ;
// Insert new process into process list at position index
SEBSettings . permittedProcessList . Insert ( SEBSettings . permittedProcessIndex , processData ) ;
dataGridViewPermittedProcesses . Rows . Insert ( SEBSettings . permittedProcessIndex , true , StringOS [ IntWin ] , "" , "" ) ;
dataGridViewPermittedProcesses . Rows [ SEBSettings . permittedProcessIndex ] . Selected = true ;
private void buttonRemovePermittedProcess_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
if ( dataGridViewPermittedProcesses . SelectedRows . Count ! = 1 ) return ;
// Clear the widgets in the "Selected Process" group
ClearPermittedSelectedProcessGroup ( ) ;
// Delete process from process list at position index
SEBSettings . permittedProcessIndex = dataGridViewPermittedProcesses . SelectedRows [ 0 ] . Index ;
SEBSettings . permittedProcessList = ( ListObj ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyPermittedProcesses ] ;
SEBSettings . permittedProcessList . RemoveAt ( SEBSettings . permittedProcessIndex ) ;
dataGridViewPermittedProcesses . Rows . RemoveAt ( SEBSettings . permittedProcessIndex ) ;
if ( SEBSettings . permittedProcessIndex = = SEBSettings . permittedProcessList . Count )
SEBSettings . permittedProcessIndex - - ;
if ( SEBSettings . permittedProcessList . Count > 0 )
dataGridViewPermittedProcesses . Rows [ SEBSettings . permittedProcessIndex ] . Selected = true ;
// If process list is now empty, disable it
SEBSettings . permittedProcessIndex = - 1 ;
dataGridViewPermittedProcesses . Enabled = false ;
groupBoxPermittedProcess . Enabled = false ;
private void buttonChoosePermittedApplication_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
var permittedApplicationInformation = ChooseApplicationDialog ( ) ;
if ( permittedApplicationInformation ! = null )
buttonAddPermittedProcess_Click ( this , EventArgs . Empty ) ;
textBoxPermittedProcessExecutable . Text = permittedApplicationInformation . Executable ;
textBoxPermittedProcessOriginalName . Text = permittedApplicationInformation . OriginalName ;
textBoxPermittedProcessTitle . Text = permittedApplicationInformation . Title ;
textBoxPermittedProcessPath . Text = permittedApplicationInformation . Path ;
private void ButtonChooseExecutable_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
var permittedApplicationInformation = ChooseApplicationDialog ( ) ;
if ( permittedApplicationInformation ! = null )
textBoxPermittedProcessExecutable . Text = permittedApplicationInformation . Executable ;
textBoxPermittedProcessOriginalName . Text = permittedApplicationInformation . OriginalName ;
textBoxPermittedProcessTitle . Text = permittedApplicationInformation . Title ;
textBoxPermittedProcessPath . Text = permittedApplicationInformation . Path ;
private PermittedApplicationInformation ChooseApplicationDialog ( )
var permittedApplicationInformation = new PermittedApplicationInformation ( ) ;
var fileDialog = new OpenFileDialog
InitialDirectory = Path . GetPathRoot ( Environment . SystemDirectory ) ,
Multiselect = false
} ;
var res = fileDialog . ShowDialog ( ) ;
if ( res = = DialogResult . OK )
var filename = fileDialog . FileName . ToLower ( ) ;
permittedApplicationInformation . Title = Path . GetFileNameWithoutExtension ( fileDialog . FileName ) ;
permittedApplicationInformation . Executable = Path . GetFileName ( filename ) ;
var filePath = Path . GetDirectoryName ( fileDialog . FileName ) ;
if ( filePath = = null )
return null ;
filePath = filePath . ToLower ( ) ;
//Check SebWindo2wsClientForm.GetApplicationPath() for how SEB searches the locations
//Check if Path to the executable is in Registry - SEB gets the path from there if it exists
using ( Microsoft . Win32 . RegistryKey key = Microsoft . Win32 . RegistryKey . OpenRemoteBaseKey ( Microsoft . Win32 . RegistryHive . LocalMachine , "" ) )
string subKeyName = @"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\" + Path . GetFileName ( fileDialog . FileName ) ;
using ( Microsoft . Win32 . RegistryKey subkey = key . OpenSubKey ( subKeyName ) )
if ( subkey ! = null )
object path = subkey . GetValue ( "Path" ) ;
if ( path ! = null )
filePath = filePath . Replace ( path . ToString ( ) . ToLower ( ) , "" ) ;
filePath = filePath . Replace ( path . ToString ( ) . TrimEnd ( '\\' ) . ToLower ( ) , "" ) ;
//Replace all the seach locations - SEB looks in all these directories
filePath = filePath
. Replace ( SEBClientInfo . ProgramFilesX86Directory . ToLower ( ) + "\\" , "" )
. Replace ( SEBClientInfo . ProgramFilesX86Directory . ToLower ( ) , "" )
. Replace ( Environment . SystemDirectory . ToLower ( ) + "\\" , "" )
. Replace ( Environment . SystemDirectory . ToLower ( ) , "" ) ;
permittedApplicationInformation . Path = filePath ;
permittedApplicationInformation . OriginalName = FileVersionInfo . GetVersionInfo ( filename ) . OriginalFilename ;
return permittedApplicationInformation ;
return null ;
private void buttonChoosePermittedProcess_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
private void checkBoxPermittedProcessActive_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
// Prevent double events from switching to false process index
if ( ignoreWidgetEventPermittedProcessesActive = = true ) return ;
if ( SEBSettings . permittedProcessIndex < 0 ) return ;
SEBSettings . permittedProcessList = ( ListObj ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyPermittedProcesses ] ;
SEBSettings . permittedProcessData = ( DictObj ) SEBSettings . permittedProcessList [ SEBSettings . permittedProcessIndex ] ;
SEBSettings . permittedProcessData [ SEBSettings . KeyActive ] = checkBoxPermittedProcessActive . Checked ;
Boolean active = checkBoxPermittedProcessActive . Checked ;
ignoreCellEventPermittedProcessesActive = true ;
dataGridViewPermittedProcesses . Rows [ SEBSettings . permittedProcessIndex ] . Cells [ IntColumnProcessActive ] . Value = active . ToString ( ) ;
ignoreCellEventPermittedProcessesActive = false ;
private void checkBoxPermittedProcessAutostart_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
if ( SEBSettings . permittedProcessIndex < 0 ) return ;
SEBSettings . permittedProcessList = ( ListObj ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyPermittedProcesses ] ;
SEBSettings . permittedProcessData = ( DictObj ) SEBSettings . permittedProcessList [ SEBSettings . permittedProcessIndex ] ;
SEBSettings . permittedProcessData [ SEBSettings . KeyAutostart ] = checkBoxPermittedProcessAutostart . Checked ;
checkBoxPermittedProcessIconInTaskbar . Enabled = ! checkBoxPermittedProcessAutohide . Checked | checkBoxPermittedProcessAutostart . Checked ;
private void checkBoxPermittedProcessIconInTaskbar_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
if ( SEBSettings . permittedProcessIndex < 0 ) return ;
SEBSettings . permittedProcessList = ( ListObj ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyPermittedProcesses ] ;
SEBSettings . permittedProcessData = ( DictObj ) SEBSettings . permittedProcessList [ SEBSettings . permittedProcessIndex ] ;
SEBSettings . permittedProcessData [ SEBSettings . KeyIconInTaskbar ] = checkBoxPermittedProcessIconInTaskbar . Checked ;
private void checkBoxPermittedProcessAutohide_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
if ( SEBSettings . permittedProcessIndex < 0 ) return ;
SEBSettings . permittedProcessList = ( ListObj ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyPermittedProcesses ] ;
SEBSettings . permittedProcessData = ( DictObj ) SEBSettings . permittedProcessList [ SEBSettings . permittedProcessIndex ] ;
SEBSettings . permittedProcessData [ SEBSettings . KeyRunInBackground ] = checkBoxPermittedProcessAutohide . Checked ;
checkBoxPermittedProcessIconInTaskbar . Enabled = ! checkBoxPermittedProcessAutohide . Checked | checkBoxPermittedProcessAutostart . Checked ;
private void checkBoxPermittedProcessAllowUser_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
if ( SEBSettings . permittedProcessIndex < 0 ) return ;
SEBSettings . permittedProcessList = ( ListObj ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyPermittedProcesses ] ;
SEBSettings . permittedProcessData = ( DictObj ) SEBSettings . permittedProcessList [ SEBSettings . permittedProcessIndex ] ;
SEBSettings . permittedProcessData [ SEBSettings . KeyAllowUser ] = checkBoxPermittedProcessAllowUser . Checked ;
private void checkBoxPermittedProcessStrongKill_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
if ( SEBSettings . permittedProcessIndex < 0 ) return ;
SEBSettings . permittedProcessList = ( ListObj ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyPermittedProcesses ] ;
SEBSettings . permittedProcessData = ( DictObj ) SEBSettings . permittedProcessList [ SEBSettings . permittedProcessIndex ] ;
SEBSettings . permittedProcessData [ SEBSettings . KeyStrongKill ] = checkBoxPermittedProcessStrongKill . Checked ;
private void listBoxPermittedProcessOS_SelectedIndexChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
// Prevent double events from switching to false process index
if ( ignoreWidgetEventPermittedProcessesOS = = true ) return ;
if ( SEBSettings . permittedProcessIndex < 0 ) return ;
SEBSettings . permittedProcessList = ( ListObj ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyPermittedProcesses ] ;
SEBSettings . permittedProcessData = ( DictObj ) SEBSettings . permittedProcessList [ SEBSettings . permittedProcessIndex ] ;
SEBSettings . permittedProcessData [ SEBSettings . KeyOS ] = listBoxPermittedProcessOS . SelectedIndex ;
Int32 os = listBoxPermittedProcessOS . SelectedIndex ;
ignoreCellEventPermittedProcessesOS = true ;
dataGridViewPermittedProcesses . Rows [ SEBSettings . permittedProcessIndex ] . Cells [ IntColumnProcessOS ] . Value = StringOS [ os ] ;
ignoreCellEventPermittedProcessesOS = false ;
private void textBoxPermittedProcessTitle_TextChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
// Prevent double events from switching to false process index
if ( ignoreWidgetEventPermittedProcessesTitle = = true ) return ;
if ( SEBSettings . permittedProcessIndex < 0 ) return ;
SEBSettings . permittedProcessList = ( ListObj ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyPermittedProcesses ] ;
SEBSettings . permittedProcessData = ( DictObj ) SEBSettings . permittedProcessList [ SEBSettings . permittedProcessIndex ] ;
SEBSettings . permittedProcessData [ SEBSettings . KeyTitle ] = textBoxPermittedProcessTitle . Text ;
String title = textBoxPermittedProcessTitle . Text ;
ignoreCellEventPermittedProcessesTitle = true ;
dataGridViewPermittedProcesses . Rows [ SEBSettings . permittedProcessIndex ] . Cells [ IntColumnProcessTitle ] . Value = title ;
ignoreCellEventPermittedProcessesTitle = false ;
private void textBoxPermittedProcessDescription_TextChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
if ( SEBSettings . permittedProcessIndex < 0 ) return ;
SEBSettings . permittedProcessList = ( ListObj ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyPermittedProcesses ] ;
SEBSettings . permittedProcessData = ( DictObj ) SEBSettings . permittedProcessList [ SEBSettings . permittedProcessIndex ] ;
SEBSettings . permittedProcessData [ SEBSettings . KeyDescription ] = textBoxPermittedProcessDescription . Text ;
private void textBoxPermittedProcessExecutable_TextChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
// Prevent double events from switching to false process index
if ( ignoreWidgetEventPermittedProcessesExecutable = = true ) return ;
if ( SEBSettings . permittedProcessIndex < 0 ) return ;
SEBSettings . permittedProcessList = ( ListObj ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyPermittedProcesses ] ;
SEBSettings . permittedProcessData = ( DictObj ) SEBSettings . permittedProcessList [ SEBSettings . permittedProcessIndex ] ;
SEBSettings . permittedProcessData [ SEBSettings . KeyExecutable ] = textBoxPermittedProcessExecutable . Text ;
String executable = textBoxPermittedProcessExecutable . Text ;
ignoreCellEventPermittedProcessesExecutable = true ;
dataGridViewPermittedProcesses . Rows [ SEBSettings . permittedProcessIndex ] . Cells [ IntColumnProcessExecutable ] . Value = executable ;
ignoreCellEventPermittedProcessesExecutable = false ;
private void textBoxPermittedProcessOriginalName_TextChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
if ( SEBSettings . permittedProcessIndex < 0 ) return ;
SEBSettings . permittedProcessList = ( ListObj ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyPermittedProcesses ] ;
SEBSettings . permittedProcessData = ( DictObj ) SEBSettings . permittedProcessList [ SEBSettings . permittedProcessIndex ] ;
SEBSettings . permittedProcessData [ SEBSettings . KeyOriginalName ] = textBoxPermittedProcessOriginalName . Text ;
private void textBoxPermittedProcessPath_TextChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
if ( SEBSettings . permittedProcessIndex < 0 ) return ;
SEBSettings . permittedProcessList = ( ListObj ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyPermittedProcesses ] ;
SEBSettings . permittedProcessData = ( DictObj ) SEBSettings . permittedProcessList [ SEBSettings . permittedProcessIndex ] ;
SEBSettings . permittedProcessData [ SEBSettings . KeyPath ] = textBoxPermittedProcessPath . Text ;
private void textBoxPermittedProcessIdentifier_TextChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
if ( SEBSettings . permittedProcessIndex < 0 ) return ;
SEBSettings . permittedProcessList = ( ListObj ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyPermittedProcesses ] ;
SEBSettings . permittedProcessData = ( DictObj ) SEBSettings . permittedProcessList [ SEBSettings . permittedProcessIndex ] ;
SEBSettings . permittedProcessData [ SEBSettings . KeyIdentifier ] = textBoxPermittedProcessIdentifier . Text ;
private void textBoxPermittedProcessExecutables_TextChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
if ( SEBSettings . permittedProcessIndex < 0 ) return ;
SEBSettings . permittedProcessList = ( ListObj ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyPermittedProcesses ] ;
SEBSettings . permittedProcessData = ( DictObj ) SEBSettings . permittedProcessList [ SEBSettings . permittedProcessIndex ] ;
SEBSettings . permittedProcessData [ SEBSettings . KeyWindowHandlingProcess ] = textBoxPermittedProcessExecutables . Text ;
private void buttonPermittedProcessCodeSignature_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
private void dataGridViewPermittedProcessArguments_SelectionChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
// If a row was previously selected and the user clicks onto another row,
// the SelectionChanged() event is fired TWICE!!!
// The first time, it is only for UNselecting the old row,
// so the SelectedRows.Count is ZERO, so ignore this event handler!
// The second time, SelectedRows.Count is ONE.
if ( dataGridViewPermittedProcessArguments . SelectedRows . Count ! = 1 ) return ;
// Get the argument data of the selected argument
SEBSettings . permittedArgumentIndex = dataGridViewPermittedProcessArguments . SelectedRows [ 0 ] . Index ;
SEBSettings . permittedProcessList = ( ListObj ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyPermittedProcesses ] ;
SEBSettings . permittedProcessData = ( DictObj ) SEBSettings . permittedProcessList [ SEBSettings . permittedProcessIndex ] ;
SEBSettings . permittedArgumentList = ( ListObj ) SEBSettings . permittedProcessData [ SEBSettings . KeyArguments ] ;
SEBSettings . permittedArgumentData = ( DictObj ) SEBSettings . permittedArgumentList [ SEBSettings . permittedArgumentIndex ] ;
private void dataGridViewPermittedProcessArguments_CurrentCellDirtyStateChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
// When a CheckBox/ListBox/TextBox entry of a DataGridView table cell is edited,
// immediately call the CellValueChanged() event,
// which will update the SelectedProcess data and widgets.
if ( dataGridViewPermittedProcessArguments . IsCurrentCellDirty )
dataGridViewPermittedProcessArguments . CommitEdit ( DataGridViewDataErrorContexts . Commit ) ;
private void dataGridViewPermittedProcessArguments_CellValueChanged ( object sender , DataGridViewCellEventArgs e )
// Get the current cell where the user has changed a value
int row = dataGridViewPermittedProcessArguments . CurrentCellAddress . Y ;
int column = dataGridViewPermittedProcessArguments . CurrentCellAddress . X ;
// At the beginning, row = -1 and column = -1, so skip this event
if ( row < 0 ) return ;
if ( column < 0 ) return ;
// Get the changed value of the current cell
object value = dataGridViewPermittedProcessArguments . CurrentCell . EditedFormattedValue ;
// Get the argument data of the argument belonging to the cell (row)
SEBSettings . permittedArgumentIndex = row ;
SEBSettings . permittedProcessList = ( ListObj ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyPermittedProcesses ] ;
SEBSettings . permittedProcessData = ( DictObj ) SEBSettings . permittedProcessList [ SEBSettings . permittedProcessIndex ] ;
SEBSettings . permittedArgumentList = ( ListObj ) SEBSettings . permittedProcessData [ SEBSettings . KeyArguments ] ;
SEBSettings . permittedArgumentData = ( DictObj ) SEBSettings . permittedArgumentList [ SEBSettings . permittedArgumentIndex ] ;
// Update the argument data belonging to the current cell
if ( column = = IntColumnProcessActive ) SEBSettings . permittedArgumentData [ SEBSettings . KeyActive ] = ( Boolean ) value ;
if ( column = = IntColumnProcessArgument ) SEBSettings . permittedArgumentData [ SEBSettings . KeyArgument ] = ( String ) value ;
private void buttonPermittedProcessAddArgument_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
// Get the permitted argument list
SEBSettings . permittedProcessList = ( ListObj ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyPermittedProcesses ] ;
SEBSettings . permittedProcessData = ( DictObj ) SEBSettings . permittedProcessList [ SEBSettings . permittedProcessIndex ] ;
SEBSettings . permittedArgumentList = ( ListObj ) SEBSettings . permittedProcessData [ SEBSettings . KeyArguments ] ;
if ( SEBSettings . permittedArgumentList . Count > 0 )
if ( dataGridViewPermittedProcessArguments . SelectedRows . Count ! = 1 ) return ;
//SEBSettings.permittedArgumentIndex = dataGridViewPermittedProcessArguments.SelectedRows[0].Index;
SEBSettings . permittedArgumentIndex = SEBSettings . permittedArgumentList . Count ;
// If argument list was empty before, enable it
SEBSettings . permittedArgumentIndex = 0 ;
dataGridViewPermittedProcessArguments . Enabled = true ;
// Create new argument dataset containing default values
DictObj argumentData = new DictObj ( ) ;
argumentData [ SEBSettings . KeyActive ] = true ;
argumentData [ SEBSettings . KeyArgument ] = "" ;
// Insert new argument into argument list at position SEBSettings.permittedArgumentIndex
SEBSettings . permittedArgumentList . Insert ( SEBSettings . permittedArgumentIndex , argumentData ) ;
dataGridViewPermittedProcessArguments . Rows . Insert ( SEBSettings . permittedArgumentIndex , true , "" ) ;
dataGridViewPermittedProcessArguments . Rows [ SEBSettings . permittedArgumentIndex ] . Selected = true ;
private void buttonPermittedProcessRemoveArgument_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
if ( dataGridViewPermittedProcessArguments . SelectedRows . Count ! = 1 ) return ;
// Get the permitted argument list
SEBSettings . permittedArgumentIndex = dataGridViewPermittedProcessArguments . SelectedRows [ 0 ] . Index ;
SEBSettings . permittedProcessList = ( ListObj ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyPermittedProcesses ] ;
SEBSettings . permittedProcessData = ( DictObj ) SEBSettings . permittedProcessList [ SEBSettings . permittedProcessIndex ] ;
SEBSettings . permittedArgumentList = ( ListObj ) SEBSettings . permittedProcessData [ SEBSettings . KeyArguments ] ;
// Delete argument from argument list at position SEBSettings.permittedArgumentIndex
SEBSettings . permittedArgumentList . RemoveAt ( SEBSettings . permittedArgumentIndex ) ;
dataGridViewPermittedProcessArguments . Rows . RemoveAt ( SEBSettings . permittedArgumentIndex ) ;
if ( SEBSettings . permittedArgumentIndex = = SEBSettings . permittedArgumentList . Count )
SEBSettings . permittedArgumentIndex - - ;
if ( SEBSettings . permittedArgumentList . Count > 0 )
dataGridViewPermittedProcessArguments . Rows [ SEBSettings . permittedArgumentIndex ] . Selected = true ;
// If argument list is now empty, disable it
SEBSettings . permittedArgumentIndex = - 1 ;
dataGridViewPermittedProcessArguments . Enabled = false ;
// *******************************************
// Group "Applications - Prohibited Processes"
// *******************************************
private void LoadAndUpdateProhibitedSelectedProcessGroup ( int selectedProcessIndex )
// Get the process data of the selected process
SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessList = ( ListObj ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyProhibitedProcesses ] ;
SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessData = ( DictObj ) SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessList [ selectedProcessIndex ] ;
// Beware double events:
// Update the widgets in "Selected Process" group,
// but prevent the following "widget changed" event from firing the "cell changed" event once more!
ignoreWidgetEventProhibitedProcessesActive = true ;
ignoreWidgetEventProhibitedProcessesOS = true ;
ignoreWidgetEventProhibitedProcessesExecutable = true ;
ignoreWidgetEventProhibitedProcessesDescription = true ;
// Update the widgets in the "Selected Process" group
checkBoxProhibitedProcessActive . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessData [ SEBSettings . KeyActive ] ;
checkBoxProhibitedProcessCurrentUser . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessData [ SEBSettings . KeyCurrentUser ] ;
checkBoxProhibitedProcessStrongKill . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessData [ SEBSettings . KeyStrongKill ] ;
listBoxProhibitedProcessOS . SelectedIndex = ( Int32 ) SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessData [ SEBSettings . KeyOS ] ;
textBoxProhibitedProcessExecutable . Text = ( String ) SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessData [ SEBSettings . KeyExecutable ] ;
textBoxProhibitedProcessOriginalName . Text = ( String ) SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessData [ SEBSettings . KeyOriginalName ] ;
textBoxProhibitedProcessDescription . Text = ( String ) SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessData [ SEBSettings . KeyDescription ] ;
textBoxProhibitedProcessIdentifier . Text = ( String ) SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessData [ SEBSettings . KeyIdentifier ] ;
textBoxProhibitedProcessUser . Text = ( String ) SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessData [ SEBSettings . KeyUser ] ;
// Reset the ignore widget event flags
ignoreWidgetEventProhibitedProcessesActive = false ;
ignoreWidgetEventProhibitedProcessesOS = false ;
ignoreWidgetEventProhibitedProcessesExecutable = false ;
ignoreWidgetEventProhibitedProcessesDescription = false ;
private void ClearProhibitedSelectedProcessGroup ( )
// Beware double events:
// Update the widgets in "Selected Process" group,
// but prevent the following "widget changed" event from firing the "cell changed" event once more!
ignoreWidgetEventProhibitedProcessesActive = true ;
ignoreWidgetEventProhibitedProcessesOS = true ;
ignoreWidgetEventProhibitedProcessesExecutable = true ;
ignoreWidgetEventProhibitedProcessesDescription = true ;
// Clear the widgets in the "Selected Process" group
checkBoxProhibitedProcessActive . Checked = true ;
checkBoxProhibitedProcessCurrentUser . Checked = true ;
checkBoxProhibitedProcessStrongKill . Checked = false ;
listBoxProhibitedProcessOS . SelectedIndex = IntWin ;
textBoxProhibitedProcessExecutable . Text = "" ;
textBoxProhibitedProcessOriginalName . Text = "" ;
textBoxProhibitedProcessDescription . Text = "" ;
textBoxProhibitedProcessIdentifier . Text = "" ;
textBoxProhibitedProcessUser . Text = "" ;
// Reset the ignore widget event flags
ignoreWidgetEventProhibitedProcessesActive = false ;
ignoreWidgetEventProhibitedProcessesOS = false ;
ignoreWidgetEventProhibitedProcessesExecutable = false ;
ignoreWidgetEventProhibitedProcessesDescription = false ;
private void dataGridViewProhibitedProcesses_SelectionChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
// If a row was previously selected and the user clicks onto another row,
// the SelectionChanged() event is fired TWICE!!!
// The first time, it is only for UNselecting the old row,
// so the SelectedRows.Count is ZERO, so ignore this event handler!
// The second time, SelectedRows.Count is ONE.
// Now you can set the widgets in the "Selected Process" groupBox.
if ( dataGridViewProhibitedProcesses . SelectedRows . Count ! = 1 ) return ;
SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessIndex = dataGridViewProhibitedProcesses . SelectedRows [ 0 ] . Index ;
// The process list should contain at least one element here:
// SEBSettings.prohibitedProcessList.Count > 0
// SEBSettings.prohibitedProcessIndex >= 0
LoadAndUpdateProhibitedSelectedProcessGroup ( SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessIndex ) ;
private void dataGridViewProhibitedProcesses_CurrentCellDirtyStateChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
// When a CheckBox/ListBox/TextBox entry of a DataGridView table cell is edited,
// immediately call the CellValueChanged() event,
// which will update the SelectedProcess data and widgets.
if ( dataGridViewProhibitedProcesses . IsCurrentCellDirty )
dataGridViewProhibitedProcesses . CommitEdit ( DataGridViewDataErrorContexts . Commit ) ;
private void dataGridViewProhibitedProcesses_CellValueChanged ( object sender , DataGridViewCellEventArgs e )
// Prevent double events from switching to false process index
if ( ignoreCellEventProhibitedProcessesActive = = true ) return ;
if ( ignoreCellEventProhibitedProcessesOS = = true ) return ;
if ( ignoreCellEventProhibitedProcessesExecutable = = true ) return ;
if ( ignoreCellEventProhibitedProcessesDescription = = true ) return ;
// Get the current cell where the user has changed a value
int row = dataGridViewProhibitedProcesses . CurrentCellAddress . Y ;
int column = dataGridViewProhibitedProcesses . CurrentCellAddress . X ;
// At the beginning, row = -1 and column = -1, so skip this event
if ( row < 0 ) return ;
if ( column < 0 ) return ;
// Get the changed value of the current cell
object value = dataGridViewProhibitedProcesses . CurrentCell . EditedFormattedValue ;
// Convert the selected "OS" ListBox entry from String to Integer
if ( column = = IntColumnProcessOS )
if ( ( String ) value = = StringOSX ) value = IntOSX ;
else if ( ( String ) value = = StringWin ) value = IntWin ;
// Get the process data of the process belonging to the current row
SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessIndex = row ;
SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessList = ( ListObj ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyProhibitedProcesses ] ;
SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessData = ( DictObj ) SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessList [ SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessIndex ] ;
// Update the process data belonging to the current cell
if ( column = = IntColumnProcessActive ) SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessData [ SEBSettings . KeyActive ] = ( Boolean ) value ;
if ( column = = IntColumnProcessOS ) SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessData [ SEBSettings . KeyOS ] = ( Int32 ) value ;
if ( column = = IntColumnProcessExecutable ) SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessData [ SEBSettings . KeyExecutable ] = ( String ) value ;
if ( column = = IntColumnProcessDescription ) SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessData [ SEBSettings . KeyDescription ] = ( String ) value ;
// Beware double events:
// when a cell has been edited, update its corresponding widget in "Selected Process" group,
// but prevent the following "widget changed" event from firing the "cell changed" event once more!
if ( column = = IntColumnProcessActive ) ignoreWidgetEventProhibitedProcessesActive = true ;
if ( column = = IntColumnProcessOS ) ignoreWidgetEventProhibitedProcessesOS = true ;
if ( column = = IntColumnProcessExecutable ) ignoreWidgetEventProhibitedProcessesExecutable = true ;
if ( column = = IntColumnProcessDescription ) ignoreWidgetEventProhibitedProcessesDescription = true ;
// In "Selected Process" group: update the widget belonging to the current cell
// (this will fire the corresponding "widget changed" event).
if ( column = = IntColumnProcessActive ) checkBoxProhibitedProcessActive . Checked = ( Boolean ) value ;
if ( column = = IntColumnProcessOS ) listBoxProhibitedProcessOS . SelectedIndex = ( Int32 ) value ;
if ( column = = IntColumnProcessExecutable ) textBoxProhibitedProcessExecutable . Text = ( String ) value ;
if ( column = = IntColumnProcessDescription ) textBoxProhibitedProcessDescription . Text = ( String ) value ;
// Reset the ignore widget event flags
if ( column = = IntColumnProcessActive ) ignoreWidgetEventProhibitedProcessesActive = false ;
if ( column = = IntColumnProcessOS ) ignoreWidgetEventProhibitedProcessesOS = false ;
if ( column = = IntColumnProcessExecutable ) ignoreWidgetEventProhibitedProcessesExecutable = false ;
if ( column = = IntColumnProcessDescription ) ignoreWidgetEventProhibitedProcessesDescription = false ;
private void buttonAddProhibitedProcess_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
// Get the process list
SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessList = ( ListObj ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyProhibitedProcesses ] ;
if ( SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessList . Count > 0 )
if ( dataGridViewProhibitedProcesses . SelectedRows . Count ! = 1 ) return ;
//SEBSettings.prohibitedProcessIndex = dataGridViewProhibitedProcesses.SelectedRows[0].Index;
SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessIndex = SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessList . Count ;
// If process list was empty before, enable it
SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessIndex = 0 ;
dataGridViewProhibitedProcesses . Enabled = true ;
groupBoxProhibitedProcess . Enabled = true ;
// Create new process dataset containing default values
DictObj processData = new DictObj ( ) ;
processData [ SEBSettings . KeyActive ] = true ;
processData [ SEBSettings . KeyCurrentUser ] = true ;
processData [ SEBSettings . KeyStrongKill ] = false ;
processData [ SEBSettings . KeyOS ] = IntWin ;
processData [ SEBSettings . KeyExecutable ] = "" ;
processData [ SEBSettings . KeyOriginalName ] = "" ;
processData [ SEBSettings . KeyDescription ] = "" ;
processData [ SEBSettings . KeyIdentifier ] = "" ;
processData [ SEBSettings . KeyUser ] = "" ;
// Insert new process into process list at position index
SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessList . Insert ( SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessIndex , processData ) ;
dataGridViewProhibitedProcesses . Rows . Insert ( SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessIndex , true , StringOS [ IntWin ] , "" , "" ) ;
dataGridViewProhibitedProcesses . Rows [ SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessIndex ] . Selected = true ;
private void buttonRemoveProhibitedProcess_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
if ( dataGridViewProhibitedProcesses . SelectedRows . Count ! = 1 ) return ;
// Clear the widgets in the "Selected Process" group
ClearProhibitedSelectedProcessGroup ( ) ;
// Delete process from process list at position index
SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessIndex = dataGridViewProhibitedProcesses . SelectedRows [ 0 ] . Index ;
SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessList = ( ListObj ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyProhibitedProcesses ] ;
SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessList . RemoveAt ( SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessIndex ) ;
dataGridViewProhibitedProcesses . Rows . RemoveAt ( SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessIndex ) ;
if ( SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessIndex = = SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessList . Count )
SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessIndex - - ;
if ( SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessList . Count > 0 )
dataGridViewProhibitedProcesses . Rows [ SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessIndex ] . Selected = true ;
// If process list is now empty, disable it
SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessIndex = - 1 ;
dataGridViewProhibitedProcesses . Enabled = false ;
groupBoxProhibitedProcess . Enabled = false ;
private void buttonChooseProhibitedExecutable_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
private void buttonChooseProhibitedProcess_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
private void checkBoxProhibitedProcessActive_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
// Prevent double events from switching to false process index
if ( ignoreWidgetEventProhibitedProcessesActive = = true ) return ;
if ( SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessIndex < 0 ) return ;
SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessList = ( ListObj ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyProhibitedProcesses ] ;
SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessData = ( DictObj ) SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessList [ SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessIndex ] ;
SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessData [ SEBSettings . KeyActive ] = checkBoxProhibitedProcessActive . Checked ;
Boolean active = checkBoxProhibitedProcessActive . Checked ;
ignoreCellEventProhibitedProcessesActive = true ;
dataGridViewProhibitedProcesses . Rows [ SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessIndex ] . Cells [ IntColumnProcessActive ] . Value = active . ToString ( ) ;
ignoreCellEventProhibitedProcessesActive = false ;
private void checkBoxProhibitedProcessCurrentUser_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
if ( SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessIndex < 0 ) return ;
SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessList = ( ListObj ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyProhibitedProcesses ] ;
SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessData = ( DictObj ) SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessList [ SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessIndex ] ;
SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessData [ SEBSettings . KeyCurrentUser ] = checkBoxProhibitedProcessCurrentUser . Checked ;
private void checkBoxProhibitedProcessStrongKill_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
if ( SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessIndex < 0 ) return ;
SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessList = ( ListObj ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyProhibitedProcesses ] ;
SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessData = ( DictObj ) SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessList [ SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessIndex ] ;
SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessData [ SEBSettings . KeyStrongKill ] = checkBoxProhibitedProcessStrongKill . Checked ;
private void listBoxProhibitedProcessOS_SelectedIndexChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
// Prevent double events from switching to false process index
if ( ignoreWidgetEventProhibitedProcessesOS = = true ) return ;
if ( SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessIndex < 0 ) return ;
SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessList = ( ListObj ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyProhibitedProcesses ] ;
SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessData = ( DictObj ) SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessList [ SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessIndex ] ;
SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessData [ SEBSettings . KeyOS ] = listBoxProhibitedProcessOS . SelectedIndex ;
Int32 os = listBoxProhibitedProcessOS . SelectedIndex ;
ignoreCellEventProhibitedProcessesOS = true ;
dataGridViewProhibitedProcesses . Rows [ SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessIndex ] . Cells [ IntColumnProcessOS ] . Value = StringOS [ os ] ;
ignoreCellEventProhibitedProcessesOS = false ;
private void textBoxProhibitedProcessExecutable_TextChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
// Prevent double events from switching to false process index
if ( ignoreWidgetEventProhibitedProcessesExecutable = = true ) return ;
if ( SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessIndex < 0 ) return ;
SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessList = ( ListObj ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyProhibitedProcesses ] ;
SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessData = ( DictObj ) SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessList [ SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessIndex ] ;
SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessData [ SEBSettings . KeyExecutable ] = textBoxProhibitedProcessExecutable . Text ;
String executable = textBoxProhibitedProcessExecutable . Text ;
ignoreCellEventProhibitedProcessesExecutable = true ;
dataGridViewProhibitedProcesses . Rows [ SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessIndex ] . Cells [ IntColumnProcessExecutable ] . Value = executable ;
ignoreCellEventProhibitedProcessesExecutable = false ;
private void textBoxProhibitedProcessOriginalName_TextChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
if ( SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessIndex < 0 ) return ;
SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessList = ( ListObj ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyProhibitedProcesses ] ;
SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessData = ( DictObj ) SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessList [ SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessIndex ] ;
SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessData [ SEBSettings . KeyOriginalName ] = textBoxProhibitedProcessOriginalName . Text ;
private void textBoxProhibitedProcessDescription_TextChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
// Prevent double events from switching to false process index
if ( ignoreWidgetEventProhibitedProcessesDescription = = true ) return ;
if ( SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessIndex < 0 ) return ;
SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessList = ( ListObj ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyProhibitedProcesses ] ;
SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessData = ( DictObj ) SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessList [ SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessIndex ] ;
SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessData [ SEBSettings . KeyDescription ] = textBoxProhibitedProcessDescription . Text ;
String description = textBoxProhibitedProcessDescription . Text ;
ignoreCellEventProhibitedProcessesDescription = true ;
dataGridViewProhibitedProcesses . Rows [ SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessIndex ] . Cells [ IntColumnProcessDescription ] . Value = description ;
ignoreCellEventProhibitedProcessesDescription = false ;
private void textBoxProhibitedProcessIdentifier_TextChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
if ( SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessIndex < 0 ) return ;
SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessList = ( ListObj ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyProhibitedProcesses ] ;
SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessData = ( DictObj ) SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessList [ SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessIndex ] ;
SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessData [ SEBSettings . KeyIdentifier ] = textBoxProhibitedProcessIdentifier . Text ;
private void textBoxProhibitedProcessUser_TextChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
if ( SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessIndex < 0 ) return ;
SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessList = ( ListObj ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyProhibitedProcesses ] ;
SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessData = ( DictObj ) SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessList [ SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessIndex ] ;
SEBSettings . prohibitedProcessData [ SEBSettings . KeyUser ] = textBoxProhibitedProcessUser . Text ;
private void buttonProhibitedProcessCodeSignature_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
private void checkBoxEnableURLFilter_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyURLFilterEnable ] = checkBoxEnableURLFilter . Checked ;
checkBoxEnableURLContentFilter . Enabled = checkBoxEnableURLFilter . Checked ;
private void checkBoxEnableURLContentFilter_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyURLFilterEnableContentFilter ] = checkBoxEnableURLContentFilter . Checked ;
// ******************************
// Group "Network - Certificates"
// ******************************
private void comboBoxChooseSSLServerCertificate_SelectedIndexChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
var cert = ( X509Certificate2 ) certificateSSLReferences [ comboBoxChooseSSLServerCertificate . SelectedIndex ] ;
SEBSettings . embeddedCertificateList = ( ListObj ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyEmbeddedCertificates ] ;
SEBSettings . embeddedCertificateIndex = SEBSettings . embeddedCertificateList . Count ;
DictObj certData = new DictObj ( ) ;
String stringSSLCertificateType ;
certData [ SEBSettings . KeyCertificateDataBase64 ] = exportToPEM ( cert ) ;
if ( checkBoxDebugCertificate . Checked )
certData [ SEBSettings . KeyType ] = IntSSLDebugCertificate ;
stringSSLCertificateType = StringSSLDebugCertificate ;
checkBoxDebugCertificate . Checked = false ;
// We also save the certificate data into the deprecated subkey certificateDataWin (for downwards compatibility to < SEB 2.2)
certData [ SEBSettings . KeyCertificateDataWin ] = exportToPEM ( cert ) ;
certData [ SEBSettings . KeyType ] = IntSSLClientCertificate ;
stringSSLCertificateType = StringSSLServerCertificate ;
certData [ SEBSettings . KeyName ] = comboBoxChooseSSLServerCertificate . SelectedItem ;
SEBSettings . embeddedCertificateList . Insert ( SEBSettings . embeddedCertificateIndex , certData ) ;
dataGridViewEmbeddedCertificates . Rows . Insert ( SEBSettings . embeddedCertificateIndex , stringSSLCertificateType , comboBoxChooseSSLServerCertificate . SelectedItem ) ;
dataGridViewEmbeddedCertificates . Rows [ SEBSettings . embeddedCertificateIndex ] . Selected = true ;
comboBoxChooseSSLServerCertificate . BeginInvoke ( ( Action ) ( ( ) = >
comboBoxChooseSSLServerCertificate . Text = SEBUIStrings . ChooseEmbeddedCert ;
} ) ) ;
dataGridViewEmbeddedCertificates . Enabled = true ;
private void comboBoxChooseCACertificate_SelectedIndexChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
var cert = ( X509Certificate2 ) certificateSSLReferences [ comboBoxChooseCACertificate . SelectedIndex ] ;
SEBSettings . embeddedCertificateList = ( ListObj ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyEmbeddedCertificates ] ;
SEBSettings . embeddedCertificateIndex = SEBSettings . embeddedCertificateList . Count ;
DictObj certData = new DictObj ( ) ;
certData [ SEBSettings . KeyCertificateDataBase64 ] = exportToPEM ( cert ) ;
certData [ SEBSettings . KeyType ] = IntCACertificate ;
certData [ SEBSettings . KeyName ] = comboBoxChooseCACertificate . SelectedItem ;
SEBSettings . embeddedCertificateList . Insert ( SEBSettings . embeddedCertificateIndex , certData ) ;
dataGridViewEmbeddedCertificates . Rows . Insert ( SEBSettings . embeddedCertificateIndex , StringCACertificate , comboBoxChooseCACertificate . SelectedItem ) ;
dataGridViewEmbeddedCertificates . Rows [ SEBSettings . embeddedCertificateIndex ] . Selected = true ;
comboBoxChooseCACertificate . BeginInvoke ( ( Action ) ( ( ) = >
comboBoxChooseCACertificate . Text = SEBUIStrings . ChooseEmbeddedCert ;
} ) ) ;
dataGridViewEmbeddedCertificates . Enabled = true ;
private void checkBoxPinEmbeddedCertificates_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyPinEmbeddedCertificates ] = checkBoxPinEmbeddedCertificates . Checked ;
private void comboBoxChooseIdentityToEmbed_SelectedIndexChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
var cert = ( X509Certificate2 ) certificateReferences [ comboBoxChooseIdentityToEmbed . SelectedIndex ] ;
SEBSettings . embeddedCertificateList = ( ListObj ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyEmbeddedCertificates ] ;
SEBSettings . embeddedCertificateIndex = SEBSettings . embeddedCertificateList . Count ;
DictObj identityToEmbedd = new DictObj ( ) ;
byte [ ] certData = new byte [ 0 ] ;
certData = cert . Export ( X509ContentType . Pkcs12 , SEBClientInfo . DEFAULT_KEY ) ;
catch ( Exception certExportException )
Logger . AddError ( string . Format ( "The identity (certificate with private key) {0} could not be exported" , comboBoxChooseIdentityToEmbed . SelectedItem ) , null , certExportException , certExportException . Message ) ;
MessageBox . Show ( SEBUIStrings . identityExportError , string . Format ( SEBUIStrings . identityExportErrorMessage , comboBoxChooseIdentityToEmbed . SelectedItem ) , MessageBoxButtons . OK , MessageBoxIcon . Error ) ;
if ( certData . Length > 0 )
identityToEmbedd [ SEBSettings . KeyCertificateData ] = certData ;
//certData[SEBSettings.KeyCertificateDataWin] = exportToPEM(cert);
identityToEmbedd [ SEBSettings . KeyType ] = 1 ;
identityToEmbedd [ SEBSettings . KeyName ] = comboBoxChooseIdentityToEmbed . SelectedItem ;
SEBSettings . embeddedCertificateList . Insert ( SEBSettings . embeddedCertificateIndex , identityToEmbedd ) ;
dataGridViewEmbeddedCertificates . Rows . Insert ( SEBSettings . embeddedCertificateIndex , "Identity" , comboBoxChooseIdentityToEmbed . SelectedItem ) ;
dataGridViewEmbeddedCertificates . Rows [ SEBSettings . embeddedCertificateIndex ] . Selected = true ;
comboBoxChooseIdentityToEmbed . BeginInvoke ( ( Action ) ( ( ) = >
comboBoxChooseIdentityToEmbed . Text = SEBUIStrings . ChooseEmbeddedCert ;
} ) ) ;
dataGridViewEmbeddedCertificates . Enabled = true ;
/// <summary>
/// Export a certificate to a PEM format string
/// </summary>
/// <param name="cert">The certificate to export</param>
/// <returns>A PEM encoded string</returns>
private string exportToPEM ( X509Certificate cert )
string certToBase64String = Convert . ToBase64String ( cert . Export ( X509ContentType . Cert ) ) ;
//certToBase64String = certToBase64String.Replace("/", @"\/");
//certToBase64String = certToBase64String.Substring(0, certToBase64String.Length - 1);
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder ( ) ;
//builder.Append("-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----");
builder . Append ( certToBase64String ) ; //Convert.ToBase64String(cert.Export(X509ContentType.Cert))); //, Base64FormattingOptions.InsertLineBreaks));
//builder.Append("-----END CERTIFICATE-----");
return builder . ToString ( ) ;
private void dataGridViewEmbeddedCertificates_SelectionChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
// If a row was previously selected and the user clicks onto another row,
// the SelectionChanged() event is fired TWICE!!!
// The first time, it is only for UNselecting the old row,
// so the SelectedRows.Count is ZERO, so ignore this event handler!
// The second time, SelectedRows.Count is ONE.
// Now you can set the widgets in the "Selected Process" groupBox.
if ( dataGridViewEmbeddedCertificates . SelectedRows . Count ! = 1 ) return ;
SEBSettings . embeddedCertificateIndex = dataGridViewEmbeddedCertificates . SelectedRows [ 0 ] . Index ;
private void dataGridViewEmbeddedCertificates_CurrentCellDirtyStateChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
// When a CheckBox/ListBox/TextBox entry of a DataGridView table cell is edited,
// immediately call the CellValueChanged() event.
if ( dataGridViewEmbeddedCertificates . IsCurrentCellDirty )
dataGridViewEmbeddedCertificates . CommitEdit ( DataGridViewDataErrorContexts . Commit ) ;
private void dataGridViewEmbeddedCertificates_CellValueChanged ( object sender , DataGridViewCellEventArgs e )
// Get the current cell where the user has changed a value
int row = dataGridViewEmbeddedCertificates . CurrentCellAddress . Y ;
int column = dataGridViewEmbeddedCertificates . CurrentCellAddress . X ;
// At the beginning, row = -1 and column = -1, so skip this event
if ( row < 0 ) return ;
if ( column < 0 ) return ;
// Get the changed value of the current cell
object value = dataGridViewEmbeddedCertificates . CurrentCell . EditedFormattedValue ;
// Convert the selected Type ListBox entry from String to Integer
if ( column = = IntColumnCertificateType )
if ( ( String ) value = = StringSSLServerCertificate ) value = IntSSLClientCertificate ;
else if ( ( String ) value = = StringIdentity ) value = IntIdentity ;
else if ( ( String ) value = = StringCACertificate ) value = IntCACertificate ;
else if ( ( String ) value = = StringSSLDebugCertificate ) value = IntSSLDebugCertificate ;
// Get the data of the certificate belonging to the cell (row)
SEBSettings . embeddedCertificateIndex = row ;
SEBSettings . embeddedCertificateList = ( ListObj ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyEmbeddedCertificates ] ;
SEBSettings . embeddedCertificateData = ( DictObj ) SEBSettings . embeddedCertificateList [ SEBSettings . embeddedCertificateIndex ] ;
// Update the certificate data belonging to the current cell
if ( column = = IntColumnCertificateType ) SEBSettings . embeddedCertificateData [ SEBSettings . KeyType ] = ( Int32 ) value ;
if ( column = = IntColumnCertificateName ) SEBSettings . embeddedCertificateData [ SEBSettings . KeyName ] = ( String ) value ;
private void buttonRemoveEmbeddedCertificate_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
if ( dataGridViewEmbeddedCertificates . SelectedRows . Count ! = 1 ) return ;
SEBSettings . embeddedCertificateIndex = dataGridViewEmbeddedCertificates . SelectedRows [ 0 ] . Index ;
// Delete certificate from certificate list at position index
SEBSettings . embeddedCertificateList = ( ListObj ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyEmbeddedCertificates ] ;
SEBSettings . embeddedCertificateList . RemoveAt ( SEBSettings . embeddedCertificateIndex ) ;
dataGridViewEmbeddedCertificates . Rows . RemoveAt ( SEBSettings . embeddedCertificateIndex ) ;
if ( SEBSettings . embeddedCertificateIndex = = SEBSettings . embeddedCertificateList . Count )
SEBSettings . embeddedCertificateIndex - - ;
if ( SEBSettings . embeddedCertificateList . Count > 0 )
dataGridViewEmbeddedCertificates . Rows [ SEBSettings . embeddedCertificateIndex ] . Selected = true ;
// If certificate list is now empty, disable it
SEBSettings . embeddedCertificateIndex = - 1 ;
dataGridViewEmbeddedCertificates . Enabled = false ;
// *************************
// Group "Network - Proxies"
// *************************
private void radioButtonUseSystemProxySettings_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
if ( radioButtonUseSystemProxySettings . Checked = = true )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyProxySettingsPolicy ] = 0 ;
else SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyProxySettingsPolicy ] = 1 ;
private void radioButtonUseSebProxySettings_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
if ( radioButtonUseSebProxySettings . Checked = = true )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyProxySettingsPolicy ] = 1 ;
else SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyProxySettingsPolicy ] = 0 ;
private void checkBoxExcludeSimpleHostnames_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
// Get the proxies data
SEBSettings . proxiesData = ( DictObj ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyProxies ] ;
SEBSettings . proxiesData [ SEBSettings . KeyExcludeSimpleHostnames ] = checkBoxExcludeSimpleHostnames . Checked ;
private void checkBoxUsePassiveFTPMode_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
// Get the proxies data
SEBSettings . proxiesData = ( DictObj ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyProxies ] ;
SEBSettings . proxiesData [ SEBSettings . KeyFTPPassive ] = checkBoxUsePassiveFTPMode . Checked ;
private void dataGridViewProxyProtocols_SelectionChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
// If a row was previously selected and the user clicks onto another row,
// the SelectionChanged() event is fired TWICE!!!
// The first time, it is only for UNselecting the old row,
// so the SelectedRows.Count is ZERO, so ignore this event handler!
// The second time, SelectedRows.Count is ONE.
// Now you can set the widgets in the "Selected Process" groupBox.
if ( dataGridViewProxyProtocols . SelectedRows . Count ! = 1 ) return ;
SEBSettings . proxyProtocolIndex = dataGridViewProxyProtocols . SelectedRows [ 0 ] . Index ;
// if proxyProtocolIndex is 0 (AutoDiscovery ), do nothing
// if proxyProtocolIndex is 1 (AutoConfiguration), enable Proxy URL widgets
// if proxyProtocolIndex is >= 2 (... Proxy Server ), enable Proxy Server widgets
Boolean useAutoConfiguration = ( SEBSettings . proxyProtocolIndex = = IntProxyAutoConfiguration ) ;
Boolean useProxyServer = ( SEBSettings . proxyProtocolIndex > IntProxyAutoConfiguration ) ;
// Enable the proxy widgets belonging to Auto Configuration
labelAutoProxyConfigurationURL . Visible = useAutoConfiguration ;
labelProxyConfigurationFileURL . Visible = useAutoConfiguration ;
textBoxIfYourNetworkAdministrator . Visible = useAutoConfiguration ;
textBoxAutoProxyConfigurationURL . Visible = useAutoConfiguration ;
buttonChooseProxyConfigurationFile . Visible = useAutoConfiguration ;
// Enable the proxy widgets belonging to Proxy Server
labelProxyServerHost . Visible = useProxyServer ;
labelProxyServerPort . Visible = useProxyServer ;
textBoxProxyServerHost . Visible = useProxyServer ;
textBoxProxyServerPort . Visible = useProxyServer ;
labelProxyServerUsername . Visible = useProxyServer ;
labelProxyServerPassword . Visible = useProxyServer ;
textBoxProxyServerUsername . Visible = useProxyServer ;
textBoxProxyServerPassword . Visible = useProxyServer ;
checkBoxProxyServerRequires . Visible = useProxyServer ;
if ( useProxyServer )
labelProxyServerHost . Text = StringProxyProtocolServerLabel [ SEBSettings . proxyProtocolIndex ] ;
labelProxyServerHost . Text + = " Proxy Server" ;
// Get the proxy protocol type
String KeyProtocolType = KeyProxyProtocolType [ SEBSettings . proxyProtocolIndex ] ;
// Get the proxies data
SEBSettings . proxiesData = ( DictObj ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyProxies ] ;
// Update the proxy widgets
if ( useAutoConfiguration )
textBoxAutoProxyConfigurationURL . Text = ( String ) SEBSettings . proxiesData [ SEBSettings . KeyAutoConfigurationURL ] ;
if ( useProxyServer )
checkBoxProxyServerRequires . Checked = ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . proxiesData [ KeyProtocolType + SEBSettings . KeyRequires ] ;
textBoxProxyServerHost . Text = ( String ) SEBSettings . proxiesData [ KeyProtocolType + SEBSettings . KeyHost ] ;
textBoxProxyServerPort . Text = ( String ) SEBSettings . proxiesData [ KeyProtocolType + SEBSettings . KeyPort ] . ToString ( ) ;
textBoxProxyServerUsername . Text = ( String ) SEBSettings . proxiesData [ KeyProtocolType + SEBSettings . KeyUsername ] ;
textBoxProxyServerPassword . Text = ( String ) SEBSettings . proxiesData [ KeyProtocolType + SEBSettings . KeyPassword ] ;
// Disable the username/password textboxes when they are not required
textBoxProxyServerUsername . Enabled = checkBoxProxyServerRequires . Checked ;
textBoxProxyServerPassword . Enabled = checkBoxProxyServerRequires . Checked ;
private void dataGridViewProxyProtocols_CurrentCellDirtyStateChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
// When a CheckBox/ListBox/TextBox entry of a DataGridView table cell is edited,
// immediately call the CellValueChanged() event.
if ( dataGridViewProxyProtocols . IsCurrentCellDirty )
dataGridViewProxyProtocols . CommitEdit ( DataGridViewDataErrorContexts . Commit ) ;
private void dataGridViewProxyProtocols_CellValueChanged ( object sender , DataGridViewCellEventArgs e )
// Get the current cell where the user has changed a value
int row = dataGridViewProxyProtocols . CurrentCellAddress . Y ;
int column = dataGridViewProxyProtocols . CurrentCellAddress . X ;
// At the beginning, row = -1 and column = -1, so skip this event
if ( row < 0 ) return ;
if ( column < 0 ) return ;
// Get the changed value of the current cell
object value = dataGridViewProxyProtocols . CurrentCell . EditedFormattedValue ;
// Get the proxies data of the proxy protocol belonging to the cell (row)
SEBSettings . proxiesData = ( DictObj ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyProxies ] ;
SEBSettings . proxyProtocolIndex = row ;
// Update the proxy enable data belonging to the current cell
if ( column = = IntColumnProxyProtocolEnable )
String key = KeyProxyProtocolEnable [ row ] ;
SEBSettings . proxiesData [ key ] = ( Boolean ) value ;
BooleanProxyProtocolEnabled [ row ] = ( Boolean ) value ;
private void textBoxAutoProxyConfigurationURL_TextChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
// Get the proxies data
SEBSettings . proxiesData = ( DictObj ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyProxies ] ;
SEBSettings . proxiesData [ SEBSettings . KeyAutoConfigurationURL ] = textBoxAutoProxyConfigurationURL . Text ;
private void buttonChooseProxyConfigurationFile_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
private void textBoxProxyServerHost_TextChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
// Get the proxies data
String key = KeyProxyProtocolType [ SEBSettings . proxyProtocolIndex ] + SEBSettings . KeyHost ;
SEBSettings . proxiesData = ( DictObj ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyProxies ] ;
SEBSettings . proxiesData [ key ] = textBoxProxyServerHost . Text ;
private void textBoxProxyServerPort_TextChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
// Get the proxies data
String key = KeyProxyProtocolType [ SEBSettings . proxyProtocolIndex ] + SEBSettings . KeyPort ;
SEBSettings . proxiesData = ( DictObj ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyProxies ] ;
// Convert the "Port" string to an integer
SEBSettings . proxiesData [ key ] = Int32 . Parse ( textBoxProxyServerPort . Text ) ;
catch ( FormatException )
textBoxProxyServerPort . Text = "" ;
private void checkBoxProxyServerRequiresPassword_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
// Get the proxies data
String key = KeyProxyProtocolType [ SEBSettings . proxyProtocolIndex ] + SEBSettings . KeyRequires ;
SEBSettings . proxiesData = ( DictObj ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyProxies ] ;
SEBSettings . proxiesData [ key ] = ( Boolean ) checkBoxProxyServerRequires . Checked ;
// Disable the username/password textboxes when they are not required
textBoxProxyServerUsername . Enabled = checkBoxProxyServerRequires . Checked ;
textBoxProxyServerPassword . Enabled = checkBoxProxyServerRequires . Checked ;
private void textBoxProxyServerUsername_TextChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
// Get the proxies data
String key = KeyProxyProtocolType [ SEBSettings . proxyProtocolIndex ] + SEBSettings . KeyUsername ;
SEBSettings . proxiesData = ( DictObj ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyProxies ] ;
SEBSettings . proxiesData [ key ] = textBoxProxyServerUsername . Text ;
private void textBoxProxyServerPassword_TextChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
// Get the proxies data
String key = KeyProxyProtocolType [ SEBSettings . proxyProtocolIndex ] + SEBSettings . KeyPassword ;
SEBSettings . proxiesData = ( DictObj ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyProxies ] ;
SEBSettings . proxiesData [ key ] = textBoxProxyServerPassword . Text ;
private void textBoxBypassedProxyHostList_TextChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
// Get the proxies data
SEBSettings . proxiesData = ( DictObj ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyProxies ] ;
string bypassedProxiesCommaSeparatedList = textBoxBypassedProxyHostList . Text ;
// Create List
List < string > bypassedProxyHostList = bypassedProxiesCommaSeparatedList . Split ( ',' ) . ToList ( ) ;
// Trim whitespace from host strings
ListObj bypassedProxyTrimmedHostList = new ListObj ( ) ;
foreach ( string host in bypassedProxyHostList )
bypassedProxyTrimmedHostList . Add ( host . Trim ( ) ) ;
SEBSettings . proxiesData [ SEBSettings . KeyExceptionsList ] = bypassedProxyTrimmedHostList ;
// ****************
// Group "Security"
// ****************
private void listBoxSebServicePolicy_SelectedIndexChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeySebServicePolicy ] = listBoxSebServicePolicy . SelectedIndex ;
private void checkBoxAllowVirtualMachine_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyAllowVirtualMachine ] = checkBoxAllowVirtualMachine . Checked ;
private void checkBoxAllowScreenSharing_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyAllowScreenSharing ] = checkBoxAllowScreenSharing . Checked ;
private void checkBoxEnablePrivateClipboard_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyEnablePrivateClipboard ] = checkBoxEnablePrivateClipboard . Checked ;
private void radioCreateNewDesktop_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyCreateNewDesktop ] = radioCreateNewDesktop . Checked ;
checkBoxMonitorProcesses . Enabled = ! radioCreateNewDesktop . Checked ;
checkBoxMonitorProcesses . Checked = radioCreateNewDesktop . Checked ;
if ( radioCreateNewDesktop . Checked & & ( Boolean ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyTouchOptimized ] = = true )
MessageBox . Show ( "Touch optimization will not work when kiosk mode is set to Create New Desktop, please change the appearance." , "Warning" , MessageBoxButtons . OK , MessageBoxIcon . Exclamation ) ;
if ( radioCreateNewDesktop . Checked )
CheckAndOptionallyRemoveDefaultProhibitedProcesses ( ) ;
UpdateAllWidgetsOfProgram ( ) ;
private void radioKillExplorerShell_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyKillExplorerShell ] = radioKillExplorerShell . Checked ;
checkBoxMonitorProcesses . Enabled = ! radioKillExplorerShell . Checked ;
checkBoxMonitorProcesses . Checked = radioKillExplorerShell . Checked ;
private void checkBoxAllowWlan_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyAllowWLAN ] = checkboxAllowWlan . Checked ;
private void checkBoxAllowSiri_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyAllowSiri ] = checkBoxAllowSiri . Checked ;
private void checkBoxEnableAppSwitcherCheck_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyEnableAppSwitcherCheck ] = checkBoxEnableAppSwitcherCheck . Checked ;
private void checkBoxForceAppFolderInstall_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyForceAppFolderInstall ] = checkBoxForceAppFolderInstall . Checked ;
private void checkBoxEnableLogging_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyEnableLogging ] = checkBoxEnableLogging . Checked ;
private void buttonLogDirectoryWin_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
// Set the default directory in the Folder Browser Dialog
//folderBrowserDialogLogDirectoryWin.SelectedPath = textBoxLogDirectoryWin.Text;
folderBrowserDialogLogDirectoryWin . RootFolder = Environment . SpecialFolder . Desktop ;
// folderBrowserDialogLogDirectoryWin.RootFolder = Environment.CurrentDirectory;
// Get the user inputs in the File Dialog
DialogResult dialogResult = folderBrowserDialogLogDirectoryWin . ShowDialog ( ) ;
String path = folderBrowserDialogLogDirectoryWin . SelectedPath ;
// If the user clicked "Cancel", do nothing
if ( dialogResult . Equals ( DialogResult . Cancel ) ) return ;
// If the user clicked "OK", ...
string pathUsingEnvironmentVariables = SEBClientInfo . ContractEnvironmentVariables ( path ) ;
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyLogDirectoryWin ] = pathUsingEnvironmentVariables ;
textBoxLogDirectoryWin . Text = pathUsingEnvironmentVariables ;
if ( String . IsNullOrEmpty ( path ) )
checkBoxUseStandardDirectory . Checked = true ;
checkBoxUseStandardDirectory . Checked = false ;
private void textBoxLogDirectoryWin_TextChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
string path = textBoxLogDirectoryWin . Text ;
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyLogDirectoryWin ] = path ;
if ( String . IsNullOrEmpty ( path ) )
checkBoxUseStandardDirectory . Checked = true ;
checkBoxUseStandardDirectory . Checked = false ;
private void checkBoxUseStandardDirectory_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
if ( checkBoxUseStandardDirectory . Checked )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyLogDirectoryWin ] = "" ;
textBoxLogDirectoryWin . Text = "" ;
private void textBoxLogDirectoryOSX_TextChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
string path = textBoxLogDirectoryOSX . Text ;
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyLogDirectoryOSX ] = path ;
private void checkBoxAllowDictation_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyAllowDictation ] = checkBoxAllowDictation . Checked ;
private void checkBoxDetectStoppedProcess_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyDetectStoppedProcess ] = checkBoxDetectStoppedProcess . Checked ;
private void checkBoxAllowDisplayMirroring_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyAllowDisplayMirroring ] = checkBoxAllowDisplayMirroring . Checked ;
private void checkBoxAllowUserAppFolderInstall_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyAllowUserAppFolderInstall ] = checkBoxAllowUserAppFolderInstall . Checked ;
private void checkBoxAllowedDisplayBuiltin_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyAllowedDisplayBuiltin ] = checkBoxAllowedDisplayBuiltin . Checked ;
private void comboBoxMinMacOSVersion_SelectedIndexChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . intArrayCurrent [ SEBSettings . ValMinMacOSVersion ] = comboBoxMinMacOSVersion . SelectedIndex ;
SEBSettings . strArrayCurrent [ SEBSettings . ValMinMacOSVersion ] = comboBoxMinMacOSVersion . Text ;
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyMinMacOSVersion ] = comboBoxMinMacOSVersion . SelectedIndex ;
private void comboBoxMinMacOSVersion_TextChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . intArrayCurrent [ SEBSettings . ValMinMacOSVersion ] = comboBoxMinMacOSVersion . SelectedIndex ;
SEBSettings . strArrayCurrent [ SEBSettings . ValMinMacOSVersion ] = comboBoxMinMacOSVersion . Text ;
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyMinMacOSVersion ] = comboBoxMinMacOSVersion . SelectedIndex ;
private void comboBoxAllowedDisplaysMaxNumber_SelectedIndexChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . intArrayCurrent [ SEBSettings . ValAllowedDisplaysMaxNumber ] = comboBoxAllowedDisplaysMaxNumber . SelectedIndex ;
SEBSettings . strArrayCurrent [ SEBSettings . ValAllowedDisplaysMaxNumber ] = comboBoxAllowedDisplaysMaxNumber . Text ;
int allowedDisplaysMaxNumber = 1 ;
int . TryParse ( comboBoxAllowedDisplaysMaxNumber . Text , out allowedDisplaysMaxNumber ) ;
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyAllowedDisplaysMaxNumber ] = allowedDisplaysMaxNumber ;
private void comboBoxAllowedDisplaysMaxNumber_TextChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . intArrayCurrent [ SEBSettings . ValAllowedDisplaysMaxNumber ] = comboBoxAllowedDisplaysMaxNumber . SelectedIndex ;
SEBSettings . strArrayCurrent [ SEBSettings . ValAllowedDisplaysMaxNumber ] = comboBoxAllowedDisplaysMaxNumber . Text ;
int allowedDisplaysMaxNumber = 1 ;
int . TryParse ( comboBoxAllowedDisplaysMaxNumber . Text , out allowedDisplaysMaxNumber ) ;
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyAllowedDisplaysMaxNumber ] = allowedDisplaysMaxNumber ;
// ****************
// Group "Registry"
// ****************
// ******************
// Group "Inside SEB"
// ******************
private void checkBoxInsideSebEnableSwitchUser_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyInsideSebEnableSwitchUser ] = checkBoxInsideSebEnableSwitchUser . Checked ;
private void checkBoxInsideSebEnableLockThisComputer_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyInsideSebEnableLockThisComputer ] = checkBoxInsideSebEnableLockThisComputer . Checked ;
private void checkBoxInsideSebEnableChangeAPassword_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyInsideSebEnableChangeAPassword ] = checkBoxInsideSebEnableChangeAPassword . Checked ;
private void checkBoxInsideSebEnableStartTaskManager_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyInsideSebEnableStartTaskManager ] = checkBoxInsideSebEnableStartTaskManager . Checked ;
private void checkBoxInsideSebEnableLogOff_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyInsideSebEnableLogOff ] = checkBoxInsideSebEnableLogOff . Checked ;
private void checkBoxInsideSebEnableShutDown_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyInsideSebEnableShutDown ] = checkBoxInsideSebEnableShutDown . Checked ;
private void checkBoxInsideSebEnableEaseOfAccess_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyInsideSebEnableEaseOfAccess ] = checkBoxInsideSebEnableEaseOfAccess . Checked ;
private void checkBoxInsideSebEnableVmWareClientShade_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyInsideSebEnableVmWareClientShade ] = checkBoxInsideSebEnableVmWareClientShade . Checked ;
private void checkBoxInsideSebEnableNetworkConnectionSelector_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyInsideSebEnableNetworkConnectionSelector ] = checkBoxInsideSebEnableNetworkConnectionSelector . Checked ;
// *******************
// Group "Hooked Keys"
// *******************
private void checkBoxHookKeys_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyHookKeys ] = checkBoxHookKeys . Checked ;
// ********************
// Group "Special Keys"
// ********************
private void checkBoxEnableEsc_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyEnableEsc ] = checkBoxEnableEsc . Checked ;
private void checkBoxEnableCtrlEsc_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyEnableCtrlEsc ] = checkBoxEnableCtrlEsc . Checked ;
private void checkBoxEnableAltEsc_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyEnableAltEsc ] = checkBoxEnableAltEsc . Checked ;
private void checkBoxEnableAltTab_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyEnableAltTab ] = checkBoxEnableAltTab . Checked ;
private void checkBoxEnableAltF4_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyEnableAltF4 ] = checkBoxEnableAltF4 . Checked ;
private void checkBoxEnableRightMouse_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyEnableRightMouse ] = checkBoxEnableRightMouse . Checked ;
private void checkBoxEnablePrintScreen_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyEnablePrintScreen ] = checkBoxEnablePrintScreen . Checked ;
checkBoxEnableScreenCapture . Checked = checkBoxEnablePrintScreen . Checked ;
private void checkBoxEnableAltMouseWheel_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyEnableAltMouseWheel ] = checkBoxEnableAltMouseWheel . Checked ;
checkBoxAllowBrowsingBackForward . Checked = checkBoxEnableAltMouseWheel . Checked ;
// *********************
// Group "Function Keys"
// *********************
private void checkBoxEnableF1_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyEnableF1 ] = checkBoxEnableF1 . Checked ;
private void checkBoxEnableF2_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyEnableF2 ] = checkBoxEnableF2 . Checked ;
private void checkBoxEnableF3_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyEnableF3 ] = checkBoxEnableF3 . Checked ;
private void checkBoxEnableF4_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyEnableF4 ] = checkBoxEnableF4 . Checked ;
private void checkBoxEnableF5_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyEnableF5 ] = checkBoxEnableF5 . Checked ;
private void checkBoxEnableF6_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyEnableF6 ] = checkBoxEnableF6 . Checked ;
private void checkBoxEnableF7_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyEnableF7 ] = checkBoxEnableF7 . Checked ;
private void checkBoxEnableF8_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyEnableF8 ] = checkBoxEnableF8 . Checked ;
private void checkBoxEnableF9_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyEnableF9 ] = checkBoxEnableF9 . Checked ;
private void checkBoxEnableF10_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyEnableF10 ] = checkBoxEnableF10 . Checked ;
private void checkBoxEnableF11_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyEnableF11 ] = checkBoxEnableF11 . Checked ;
private void checkBoxEnableF12_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyEnableF12 ] = checkBoxEnableF12 . Checked ;
private void labelHashedAdminPassword_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
private void labelOpenLinksHTML_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
private void label6_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
private void checkBoxEnableZoomText_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyEnableZoomText ] = checkBoxEnableZoomText . Checked ;
enableZoomAdjustZoomMode ( ) ;
private void checkBoxEnableZoomPage_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyEnableZoomPage ] = checkBoxEnableZoomPage . Checked ;
enableZoomAdjustZoomMode ( ) ;
private void enableZoomAdjustZoomMode ( )
if ( ! checkBoxEnableZoomPage . Checked & & ! checkBoxEnableZoomText . Checked )
groupBoxZoomMode . Enabled = false ;
else if ( checkBoxEnableZoomPage . Checked & & ! checkBoxEnableZoomText . Checked )
groupBoxZoomMode . Enabled = true ;
radioButtonUseZoomPage . Checked = true ;
radioButtonUseZoomPage . Enabled = true ;
radioButtonUseZoomText . Enabled = false ;
else if ( ! checkBoxEnableZoomPage . Checked & & checkBoxEnableZoomText . Checked )
groupBoxZoomMode . Enabled = true ;
radioButtonUseZoomText . Checked = true ;
radioButtonUseZoomText . Enabled = true ;
radioButtonUseZoomPage . Enabled = false ;
groupBoxZoomMode . Enabled = true ;
radioButtonUseZoomPage . Enabled = true ;
radioButtonUseZoomText . Enabled = true ;
private void checkBoxAllowSpellCheck_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyAllowSpellCheck ] = checkBoxAllowSpellCheck . Checked ;
private void checkBoxAllowDictionaryLookup_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyAllowDictionaryLookup ] = checkBoxAllowDictionaryLookup . Checked ;
private void checkBoxShowTime_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyShowTime ] = checkBoxShowTime . Checked ;
private void checkBoxShowKeyboardLayout_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyShowInputLanguage ] = checkBoxShowKeyboardLayout . Checked ;
private void SebWindowsConfigForm_Load ( object sender , EventArgs e )
private void editDuplicateToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
buttonEditDuplicate_Click ( null , null ) ;
private void configureClientToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
buttonConfigureClient_Click ( null , null ) ;
private void applyAndStartSEBToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
buttonApplyAndStartSEB_Click ( null , null ) ;
private void openSettingsToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
buttonOpenSettings_Click ( null , null ) ;
private void saveSettingsToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
buttonSaveSettings_Click ( null , null ) ;
private void saveSettingsAsToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
buttonSaveSettingsAs_Click ( null , null ) ;
private void defaultSettingsToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
buttonRevertToDefaultSettings_Click ( null , null ) ;
private void localClientSettingsToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
buttonRevertToLocalClientSettings_Click ( null , null ) ;
private void lastOpenedToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
buttonRevertToLastOpened_Click ( null , null ) ;
private void exitToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
if ( ArePasswordsUnconfirmed ( ) ) return ;
Application . Exit ( ) ;
private void SebWindowsConfigForm_FormClosing ( object sender , FormClosingEventArgs e )
if ( ! quittingMyself )
if ( ArePasswordsUnconfirmed ( ) )
e . Cancel = true ;
return ;
int result = checkSettingsChanged ( ) ;
// User selected cancel, abort
if ( result = = 2 )
e . Cancel = true ;
return ;
// User selected "Save current settings first: yes"
if ( result = = 1 )
// Abort if saving settings failed
if ( ! saveCurrentSettings ( ) )
e . Cancel = true ;
return ;
quittingMyself = true ;
Application . Exit ( ) ;
private void SebWindowsConfigForm_DragDrop ( object sender , DragEventArgs e )
string [ ] files = ( string [ ] ) e . Data . GetData ( DataFormats . FileDrop ) ;
if ( files . Length > 0 )
string filePath = files [ 0 ] ;
string fileExtension = Path . GetExtension ( filePath ) ;
if ( String . Equals ( fileExtension , ".seb" ,
StringComparison . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) )
openSettingsFile ( filePath ) ;
private void SebWindowsConfigForm_DragEnter ( object sender , DragEventArgs e )
if ( e . Data . GetDataPresent ( DataFormats . FileDrop ) )
e . Effect = DragDropEffects . Copy ;
e . Effect = DragDropEffects . None ;
private void tabControlSebWindowsConfig_Selecting ( object sender , TabControlCancelEventArgs e )
if ( ArePasswordsUnconfirmed ( ) )
e . Cancel = true ;
checkBoxEnableURLFilter . Checked = ( bool ) SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyURLFilterEnable ] ;
private void label1_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
private void checkBoxEnableScreenCapture_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyEnablePrintScreen ] = checkBoxEnableScreenCapture . Checked ;
checkBoxEnablePrintScreen . Checked = checkBoxEnableScreenCapture . Checked ;
private void checkBoxEnableTouchExit_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyEnableTouchExit ] = checkBoxEnableTouchExit . Checked ;
private void comboBoxAdditionalResourceStartUrl_DropDown ( object sender , EventArgs e )
FillStartupResourcesinCombobox ( ) ;
private void AddResourceToStartupResourceDropdown ( DictObj resource )
if ( ! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( ( string ) resource [ SEBSettings . KeyAdditionalResourcesResourceData ] ) )
//check if SEB is the launcher
//if (
// (string)((DictObj)((ListObj)SEBSettings.settingsCurrent[SEBSettings.KeyPermittedProcesses])[
// (int)resource[SEBSettings.KeyAdditionalResourcesResourceDataLauncher]])[SEBSettings.KeyTitle] ==
// "SEB")
if ( ( int ) resource [ SEBSettings . KeyAdditionalResourcesResourceDataLauncher ] = = 0 )
comboBoxAdditionalResourceStartUrl . Items . Add (
new KeyValuePair < string , string > ( ( string ) resource [ SEBSettings . KeyAdditionalResourcesIdentifier ] ,
( string ) resource [ SEBSettings . KeyAdditionalResourcesTitle ] ) ) ;
private void FillStartupResourcesinCombobox ( )
comboBoxAdditionalResourceStartUrl . Items . Clear ( ) ;
foreach ( DictObj l0Resource in SEBSettings . additionalResourcesList )
AddResourceToStartupResourceDropdown ( l0Resource ) ;
foreach ( DictObj l1Resource in ( ListObj ) l0Resource [ SEBSettings . KeyAdditionalResources ] )
AddResourceToStartupResourceDropdown ( l1Resource ) ;
foreach ( DictObj l2Resource in ( ListObj ) l1Resource [ SEBSettings . KeyAdditionalResources ] )
AddResourceToStartupResourceDropdown ( l2Resource ) ;
private void comboBoxAdditionalResourceStartUrl_SelectedIndexChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
if ( comboBoxAdditionalResourceStartUrl . SelectedItem is KeyValuePair < string , string > )
var selectedItem = ( KeyValuePair < string , string > ) comboBoxAdditionalResourceStartUrl . SelectedItem ;
textBoxStartURL . Text = "" ;
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyStartResource ] = selectedItem . Key ;
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyStartURL ] = "" ;
private void label10_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
private void textBoxBrowserSuffix_TextChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyBrowserWindowTitleSuffix ] = textBoxBrowserSuffix . Text ;
private void checkBoxEnableAudioControl_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyAudioControlEnabled ] = checkBoxEnableAudioControl . Checked ;
private void checkBoxMuteAudio_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyAudioMute ] = checkBoxMuteAudio . Checked ;
private void checkBoxSetVolumeLevel_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyAudioSetVolumeLevel ] = checkBoxSetVolumeLevel . Checked ;
private void trackBarVolumeLevel_Scroll ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyAudioVolumeLevel ] = trackBarVolumeLevel . Value ;
private void collectLogFilesToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender , EventArgs args )
new LogCollector ( this ) . Run ( ) ;
2020-02-19 11:53:29 +01:00
private void checkBoxAllowMainWindowAddressBar_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyBrowserWindowAllowAddressBar ] = checkBoxAllowMainWindowAddressBar . Checked ;
private void checkBoxAllowAdditionalWindowAddressBar_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyNewBrowserWindowAllowAddressBar ] = checkBoxAllowAdditionalWindowAddressBar . Checked ;
private void checkBoxClearSessionOnStart_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyExamSessionClearCookiesOnStart ] = checkBoxClearSessionOnStart . Checked ;
private void checkBoxClearSessionOnEnd_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyExamSessionClearCookiesOnEnd ] = checkBoxClearSessionOnEnd . Checked ;
2020-02-21 15:11:35 +01:00
checkBoxRemoveProfile . Enabled = checkBoxClearSessionOnEnd . Checked ;
2020-02-19 11:53:29 +01:00
private void checkBoxShowSideMenu_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyShowSideMenu ] = checkBoxShowSideMenu . Checked ;
private void checkBoxAllowLogAccess_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyAllowApplicationLog ] = checkBoxAllowLogAccess . Checked ;
checkBoxShowLogButton . Enabled = checkBoxAllowLogAccess . Checked ;
private void checkBoxShowLogButton_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyShowApplicationLogButton ] = checkBoxShowLogButton . Checked ;
2020-02-28 15:00:17 +01:00
private void checkBoxAllowChromeNotifications_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyAllowChromeNotifications ] = checkBoxAllowChromeNotifications . Checked ;
private void checkBoxAllowWindowsUpdate_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyAllowWindowsUpdate ] = checkBoxAllowWindowsUpdate . Checked ;
2020-03-04 10:34:10 +01:00
private void checkBoxDeveloperConsole_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyAllowDeveloperConsole ] = checkBoxAllowDeveloperConsole . Checked ;
2020-03-27 13:18:24 +01:00
private void checkBoxAllowPdfReaderToolbar_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyAllowPDFReaderToolbar ] = checkBoxAllowPdfReaderToolbar . Checked ;
2020-05-20 12:03:54 +02:00
private void checkBoxSetVmwareConfiguration_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeySetVmwareConfiguration ] = checkBoxSetVmwareConfiguration . Checked ;
checkBoxInsideSebEnableVmWareClientShade . Enabled = checkBoxSetVmwareConfiguration . Checked ;
2020-06-23 13:53:10 +02:00
private void checkBoxSebServiceIgnore_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeySebServiceIgnore ] = checkBoxSebServiceIgnore . Checked ;
labelSebServiceIgnore . Enabled = ! checkBoxSebServiceIgnore . Checked ;
labelSebServicePolicy . Enabled = ! checkBoxSebServiceIgnore . Checked ;
listBoxSebServicePolicy . Enabled = ! checkBoxSebServiceIgnore . Checked ;
groupBoxInsideSeb . Enabled = ! checkBoxSebServiceIgnore . Checked ;
checkBoxAllowWindowsUpdate . Enabled = ! checkBoxSebServiceIgnore . Checked ;
checkBoxAllowScreenSharing . Enabled = ! checkBoxSebServiceIgnore . Checked ;
checkBoxAllowChromeNotifications . Enabled = ! checkBoxSebServiceIgnore . Checked ;
2020-08-05 22:55:38 +02:00
private void checkBoxAllowCustomDownloadLocation_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyAllowCustomDownUploadLocation ] = checkBoxAllowCustomDownloadLocation . Checked ;
2020-08-11 17:52:51 +02:00
private void checkBoxAllowFind_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyAllowFind ] = checkBoxAllowFind . Checked ;
2020-09-10 12:35:58 +02:00
private void checkBoxAllowReconfiguration_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyAllowReconfiguration ] = checkBoxAllowReconfiguration . Checked ;
private void textBoxReconfigurationUrl_TextChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyReconfigurationUrl ] = textBoxReconfigurationUrl . Text ;
2020-09-21 19:22:15 +02:00
private void checkBoxResetOnQuitUrl_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SEBSettings . settingsCurrent [ SEBSettings . KeyResetOnQuitUrl ] = checkBoxResetOnQuitUrl . Checked ;
2019-08-07 10:10:37 +02:00