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* Copyright (c) 2019 ETH Zürich, Educational Development and Technology (LET)
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at
namespace SafeExamBrowser.Configuration.ConfigurationData
internal static class Keys
internal static class AdditionalResources
internal static class Applications
internal static class Browser
internal const string AllowConfigurationDownloads = "downloadAndOpenSebConfig";
internal const string AllowDeveloperConsole = "allowDeveloperConsole";
internal const string AllowDownloads = "allowDownUploads";
internal const string AllowPageZoom = "enableZoomPage";
internal const string AllowPopups = "blockPopUpWindows";
internal const string CustomUserAgentDesktop = "browserUserAgentWinDesktopModeCustom";
internal const string CustomUserAgentMobile = "browserUserAgentWinTouchModeCustom";
internal const string MainWindowMode = "browserViewMode";
internal const string UserAgentModeDesktop = "browserUserAgentWinDesktopMode";
internal const string UserAgentModeMobile = "browserUserAgentWinTouchMode";
internal static class MainWindow
internal const string AllowAddressBar = "browserWindowAllowAddressBar";
internal const string AllowNavigation = "allowBrowsingBackForward";
internal const string AllowReload = "browserWindowAllowReload";
internal const string ShowReloadWarning = "showReloadWarning";
internal static class AdditionalWindow
internal const string AllowAddressBar = "newBrowserWindowAllowAddressBar";
internal const string AllowNavigation = "newBrowserWindowNavigation";
internal const string AllowReload = "newBrowserWindowAllowReload";
internal const string ShowReloadWarning = "newBrowserWindowShowReloadWarning";
internal static class ConfigurationFile
internal const string ConfigurationPurpose = "sebConfigPurpose";
internal const string KeepClientConfigEncryption = "clientConfigKeepEncryption";
internal static class Exam
internal static class General
internal const string AdminPasswordHash = "hashedAdminPassword";
internal const string LogLevel = "logLevel";
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internal const string QuitPasswordHash = "hashedQuitPassword";
internal const string StartUrl = "startURL";
internal static class Input
internal static class Keyboard
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internal const string EnableAltEsc = "enableAltEsc";
internal const string EnableAltTab = "enableAltTab";
internal const string EnableAltF4 = "enableAltF4";
internal const string EnableCtrlEsc = "enableCtrlEsc";
internal const string EnableEsc = "enableEsc";
internal const string EnableF1 = "enableF1";
internal const string EnableF2 = "enableF2";
internal const string EnableF3 = "enableF3";
internal const string EnableF4 = "enableF4";
internal const string EnableF5 = "enableF5";
internal const string EnableF6 = "enableF6";
internal const string EnableF7 = "enableF7";
internal const string EnableF8 = "enableF8";
internal const string EnableF9 = "enableF9";
internal const string EnableF10 = "enableF10";
internal const string EnableF11 = "enableF11";
internal const string EnableF12 = "enableF12";
internal const string EnablePrintScreen = "enablePrintScreen";
internal const string EnableSystemKey = "enableStartMenu";
internal static class Mouse
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internal const string EnableRightMouse = "enableRightMouse";
internal static class Network
internal static class Certificates
internal const string CertificateData = "certificateData";
internal const string CertificateType = "type";
internal const string EmbeddedCertificates = "embeddedCertificates";
internal static class Registry
internal static class Security
internal const string KioskModeCreateNewDesktop = "createNewDesktop";
internal const string KioskModeDisableExplorerShell = "killExplorerShell";
internal static class UserInterface
internal const string AllowKeyboardLayout = "showInputLanguage";
internal const string AllowLog = "showLogButton";
internal const string AllowWirelessNetwork = "allowWlan";
internal const string ShowClock = "showTime";
internal const string UserInterfaceMode = "touchOptimized";