/* * Copyright (c) 2023 ETH Zürich, Educational Development and Technology (LET) * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ using System.Linq; using System.Management; using SafeExamBrowser.Logging.Contracts; using SafeExamBrowser.SystemComponents.Contracts; using SafeExamBrowser.SystemComponents.Contracts.Registry; using Microsoft.Win32; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System; namespace SafeExamBrowser.SystemComponents { public class VirtualMachineDetector : IVirtualMachineDetector { private static readonly string[] DEVICE_BLACKLIST = { // Hyper-V "PROD_VIRTUAL", "HYPER_V", // QEMU "qemu", "ven_1af4", "ven_1b36", "subsys_11001af4", // VirtualBox "vbox", "vid_80ee", // VMware "PROD_VMWARE", "VEN_VMWARE", "VMWARE_IDE" }; private static readonly string QEMU_MAC_PREFIX = "525400"; private static readonly string VIRTUALBOX_MAC_PREFIX = "080027"; private readonly ILogger logger; private readonly IRegistry registry; private readonly ISystemInfo systemInfo; public VirtualMachineDetector(ILogger logger, IRegistry registry, ISystemInfo systemInfo) { this.logger = logger; this.registry = registry; this.systemInfo = systemInfo; } public bool IsVirtualMachine() { var biosInfo = systemInfo.BiosInfo; var isVirtualMachine = false; var macAddress = systemInfo.MacAddress; var manufacturer = systemInfo.Manufacturer; var model = systemInfo.Model; var devices = systemInfo.PlugAndPlayDeviceIds; // redundancy: registry check does this aswell (systemInfo may be using different methods) isVirtualMachine |= IsVirtualSystemInfo(biosInfo, manufacturer, model); isVirtualMachine |= IsVirtualWmi(); isVirtualMachine |= IsVirtualRegistry(); if (macAddress != null && macAddress.Count() > 2) { isVirtualMachine |= macAddress.StartsWith(QEMU_MAC_PREFIX); isVirtualMachine |= macAddress.StartsWith(VIRTUALBOX_MAC_PREFIX); isVirtualMachine |= macAddress.StartsWith("000000000000"); // indicates tampering } foreach (var device in devices) { isVirtualMachine |= DEVICE_BLACKLIST.Any(d => device.ToLower().Contains(d.ToLower())); } logger.Debug($"Computer '{systemInfo.Name}' appears {(isVirtualMachine ? "" : "not ")}to be a virtual machine."); return isVirtualMachine; } private bool IsVirtualSystemInfo(string biosInfo, string manufacturer, string model) { var isVirtualMachine = false; biosInfo = biosInfo.ToLower(); manufacturer = manufacturer.ToLower(); model = model.ToLower(); isVirtualMachine |= biosInfo.Contains("hyper-v"); isVirtualMachine |= biosInfo.Contains("virtualbox"); isVirtualMachine |= biosInfo.Contains("vmware"); isVirtualMachine |= biosInfo.Contains("ovmf"); isVirtualMachine |= biosInfo.Contains("edk ii unknown"); // qemu isVirtualMachine |= manufacturer.Contains("microsoft corporation") && !model.Contains("surface"); isVirtualMachine |= manufacturer.Contains("parallels software"); isVirtualMachine |= manufacturer.Contains("qemu"); isVirtualMachine |= manufacturer.Contains("vmware"); isVirtualMachine |= model.Contains("virtualbox"); isVirtualMachine |= model.Contains("Q35 +"); // qemu return isVirtualMachine; } private bool IsVirtualRegistry() { var isVirtualMachine = false; /** * check historic hardware profiles * * HKLM\SYSTEM\HardwareConfig\{configId=uuid}\ComputerIds * - {computerId=uuid}: {computerSummary=hardwareInfo} * */ IEnumerable hardwareConfigSubkeys; const string hwConfigParentKey = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\HardwareConfig"; if (!registry.TryGetSubKeys(hwConfigParentKey, out hardwareConfigSubkeys)) return false; foreach (string configId in hardwareConfigSubkeys) { logger.Info($"scanning configId: {configId}"); var hwConfigKey = $"{hwConfigParentKey}\\{configId}"; // collect system values for IsVirtualSystemInfo() object biosVendor; object biosVersion; object systemManufacturer; object systemProductName; bool success = true; success &= registry.TryRead(hwConfigKey, "BIOSVendor", out biosVendor); success &= registry.TryRead(hwConfigKey, "BIOSVersion", out biosVersion); success &= registry.TryRead(hwConfigKey, "SystemManufacturer", out systemManufacturer); success &= registry.TryRead(hwConfigKey, "SystemProductName", out systemProductName); if (!success) continue; // reconstruct the systemInfo.biosInfo string string biosInfo = $"{(string) biosVendor} {(string) biosVersion}"; isVirtualMachine |= IsVirtualSystemInfo(biosInfo, (string) systemManufacturer, (string) systemProductName); // check even more hardware information IEnumerable computerIdNames; var computerIdsKey = $"{hwConfigKey}\\ComputerIds"; if (!registry.TryGetNames(computerIdsKey, out computerIdNames)) continue; foreach (var computerIdName in computerIdNames) { logger.Info($"computerId: {computerIdName}"); // collect computer hardware summary (e.g. manufacturer&version&sku&...) object computerSummary; if (!registry.TryRead(computerIdsKey, computerIdName, out computerSummary)) continue; isVirtualMachine |= IsVirtualSystemInfo((string) computerSummary, (string) systemManufacturer, (string) systemProductName); } } // check Windows timeline caches for current hardware config /*IEnumerable deviceCacheSubkeys; if (registry.TryGetSubKeys($"HKCU\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\TaskFlow\\DeviceCache", out deviceCacheSubkeys) { foreach (string deviceCacheKey in deviceCacheSubkeys) { if (registry.TryRead($"HKCU\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\TaskFlow\\DeviceCache"))*/ var deviceCacheKey = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey($"HKCU\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\TaskFlow\\DeviceCache"); var currHostname = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("COMPUTERNAME"); if (deviceCacheKey != null && currHostname != null) { foreach (var cacheId in deviceCacheKey.GetSubKeyNames()) { var cacheKey = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey($"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\TaskFlow\\DeviceCache\\{cacheId}"); if (cacheKey == null) { continue; } var cacheHostname = ((string) cacheKey.GetValue("DeviceName")).ToLower(); // windows timeline syncs with other hosts that a user has logged into: check hostname to only check this device if (currHostname.ToLower() == cacheHostname) { var biosInfo = ""; var manufacturer = (string) cacheKey.GetValue("DeviceMake"); var model = (string) cacheKey.GetValue("DeviceModel"); isVirtualMachine |= IsVirtualSystemInfo(biosInfo, manufacturer, model); } } } return isVirtualMachine; } private bool IsVirtualWmi() { var isVirtualMachine = false; var cpuObjSearcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT * FROM Win32_Processor"); foreach (var cpuObj in cpuObjSearcher.Get()) { isVirtualMachine |= ((string) cpuObj["Name"]).ToLower().Contains(" kvm "); // qemu (KVM specifically) } return isVirtualMachine; } } }