This application is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, version 2.0. Safe Exam Browser uses the following frameworks and third-party libraries:
Version & License Information
Content blocked
Back to previous page
Access to this page is not allowed according to the current configuration.
Page Blocked
An error occurred while loading page "%%URL%%":
Page Load Error
Printing is not allowed according to the current configuration.
Open Webpages
Developer Console
Case-sensitive search
Search page...
Enter URL
Page Zoom at %%ZOOM%% %. Click to Reset.
Page Zoom
Increase Page Zoom
Decrease Page Zoom
Enter text to search
Next search result
Previous search result
Username (optional):
Please enter the required credentials to establish a connection to the wireless network "%%_NAME_%%".
Network Authentication Required
Please select one of the available SEB-Server exams:
SEB-Server Exams
Failed to load data!
Please select a file to open.
Please select a folder.
The selected file already exists! Would you really like to overwrite it?
Save as:
Please select a location to save the file.
Please select a location to save the folder.
File System Access
Application "%%NAME%%" could not be found on the system! Please locate the folder containing the main executable "%%EXECUTABLE%%".
You are using an unofficial SEB version! Please make sure to use an official Safe Exam Browser. In order to unlock SEB, please enter the correct unlock password.
Temporarily allow the blacklisted applications. This applies only to the currently running instances and session!
The blacklisted applications listed below were started and could not be automatically terminated! In order to unlock SEB, please select one of the available options and enter the correct unlock password.
Terminate Safe Exam Browser. WARNING: There will be no possibility to save data or perform any further actions, the shutdown will be initiated immediately!
Temporarily allow the cursor configuration. This applies only to the currently running session!
A prohibited cursor configuration has been detected. In order to unlock SEB, please select one of the available options and enter the correct unlock password.
Terminate Safe Exam Browser. WARNING: There will be no possibility to save data or perform any further actions, the shutdown will be initiated immediately!
Temporarily allow the display configuration. This applies only to the currently running session!
A prohibited display configuration has been detected. In order to unlock SEB, please select one of the available options and enter the correct unlock password.
Terminate Safe Exam Browser. WARNING: There will be no possibility to save data or perform any further actions, the shutdown will be initiated immediately!
Temporarily allow the ease of access configuration. This applies only to the currently running session!
A prohibited ease of access configuration for the Windows Security Screen has been detected. In order to unlock SEB, please select one of the available options and enter the correct unlock password.
Terminate Safe Exam Browser. WARNING: There will be no possibility to save data or perform any further actions, the shutdown will be initiated immediately!
The last session with the currently active configuration or start URL was not terminated properly! Please enter the correct password to unlock SEB.
Unlock Safe Exam Browser.
The active user has changed or the computer has been locked! In order to unlock SEB, please select one of the available options and enter the correct unlock password.
Terminate Safe Exam Browser. WARNING: There will be no possibility to save data or perform any further actions, the shutdown will be initiated immediately!
Always on top
Auto-scroll content
Application Log
The applications listed below need to be terminated before a new session can be started. Would you like to automatically terminate them now?
Running Applications Detected
WARNING: Any unsaved application data might be lost!
An unrecoverable error has occurred! Please consult the log files for more information. SEB will now shut down...
Application Error
Application %%NAME%% could not be initialized and will thus not be available for the new session! Please consult the log files for more information.
Application Initialization Failed
Application %%NAME%% could not be found on the system and will thus not be available for the new session! Please consult the log files for more information.
Application Not Found
The applications listed below could not be terminated! Please terminate them manually and try again...
Automatic Termination Failed
Are you sure? (This function doesn't log you out if you are logged in on a website)
Back to Start
Access to "%%URL%%" is not allowed according to the current configuration.
Page Blocked
The browser application has detected a quit URL! Would you like to terminate SEB now?
Quit URL Detected
The local client configuration has failed! Please consult the log files for more information. SEB will now shut down...
Configuration Error
The client configuration has been saved and will be used when you start SEB the next time. Do you want to quit for now?
Configuration Successful
Failed to download the new configuration. Please try again or contact technical support.
Download Error
The active display configuration is not permitted. %%_ALLOWED_COUNT_%% %%_TYPE_%% display(s) are allowed, but %%_INTERNAL_COUNT_%% internal and %%_EXTERNAL_COUNT_%% external display(s) were detected. Please consult the log files for more information. SEB will now shut down...
Prohibited Display Configuration
internal or external
Downloading files is not allowed in the current SEB settings. Please report this to your exam provider.
Downloading Not Allowed!
The configuration resource "%%URI%%" contains invalid data!
Configuration Error
The password you entered is incorrect.
Invalid Password
You failed to enter the correct password within 5 attempts. SEB will now terminate...
Invalid Password
SEB can only be terminated by entering the correct quit password.
Invalid Quit Password
SEB can only be unlocked by entering the correct password.
Invalid Unlock Password
The configuration resource "%%URI%%" is not supported!
Configuration Error
Do you want to quit SEB?
The client failed to communicate the shutdown request to the runtime!
Quit Error
You are not allowed to reconfigure SEB.
Reconfiguration Denied
The client failed to communicate the reconfiguration request to the runtime!
Reconfiguration Error
Would you like to reload the current page?
The system appears to be running in a remote session. The selected configuration does not allow SEB to be run in a remote session.
Remote Session Detected
Your screen will be recorded during this exam in accordance with the specifications and data privacy regulations of your exam provider. If you have any questions, please contact your exam provider.
Session with Screen Proctoring
There is already a SEB Server session running. It is not allowed to reconfigure for another SEB Server session.
Reconfiguration Not Allowed
Failed to initialize the SEB service! SEB will now terminate since the service is configured to be mandatory.
Service Unavailable
Failed to initialize the SEB service. SEB will continue initialization since the service is configured to be optional.
Service Unavailable
SEB failed to start a new session! Please consult the log files for more information.
Session Start Error
An unexpected error occurred during the shutdown procedure! Please consult the log files for more information.
Shutdown Error
An unexpected error occurred during the startup procedure! Please consult the log files for more information.
Startup Error
An unexpected error occurred while trying to load configuration resource "%%URI%%"! Please consult the log files for more information.
Configuration Error
Uploading files is not allowed in the current SEB settings. Please report this to your exam provider.
Uploading Not Allowed!
The installed SEB version %%_VERSION_%% cannot be used as the selected configuration requires to use a specific version:%%_REQUIRED_VERSIONS_%%Please download and install the required version from the official website ( or from the repository of SEB for Windows on GitHub (
Invalid SEB Version
SEB %%_VERSION_%% or newer
The current session will be remote proctored using a live video and audio stream, which is sent to an individually configured server. Ask your examinator about their privacy policy. SEB itself doesn't connect to any centralized SEB proctoring server, your exam provider decides which proctoring service/server to use.
Session with Remote Proctoring
This computer appears to be a virtual machine. The selected configuration does not allow SEB to be run in a virtual machine.
Virtual Machine Detected
The selected configuration requires remote proctoring with Zoom, which this SEB version does not support. Please download and install the SEB version specified by your exam organizer. Due to licensing issues, remote proctoring with Zoom is only available for SEB Alliance members. Please refer to for more information.
Zoom Proctoring Required
Information about SEB
Application Log
Remote proctoring is active
Hand is lowered
Hand is raised
Remote proctoring is inactive
Lower hand
Raise hand
Closing runtime connection
Finalizing applications
Finalizing clipboard
Finalizing SEB-Server
Finalizing service session
Finalizing system events
Initializing applications
Initializing browser
Initializing clipboard
Initializing configuration
Initializing kiosk mode
Initializing remote proctoring
Initializing runtime connection
Initializing SEB-Server
Initializing service session
Initializing new session
Initializing user interface
Initializing system events
Initializing working area
Restarting communication host
Restoring working area
Reverting kiosk mode
Starting client
Starting communication host
Starting keyboard interception
Starting mouse interception
Stopping client
Stopping communication host
Stopping keyboard interception
Stopping mouse interception
Terminating browser
Terminating remote proctoring
Terminating user interface
Validating display configuration policy
Validating remote session policy
Validating version restrictions
Validating virtual machine policy
Verifying integrity
Verifying session integrity
Waiting for confirmation of the disclaimer
Waiting for confirmation of the error message
Waiting for Windows explorer to start up
Waiting for Windows explorer to shut down
Waiting for the runtime to disconnect
Enter quit/restart password: (This function doesn't log you out if you are logged in on a website)
Back to Start
Please enter the administrator password for the local client configuration:
Password Required
Please enter the password for the local client configuration:
Password Required
Please enter the quit password in order to terminate SEB:
Password Required
Please enter the exam password:
Password Required
The remaining operations could not be completed as there is a problem with the network and/or screen proctoring service. The cached data can be found in the following directory:
Please wait while the screen procotoring is executing its remaining operations. This may take a while, depending on the network and screen proctoring service status.
Executing transmission operation %%_COUNT_%% of %%_TOTAL_%%.
Waiting to execute transmission operation %%_COUNT_%% of %%_TOTAL_%% at %%_TIME_%%...
Waiting to resume %%_COUNT_%% transmission operations at %%_TIME_%%...
Screen Proctoring Finalization
SEB is running.
An error occurred while trying to communicate with the SEB server.
SEB-Server Error
Terminate Session
%%NAME%%: %%VOLUME%%%
%%NAME%%: Muted
Click to mute audio
No active audio device found
Click to unmute audio
Plugged in, charging... (%%CHARGE%%%)
Fully charged (%%CHARGE%%%)
The battery charge is critically low. Please connect your computer to a power supply!
The battery charge is getting low. Consider connecting your computer to a power supply in time...
%%HOURS%%h %%MINUTES%%min remaining (%%CHARGE%%%)
The current keyboard layout is "%%LAYOUT%%"
No wireless network adapter available or turned on
Connected to "%%NAME%%"