/* * Copyright (c) 2022 ETH Zürich, Educational Development and Technology (LET) * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Text; using SafeExamBrowser.Configuration.Contracts; using SafeExamBrowser.Configuration.Contracts.Cryptography; using SafeExamBrowser.Configuration.Contracts.DataCompression; using SafeExamBrowser.Configuration.Contracts.DataFormats; using SafeExamBrowser.Logging.Contracts; namespace SafeExamBrowser.Configuration.DataFormats { public class BinarySerializer : IDataSerializer { private IDataCompressor compressor; private ILogger logger; private IPasswordEncryption passwordEncryption; private IPublicKeyEncryption publicKeyEncryption; private IPublicKeyEncryption symmetricEncryption; private IDataSerializer xmlSerializer; public BinarySerializer( IDataCompressor compressor, ILogger logger, IPasswordEncryption passwordEncryption, IPublicKeyEncryption publicKeyEncryption, IPublicKeyEncryption symmetricEncryption, IDataSerializer xmlSerializer) { this.compressor = compressor; this.logger = logger; this.passwordEncryption = passwordEncryption; this.publicKeyEncryption = publicKeyEncryption; this.symmetricEncryption = symmetricEncryption; this.xmlSerializer = xmlSerializer; } public bool CanSerialize(FormatType format) { return format == FormatType.Binary; } public SerializeResult TrySerialize(IDictionary<string, object> data, EncryptionParameters encryption = null) { var result = new SerializeResult(); switch (encryption) { case PasswordParameters p: result = SerializePasswordBlock(data, p); break; case PublicKeyParameters p: result = SerializePublicKeyHashBlock(data, p); break; default: result = SerializePlainDataBlock(data, true); break; } if (result.Status == SaveStatus.Success) { result.Data = compressor.Compress(result.Data); } return result; } private SerializeResult SerializePasswordBlock(IDictionary<string, object> data, PasswordParameters password) { var result = SerializePlainDataBlock(data); if (result.Status == SaveStatus.Success) { var prefix = password.IsHash ? BinaryBlock.PasswordConfigureClient : BinaryBlock.Password; logger.Debug("Attempting to serialize password block..."); var status = passwordEncryption.Encrypt(result.Data, password.Password, out var encrypted); if (status == SaveStatus.Success) { result.Data = WritePrefix(prefix, encrypted); } result.Status = status; } return result; } private SerializeResult SerializePlainDataBlock(IDictionary<string, object> data, bool writePrefix = false) { logger.Debug("Attempting to serialize plain data block..."); var result = xmlSerializer.TrySerialize(data); if (result.Status == SaveStatus.Success) { if (writePrefix) { result.Data = WritePrefix(BinaryBlock.PlainData, result.Data); } result.Data = compressor.Compress(result.Data); } return result; } private SerializeResult SerializePublicKeyHashBlock(IDictionary<string, object> data, PublicKeyParameters parameters) { var result = SerializePublicKeyHashInnerBlock(data, parameters); if (result.Status == SaveStatus.Success) { var encryption = parameters.SymmetricEncryption ? symmetricEncryption : publicKeyEncryption; var prefix = parameters.SymmetricEncryption ? BinaryBlock.PublicKeySymmetric : BinaryBlock.PublicKey; logger.Debug("Attempting to serialize public key hash block..."); var status = encryption.Encrypt(result.Data, parameters.Certificate, out var encrypted); if (status == SaveStatus.Success) { result.Data = WritePrefix(prefix, encrypted); } } return result; } private SerializeResult SerializePublicKeyHashInnerBlock(IDictionary<string, object> data, PublicKeyParameters parameters) { if (parameters.InnerEncryption is PasswordParameters password) { return SerializePasswordBlock(data, password); } return SerializePlainDataBlock(data, true); } private Stream WritePrefix(string prefix, Stream data) { var prefixBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(prefix); var stream = new MemoryStream(); stream.Write(prefixBytes, 0, prefixBytes.Length); data.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); data.CopyTo(stream); return stream; } } }