/* * Copyright (c) 2023 ETH Zürich, Educational Development and Technology (LET) * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using SafeExamBrowser.Core.Contracts.OperationModel; using SafeExamBrowser.Core.Contracts.OperationModel.Events; using SafeExamBrowser.I18n.Contracts; using SafeExamBrowser.Logging.Contracts; using SafeExamBrowser.Runtime.Operations.Events; using SafeExamBrowser.Settings.Security; namespace SafeExamBrowser.Runtime.Operations { internal class VersionRestrictionOperation : SessionOperation { private readonly ILogger logger; private readonly IText text; private IList<VersionRestriction> Restrictions => Context.Next.Settings.Security.VersionRestrictions; public override event ActionRequiredEventHandler ActionRequired; public override event StatusChangedEventHandler StatusChanged; public VersionRestrictionOperation(ILogger logger, SessionContext context, IText text) : base(context) { this.logger = logger; this.text = text; } public override OperationResult Perform() { return ValidateRestrictions(); } public override OperationResult Repeat() { return ValidateRestrictions(); } public override OperationResult Revert() { return OperationResult.Success; } private OperationResult ValidateRestrictions() { var result = OperationResult.Success; logger.Info("Validating version restrictions..."); StatusChanged?.Invoke(TextKey.OperationStatus_ValidateVersionRestrictions); if (Restrictions.Any()) { var requiredVersions = $"'{string.Join("', '", Restrictions)}'"; var version = Context.Next.AppConfig.ProgramInformationalVersion; if (Restrictions.Any(r => IsFulfilled(r))) { logger.Info($"The installed SEB version '{version}' complies with the version restrictions: {requiredVersions}."); } else { result = OperationResult.Aborted; logger.Error($"The installed SEB version '{version}' does not comply with the version restrictions: {requiredVersions}."); ActionRequired?.Invoke(new VersionRestrictionMessageArgs(version, BuildRequiredVersions())); } } else { logger.Info($"There are no version restrictions for the configuration."); } return result; } private bool IsFulfilled(VersionRestriction restriction) { var isFulfilled = true; var (major, minor, patch, build, isAllianceEdition) = GetVersion(); if (restriction.IsMinimumRestriction) { isFulfilled &= restriction.Major <= major; if (restriction.Major == major) { isFulfilled &= restriction.Minor <= minor; if (restriction.Minor == minor) { isFulfilled &= !restriction.Patch.HasValue || restriction.Patch <= patch; if (restriction.Patch == patch) { isFulfilled &= !restriction.Build.HasValue || restriction.Build <= build; } } } isFulfilled &= !restriction.RequiresAllianceEdition || isAllianceEdition; } else { isFulfilled &= restriction.Major == major; isFulfilled &= restriction.Minor == minor; isFulfilled &= !restriction.Patch.HasValue || restriction.Patch == patch; isFulfilled &= !restriction.Build.HasValue || restriction.Build == build; isFulfilled &= !restriction.RequiresAllianceEdition || isAllianceEdition; } return isFulfilled; } private (int major, int minor, int patch, int build, bool isAllianceEdition) GetVersion() { var parts = Context.Next.AppConfig.ProgramBuildVersion.Split('.'); var major = int.Parse(parts[0]); var minor = int.Parse(parts[1]); var patch = int.Parse(parts[2]); var build = int.Parse(parts[3]); var isAllianceEdition = Context.Next.AppConfig.ProgramInformationalVersion.Contains("Alliance Edition"); return (major, minor, patch, build, isAllianceEdition); } private string BuildRequiredVersions() { var info = new StringBuilder(); var minimumVersionText = text.Get(TextKey.MessageBox_VersionRestrictionMinimum); info.AppendLine(); info.AppendLine(); foreach (var restriction in Restrictions) { var build = restriction.Build.HasValue ? $".{restriction.Build}" : ""; var patch = restriction.Patch.HasValue ? $".{restriction.Patch}" : ""; var allianceEdition = restriction.RequiresAllianceEdition ? " Alliance Edition" : ""; var version = $"{restriction.Major}.{restriction.Minor}{patch}{build}{allianceEdition}"; if (restriction.IsMinimumRestriction) { info.AppendLine(minimumVersionText.Replace("%%_VERSION_%%", version)); } else { info.AppendLine($"SEB {version}"); } } info.AppendLine(); return info.ToString(); } } }