/* * Copyright (c) 2023 ETH Zürich, Educational Development and Technology (LET) * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ using System.Collections.Generic; using SafeExamBrowser.Settings; using SafeExamBrowser.Settings.Browser; using SafeExamBrowser.Settings.Browser.Filter; using SafeExamBrowser.Settings.Browser.Proxy; using SafeExamBrowser.Settings.UserInterface; namespace SafeExamBrowser.Configuration.ConfigurationData.DataMapping { internal class BrowserDataMapper : BaseDataMapper { internal override void Map(string key, object value, AppSettings settings) { switch (key) { case Keys.Browser.AllowConfigurationDownloads: MapAllowConfigurationDownloads(settings, value); break; case Keys.Browser.AllowCustomDownUploadLocation: MapAllowCustomDownloadLocation(settings, value); break; case Keys.Browser.AllowDeveloperConsole: MapAllowDeveloperConsole(settings, value); break; case Keys.Browser.AllowDownloadsAndUploads: MapAllowDownloadsAndUploads(settings, value); break; case Keys.Browser.AllowFind: MapAllowFind(settings, value); break; case Keys.Browser.AllowPageZoom: MapAllowPageZoom(settings, value); break; case Keys.Browser.AllowPdfReaderToolbar: MapAllowPdfReaderToolbar(settings, value); break; case Keys.Browser.AllowPrint: MapAllowPrint(settings, value); break; case Keys.Browser.AllowSpellChecking: MapAllowSpellChecking(settings, value); break; case Keys.Browser.AdditionalWindow.AllowAddressBar: MapAllowAddressBarAdditionalWindow(settings, value); break; case Keys.Browser.AdditionalWindow.AllowNavigation: MapAllowNavigationAdditionalWindow(settings, value); break; case Keys.Browser.AdditionalWindow.AllowReload: MapAllowReloadAdditionalWindow(settings, value); break; case Keys.Browser.AdditionalWindow.ShowReloadWarning: MapShowReloadWarningAdditionalWindow(settings, value); break; case Keys.Browser.AdditionalWindow.UrlPolicy: MapUrlPolicy(settings.Browser.AdditionalWindow, value); break; case Keys.Browser.AdditionalWindow.WindowHeight: MapWindowHeightAdditionalWindow(settings, value); break; case Keys.Browser.AdditionalWindow.WindowPosition: MapWindowPositionAdditionalWindow(settings, value); break; case Keys.Browser.AdditionalWindow.WindowWidth: MapWindowWidthAdditionalWindow(settings, value); break; case Keys.Browser.DeleteCacheOnShutdown: MapDeleteCacheOnShutdown(settings, value); break; case Keys.Browser.DeleteCookiesOnShutdown: MapDeleteCookiesOnShutdown(settings, value); break; case Keys.Browser.DeleteCookiesOnStartup: MapDeleteCookiesOnStartup(settings, value); break; case Keys.Browser.DownloadDirectory: MapDownloadDirectory(settings, value); break; case Keys.Browser.DownloadPdfFiles: MapDownloadPdfFiles(settings, value); break; case Keys.Browser.EnableBrowser: MapEnableBrowser(settings, value); break; case Keys.Browser.ExamKeySalt: MapExamKeySalt(settings, value); break; case Keys.Browser.Filter.FilterRules: MapFilterRules(settings, value); break; case Keys.Browser.HomeButtonMessage: MapHomeButtonMessage(settings, value); break; case Keys.Browser.HomeButtonRequiresPassword: MapHomeButtonRequiresPassword(settings, value); break; case Keys.Browser.HomeButtonUrl: MapHomeButtonUrl(settings, value); break; case Keys.Browser.HomeButtonUseStartUrl: MapHomeButtonUseStartUrl(settings, value); break; case Keys.Browser.MainWindow.AllowAddressBar: MapAllowAddressBar(settings, value); break; case Keys.Browser.MainWindow.AllowNavigation: MapAllowNavigation(settings, value); break; case Keys.Browser.MainWindow.AllowReload: MapAllowReload(settings, value); break; case Keys.Browser.MainWindow.ShowReloadWarning: MapShowReloadWarning(settings, value); break; case Keys.Browser.MainWindow.UrlPolicy: MapUrlPolicy(settings.Browser.MainWindow, value); break; case Keys.Browser.MainWindow.WindowHeight: MapWindowHeightMainWindow(settings, value); break; case Keys.Browser.MainWindow.WindowMode: MapMainWindowMode(settings, value); break; case Keys.Browser.MainWindow.WindowPosition: MapWindowPositionMainWindow(settings, value); break; case Keys.Browser.MainWindow.WindowWidth: MapWindowWidthMainWindow(settings, value); break; case Keys.Browser.Proxy.Policy: MapProxyPolicy(settings, value); break; case Keys.Browser.Proxy.Settings: MapProxySettings(settings, value); break; case Keys.Browser.QuitUrl: MapQuitUrl(settings, value); break; case Keys.Browser.QuitUrlConfirmation: MapQuitUrlConfirmation(settings, value); break; case Keys.Browser.ResetOnQuitUrl: MapResetOnQuitUrl(settings, value); break; case Keys.Browser.SendCustomHeaders: MapSendCustomHeaders(settings, value); break; case Keys.Browser.ShowFileSystemElementPath: MapShowFileSystemElementPath(settings, value); break; case Keys.Browser.ShowReloadButton: MapShowReloadButton(settings, value); break; case Keys.Browser.ShowToolbar: MapShowToolbar(settings, value); break; case Keys.Browser.StartUrl: MapStartUrl(settings, value); break; case Keys.Browser.UserAgentSuffix: MapUserAgentSuffix(settings, value); break; case Keys.Browser.UseStartUrlQuery: MapUseStartUrlQuery(settings, value); break; case Keys.Browser.UseTemporaryDownUploadDirectory: MapUseTemporaryDownUploadDirectory(settings, value); break; } } internal override void MapGlobal(IDictionary<string, object> rawData, AppSettings settings) { MapPopupPolicy(rawData, settings); MapRequestFilter(rawData, settings); MapUserAgentMode(rawData, settings); } private void MapAllowAddressBar(AppSettings settings, object value) { if (value is bool allow) { settings.Browser.MainWindow.AllowAddressBar = allow; } } private void MapAllowAddressBarAdditionalWindow(AppSettings settings, object value) { if (value is bool allow) { settings.Browser.AdditionalWindow.AllowAddressBar = allow; } } private void MapAllowConfigurationDownloads(AppSettings settings, object value) { if (value is bool allow) { settings.Browser.AllowConfigurationDownloads = allow; } } private void MapAllowCustomDownloadLocation(AppSettings settings, object value) { if (value is bool allow) { settings.Browser.AllowCustomDownAndUploadLocation = allow; } } private void MapAllowDeveloperConsole(AppSettings settings, object value) { if (value is bool allow) { settings.Browser.MainWindow.AllowDeveloperConsole = allow; settings.Browser.AdditionalWindow.AllowDeveloperConsole = allow; } } private void MapAllowDownloadsAndUploads(AppSettings settings, object value) { if (value is bool allow) { settings.Browser.AllowDownloads = allow; settings.Browser.AllowUploads = allow; } } private void MapAllowFind(AppSettings settings, object value) { if (value is bool allow) { settings.Browser.AllowFind = allow; } } private void MapAllowNavigation(AppSettings settings, object value) { if (value is bool allow) { settings.Browser.MainWindow.AllowBackwardNavigation = allow; settings.Browser.MainWindow.AllowForwardNavigation = allow; } } private void MapAllowNavigationAdditionalWindow(AppSettings settings, object value) { if (value is bool allow) { settings.Browser.AdditionalWindow.AllowBackwardNavigation = allow; settings.Browser.AdditionalWindow.AllowForwardNavigation = allow; } } private void MapAllowPageZoom(AppSettings settings, object value) { if (value is bool allow) { settings.Browser.AllowPageZoom = allow; } } private void MapAllowPdfReaderToolbar(AppSettings settings, object value) { if (value is bool allow) { settings.Browser.AllowPdfReaderToolbar = allow; } } private void MapAllowPrint(AppSettings settings, object value) { if (value is bool allow) { settings.Browser.AllowPrint = allow; } } private void MapAllowSpellChecking(AppSettings settings, object value) { if (value is bool allow) { settings.Browser.AllowSpellChecking = allow; } } private void MapAllowReload(AppSettings settings, object value) { if (value is bool allow) { settings.Browser.MainWindow.AllowReloading = allow; } } private void MapAllowReloadAdditionalWindow(AppSettings settings, object value) { if (value is bool allow) { settings.Browser.AdditionalWindow.AllowReloading = allow; } } private void MapDeleteCacheOnShutdown(AppSettings settings, object value) { if (value is bool delete) { settings.Browser.DeleteCacheOnShutdown = delete; } } private void MapDeleteCookiesOnShutdown(AppSettings settings, object value) { if (value is bool delete) { settings.Browser.DeleteCookiesOnShutdown = delete; } } private void MapDeleteCookiesOnStartup(AppSettings settings, object value) { if (value is bool delete) { settings.Browser.DeleteCookiesOnStartup = delete; } } private void MapDownloadDirectory(AppSettings settings, object value) { if (value is string directory) { settings.Browser.DownAndUploadDirectory = directory; } } private void MapDownloadPdfFiles(AppSettings settings, object value) { if (value is bool download) { settings.Browser.AllowPdfReader = !download; } } private void MapEnableBrowser(AppSettings settings, object value) { if (value is bool enable) { settings.Browser.EnableBrowser = enable; } } private void MapExamKeySalt(AppSettings settings, object value) { if (value is byte[] salt) { settings.Browser.BrowserExamKeySalt = salt; } } private void MapHomeButtonMessage(AppSettings settings, object value) { if (value is string message) { settings.Browser.HomeNavigationMessage = message; } } private void MapHomeButtonRequiresPassword(AppSettings settings, object value) { if (value is bool requires) { settings.Browser.HomeNavigationRequiresPassword = requires; } } private void MapHomeButtonUrl(AppSettings settings, object value) { if (value is string url) { settings.Browser.HomeUrl = url; } } private void MapHomeButtonUseStartUrl(AppSettings settings, object value) { if (value is bool use) { settings.Browser.UseStartUrlAsHomeUrl = use; } } private void MapMainWindowMode(AppSettings settings, object value) { const int FULLSCREEN = 1; if (value is int mode) { settings.Browser.MainWindow.FullScreenMode = mode == FULLSCREEN; } } private void MapPopupPolicy(IDictionary<string, object> rawData, AppSettings settings) { const int ALLOW = 2; const int BLOCK = 0; const int SAME_WINDOW = 1; var hasPolicy = rawData.TryGetValue(Keys.Browser.PopupPolicy, out var policy); var blockForeignHost = rawData.TryGetValue(Keys.Browser.PopupBlockForeignHost, out var value) && value as bool? == true; switch (policy) { case ALLOW: settings.Browser.PopupPolicy = blockForeignHost ? PopupPolicy.AllowSameHost : PopupPolicy.Allow; break; case BLOCK: settings.Browser.PopupPolicy = PopupPolicy.Block; break; case SAME_WINDOW: settings.Browser.PopupPolicy = blockForeignHost ? PopupPolicy.AllowSameHostAndWindow : PopupPolicy.AllowSameWindow; break; } } private void MapQuitUrl(AppSettings settings, object value) { if (value is string url) { settings.Browser.QuitUrl = url; } } private void MapQuitUrlConfirmation(AppSettings settings, object value) { if (value is bool confirm) { settings.Browser.ConfirmQuitUrl = confirm; } } private void MapResetOnQuitUrl(AppSettings settings, object value) { if (value is bool reset) { settings.Browser.ResetOnQuitUrl = reset; } } private void MapShowReloadButton(AppSettings settings, object value) { if (value is bool show) { settings.Browser.AdditionalWindow.ShowReloadButton = show; settings.Browser.MainWindow.ShowReloadButton = show; } } private void MapRequestFilter(IDictionary<string, object> rawData, AppSettings settings) { var processMainRequests = rawData.TryGetValue(Keys.Browser.Filter.EnableMainRequestFilter, out var value) && value as bool? == true; var processContentRequests = rawData.TryGetValue(Keys.Browser.Filter.EnableContentRequestFilter, out value) && value as bool? == true; settings.Browser.Filter.ProcessMainRequests = processMainRequests; settings.Browser.Filter.ProcessContentRequests = processMainRequests && processContentRequests; } private void MapShowReloadWarning(AppSettings settings, object value) { if (value is bool show) { settings.Browser.MainWindow.ShowReloadWarning = show; } } private void MapSendCustomHeaders(AppSettings settings, object value) { if (value is bool send) { settings.Browser.SendConfigurationKey = send; settings.Browser.SendBrowserExamKey = send; } } private void MapShowFileSystemElementPath(AppSettings settings, object value) { if (value is bool show) { settings.Browser.ShowFileSystemElementPath = show; } } private void MapShowReloadWarningAdditionalWindow(AppSettings settings, object value) { if (value is bool show) { settings.Browser.AdditionalWindow.ShowReloadWarning = show; } } private void MapShowToolbar(AppSettings settings, object value) { if (value is bool show) { settings.Browser.AdditionalWindow.ShowToolbar = show; settings.Browser.MainWindow.ShowToolbar = show; } } private void MapStartUrl(AppSettings settings, object value) { if (value is string url) { settings.Browser.StartUrl = url; } } private void MapUrlPolicy(WindowSettings settings, object value) { const int ALWAYS = 3; const int BEFORE_TITLE = 2; const int LOAD_ERROR = 1; const int NEVER = 0; if (value is int policy) { switch (policy) { case ALWAYS: settings.UrlPolicy = UrlPolicy.Always; break; case BEFORE_TITLE: settings.UrlPolicy = UrlPolicy.BeforeTitle; break; case LOAD_ERROR: settings.UrlPolicy = UrlPolicy.LoadError; break; case NEVER: settings.UrlPolicy = UrlPolicy.Never; break; } } } private void MapUserAgentMode(IDictionary<string, object> rawData, AppSettings settings) { const int DEFAULT = 0; var useCustomForDesktop = rawData.TryGetValue(Keys.Browser.UserAgentModeDesktop, out var value) && value as int? != DEFAULT; var useCustomForMobile = rawData.TryGetValue(Keys.Browser.UserAgentModeMobile, out value) && value as int? != DEFAULT; if (settings.UserInterfaceMode == UserInterfaceMode.Desktop && useCustomForDesktop) { settings.Browser.UseCustomUserAgent = true; settings.Browser.CustomUserAgent = rawData[Keys.Browser.CustomUserAgentDesktop] as string; } else if (settings.UserInterfaceMode == UserInterfaceMode.Mobile && useCustomForMobile) { settings.Browser.UseCustomUserAgent = true; settings.Browser.CustomUserAgent = rawData[Keys.Browser.CustomUserAgentMobile] as string; } } private void MapUserAgentSuffix(AppSettings settings, object value) { if (value is string suffix) { settings.Browser.UserAgentSuffix = suffix; } } private void MapUseStartUrlQuery(AppSettings settings, object value) { if (value is bool use) { settings.Browser.UseQueryParameter = use; } } private void MapUseTemporaryDownUploadDirectory(AppSettings settings, object value) { if (value is bool use) { settings.Browser.UseTemporaryDownAndUploadDirectory = use; } } private void MapFilterRules(AppSettings settings, object value) { const int ALLOW = 1; if (value is IList<object> ruleDataList) { foreach (var item in ruleDataList) { if (item is IDictionary<string, object> ruleData) { var isActive = ruleData.TryGetValue(Keys.Browser.Filter.RuleIsActive, out var v) && v is bool active && active; if (isActive) { var rule = new FilterRuleSettings(); if (ruleData.TryGetValue(Keys.Browser.Filter.RuleExpression, out v) && v is string expression) { rule.Expression = expression; } if (ruleData.TryGetValue(Keys.Browser.Filter.RuleAction, out v) && v is int action) { rule.Result = action == ALLOW ? FilterResult.Allow : FilterResult.Block; } if (ruleData.TryGetValue(Keys.Browser.Filter.RuleExpressionIsRegex, out v) && v is bool regex) { rule.Type = regex ? FilterRuleType.Regex : FilterRuleType.Simplified; } settings.Browser.Filter.Rules.Add(rule); } } } } } private void MapProxySettings(AppSettings settings, object value) { if (value is IDictionary<string, object> data) { if (data.TryGetValue(Keys.Browser.Proxy.AutoConfigure, out var v) && v is bool autoConfigure) { settings.Browser.Proxy.AutoConfigure = autoConfigure; } if (data.TryGetValue(Keys.Browser.Proxy.AutoConfigureUrl, out v) && v is string url) { settings.Browser.Proxy.AutoConfigureUrl = url; } if (data.TryGetValue(Keys.Browser.Proxy.AutoDetect, out v) && v is bool autoDetect) { settings.Browser.Proxy.AutoDetect = autoDetect; } if (data.TryGetValue(Keys.Browser.Proxy.BypassList, out v) && v is IList<object> list) { MapProxyBypassList(settings, list); } if (data.TryGetValue(Keys.Browser.Proxy.Ftp.Enable, out v) && v is bool ftpEnable && ftpEnable) { MapFtpProxy(settings, data); } if (data.TryGetValue(Keys.Browser.Proxy.Http.Enable, out v) && v is bool httpEnable && httpEnable) { MapHttpProxy(settings, data); } if (data.TryGetValue(Keys.Browser.Proxy.Https.Enable, out v) && v is bool httpsEnable && httpsEnable) { MapHttpsProxy(settings, data); } if (data.TryGetValue(Keys.Browser.Proxy.Socks.Enable, out v) && v is bool socksEnable && socksEnable) { MapSocksProxy(settings, data); } } } private void MapProxyBypassList(AppSettings settings, IList<object> bypassList) { foreach (var item in bypassList) { if (item is string host) { settings.Browser.Proxy.BypassList.Add(host); } } } private void MapFtpProxy(AppSettings settings, IDictionary<string, object> data) { var proxy = new ProxyConfiguration { Protocol = ProxyProtocol.Ftp }; if (data.TryGetValue(Keys.Browser.Proxy.Ftp.Host, out var v) && v is string host) { proxy.Host = host; } if (data.TryGetValue(Keys.Browser.Proxy.Ftp.Password, out v) && v is string password) { proxy.Password = password; } if (data.TryGetValue(Keys.Browser.Proxy.Ftp.Port, out v) && v is int port) { proxy.Port = port; } if (data.TryGetValue(Keys.Browser.Proxy.Ftp.RequiresAuthentication, out v) && v is bool requiresAuthentication) { proxy.RequiresAuthentication = requiresAuthentication; } if (data.TryGetValue(Keys.Browser.Proxy.Ftp.Username, out v) && v is string username) { proxy.Username = username; } settings.Browser.Proxy.Proxies.Add(proxy); } private void MapHttpProxy(AppSettings settings, IDictionary<string, object> data) { var proxy = new ProxyConfiguration { Protocol = ProxyProtocol.Http }; if (data.TryGetValue(Keys.Browser.Proxy.Http.Host, out var v) && v is string host) { proxy.Host = host; } if (data.TryGetValue(Keys.Browser.Proxy.Http.Password, out v) && v is string password) { proxy.Password = password; } if (data.TryGetValue(Keys.Browser.Proxy.Http.Port, out v) && v is int port) { proxy.Port = port; } if (data.TryGetValue(Keys.Browser.Proxy.Http.RequiresAuthentication, out v) && v is bool requiresAuthentication) { proxy.RequiresAuthentication = requiresAuthentication; } if (data.TryGetValue(Keys.Browser.Proxy.Http.Username, out v) && v is string username) { proxy.Username = username; } settings.Browser.Proxy.Proxies.Add(proxy); } private void MapHttpsProxy(AppSettings settings, IDictionary<string, object> data) { var proxy = new ProxyConfiguration { Protocol = ProxyProtocol.Https }; if (data.TryGetValue(Keys.Browser.Proxy.Https.Host, out var v) && v is string host) { proxy.Host = host; } if (data.TryGetValue(Keys.Browser.Proxy.Https.Password, out v) && v is string password) { proxy.Password = password; } if (data.TryGetValue(Keys.Browser.Proxy.Https.Port, out v) && v is int port) { proxy.Port = port; } if (data.TryGetValue(Keys.Browser.Proxy.Https.RequiresAuthentication, out v) && v is bool requiresAuthentication) { proxy.RequiresAuthentication = requiresAuthentication; } if (data.TryGetValue(Keys.Browser.Proxy.Https.Username, out v) && v is string username) { proxy.Username = username; } settings.Browser.Proxy.Proxies.Add(proxy); } private void MapSocksProxy(AppSettings settings, IDictionary<string, object> data) { var proxy = new ProxyConfiguration { Protocol = ProxyProtocol.Socks }; if (data.TryGetValue(Keys.Browser.Proxy.Socks.Host, out var v) && v is string host) { proxy.Host = host; } if (data.TryGetValue(Keys.Browser.Proxy.Socks.Password, out v) && v is string password) { proxy.Password = password; } if (data.TryGetValue(Keys.Browser.Proxy.Socks.Port, out v) && v is int port) { proxy.Port = port; } if (data.TryGetValue(Keys.Browser.Proxy.Socks.RequiresAuthentication, out v) && v is bool requiresAuthentication) { proxy.RequiresAuthentication = requiresAuthentication; } if (data.TryGetValue(Keys.Browser.Proxy.Socks.Username, out v) && v is string username) { proxy.Username = username; } settings.Browser.Proxy.Proxies.Add(proxy); } private void MapProxyPolicy(AppSettings settings, object value) { const int SYSTEM = 0; const int CUSTOM = 1; if (value is int policy) { switch (policy) { case CUSTOM: settings.Browser.Proxy.Policy = ProxyPolicy.Custom; break; case SYSTEM: settings.Browser.Proxy.Policy = ProxyPolicy.System; break; } } } private void MapWindowHeightAdditionalWindow(AppSettings settings, object value) { if (value is string raw) { if (raw.EndsWith("%") && int.TryParse(raw.Replace("%", string.Empty), out var relativeHeight)) { settings.Browser.AdditionalWindow.AbsoluteHeight = default; settings.Browser.AdditionalWindow.RelativeHeight = relativeHeight; } else if (int.TryParse(raw, out var absoluteHeight)) { settings.Browser.AdditionalWindow.AbsoluteHeight = absoluteHeight; settings.Browser.AdditionalWindow.RelativeHeight = default; } } } private void MapWindowHeightMainWindow(AppSettings settings, object value) { if (value is string raw) { if (raw.EndsWith("%") && int.TryParse(raw.Replace("%", string.Empty), out var relativeHeight)) { settings.Browser.MainWindow.AbsoluteHeight = default; settings.Browser.MainWindow.RelativeHeight = relativeHeight; } else if (int.TryParse(raw, out var absoluteHeight)) { settings.Browser.MainWindow.AbsoluteHeight = absoluteHeight; settings.Browser.MainWindow.RelativeHeight = default; } } } private void MapWindowPositionAdditionalWindow(AppSettings settings, object value) { const int LEFT = 0; const int CENTER = 1; const int RIGHT = 2; if (value is int position) { switch (position) { case LEFT: settings.Browser.AdditionalWindow.Position = WindowPosition.Left; break; case CENTER: settings.Browser.AdditionalWindow.Position = WindowPosition.Center; break; case RIGHT: settings.Browser.AdditionalWindow.Position = WindowPosition.Right; break; } } } private void MapWindowPositionMainWindow(AppSettings settings, object value) { const int LEFT = 0; const int CENTER = 1; const int RIGHT = 2; if (value is int position) { switch (position) { case LEFT: settings.Browser.MainWindow.Position = WindowPosition.Left; break; case CENTER: settings.Browser.MainWindow.Position = WindowPosition.Center; break; case RIGHT: settings.Browser.MainWindow.Position = WindowPosition.Right; break; } } } private void MapWindowWidthAdditionalWindow(AppSettings settings, object value) { if (value is string raw) { if (raw.EndsWith("%") && int.TryParse(raw.Replace("%", string.Empty), out var relativeWidth)) { settings.Browser.AdditionalWindow.AbsoluteWidth = default; settings.Browser.AdditionalWindow.RelativeWidth = relativeWidth; } else if (int.TryParse(raw, out var absoluteWidth)) { settings.Browser.AdditionalWindow.AbsoluteWidth = absoluteWidth; settings.Browser.AdditionalWindow.RelativeWidth = default; } } } private void MapWindowWidthMainWindow(AppSettings settings, object value) { if (value is string raw) { if (raw.EndsWith("%") && int.TryParse(raw.Replace("%", string.Empty), out var relativeWidth)) { settings.Browser.MainWindow.AbsoluteWidth = default; settings.Browser.MainWindow.RelativeWidth = relativeWidth; } else if (int.TryParse(raw, out var absoluteWidth)) { settings.Browser.MainWindow.AbsoluteWidth = absoluteWidth; settings.Browser.MainWindow.RelativeWidth = default; } } } } }