[WixBundleName] Installation [WixBundleName] Version [WixBundleVersion] Are you sure you want to cancel? Previous version Setup Help /install | /repair | /uninstall | /layout [directory] - installs, repairs, uninstalls or creates a complete local copy of the bundle in directory. Install is the default. /passive | /quiet - displays minimal UI with no prompts or displays no UI and no prompts. By default UI and all prompts are displayed. /norestart - suppress any attempts to restart. By default UI will prompt before restart. /log log.txt - logs to a specific file. By default a log file is created in %TEMP%. &Close This setup bundle will install [WixBundleName] version [WixBundleVersion] and all required components on your computer. Please read the following license agreement carefully: I &agree to the license terms and conditions &Options &Install &Close Setup Options Install location: &Browse &OK &Cancel Setup Progress Processing: Initializing... &Cancel Modify Setup &Repair &Uninstall &Close Repair Successfully Completed Uninstall Successfully Completed Installation Successfully Completed Setup Successful &Launch You must restart your computer before you can use the software. &Restart &Close Setup Failed Setup Failed Uninstall Failed Repair Failed One or more issues caused the setup to fail. In some cases, the .NET Framework or the VC++ Redistributable fail to install due to insufficient disk space (at least 4.5 GB required) or network issues. Please fix the issues (e.g. install the <a href="https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download">.NET Framework Runtime</a> or the <a href="https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/2977003/the-latest-supported-visual-c-downloads">VC++ Redistributable</a> manually) and then retry setup. For more information see the <a href="#">log file</a>. You must restart your computer to complete the rollback of the software. &Restart &Close Files In Use The following applications are using files that need to be updated: Close the &applications and attempt to restart them. &Do not close applications. A reboot will be required. &OK &Cancel No action was taken as a system reboot is required.