/* * Copyright (c) 2019 ETH Zürich, Educational Development and Technology (LET) * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ using System.Threading; using SafeExamBrowser.Contracts.Communication.Events; using SafeExamBrowser.Contracts.Communication.Hosts; using SafeExamBrowser.Contracts.Communication.Proxies; using SafeExamBrowser.Contracts.Core.OperationModel; using SafeExamBrowser.Contracts.Core.OperationModel.Events; using SafeExamBrowser.Contracts.I18n; using SafeExamBrowser.Contracts.Logging; using SafeExamBrowser.Contracts.WindowsApi; using SafeExamBrowser.Contracts.WindowsApi.Events; namespace SafeExamBrowser.Runtime.Operations { internal class ClientOperation : SessionOperation { private readonly int timeout_ms; private ILogger logger; private IProcessFactory processFactory; private IProxyFactory proxyFactory; private IRuntimeHost runtimeHost; private IProcess ClientProcess { get { return Context.ClientProcess; } set { Context.ClientProcess = value; } } private IClientProxy ClientProxy { get { return Context.ClientProxy; } set { Context.ClientProxy = value; } } public override event ActionRequiredEventHandler ActionRequired { add { } remove { } } public override event StatusChangedEventHandler StatusChanged; public ClientOperation( ILogger logger, IProcessFactory processFactory, IProxyFactory proxyFactory, IRuntimeHost runtimeHost, SessionContext sessionContext, int timeout_ms) : base(sessionContext) { this.logger = logger; this.processFactory = processFactory; this.proxyFactory = proxyFactory; this.runtimeHost = runtimeHost; this.timeout_ms = timeout_ms; } public override OperationResult Perform() { StatusChanged?.Invoke(TextKey.OperationStatus_StartClient); var success = TryStartClient(); if (success) { logger.Info("Successfully started new client instance."); } else { logger.Error("Failed to start new client instance! Aborting procedure..."); } return success ? OperationResult.Success : OperationResult.Failed; } public override OperationResult Repeat() { return Perform(); } public override OperationResult Revert() { var success = true; if (ClientProcess != null && !ClientProcess.HasTerminated) { StatusChanged?.Invoke(TextKey.OperationStatus_StopClient); success = TryStopClient(); } return success ? OperationResult.Success : OperationResult.Failed; } private bool TryStartClient() { var clientReady = false; var clientReadyEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false); var clientReadyEventHandler = new CommunicationEventHandler(() => clientReadyEvent.Set()); var clientExecutable = Context.Next.AppConfig.ClientExecutablePath; var clientLogFile = $"{'"' + Context.Next.AppConfig.ClientLogFile + '"'}"; var clientLogLevel = Context.Next.Settings.LogLevel.ToString(); var runtimeHostUri = Context.Next.AppConfig.RuntimeAddress; var startupToken = Context.Next.StartupToken.ToString("D"); var uiMode = Context.Next.Settings.UserInterfaceMode.ToString(); logger.Info("Starting new client process..."); runtimeHost.AllowConnection = true; runtimeHost.ClientReady += clientReadyEventHandler; ClientProcess = processFactory.StartNew(clientExecutable, clientLogFile, clientLogLevel, runtimeHostUri, startupToken, uiMode); logger.Info("Waiting for client to complete initialization..."); clientReady = clientReadyEvent.WaitOne(timeout_ms); runtimeHost.ClientReady -= clientReadyEventHandler; runtimeHost.AllowConnection = false; if (!clientReady) { logger.Error($"Failed to start client within {timeout_ms / 1000} seconds!"); return false; } logger.Info("Client has been successfully started and initialized. Creating communication proxy for client host..."); ClientProxy = proxyFactory.CreateClientProxy(Context.Next.AppConfig.ClientAddress); if (!ClientProxy.Connect(Context.Next.StartupToken)) { logger.Error("Failed to connect to client!"); return false; } logger.Info("Connection with client has been established. Requesting authentication..."); var communication = ClientProxy.RequestAuthentication(); var response = communication.Value; if (!communication.Success || ClientProcess.Id != response?.ProcessId) { logger.Error("Failed to verify client integrity!"); return false; } logger.Info("Authentication of client has been successful, client is ready to operate."); return true; } private bool TryStopClient() { var success = false; var disconnected = false; var disconnectedEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false); var disconnectedEventHandler = new CommunicationEventHandler(() => disconnectedEvent.Set()); var terminated = false; var terminatedEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false); var terminatedEventHandler = new ProcessTerminatedEventHandler((_) => terminatedEvent.Set()); if (ClientProxy != null) { runtimeHost.ClientDisconnected += disconnectedEventHandler; ClientProcess.Terminated += terminatedEventHandler; logger.Info("Instructing client to initiate shutdown procedure."); ClientProxy.InitiateShutdown(); logger.Info("Disconnecting from client communication host."); ClientProxy.Disconnect(); logger.Info("Waiting for client to disconnect from runtime communication host..."); disconnected = disconnectedEvent.WaitOne(timeout_ms); if (!disconnected) { logger.Error($"Client failed to disconnect within {timeout_ms / 1000} seconds!"); } logger.Info("Waiting for client process to terminate..."); terminated = terminatedEvent.WaitOne(timeout_ms); if (!terminated) { logger.Error($"Client failed to terminate within {timeout_ms / 1000} seconds!"); } runtimeHost.ClientDisconnected -= disconnectedEventHandler; ClientProcess.Terminated -= terminatedEventHandler; } if (disconnected && terminated) { logger.Info("Client has been successfully terminated."); success = true; } else { logger.Warn("Attempting to kill client process since graceful termination failed!"); success = TryKillClient(); } if (success) { ClientProcess = null; ClientProxy = null; } return success; } private bool TryKillClient(int attempt = 0) { const int MAX_ATTEMPTS = 5; if (attempt == MAX_ATTEMPTS) { logger.Error($"Failed to kill client process within {MAX_ATTEMPTS} attempts!"); return false; } logger.Info($"Killing client process with ID = {ClientProcess.Id}."); ClientProcess.Kill(); if (ClientProcess.HasTerminated) { logger.Info("Client process has terminated."); return true; } else { logger.Warn("Failed to kill client process. Trying again..."); return TryKillClient(++attempt); } } } }