* Copyright (c) 2023 ETH Zürich, IT Services
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
using SafeExamBrowser.Browser.Contracts.Events;
using SafeExamBrowser.I18n.Contracts;
using SafeExamBrowser.UserInterface.Contracts.Shell.Events;
namespace SafeExamBrowser.UserInterface.Contracts.Shell
/// The taskbar is a user interface element via which the user can access and control various aspects of the application.
public interface ITaskbar
/// Controls the visibility of the clock.
bool ShowClock { set; }
/// Controls the visibility of the quit button.
bool ShowQuitButton { set; }
/// Event fired when the user clicked the quit button in the taskbar.
event QuitButtonClickedEventHandler QuitButtonClicked;
/// Event fired when the Taskbar wants to lose focus.
event LoseFocusRequestedEventHandler LoseFocusRequested;
/// Adds the given application control to the taskbar.
void AddApplicationControl(IApplicationControl control, bool atFirstPosition = false);
/// Adds the given notification control to the taskbar.
void AddNotificationControl(INotificationControl control);
/// Adds the given system control to the taskbar.
void AddSystemControl(ISystemControl control);
/// Closes the taskbar.
void Close();
/// Puts the focus on the taskbar.
void Focus(bool forward = true);
/// Returns the absolute height of the taskbar (i.e. in physical pixels).
int GetAbsoluteHeight();
/// Moves the taskbar to the bottom of the screen and resizes it accordingly.
void InitializeBounds();
/// Initializes all text elements in the taskbar.
void InitializeText(IText text);
/// Registers the specified activator for the taskbar.
void Register(ITaskbarActivator activator);
/// Shows the taskbar.
void Show();