/* * Copyright (c) 2018 ETH Zürich, Educational Development and Technology (LET) * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Text; using System.Xml; using System.Xml.Linq; using SafeExamBrowser.Contracts.Configuration; using SafeExamBrowser.Contracts.Logging; namespace SafeExamBrowser.Configuration.DataFormats { public class XmlFormat : IDataFormat { private const string ROOT_NODE = "plist"; private const string XML_PREFIX = " prefixData.Length; if (longEnough) { data.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); data.Read(prefixData, 0, prefixData.Length); var prefix = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(prefixData); var success = prefix == XML_PREFIX; logger.Debug($"'{data}' starting with '{prefix}' does {(success ? string.Empty : "not ")}match the XML format."); return success; } logger.Debug($"'{data}' is not long enough ({data.Length} bytes) to match the XML format."); } catch (Exception e) { logger.Error($"Failed to determine whether '{data}' with {data.Length / 1000.0} KB data matches the XML format!", e); } return false; } public ParseResult TryParse(Stream data, PasswordInfo passwordInfo) { var result = new ParseResult { Status = LoadStatus.InvalidData }; var xmlSettings = new XmlReaderSettings { DtdProcessing = DtdProcessing.Ignore }; data.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); using (var reader = XmlReader.Create(data, xmlSettings)) { var hasRoot = reader.ReadToFollowing(ROOT_NODE); var hasDictionary = reader.ReadToDescendant(DataTypes.DICTIONARY); var rawData = new Dictionary(); if (hasRoot && hasDictionary) { logger.Debug($"Found root node, starting to parse data..."); result.Status = ParseDictionary(reader, rawData); result.RawData = rawData; logger.Debug($"Finished parsing -> Result: {result.Status}."); } else { logger.Error($"Could not find root {(!hasRoot ? $"node '{ROOT_NODE}'" : $"dictionary '{DataTypes.DICTIONARY}'")}!"); } } return result; } private LoadStatus ParseArray(XmlReader reader, List array) { if (reader.IsEmptyElement) { return LoadStatus.Success; } reader.Read(); reader.MoveToContent(); while (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) { var status = ParseElement(reader, out object element); if (status == LoadStatus.Success) { array.Add(element); } else { return status; } reader.Read(); reader.MoveToContent(); } if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement && reader.Name == DataTypes.ARRAY) { return LoadStatus.Success; } else { logger.Error($"Expected closing tag for '{DataTypes.ARRAY}', but found '{reader.Name}{reader.Value}'!"); return LoadStatus.InvalidData; } } private LoadStatus ParseDictionary(XmlReader reader, Dictionary dictionary) { if (reader.IsEmptyElement) { return LoadStatus.Success; } reader.Read(); reader.MoveToContent(); while (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) { var status = ParseKeyValuePair(reader, dictionary); if (status != LoadStatus.Success) { return status; } reader.Read(); reader.MoveToContent(); } if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement && reader.Name == DataTypes.DICTIONARY) { return LoadStatus.Success; } else { logger.Error($"Expected closing tag for '{DataTypes.DICTIONARY}', but found '{reader.Name}{reader.Value}'!"); return LoadStatus.InvalidData; } } private LoadStatus ParseKeyValuePair(XmlReader reader, Dictionary dictionary) { var key = XNode.ReadFrom(reader) as XElement; if (key.Name.LocalName != DataTypes.KEY) { logger.Error($"Expected element '{DataTypes.KEY}', but found '{key}'!"); return LoadStatus.InvalidData; } reader.Read(); reader.MoveToContent(); var status = ParseElement(reader, out object value); if (status == LoadStatus.Success) { dictionary[key.Value] = value; } return status; } private LoadStatus ParseElement(XmlReader reader, out object element) { var array = default(List); var dictionary = default(Dictionary); var status = default(LoadStatus); var value = default(object); if (reader.Name == DataTypes.ARRAY) { array = new List(); status = ParseArray(reader, array); } else if (reader.Name == DataTypes.DICTIONARY) { dictionary = new Dictionary(); status = ParseDictionary(reader, dictionary); } else { status = ParseSimpleType(XNode.ReadFrom(reader) as XElement, out value); } element = array ?? dictionary ?? value; return status; } private LoadStatus ParseSimpleType(XElement element, out object value) { value = null; switch (element.Name.LocalName) { case DataTypes.DATA: value = Convert.FromBase64String(element.Value); break; case DataTypes.DATE: value = XmlConvert.ToDateTime(element.Value, XmlDateTimeSerializationMode.Utc); break; case DataTypes.FALSE: value = false; break; case DataTypes.INTEGER: value = Convert.ToInt32(element.Value); break; case DataTypes.REAL: value = Convert.ToDouble(element.Value); break; case DataTypes.STRING: value = element.Value; break; case DataTypes.TRUE: value = true; break; } if (value == null) { logger.Error($"Element '{element}' is not supported!"); return LoadStatus.InvalidData; } return LoadStatus.Success; } private struct DataTypes { public const string ARRAY = "array"; public const string DATA = "data"; public const string DATE = "date"; public const string DICTIONARY = "dict"; public const string FALSE = "false"; public const string INTEGER = "integer"; public const string KEY = "key"; public const string REAL = "real"; public const string STRING = "string"; public const string TRUE = "true"; } } }