/* * Copyright (c) 2024 ETH Zürich, IT Services * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Controls; using System.Windows.Interop; using SafeExamBrowser.Applications.Contracts; using SafeExamBrowser.UserInterface.Contracts.Shell; using SafeExamBrowser.UserInterface.Desktop.Controls.Taskview; namespace SafeExamBrowser.UserInterface.Desktop.Windows { internal partial class Taskview : Window, ITaskview { private readonly IList<IApplication<IApplicationWindow>> applications; private readonly LinkedList<WindowControl> controls; private LinkedListNode<WindowControl> current; internal IntPtr Handle { get; private set; } internal Taskview() { applications = new List<IApplication<IApplicationWindow>>(); controls = new LinkedList<WindowControl>(); InitializeComponent(); InitializeTaskview(); } public void Add(IApplication<IApplicationWindow> application) { application.WindowsChanged += Application_WindowsChanged; applications.Add(application); } public void Register(ITaskviewActivator activator) { activator.Deactivated += Activator_Deactivated; activator.NextActivated += Activator_Next; activator.PreviousActivated += Activator_Previous; } private void Application_WindowsChanged() { Dispatcher.InvokeAsync(Update); } private void Activator_Deactivated() { Dispatcher.InvokeAsync(ActivateAndHide); } private void Activator_Next() { Dispatcher.InvokeAsync(SelectNext); } private void Activator_Previous() { Dispatcher.InvokeAsync(SelectPrevious); } private void ActivateAndHide() { if (IsVisible) { Activate(); current?.Value.Activate(); Hide(); } } private void InitializeTaskview() { Loaded += (o, args) => { Handle = new WindowInteropHelper(this).Handle; Update(); }; } private void SelectNext() { ShowConditional(); if (current != null) { current.Value.Deselect(); current = current.Next ?? controls.First; current.Value.Select(); } } private void SelectPrevious() { ShowConditional(); if (current != null) { current.Value.Deselect(); current = current.Previous ?? controls.Last; current.Value.Select(); } } private void ShowConditional() { if (controls.Any() && Visibility != Visibility.Visible) { Show(); Activate(); } } private void Update() { ClearTaskview(); LoadControls(); UpdateLocation(); } private void ClearTaskview() { foreach (var control in controls) { control.Destroy(); } controls.Clear(); Rows.Children.Clear(); } private void LoadControls() { var windows = GetAllWindows(); var maxColumns = Math.Ceiling(Math.Sqrt(windows.Count)); while (windows.Any()) { var row = new StackPanel { Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal, HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center }; Rows.Children.Add(row); for (var column = 0; column < maxColumns && windows.Any(); column++) { var window = windows.Pop(); var control = new WindowControl(window, this); controls.AddLast(control); row.Children.Add(control); } } current = controls.First; current?.Value.Select(); } private void UpdateLocation() { if (controls.Any()) { UpdateLayout(); Left = (SystemParameters.WorkArea.Width - Width) / 2 + SystemParameters.WorkArea.Left; Top = (SystemParameters.WorkArea.Height - Height) / 2 + SystemParameters.WorkArea.Top; } else { Hide(); } } private Stack<IApplicationWindow> GetAllWindows() { var stack = new Stack<IApplicationWindow>(); foreach (var application in applications) { foreach (var window in application.GetWindows()) { stack.Push(window); } } return stack; } } }