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* Copyright (c) 2024 ETH Zürich, IT Services
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using SafeExamBrowser.Configuration.ConfigurationData;
using SafeExamBrowser.Configuration.Contracts;
using SafeExamBrowser.Configuration.Contracts.Cryptography;
using SafeExamBrowser.Configuration.Contracts.DataFormats;
using SafeExamBrowser.Configuration.Contracts.DataResources;
using SafeExamBrowser.Logging.Contracts;
using SafeExamBrowser.Settings;
namespace SafeExamBrowser.Configuration
public class ConfigurationRepository : IConfigurationRepository
private readonly ICertificateStore certificateStore;
private readonly IList<IDataParser> dataParsers;
private readonly IList<IDataSerializer> dataSerializers;
private readonly DataMapper dataMapper;
private readonly DataProcessor dataProcessor;
private readonly DataValues dataValues;
private readonly ILogger logger;
private readonly IList<IResourceLoader> resourceLoaders;
private readonly IList<IResourceSaver> resourceSavers;
public ConfigurationRepository(ICertificateStore certificateStore, IModuleLogger logger)
this.certificateStore = certificateStore;
this.logger = logger;
dataParsers = new List<IDataParser>();
dataSerializers = new List<IDataSerializer>();
dataMapper = new DataMapper();
dataProcessor = new DataProcessor();
dataValues = new DataValues();
resourceLoaders = new List<IResourceLoader>();
resourceSavers = new List<IResourceSaver>();
public SaveStatus ConfigureClientWith(Uri resource, PasswordParameters password = null)
logger.Info($"Attempting to configure local client with '{resource}'...");
TryLoadData(resource, out var data);
using (data)
TryParseData(data, out var encryption, out var format, out var rawData, password);
encryption = DetermineEncryptionForClientConfiguration(rawData, encryption);
var status = TrySerializeData(rawData, format, out var serialized, encryption);
using (serialized)
if (status == SaveStatus.Success)
status = TrySaveData(new Uri(dataValues.GetAppDataFilePath()), serialized);
return status;
catch (Exception e)
logger.Error($"Unexpected error while trying to configure local client with '{resource}'!", e);
return SaveStatus.UnexpectedError;
public AppConfig InitializeAppConfig()
return dataValues.InitializeAppConfig();
public SessionConfiguration InitializeSessionConfiguration()
return dataValues.InitializeSessionConfiguration();
public AppSettings LoadDefaultSettings()
return dataValues.LoadDefaultSettings();
public void Register(IDataParser parser)
public void Register(IDataSerializer serializer)
public void Register(IResourceLoader loader)
public void Register(IResourceSaver saver)
public LoadStatus TryLoadSettings(Uri resource, out AppSettings settings, PasswordParameters password = null)
var status = default(LoadStatus);
settings = LoadDefaultSettings();
logger.Info($"Initialized default settings, now attempting to load '{resource}'...");
status = TryLoadData(resource, out var stream);
using (stream)
if (status == LoadStatus.Success)
status = TryParseData(stream, out _, out _, out var data, password);
if (status == LoadStatus.Success)
dataMapper.Map(data, settings);
dataProcessor.Process(data, settings);
catch (Exception e)
status = LoadStatus.UnexpectedError;
logger.Error($"Unexpected error while trying to load '{resource}'!", e);
return status;
private EncryptionParameters DetermineEncryptionForClientConfiguration(IDictionary<string, object> data, EncryptionParameters encryption)
var hasKey = data.TryGetValue(Keys.ConfigurationFile.KeepClientConfigEncryption, out var value);
var useDefaultEncryption = value is bool keepEncryption && !keepEncryption;
if (!hasKey || (hasKey && useDefaultEncryption))
encryption = new PasswordParameters { Password = string.Empty, IsHash = true };
return encryption;
private LoadStatus TryLoadData(Uri resource, out Stream data)
var status = LoadStatus.NotSupported;
var resourceLoader = resourceLoaders.FirstOrDefault(l => l.CanLoad(resource));
data = default;
if (resourceLoader != null)
status = resourceLoader.TryLoad(resource, out data);
logger.Info($"Tried to load data from '{resource}' using {resourceLoader.GetType().Name} -> Result: {status}.");
logger.Warn($"No resource loader found for '{resource}'!");
return status;
private LoadStatus TryParseData(Stream data, out EncryptionParameters encryption, out FormatType format, out IDictionary<string, object> rawData, PasswordParameters password = null)
var parser = dataParsers.FirstOrDefault(p => p.CanParse(data));
var status = LoadStatus.NotSupported;
encryption = default;
format = default;
rawData = default(Dictionary<string, object>);
if (parser != null)
var result = parser.TryParse(data, password);
encryption = result.Encryption;
format = result.Format;
rawData = result.RawData;
status = result.Status;
logger.Info($"Tried to parse data from '{data}' using {parser.GetType().Name} -> Result: {status}.");
logger.Warn($"No data parser found which can parse '{data}'!");
return status;
private SaveStatus TrySaveData(Uri destination, Stream data)
var status = SaveStatus.NotSupported;
var resourceSaver = resourceSavers.FirstOrDefault(s => s.CanSave(destination));
if (resourceSaver != null)
status = resourceSaver.TrySave(destination, data);
logger.Info($"Tried to save data as '{destination}' using {resourceSaver.GetType().Name} -> Result: {status}.");
logger.Warn($"No resource saver found for '{destination}'!");
return status;
private SaveStatus TrySerializeData(IDictionary<string, object> data, FormatType format, out Stream serialized, EncryptionParameters encryption = null)
var serializer = dataSerializers.FirstOrDefault(s => s.CanSerialize(format));
var status = SaveStatus.NotSupported;
serialized = default;
if (serializer != null)
var result = serializer.TrySerialize(data, encryption);
serialized = result.Data;
status = result.Status;
logger.Info($"Tried to serialize data as '{format}' using {serializer.GetType().Name} -> Result: {status}.");
logger.Error($"No data serializer found which can serialize '{format}'!");
return status;