Since SEB Server is generally an administration tool, meaning used to do administration work and tasks to set up and maintain e-assessments,
there is yet just a built-in and lightweight user-account management where users can register themselves and get needed privileges assigned by already registered
administrator users that has the privileges to maintain user accounts. Currently, there is no possibility to register with a third-party account and/or single sign-on.
- Lightweight user-account management where users can register themselves and get needed privileges assigned by already registered administrator users that has the privileges to maintain user accounts.
- Track user activities within user-activity logs for the whole SEB Server or a client.
- Create, export, and maintain SEB connection configurations. Those are needed to startup a Safe Exam Browser client with and contain all information to connect securely to the SEB Server.
- Create and maintain SEB exam configurations. Those are sent to a SEB client on connection setup and contain all SEB settings for a particular e-assessment.
- Setup and maintain Learning Management Systems (LMS/Assessment Tool) and e-assessment systems like Open edX, Moodle, OpenOlat or ANS to be able to navigate and find courses or quizzes on the system and to push access restrictions to it if supported by the particular LMS/Assessment Tool.
- Import and maintain courses or quizzes from an LMS/Assessment Tool. Setup everything that is needed for an e-assessment that is based on a course or quiz from the LMS/Assessment Tool
- Apply indicators to the exams to indicate incidences while monitoring running e-assessments.
- Monitor running e-assessment and have an overview of all connected SEB clients. Manage SEB client connections and view logs sent by individual SEB clients.
There currently exist four different roles. This reflects a good separation of concern within the SEB Server application administration itself and the setup and
maintenance work that has to be done for e-assessments with SEB. Below are the names and a short description of each role.
This role is primarily to administer the SEB Server application, to create new and maintain available institutions and user accounts.
In addition to that, a SEB Server administrator also has overall read privileges for most domains to be able to analyze problems and help others to solve them.
A typical use-case for an institutional administrator would be to give the appropriate roles and privileges to newly registered users of the institution.
Or another use-case would be to create and maintain SEB connection configurations for the institutions and set up and maintain learning management systems
Fill in the registration form and create a new account. After the user account has been successfully created, the application redirects to the login page for login.
On the current version, an e-mail confirmation is not a feature of the SEB Server application and therefore the e-mail address is currently just informative.
In the header above on the right hand, we see the username of the currently logged-in user and an action button to sign out and go back to the login page.
A list shows all the objects of a particular activity on a table page. A list has paging functionality and the list has more objects than fitting all on one page,
- Date range selection, to select a from- and a to-date within different inputs and a date-picker. A date range selection can also have an additional time range selection within separate input fields
Since SEB Server version 1.4, multi-selection for some lists with bulk-actions is possible. To select multiple rows in a table that allows multi-selection
just click on the row as usual. If you then click on another (still not selected) row, this row get selected too. You can do this even over several pages.
To deselect a selected row just click it again then it will be removed from the selection.
There may also be more field validation taking place on saving the object. If an input needs a special form that is not given by the current input, the form field
Actions are usually placed on the right action pane of the application and belongs to the actual site or view. There are generally three types of actions:
- Form Actions that directly belongs to the actual view or object and either save, manipulate or create a new object.
- List Action - Single Selection are actions on a list page that effects the selected list entry.
- List Action - Multi Selection are actions that refer to the current multi selection on a list and apply for every selected item.
List action are disabled when nothing is selected from the list and get enabled as soon as one or more list items are selected.
Actions that are considdered single selection actions, and are used with a multi selection on the list will only affect the first selected item in the list.