reverted wording changes

This commit is contained in:
anhefti 2020-05-13 10:12:24 +02:00
parent bf57955eb6
commit 1d59cb8eee

View file

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ sebserver.overall.version=SEB Server Version : {0}
sebserver.overall.about.markup=<span style='font-family: Arial, Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size: 25px;font-weight: normal;font-style: normal;color: rgb(31, 64, 122);'>SEB Server About</span><br/><br/><span style='font-family: Arial, Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size: 18px;font-weight: bold;font-style: normal;'>1. Installation.</span><br/><br/><span style='font-family: Arial, Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size: 14px;font-weight: normal;font-style: normal;'>This is a SEB Server demo setup, ideal for testing or demonstrations.</span> have unsaved changes!<br/>Are you sure you want to leave the page? The changes will be lost.
sebserver.overall.upload=Please select a file
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ sebserver.overall.action.goAwayFromEditPageConfirm=Are you sure you want to leav
sebserver.overall.action.showPassword.tooltip=Show / hide password in plain text
sebserver.overall.action.showPassword.tooltip=Show / hide password in plain text.
@ -74,36 +74,36 @@ sebserver.overall.activity.title.monitoring=Monitoring
sebserver.form.validation.error.title=Form data validation failed
sebserver.form.validation.error.message=There is missing or incorrect form data
sebserver.form.validation.error.message=There is missing or incorrect form data.
sebserver.form.validation.fieldError.size=The size must be between {3} and {4} Name is mandatory and must have a size between {3} and {4} character
sebserver.form.validation.fieldError.urlSuffix=The URL Suffix must have a size between {3} and {4} character
sebserver.form.validation.fieldError.notNull=This field is mandatory name is already in use. Please choose another one.
sebserver.form.validation.fieldError.username.notunique=This Username is already in use. Please choose another one. user-account with this e-mail address already exists. user account with this e-mail address already exists.
sebserver.form.validation.fieldError.password.wrong=The old password is wrong
sebserver.form.validation.fieldError.password.mismatch=The re-typed password doesn't match the new password
sebserver.form.validation.fieldError.invalidURL=The input does not match the URL pattern
sebserver.form.validation.fieldError.password.mismatch=The retyped password doesn't match the new password
sebserver.form.validation.fieldError.invalidURL=The input does not match the URL pattern.
sebserver.form.validation.fieldError.exists=This name already exists. Please choose another one. mail address
sebserver.error.unexpected=Unexpected Error
sebserver.form.mandatory=This field is mandatory
sebserver.table.column.sort.default.tooltip=Click on the column header to sort the table within this column
sebserver.form.mandatory=This field is mandatory.
sebserver.table.column.sort.default.tooltip=Click on the column header to sort the table within this column.
sebserver.dialog.confirm.deactivation=Note that there are {0} other entities that belongs to this entity.<br/>Those will also be deactivated by deactivating this entity.<br/><br/>Are You sure to deactivate this entity?
sebserver.dialog.confirm.deactivation=Note that there are {0} other entities that belong to this entity.<br/>Those will also be deactivated by deactivating this entity.<br/><br/>Are You sure to deactivate this entity?
sebserver.dialog.confirm.deactivation.noDependencies=Are You sure you want to deactivate?
sebserver.error.action.unexpected.message=Failed to process action. There was an unexpected error.<br/> Please try again or contact a system-administrator if this error persists.
sebserver.error.get.entity=Failed to load {0}.<br/> Please try again or contact a system-administrator if this error persists.
sebserver.error.remove.entity=Failed to remove {0}.<br/> Please try again or contact a system-administrator if this error persists.
sebserver.error.activate.entity=Failed to activate/deactivate {0}.<br/> Please try again or contact a system-administrator if this error persists. to save {0}.<br/> Please try again or contact a system-administrator if this error persists.
sebserver.error.exam.seb.restriction=<br/><br/>Failed to automatically set Safe Exam Browser restriction on/off for this exam on the corresponding LMS.<br/> Please check the LMS Setup and try again or contact a system-administrator if this error persists.
sebserver.error.import=Failed to import {0}.<br/> Please try again or contact a system-administrator if this error persists.
sebserver.error.logout=Failed to logout properly.<br/> Please try again or contact a system-administrator if this error persists.
sebserver.error.action.unexpected.message=Failed to process action. There was an unexpected error.<br/> Please try again or contact a system administrator if this error persists
sebserver.error.get.entity=Failed to load {0}.<br/> Please try again or contact a system administrator if this error persists
sebserver.error.remove.entity=Failed to remove {0}.<br/> Please try again or contact a system administrator if this error persists
sebserver.error.activate.entity=Failed to activate/deactivate {0}.<br/> Please try again or contact a system administrator if this error persists to save {0}.<br/> Please try again or contact a system administrator if this error persists
sebserver.error.exam.seb.restriction=<br/><br/>Failed to automatically set Safe Exam Browser restriction on/off for this exam on the corresponding LMS.<br/> Please check the LMS Setup and try again or contact a system administrator if this error persists
sebserver.error.import=Failed to import {0}.<br/> Please try again or contact a system administrator if this error persists
sebserver.error.logout=Failed to logout properly.<br/> Please try again or contact a system administrator if this error persists
# Login Page
@ -114,10 +114,10 @@ sebserver.login.login=Sign In
sebserver.login.failed.title=Login failed
sebserver.login.failed.message=Access denied: wrong username or password
sebserver.logout=Sign out
sebserver.logout.success.message=You have been successfully signed out
sebserver.logout.invalid-session.message=You have been signed out because of a user session invalidation.<br/>Please sign in again.
sebserver.logout.success.message=You have been successfully signed out.
sebserver.logout.invalid-session.message=You have been signed out because of a user session invalidation.<br/>Please sign in again
sebserver.login.password.change.success=The password was successfully changed. Please sign in with your new password.
sebserver.login.password.change.success=The password was successfully changed. Please sign in with your new password
sebserver.login.register.form.title=Create an Account
@ -139,15 +139,15 @@ sebserver.actionpane.title=
sebserver.institution.list.empty=No institution can be found. Please adapt the filter or create a new institution.
sebserver.institution.list.empty=No institution can be found. Please adapt the filter or create a new institution
sebserver.institution.list.title.subtitle= name of the institution<br/><br/>Use the filter above to narrow down a specific name<br/>{0} name of the institution.<br/><br/>Use the filter above to narrow down to a specific name.<br/>{0}
sebserver.institution.list.column.urlSuffix=URL Suffix
sebserver.institution.list.column.urlSuffix.tooltip=The URL suffix to the institutional login page<br/><br/>Use the filter above to narrow down a specific URL suffix<br/>{0}
sebserver.institution.list.column.urlSuffix.tooltip=The URL suffix to the institutional login page.<br/><br/>Use the filter above to narrow down to a specific URL suffix.<br/>{0} activity of the institution<br/><br/>Use the filter above to specify the activity<br/>{0} activity of the institution.<br/><br/>Use the filter above to specify the activity.<br/>{0}
@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ sebserver.institution.action.activate=Activate Institution
sebserver.institution.action.deactivate=Deactivate Institution
sebserver.institution.action.delete=Delete Institution select first an institution from the list first please select an institution from the list. Institution
@ -171,8 +171,8 @@ name of the institution
sebserver.institution.form.urlSuffix=URL Suffix
sebserver.institution.form.urlSuffix.tooltip=The URL suffix to the institutional login page.<br/> Institutional URL is: http(s)://<seb-server-name>/<suffix>
sebserver.institution.form.logoImage=Logo Image
sebserver.institution.form.logoImage.tooltip=The Image that is shown as a logo in the specified institutional login page<br/>In edit mode, use the arrow sign to open a upload dialog
sebserver.institution.form.logoImage.unsupportedFileType=The selected file is not supported. Supported are: PNG and JPG.
sebserver.institution.form.logoImage.tooltip=The Image that is shown as a logo in the specified institutional login page.<br/>In edit mode, use the arrow sign to open a upload dialog.
sebserver.institution.form.logoImage.unsupportedFileType=The selected file is not supported. Supported are: PNG and JPG
@ -189,22 +189,22 @@ sebserver.useraccount.role.EXAM_ADMIN.tooltip=An exam administrator has overall
sebserver.useraccount.role.EXAM_SUPPORTER=Exam Supporter
sebserver.useraccount.role.EXAM_SUPPORTER.tooltip=An exam supporter can only see and edit the own user account<br/> and monitor exams for that he/she was attached by an exam administrator.
sebserver.useraccount.list.empty=No user account can be found. Please adapt the filter or create a new user account.
sebserver.useraccount.list.empty=No user account can be found. Please adapt the filter or create a new user account
sebserver.useraccount.list.title=User Accounts
sebserver.useraccount.list.column.institution.tooltip=The institution of the user account<br/><br/>Use the filter above to specify the institution<br/>{0}
sebserver.useraccount.list.column.institution.tooltip=The institution of the user account.<br/><br/>Use the filter above to specify the institution.<br/>{0} Name first name of the user<br/><br/>Use the filter above to narrow down a specific first name<br/>{0} first name of the user.<br/><br/>Use the filter above to narrow down to a specific first name.<br/>{0}
sebserver.useraccount.list.column.surname.tooltip=The surname of the user<br/><br/>Use the filter above to narrow down a specific surname<br/>{0}
sebserver.useraccount.list.column.surname.tooltip=The surname of the user.<br/><br/>Use the filter above to narrow down to a specific surname.<br/>{0}
sebserver.useraccount.list.column.username=User Name
sebserver.useraccount.list.column.username.tooltip=The internal user name of the user.<br/><br/>Use the filter above to narrow down a specific user name<br/>{0}
sebserver.useraccount.list.column.username.tooltip=The internal user name of the user.<br/><br/>Use the filter above to narrow down to a specific user name.<br/>{0} e-mail address of the user<br/><br/>Use the filter above to narrow down a specific e-mail address<br/>{0} e-mail address of the user.<br/><br/>Use the filter above to narrow down to a specific e-mail address.<br/>{0}
sebserver.useraccount.list.column.language=Language status of the user<br/><br/>Use the filter above to specify the status<br/>{0} status of the user.<br/><br/>Use the filter above to specify the status.<br/>{0}
sebserver.useraccount.action.list=User Account
sebserver.useraccount.action.form=User Account of {0}
@ -219,30 +219,30 @@ sebserver.useraccount.action.delete=Delete User Account
sebserver.useraccount.action.change.password=Change Password New Password select first a User Account from the list have no edit rights for this User Account first please select a User Account from the list. have no edit rights for this User Account.
sebserver.useraccount.form.title=User Account
sebserver.useraccount.form.title.subtitle= User Account
sebserver.useraccount.form.institution.tooltip=The institution the user belongs to
sebserver.useraccount.form.institution.tooltip=The institution the user belongs to.
sebserver.useraccount.form.creationdate=Creation Date
sebserver.useraccount.form.creationdate.tooltip=The date when the user-account was first created
sebserver.useraccount.form.creationdate.tooltip=The date when the user account was first created. Name first name of the user first name of the user.
sebserver.useraccount.form.surname.tooltip=The last- or surname of the user
sebserver.useraccount.form.surname.tooltip=The last- or surname of the user.
sebserver.useraccount.form.username.tooltip=The internal user name of the account
sebserver.useraccount.form.username.tooltip=The internal user name of the account.
sebserver.useraccount.form.mail.tooltip=The e-mail address of the user
sebserver.useraccount.form.mail.tooltip=The e-mail address of the user.
sebserver.useraccount.form.language.tooltip=The users language
sebserver.useraccount.form.language.tooltip=The users language.
sebserver.useraccount.form.timezone=Time Zone
sebserver.useraccount.form.timezone.tooltip=The time-zone of the user<br/><br/>Note that this also defines the exact time and date that is displayed to the user
sebserver.useraccount.form.timezone.tooltip=The time-zone of the user.<br/><br/>Note that this also defines the exact time and date that is displayed to the user.
sebserver.useraccount.form.roles=User Roles
sebserver.useraccount.form.roles.tooltip=The roles of the user<br/>A user can have more then one role but must have at least one.<br/><br/>In Edit mode, please use the tooltip on the role name for more information about a specific role
sebserver.useraccount.form.roles.tooltip=The roles of the user.<br/>A user can have more then one role but must have at least one.<br/><br/>In Edit mode, please use the tooltip on the role name for more information about a specific role.
sebserver.useraccount.form.password.tooltip=The password of the user account
sebserver.useraccount.form.password.confirm=Confirm Password
@ -263,17 +263,17 @@ sebserver.lmssetup.type.OPEN_EDX=Open edX
sebserver.lmssetup.list.actions= Access: A LMS Setup from other institution cannot be modified.
sebserver.lmssetup.list.empty=No LMS Setup can be found. Please adapt the filter or create a new LMS Setup.
sebserver.lmssetup.list.empty=No LMS Setup can be found. Please adapt the filter or create a new LMS Setup
sebserver.lmssetup.list.title=Learning Management System Setups
sebserver.lmssetup.list.title.subtitle=List of connection settings to the LMS
sebserver.lmssetup.list.title.subtitle=List of connection settings to the LMS.
sebserver.lmssetup.list.column.institution.tooltip=The institution of the LMS setup<br/><br/>Use the filter above to specify the institution<br/>{0}
sebserver.lmssetup.list.column.institution.tooltip=The institution of the LMS setup.<br/><br/>Use the filter above to specify the institution.<br/>{0} name of the LMS setup<br/><br/>Use the filter above to narrow down a specific LMS by name<br/>{0} name of the LMS setup.<br/><br/>Use the filter above to narrow down to a specific LMS by name.<br/>{0}
sebserver.lmssetup.list.column.type=LMS Type
sebserver.lmssetup.list.column.type.tooltip=The type of the LMS<br/><br/>Use the filter above to specify the LMS type<br/>{0}
sebserver.lmssetup.list.column.type.tooltip=The type of the LMS.<br/><br/>Use the filter above to specify the LMS type.<br/>{0} status of the LMS Setup<br/><br/>Use the filter above to specify the status<br/>{0} status of the LMS Setup.<br/><br/>Use the filter above to specify the status.<br/>{0}
sebserver.lmssetup.action.list=LMS Setup
sebserver.lmssetup.action.form=LMS Setup
@ -285,16 +285,16 @@ sebserver.lmssetup.action.savetest=Test And Save
sebserver.lmssetup.action.testsave=Test And Save
sebserver.lmssetup.action.test.ok=Successfully connected to the course API
sebserver.lmssetup.action.test.tokenRequestError=The API access was denied: {0}<br/>Please check the LMS connection details.
sebserver.lmssetup.action.test.quizRequestError=Unable to request courses or exams from the course API of the LMS {0}
sebserver.lmssetup.action.test.quizRequestError=Unable to request courses or exams from the course API of the LMS. {0}
sebserver.lmssetup.action.test.quizRestrictionError=Unable to access course restriction API of the LMS. {0}
sebserver.lmssetup.action.test.missingParameter=There is one or more missing connection parameter.<br/>Please check the connection parameter for this LMS Setup.
sebserver.lmssetup.action.test.missingParameter=There is one or more missing connection parameter.<br/>Please check the connection parameter for this LMS Setup
sebserver.lmssetup.action.test.unknownError=An unexpected error happened while trying to connect to the LMS course API. {0} LMS Setup
sebserver.lmssetup.action.activate=Activate LMS Setup
sebserver.lmssetup.action.deactivate=Deactivate LMS Setup
sebserver.lmssetup.action.delete=Delete LMS Setup select first a LMS Setup from the list first please select a LMS Setup from the list
sebserver.lmssetup.form.title=Learning Management System Setup
@ -304,13 +304,13 @@ sebserver.lmssetup.form.institution.tooltip=The institution where the LMS setup name of the LMS setup
sebserver.lmssetup.form.type.tooltip=The type of the LMS Setup
sebserver.lmssetup.form.type.tooltip=The type of the LMS Setup.
sebserver.lmssetup.form.url=LMS Server Address
sebserver.lmssetup.form.url.tooltip=The server URL to the specific LMS server<br/><br/>This should point to the main- or root-address of the LMS server.
sebserver.lmssetup.form.url.tooltip=The server URL to the specific LMS server.<br/><br/>This should point to the main- or root-address of the LMS server
sebserver.lmssetup.form.clientname.lms=LMS Server Username
sebserver.lmssetup.form.clientname.lms.tooltip=The client name of the API client access to the LMS<br/><br/>This is usually provided by an LMS administrator that has created a API access account for SEB Server binding within the LMS server.
sebserver.lmssetup.form.clientname.lms.tooltip=The client name of the API client access to the LMS.<br/><br/>This is usually provided by an LMS administrator that has created a API access account for SEB Server binding within the LMS server.
sebserver.lmssetup.form.secret.lms=LMS Server Password
sebserver.lmssetup.form.secret.lms.tooltip=The secret or password of the API client access to the LMS<br/><br/>This is usually provided by an LMS administrator that has created a API access account for SEB Server binding within the LMS server.
sebserver.lmssetup.form.secret.lms.tooltip=The secret or password of the API client access to the LMS.<br/><br/>This is usually provided by an LMS administrator that has created a API access account for SEB Server binding within the LMS server.
sebserver.lmssetup.form.proxy.check=With Proxy
sebserver.lmssetup.form.proxy.check.tooltip=Check and give detailed information if the SEB Server runs behind a proxy<br/>and need proxy settings to connect to the internet.
@ -332,42 +332,42 @@ sebserver.lmssetup.form.proxy.auth-credentials.tooltip=The proxy authentication
sebserver.quizdiscovery.list.title=LMS Exams
sebserver.quizdiscovery.list.title.subtitle=List of exams found in connected LMS
sebserver.quizdiscovery.list.empty=No LMS exam can be found. Please adapt the filter or create a new LMS Setup.
sebserver.quizdiscovery.list.title.subtitle=List of exams found in connected LMS.
sebserver.quizdiscovery.list.empty=No LMS exam can be found. Please adapt the filter or create a new LMS Setup
sebserver.quizdiscovery.list.column.institution.tooltip=The institution filter<br/><br/>Use the filter above to specify the institution<br/>{0}
sebserver.quizdiscovery.list.column.institution.tooltip=The institution filter.<br/><br/>Use the filter above to specify the institution.<br/>{0}
sebserver.quizdiscovery.list.column.lmssetup.tooltip=The LMS setup filter<br/><br/>Use the filter above to find all LMS exams of a specific LMS setup<br/>{0}
sebserver.quizdiscovery.list.column.lmssetup.tooltip=The LMS setup filter<br/><br/>Use the filter above to find all LMS exams of a specific LMS setup.<br/>{0} name of the LMS exam<br/><br/>Use the filter above to narrow down a specific name<br/>{0} name of the LMS exam.<br/><br/>Use the filter above to narrow down to a specific name.<br/>{0}
sebserver.quizdiscovery.list.column.starttime=Start Time {0}
sebserver.quizdiscovery.list.column.starttime.tooltip=The start time of the LMS exam<br/><br/>Use the filter above to set a specific from date<br/>{0}
sebserver.quizdiscovery.list.column.starttime.tooltip=The start time of the LMS exam.<br/><br/>Use the filter above to set a specific from date.<br/>{0}
sebserver.quizdiscovery.list.column.endtime=End Time {0}
sebserver.quizdiscovery.list.column.endtime.tooltip=The end time of the LMS exam<br/><br/>{0} select first an LMS exam from the list Access: A LMS exam from other institution cannot be imported
sebserver.quizdiscovery.list.column.endtime.tooltip=The end time of the LMS exam.<br/><br/>{0} first please select an LMS exam from the list Access: A LMS exam from other institution cannot be imported.
sebserver.quizdiscovery.action.list=LMS Exam Lookup
sebserver.quizdiscovery.action.import=Import as Exam
sebserver.quizdiscovery.quiz.import.out.dated=The Selected LMS exam is is already finished and can't be imported.
sebserver.quizdiscovery.quiz.import.out.dated=The Selected LMS exam is already finished and can't be imported
sebserver.quizdiscovery.action.details=Show LMS Exam Details
sebserver.quizdiscovery.quiz.import.existing.confirm=This course was already imported and import it twice may lead to<br/> unexpected behavior within automated SEB restriction on LMS.<br/><br/> Do you want to import this course as exam anyways?
sebserver.quizdiscovery.quiz.import.existing.confirm=This course was already imported and importing it twice may lead to<br/> unexpected behavior within automated SEB restriction on LMS.<br/><br/> Do you want to import this course as exam anyway?
sebserver.quizdiscovery.quiz.details.title=LMS Exam Details
sebserver.quizdiscovery.quiz.details.institution.tooltip=The institution of the LMS setup
sebserver.quizdiscovery.quiz.details.institution.tooltip=The institution of the LMS setup.
sebserver.quizdiscovery.quiz.details.lmssetup=LMS Setup
sebserver.quizdiscovery.quiz.details.lmssetup.tooltip=The LMS setup that defines the LMS where the exam is defined
sebserver.quizdiscovery.quiz.details.lmssetup.tooltip=The LMS setup that defines the LMS where the exam was created. name of the LMS exam<br/><br/>This name is defined on the corresponding LMS name of the LMS exam.<br/><br/>This name is defined on the corresponding LMS
sebserver.quizdiscovery.quiz.details.description.tooltip=The description of the LMS exam<br/><br/>This description is defined on the corresponding LMS
sebserver.quizdiscovery.quiz.details.description.tooltip=The description of the LMS exam.<br/><br/>This description is defined on the corresponding LMS
sebserver.quizdiscovery.quiz.details.starttime=Start Time
sebserver.quizdiscovery.quiz.details.starttime.tooltip=The start time of the LMS exam<br/><br/>This time is set on the corresponding LMS
sebserver.quizdiscovery.quiz.details.starttime.tooltip=The start time of the LMS exam.<br/><br/>This time is set on the corresponding LMS
sebserver.quizdiscovery.quiz.details.endtime=End Time
sebserver.quizdiscovery.quiz.details.endtime.tooltip=The end time of the LMS exam<br/><br/>This time is set on the corresponding LMS
sebserver.quizdiscovery.quiz.details.endtime.tooltip=The end time of the LMS exam.<br/><br/>This time is set on the corresponding LMS
sebserver.quizdiscovery.quiz.details.url=Start URL
sebserver.quizdiscovery.quiz.details.url.tooltip=The start URL on the LMS for the exam<br/><br/>This is defined by the LMS setup and the exam URL
sebserver.quizdiscovery.quiz.details.url.tooltip=The start URL on the LMS for the exam.<br/><br/>This is defined by the LMS setup and the exam URL
sebserver.quizdiscovery.quiz.details.additional.timecreated=Creation Time
sebserver.quizdiscovery.quiz.details.additional.timecreated.tooltip=The time when the LMS exam was first created<br/><br/>This time is defined by the corresponding LMS
sebserver.quizdiscovery.quiz.details.additional.course_shortname=Short Name
@ -389,26 +389,26 @@ sebserver.exam.list.actions=
sebserver.exam.list.column.institution.tooltip=The institution of the LMS setup that defines LMS of the exam<br/><br/>Use the filter above to specify the institution<br/>{0}
sebserver.exam.list.column.institution.tooltip=The institution of the LMS setup that defines the LMS of the exam.<br/><br/>Use the filter above to specify the institution.<br/>{0}
sebserver.exam.list.column.lmssetup.tooltip=The LMS setup that defines the LMS of the exam<br/><br/>Use the filter above to specify the LMS setup<br/>{0}
sebserver.exam.list.column.lmssetup.tooltip=The LMS setup that defines the LMS of the exam<br/><br/>Use the filter above to specify the LMS setup.<br/>{0} name of the exam<br/><br/>Use the filter above to narrow down a specific exam name<br/>{0} name of the exam.<br/><br/>Use the filter above to narrow down to a specific exam name.<br/>{0}
sebserver.exam.list.column.starttime=Start Time {0}
sebserver.exam.list.column.starttime.tooltip=The start time of the exam<br/><br/>Use the filter above to set a specific from date<br/>{0}
sebserver.exam.list.column.starttime.tooltip=The start time of the exam.<br/><br/>Use the filter above to set a specific from date.<br/>{0}
sebserver.exam.list.column.type.tooltip=The type of the exam<br/><br/>Use the filter above to set a specific exam type<br/>{0}
sebserver.exam.list.column.type.tooltip=The type of the exam.<br/><br/>Use the filter above to set a specific exam type.<br/>{0}
sebserver.exam.list.empty=No Exam can be found. Please adapt the filter or import one from LMS.
sebserver.exam.list.modify.out.dated=Finished exams cannot be modified Access: An Exam from other institution cannot be modified.
sebserver.exam.list.empty=No Exam can be found. Please adapt the filter or import one from LMS
sebserver.exam.list.modify.out.dated=Finished exams cannot be modified. Access: An Exam from another institution cannot be modified.
sebserver.exam.consistency.title=Note: This exam is already running but has some missing settings.
sebserver.exam.consistency.missing-supporter= - There are no Exam-Supporter defined for this exam. Use 'Edit Exam' on the right to add an Exam-Supporter.
sebserver.exam.consistency.title=Note: This exam is already running but has some missing settings
sebserver.exam.consistency.missing-supporter= - There are no Exam Supporter defined for this exam. Use 'Edit Exam' on the right to add an Exam Supporter.
sebserver.exam.consistency.missing-indicator= - There is no indicator defined for this exam. Use 'Add Indicator" on the right to add an indicator.
sebserver.exam.consistency.missing-config= - There is no configuration defined for this exam. Use 'Add Configuration' to attach one.
sebserver.exam.consistency.missing-seb-restriction= - There is currently no SEB restriction applied on the LMS side. Use 'Enable SEB Restriction' on the right to activate auto-restriction.<br/> Or if this is not possible consider doing it manually on the LMS.
sebserver.exam.confirm.remove-config=This exam is current running. The remove of the attached configuration will led to an invalid state<br/>where connecting SEB clients cannot download the configuration for the exam.<br/><br/>Are you sure to remove the Configuration?
sebserver.exam.confirm.remove-config=This exam is current running. The remove of the attached configuration will led to an invalid state<br/>where connecting SEB clients cannot download the configuration for the exam.<br/><br/>Are you sure to remove the configuration?
sebserver.exam.action.list.view=View Exam
@ -422,31 +422,31 @@ sebserver.exam.action.sebrestriction.enable=Apply SEB Lock
sebserver.exam.action.sebrestriction.disable=Release SEB Lock
sebserver.exam.action.sebrestriction.details=SEB Restriction Details select first an Exam from the list first please select an Exam from the list
sebserver.exam.form.title.import=Import Exam
sebserver.exam.form.lmssetup=LMS Setup
sebserver.exam.form.lmssetup.tooltip=The LMS setup that defines the LMS of the exam
sebserver.exam.form.quizid=LMS Exam Identifier
sebserver.exam.form.lmssetup.tooltip=The LMS setup that defines the LMS of the exam.
sebserver.exam.form.quizid=LMS exam Identifier
sebserver.exam.form.quizid.tooltip=The identifier that identifies the quiz of the exam on the corresponding LMS
sebserver.exam.form.quizurl=LMS Exam URL
sebserver.exam.form.quizurl=LMS exam URL
sebserver.exam.form.quizurl.tooltip=The direct URL link to the LMS exam name of the exam<br/><br/>This name is defined on the corresponding LMS name of the exam.<br/><br/>This name is defined on the corresponding LMS
sebserver.exam.form.description.tooltip=The description of the exam<br/><br/>This description is defined on the corresponding LMS
sebserver.exam.form.description.tooltip=The description of the exam.<br/><br/>This description is defined on the corresponding LMS
sebserver.exam.form.starttime=Start Time
sebserver.exam.form.starttime.tooltip=The start time of the exam<br/><br/>This time is set on the corresponding LMS
sebserver.exam.form.starttime.tooltip=The start time of the exam.<br/><br/>This time is set on the corresponding LMS
sebserver.exam.form.endtime=End Time
sebserver.exam.form.endtime.tooltip=The end time of the exam<br/><br/>This time is set on the corresponding LMS
sebserver.exam.form.endtime.tooltip=The end time of the exam.<br/><br/>This time is set on the corresponding LMS
sebserver.exam.form.status.tooltip=The current status for the exam<br/><br/>Either "Up Coming" for an exam that has not yet been started,<br/>"Running" for an exam that is currently running<br/>or "Finished" for an exam that has already been finished yet
sebserver.exam.form.status.tooltip=The current status for the exam.<br/><br/>Either "Up Coming" for an exam that has not yet been started,<br/>"Running" for an exam that is currently running<br/>or "Finished" for an exam that has already been finished yet
sebserver.exam.form.type=Exam Type
sebserver.exam.form.type.tooltip=The type of the exam<br/><br/>This has only descriptive character for now and can be used to categorise exams within a type
sebserver.exam.form.type.tooltip=The type of the exam.<br/><br/>This has only descriptive character for now and can be used to categorise exams within a type
sebserver.exam.form.supporter=Exam Supporter
sebserver.exam.form.supporter.tooltip=A list of users that are allowed to support this exam<br/><br/>To add a user in edit mode click into the field on right-hand and start typing the first letters of the username.<br/>A filtered choice will drop down. Click on a specific username on the drop-down to add the user to the list.<br/>To remove a user from the list, just double-click the username on the list.
sebserver.exam.form.supporter.tooltip=A list of users that are allowed to support this exam.<br/><br/>To add a user in edit mode click into the field on the right-hand side and start typing the first letters of the username.<br/>A filtered choice will drop down. Select a specific username in the dropdown list to add the user to the list.<br/>To remove a user from the list, just double-click the username on the list.
sebserver.exam.form.sebrestriction.title=SEB Restriction Details
@ -457,13 +457,13 @@ sebserver.exam.form.sebrestriction.configKeys.tooltip=A comma-separated list of
sebserver.exam.form.sebrestriction.browserExamKeys=Browser Exam Keys
sebserver.exam.form.sebrestriction.browserExamKeys.tooltip=A comma-separated list of SEB Browser Exam Keys<br/>that are checked by the LMS for the restricted SEB access for every request
sebserver.exam.form.sebrestriction.WHITELIST_PATHS=Component White-List
sebserver.exam.form.sebrestriction.WHITELIST_PATHS.tooltip=Grant no-restriction to each of the given Open edX path components by select them for white-list
sebserver.exam.form.sebrestriction.WHITELIST_PATHS.tooltip=Grant no-restriction to each of the given Open edX path components by select them for white-list.
sebserver.exam.form.sebrestriction.BLACKLIST_CHAPTERS=Chapters Black-List
sebserver.exam.form.sebrestriction.BLACKLIST_CHAPTERS.tooltip=Explicitly restrict a course chapter by adding the course-chapter-identifier to this comma-separated list
sebserver.exam.form.sebrestriction.PERMISSION_COMPONENTS.tooltip=Define the additional SEB restriction permissions
sebserver.exam.form.sebrestriction.USER_BANNING_ENABLED=User Banning
sebserver.exam.form.sebrestriction.USER_BANNING_ENABLED.tooltip=Indicates whether the user of a restricted access shall be banned on authentication failure or not
sebserver.exam.form.sebrestriction.USER_BANNING_ENABLED.tooltip=Indicates whether the user of a restricted access shall be banned on authentication failure or not.
sebserver.exam.form.sebrestriction.whiteListPaths.ABOUT.tooltip=The "About" section of the Open edX course
@ -478,14 +478,14 @@ sebserver.exam.form.sebrestriction.whiteListPaths.PROGRESS.tooltip=The progress
sebserver.exam.form.sebrestriction.whiteListPaths.WIKI=Description (Wiki)
sebserver.exam.form.sebrestriction.whiteListPaths.WIKI.tooltip=The wikipedia section of the Open edX course
sebserver.exam.form.sebrestriction.permissions.ALWAYS_ALLOW_STUFF=Stuff Role Always Allowed
sebserver.exam.form.sebrestriction.permissions.ALWAYS_ALLOW_STUFF.tooltip=Set this to always allow none-restricted access for a user that has "stuff" privileges
sebserver.exam.form.sebrestriction.permissions.CHECK_BROWSER_EXAM_KEY=Check Browser-Exam-Key
sebserver.exam.form.sebrestriction.permissions.CHECK_BROWSER_EXAM_KEY.tooltip=Always check received SEB Browser Exam Key with the defined ones for every request
sebserver.exam.form.sebrestriction.permissions.CHECK_CONFIG_KEY=Check Config-Key
sebserver.exam.form.sebrestriction.permissions.CHECK_CONFIG_KEY.tooltip=Always check received SEB Config Key with the defined ones for every request
sebserver.exam.form.sebrestriction.permissions.CHECK_BROWSER_EXAM_OR_CONFIG_KEY=Check Browser-Exam- Or Config-Key
sebserver.exam.form.sebrestriction.permissions.CHECK_BROWSER_EXAM_OR_CONFIG_KEY.tooltip=Always check either SEB Browser Exam Key or SEB Config Key with the defined ones for every request
sebserver.exam.form.sebrestriction.permissions.ALWAYS_ALLOW_STAFF=Staff Role Always Allowed
sebserver.exam.form.sebrestriction.permissions.ALWAYS_ALLOW_STAFF.tooltip=Set this to always allow none-restricted access for a user that has "staff" privileges.
sebserver.exam.form.sebrestriction.permissions.CHECK_BROWSER_EXAM_KEY=Check Browser Exam Key
sebserver.exam.form.sebrestriction.permissions.CHECK_BROWSER_EXAM_KEY.tooltip=Always check received SEB Browser Exam Key with the defined ones for every request.
sebserver.exam.form.sebrestriction.permissions.CHECK_CONFIG_KEY=Check Config Key
sebserver.exam.form.sebrestriction.permissions.CHECK_CONFIG_KEY.tooltip=Always check received SEB Config Key with the defined ones for every request.
sebserver.exam.form.sebrestriction.permissions.CHECK_BROWSER_EXAM_OR_CONFIG_KEY=Check Browser Exam-, Or Config Key
sebserver.exam.form.sebrestriction.permissions.CHECK_BROWSER_EXAM_OR_CONFIG_KEY.tooltip=Always check either SEB Browser Exam Key or SEB Config Key with the defined ones for every request.
sebserver.exam.type.UNDEFINED=Not Defined
@ -503,15 +503,15 @@ sebserver.exam.status.FINISHED=Finished
sebserver.exam.configuration.list.title=Exam Configuration
sebserver.exam.configuration.list.title.tooltip=A list of all attached exam configuration for this exam
sebserver.exam.configuration.list.title.tooltip=A list of all attached exam configuration for this exam. name of the attached exam configuration name of the attached exam configuration.
sebserver.exam.configuration.list.column.description.tooltip=The description of the attached exam configuration
sebserver.exam.configuration.list.column.description.tooltip=The description of the attached exam configuration.
sebserver.exam.configuration.list.column.status.tooltip=The current status of the attached exam configuration
sebserver.exam.configuration.list.empty=There is currently no exam configuration defined for this Exam. Please add one.
sebserver.exam.configuration.list.pleaseSelect=Please select first an exam configuration from the list
sebserver.exam.configuration.list.column.status.tooltip=The current status of the attached exam configuration.
sebserver.exam.configuration.list.empty=There is currently no exam configuration defined for this Exam. Please add one
sebserver.exam.configuration.list.pleaseSelect=At first please select an exam configuration from the list
sebserver.exam.configuration.action.noconfig.message=There is currently no exam configuration to select.<br/>Please create one in Exam Configurations Exam Configuration
@ -520,14 +520,14 @@ sebserver.exam.configuration.action.list.view=View Configuration
sebserver.exam.configuration.action.list.delete=Delete Configuration Configuration
sebserver.exam.configuration.action.export-config=Export Configuration
sebserver.exam.configuration.action.get-config-key=Export Config-Key
sebserver.exam.configuration.action.get-config-key=Export Config Key exam configuration mapping
sebserver.exam.configuration.form.title=Exam Configuration Mapping Configuration select an exam configuration to attach to the exam
sebserver.exam.configuration.form.encryptSecret=Encryption Password
sebserver.exam.configuration.form.encryptSecret.tooltip=Define a encryption password if the exam configuration should be encrypted by password
sebserver.exam.configuration.form.encryptSecret.tooltip=Define an encryption password if the exam configuration should be encrypted by password
sebserver.exam.configuration.form.description.tooltip=The description of the selected exam configuration
@ -544,8 +544,8 @@ name of the indicator
sebserver.exam.indicator.list.column.thresholds.tooltip=The thresholds of the indicator
sebserver.exam.indicator.list.empty=There is currently no indicator defined for this exam. Please create a new one.
sebserver.exam.indicator.list.pleaseSelect=Please select first an indicator from the list
sebserver.exam.indicator.list.empty=There is currently no indicator defined for this exam. Please create a new one
sebserver.exam.indicator.list.pleaseSelect=At first please select an indicator from the list
sebserver.exam.indicator.type.LAST_PING=Last Ping Time
@ -555,7 +555,7 @@ sebserver.exam.indicator.type.description.ERROR_COUNT=This indicator shows the n
sebserver.exam.indicator.type.description.WARN_COUNT=This indicator shows the number of warn log messages that<br/> has been received from a SEB Client.<br/>This indicator can be used to track warnings of connected SEB Clients<br/><br/>The value is natural numbers. select first an indicator from the list first please select an indicator from the list Indicator
sebserver.exam.indicator.action.list.modify=Edit Selected Indicator
@ -566,25 +566,25 @@ sebserver.exam.indicator.form.title=Indicator
sebserver.exam.indicator.form.title.subtitle= Indicator
sebserver.exam.indicator.form.exam.tooltip=The exam this indicator belongs to
sebserver.exam.indicator.form.exam.tooltip=The exam this indicator belongs to. name of the indicator<br/><br/>This name is also displayed as the column title of the indicator on the exam monitoring view name of the indicator.<br/><br/>This name is also displayed as the column title of the indicator on the exam monitoring view
sebserver.exam.indicator.form.type.tooltip=The type of the indicator<br/><br/>There are only a set of defined indicators to choose from.<br/>Choose one to see a detailed description for each indicator below.
sebserver.exam.indicator.form.type.tooltip=The type of the indicator.<br/><br/>There are only a set of defined indicators to choose from.<br/>Choose one to see a detailed description for each indicator below.
sebserver.exam.indicator.form.description=Type Description
sebserver.exam.indicator.form.description.tooltip=A detailed description of the selected indicator
sebserver.exam.indicator.form.description.tooltip=A detailed description of the selected indicator.
sebserver.exam.indicator.form.color=Default Color
sebserver.exam.indicator.form.color.tooltip=The default color that is displayed on the exam monitoring for this indicator
sebserver.exam.indicator.form.color.tooltip=The default color that is displayed on the exam monitoring for this indicator.
sebserver.exam.indicator.form.color.action=Please select a color
sebserver.exam.indicator.form.thresholds.tooltip=A list of value / color pairs that defines the thresholds of the indicator<br/><br/>On the exam monitoring view a cell of the indicator is displayed in the specified color when the defined threshold value is reached select a color.
sebserver.exam.indicator.form.thresholds.tooltip=A list of value / color pairs that defines the thresholds of the indicator.<br/><br/>On the exam monitoring view a cell of the indicator is displayed in the specified color when the defined threshold value is reached select a color
sebserver.exam.indicator.thresholds.list.value.tooltip=The threshold value
sebserver.exam.indicator.thresholds.list.value.tooltip=The threshold value.
sebserver.exam.indicator.thresholds.list.color.tooltip=The color that is displayed on the exam monitoring view when indicator value has reached the defined threshold value
sebserver.exam.indicator.thresholds.list.color.tooltip=The color that is displayed on the exam monitoring view when indicator value has reached the defined threshold value.
sebserver.exam.indicator.thresholds.list.add=Add a new threshold
sebserver.exam.indicator.thresholds.list.remove=Delete this threshold
@ -597,42 +597,42 @@ sebserver.clientconfig.list.title=Client Configuration
sebserver.clientconfig.list.column.institution.tooltip=The institution of the client configuration<br/><br/>Use the filter above to specify the institution<br/>{0}
sebserver.clientconfig.list.column.institution.tooltip=The institution of the client configuration.<br/><br/>Use the filter above to specify the institution.<br/>{0} name of the client configuration<br/><br/>Use the filter above to narrow down a specific name<br/>{0} name of the client configuration.<br/><br/>Use the filter above to narrow down to a specific name.<br/>{0} Date {0} date when the client configuration was first created<br/><br/>Use the filter above to specify a from-date<br/>{0} date when the client configuration was first created.<br/><br/>Use the filter above to specify a from-date.<br/>{0} status of client configuration<br/><br/>Use the filter above to specify the status<br/>{0} select first a Client Configuration from the list Access: A client configuration from other institution cannot be modified status of client configuration.<br/><br/>Use the filter above to specify the status.<br/>{0} first please select a Client Configuration from the list Access: A client configuration from other institution cannot be modified. Client Configuration
sebserver.clientconfig.form.title=Client Configuration
sebserver.clientconfig.form.title.subtitle= name of the client configuration<br/>Can be any name that not already exists for another client configuration name of the client configuration.<br/>Any name that not already is in use for another client configuration
sebserver.clientconfig.form.fallback=With Fallback
sebserver.clientconfig.form.fallback.tooltip=Indicates whether this client configuration has a fallback definition or not
sebserver.clientconfig.form.fallback-url=Fallback Start URL
sebserver.clientconfig.form.fallback-url.tooltip=A fallback URL that tells the SEB where to go when the SEB Server service is unavailable
sebserver.clientconfig.form.fallback-url.tooltip=A fallback URL that tells SEB where to go when the SEB Server service is unavailable.
sebserver.clientconfig.form.sebServerFallbackTimeout=Connection Timeout
sebserver.clientconfig.form.sebServerFallbackTimeout.tooltip=Defines the fallback timeout for the SEB in milli-seconds
sebserver.clientconfig.form.sebServerFallbackTimeout.tooltip=Defines the fallback timeout for SEB in milliseconds.
sebserver.clientconfig.form.sebServerFallbackAttempts=Connection Attempts
sebserver.clientconfig.form.sebServerFallbackAttempts.tooltip=The number of connection attempts a SEB is trying before switching to fallback case
sebserver.clientconfig.form.sebServerFallbackAttempts.tooltip=The number of connection attempts a SEB is trying before switching to fallback case.
sebserver.clientconfig.form.sebServerFallbackAttemptInterval.tooltip=The interval (in milli-seconds) between connection attempts a SEB shall use
sebserver.clientconfig.form.sebServerFallbackAttemptInterval.tooltip=The interval (in milliseconds) between connection attempts a SEB shall use.
sebserver.clientconfig.form.sebServerFallbackPasswordHash=Fallback Password
sebserver.clientconfig.form.sebServerFallbackPasswordHash.tooltip=A password if set a SEB Client user must provide before the SEB starts the fallback procedure
sebserver.clientconfig.form.sebServerFallbackPasswordHash.tooltip=A password if set a SEB Client user must provide before SEB starts the fallback procedure.
sebserver.clientconfig.form.sebServerFallbackPasswordHash.confirm=Confirm Password
sebserver.clientconfig.form.sebServerFallbackPasswordHash.tooltip.confirm=Please confirm the fallback password
sebserver.clientconfig.form.hashedQuitPassword=Quit Password
sebserver.clientconfig.form.hashedQuitPassword.tooltip=A password if set a SEB user must provide to be able to quit the SEB
sebserver.clientconfig.form.hashedQuitPassword.tooltip=A password if set a SEB user must provide to be able to quit SEB.
sebserver.clientconfig.form.hashedQuitPassword.confirm=Confirm Password
sebserver.clientconfig.form.hashedQuitPassword.tooltip.confirm=Please confirm the quit password Date date when the client configuration was first created date when the client configuration was first created.
sebserver.clientconfig.form.encryptSecret=Configuration Password
sebserver.clientconfig.form.encryptSecret.tooltip=Define a password if the client configuration shall be password-encrypted
sebserver.clientconfig.form.encryptSecret.confirm=Confirm Password
@ -641,9 +641,9 @@ sebserver.clientconfig.form.sebConfigPurpose=Configuration Purpose
sebserver.clientconfig.form.sebConfigPurpose.tooltip=This indicates whether this client configuration shall be used to configure the SEB Client or to start an exam
sebserver.clientconfig.config.purpose.START_EXAM=Starting an Exam
sebserver.clientconfig.config.purpose.START_EXAM.tooltip=If the client configuration is loaded via a SEB-Link, the local configuration will not be overwritten
sebserver.clientconfig.config.purpose.START_EXAM.tooltip=If the client configuration is loaded via a SEB-Link, the local configuration will not be overwritten.
sebserver.clientconfig.config.purpose.CONFIGURE_CLIENT=Configure a Client
sebserver.clientconfig.config.purpose.CONFIGURE_CLIENT.tooltip=If the client configuration is loaded via a SEB-Link, the local configuration will be overwritten by this configuration
sebserver.clientconfig.config.purpose.CONFIGURE_CLIENT.tooltip=If the client configuration is loaded via a SEB-Link, the local configuration will be overwritten by this configuration. Client Configuration
sebserver.clientconfig.action.list.view=View Client Configuration
@ -662,18 +662,18 @@ sebserver.examconfig.action.list=Exam Configuration
sebserver.examconfig.list.title=Exam Configurations
sebserver.examconfig.list.column.institution.tooltip=The institution of the SEB exam configuration<br/><br/>Use the filter above to specify the institution<br/>{0}
sebserver.examconfig.list.column.institution.tooltip=The institution of the SEB exam configuration.<br/><br/>Use the filter above to specify the institution.<br/>{0} name of the SEB exam configuration<br/><br/>Use the filter above to narrow down a specific name<br/>{0} name of the SEB exam configuration.<br/><br/>Use the filter above to narrow down to a specific name.<br/>{0}
sebserver.examconfig.list.column.description.tooltip=The description of the SEB exam configuration<br/><br/>Use the filter above to find configurations that contains specific words or phrases within the description<br/>{0}
sebserver.examconfig.list.column.description.tooltip=The description of the SEB exam configuration.<br/><br/>Use the filter above to find configurations that contain specific words or phrases within the description.<br/>{0}
sebserver.examconfig.list.column.status.tooltip=The status of the SEB exam configuration<br/><br/>Use the filter above to specify a status<br/>{0}
sebserver.examconfig.list.column.status.tooltip=The status of the SEB exam configuration.<br/><br/>Use the filter above to specify a status.<br/>{0}
sebserver.examconfig.list.empty=There is currently no SEB-Exam configuration available. Please create a new one. select first an Exam Configuration from the list
sebserver.examconfig.list.empty=There is currently no Exam configuration available. Please create a new one first please select an Exam Configuration from the list Access: An Exam Configuration from other institution cannot be modified. Exam Configuration
@ -687,7 +687,7 @@ Exam Configuration Exam Configuration
sebserver.examconfig.action.saveToHistory=Save / Publish Settings
sebserver.examconfig.action.saveToHistory.success=Exam configuration settings successfully saved in history.
sebserver.examconfig.action.saveToHistory.integrity-violation=There is currently at least one running Exam with active SEB client connections that uses this Configuration.<br/>Modify of a configuration that is currently in use would lead to inconsistency and is therefore not allowed.<br/><br/>Please make sure that the configuration is not in use before applying changes.
sebserver.examconfig.action.saveToHistory.integrity-violation=There is currently at least one running Exam with active SEB client connections that uses this configuration.<br/>Modifying a configuration that is currently in use would lead to inconsistency and is therefore not allowed.<br/><br/>Please make sure that the configuration is not in use before applying changes.
sebserver.examconfig.action.undo.success=Successfully reverted exam configuration settings to last saved state
sebserver.examconfig.action.copy=Copy Exam Configuration
@ -695,7 +695,7 @@ sebserver.examconfig.action.copy.dialog=Exam Configuration
sebserver.examconfig.action.copy-as-template=Save As Template
sebserver.examconfig.action.copy-as-template.dialog=Configuration Template
sebserver.examconfig.action.export.plainxml=Export Exam Configuration
sebserver.examconfig.action.get-config-key=Export Config-Key
sebserver.examconfig.action.get-config-key=Export Config Key
sebserver.examconfig.action.import-config=Import Exam Configuration
sebserver.examconfig.action.import-file-select=Import From File
@ -707,17 +707,17 @@ Exam Configuration
sebserver.examconfig.form.title=Exam Configuration
sebserver.examconfig.form.title.subtitle= name of the SEB exam configuration name of the SEB exam configuration.
sebserver.examconfig.form.description.tooltip=The description text of the SEB exam configuration
sebserver.examconfig.form.description.tooltip=The description text of the SEB exam configuration.
sebserver.examconfig.form.with-history=With History
sebserver.examconfig.form.template.tooltip=The template this SEB exam configuration depends on
sebserver.examconfig.form.template.tooltip=The template this SEB exam configuration depends on.
sebserver.examconfig.form.status.tooltip=The status of this SEB exam configuration<br/><br/>"Under Construction" marks a SEB exam configuration to not be able to attach to an exam so far.<br/>"Ready to Use" marks a SEB exam configuration to be able to attach to an exam.<br/>"In Use" marks a SEB exam configuration is already been used from one or more exam(s)
sebserver.examconfig.form.status.tooltip=The status of this SEB exam configuration.<br/><br/>Under Construction marks a SEB exam configuration to not be able to attach to an exam so far.<br/>Ready to use marks an SEB exam configuration to be able to attach to an exam.<br/>In Use marks a SEB exam configuration is already been used from one or more exam(s)
sebserver.examconfig.form.config-key.title=Config Key
sebserver.examconfig.form.attached-to=Attached To Exam
sebserver.examconfig.form.attached-to.tooltip=This SEB exam configuration is currently attached to the following exams<br/><br/>Select an exam from the list and use the "View Exam" or Double-Click on the list to go to a specific exam.
sebserver.examconfig.form.attached-to.tooltip=This SEB exam configuration is currently attached to the following exams.<br/><br/>Select an exam from the list and use the "View Exam" or Double-Click on the list to go to a specific exam.
sebserver.examconfig.status.CONSTRUCTION=Under Construction
sebserver.examconfig.status.READY_TO_USE=Ready To Use
@ -765,7 +765,7 @@ View Mode
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.browserViewMode.0=Use browser window
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.browserViewMode.0.tooltip=Use window for the SEB browser which can be scaled and moved around, also to another screen if available
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.browserViewMode.1=Use full screen mode
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.browserViewMode.1.tooltip=Display the SEB browser full screen
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.browserViewMode.1.tooltip=Display the SEB browser full screen.
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.touchOptimized=Touch optimized
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.touchOptimized.tooltip=Mainly to be used on Windows tablets. Not working with the Create New Desktop kiosk mode
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.enableTouchExit=Enable touch exit
@ -773,9 +773,9 @@ sebserver.examconfig.props.label.enableTouchExit.tooltip=SEB can be quit by a sw Browser Window Size And Position
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.mainBrowserWindowWidth.tooltip=Window width in pixel or percentage of total screen width
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.mainBrowserWindowWidth.tooltip=Window width in pixel or percentage of total screen width.
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.mainBrowserWindowHeight.tooltip=Window height in pixel or percentage of total screen height
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.mainBrowserWindowHeight.tooltip=Window height in pixel or percentage of total screen height.
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.mainBrowserWindowPositioning=Horizontal positioning
@ -783,11 +783,11 @@ sebserver.examconfig.props.label.mainBrowserWindowPositioning.2=Right Window Toolbar
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.enableBrowserWindowToolbar=Enable browser window toolbar
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.enableBrowserWindowToolbar.tooltip=Displays a toolbar on top of the browser window<br/>which can also be hidden by the user
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.enableBrowserWindowToolbar.tooltip=Displays a toolbar on top of the browser window<br/>which can also be hidden by the user.
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.hideBrowserWindowToolbar=Hide toolbar as default (Mac)
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.hideBrowserWindowToolbar.tooltip=Hide browser window toolbar by default.<br/>It can be shown again by using the View menu or Alt-Command-T.
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.showMenuBar=Show menu bar (Mac)
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.showMenuBar.tooltip=Show the OS X menu bar to allow to access settings like Wi-Fi
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.showMenuBar.tooltip=Show the OS X menu bar to allow to access settings like Wi-Fi. Taskbar/Dock
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.showTaskBar=Show SEB taskbar
@ -818,7 +818,7 @@ Control
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.audioControlEnabled=Enable audio controls
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.audioControlEnabled.tooltip=Displays an audio control in the SEB taskbar
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.audioMute=Mute audio on startup
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.audioMute.tooltip=The autio is muted when the SEB/exam starts
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.audioMute.tooltip=The audio is muted when the SEB/exam starts
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.audioSetVolumeLevel=Set initial volume level
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.audioSetVolumeLevel.tooltip=The volume level after starting SEB/exam
@ -847,9 +847,9 @@ sebserver.examconfig.props.label.newBrowserWindowByLinkBlockForeign.tooltip=USE browser window size and position
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.newBrowserWindowByLinkWidth.tooltip=Window width in pixel or percentage of total screen width
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.newBrowserWindowByLinkWidth.tooltip=Window width in pixel or percentage of total screen width.
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.newBrowserWindowByLinkHeight.tooltip=Window height in pixel or percentage of total screen height
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.newBrowserWindowByLinkHeight.tooltip=Window height in pixel or percentage of total screen height.
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.newBrowserWindowByLinkPositioning=Horizontal positioning
@ -859,7 +859,7 @@ security
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.enablePlugIns=Enable plug-ins (Win: only Flash)
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.enablePlugIns.tooltip=Enables web plugins (Mac) or just Flash (Win).<br/> For security reasons it\'s recommended to disable this option if you don\'t use any plugin/Flash content.
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.enableJavaScript=Enable JavaScript
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.enableJavaScript.tooltip=Enables JavaScript.<br/> Please note that most modern web-sites need JavaScript for full functionality.
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.enableJavaScript.tooltip=Enables JavaScript.<br/> Please note that most modern websites need JavaScript for full functionality.
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.enableJava=Enable Java
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.enableJava.tooltip=Enables Java applets.<br/> Note: Only applets with the highest Java security level will run in SEB.
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.blockPopUpWindows=Block pop-up windows
@ -908,7 +908,7 @@ sebserver.examconfig.props.label.enableSebBrowser.tooltip=Disable this to start
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.browserWindowTitleSuffix=Suffix to be added to every browser window
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.allowDownUploads=Allow downloading and uploading files (Mac)
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.allowDownUpload.tooltip=Usually to be used with permitted third party applications<br/> for which you want to provide files to be down-loaded
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.allowDownUpload.tooltip=Usually to be used with permitted third party applications<br/> for which you want to provide files to be down-loaded.
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.downloadDirectoryWin=Download directory (Win)
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.downloadDirectoryOSX=Download directory (Mac)
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.openDownloads=Open files after downloading (Mac)
@ -922,7 +922,7 @@ sebserver.examconfig.props.label.downloadPDFFiles.tooltip=PDF files will not be
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.allowPDFPlugIn=Allow using Acrobat Reader PDF plugin (insecure! Mac only)
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.allowPDFPlugIn.tooltip=The Adobe Acrobat Reader browser plugin should only be used on secured managed Mac computers,<br/> at it allows limited access the file system and unlimited to cloud services
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.downloadAndOpenSebConfig=Download and open SEB Config Files
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.downloadAndOpenSebConfig.tooltip=Download and open .seb config files regardless if downloading and opening other file types is allowed
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.downloadAndOpenSebConfig.tooltip=Download and open .seb config files regardless if downloading and opening other file types is allowed. Handling the following parameter to control whether a browser session is persistent on disk, e.g. to keep users<br/> logged in after a reconfiguration.
@ -940,7 +940,7 @@ sebserver.examconfig.props.label.restartExamUseStartURL.tooltip=The back to star
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.restartExamURL=Enter custom URL or select 'Use Start URL' to display a back to start button in the SEB taskbar.
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.restartExamText=Title/tool tip text for the back to start button (leave empty for localized standard text)
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.restartExamPasswordProtected=Protect back to start button with the quit/unlock password
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.restartExamPasswordProtected.tooltip=The quit/restart password (if set) must be entered when the back to start button was pressed
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.restartExamPasswordProtected.tooltip=The quit/restart password (if set) must be entered when the back to start button was pressed.
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.allowSwitchToApplications=Allow switching to third party application (Mac)
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.allowSwitchToApplications.tooltip=Decreases security of the kiosk mode by allowing process switcher (Cmd+Tab).<br/> The blacked out background of SEB also doesn't cover some alerts and modal windows in this mode.
@ -950,9 +950,9 @@ sebserver.examconfig.props.label.permittedProcesses.remove.tooltip=Remove select
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.permittedProcesses.row.title=Permitted Processes
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.permittedProcesses=Permitted Processes permitted process item is active permitted process item is active.
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.permittedProcesses.os.tooltip=Indicates on which operating system the permitted process runs
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.permittedProcesses.os.tooltip=Indicates on which operating system the permitted process runs.
@ -974,7 +974,7 @@ sebserver.examconfig.props.label.permittedProcesses.identifier.tooltip=(Sub) str
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.permittedProcesses.iconInTaskbar=Icon in taskbar
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.permittedProcesses.iconInTaskbar.tooltip=Show icon of permitted application in task bar<br/> (not possible when 'run in background' is enabled).
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.permittedProcesses.autostart.tooltip=Start the process automatically together with SEB
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.permittedProcesses.autostart.tooltip=Start the process automatically together with SEB.
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.permittedProcesses.runInBackground=Allow running in background
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.permittedProcesses.runInBackground.tooltip=Allow the permitted process to already be running when SEB starts.<br/> Such a process can't have an icon in the task bar.
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.permittedProcesses.allowUserToChooseApp=Allow user to select location of application
@ -986,7 +986,7 @@ sebserver.examconfig.props.label.prohibitedProcesses.remove.tooltip=Remove selec
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.prohibitedProcesses.row.title=Prohibited Processes
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.prohibitedProcesses=Prohibited Processes if this prohibited process item is active if this prohibited process item is active.
@ -1084,11 +1084,11 @@ sebserver.examconfig.props.label.sebServicePolicy.2=allow to use SEB only with s
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.sebServicePolicy.tooltip=Policy that applies when an exam client doesn't have the SEB client running Mode
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.kioskMode.tooltip=The kiosk mode setting reflects how the computer is locked down into SEB
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.kioskMode.tooltip=The kiosk mode setting reflects how the computer is locked down in SEB.
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.kioskMode.0=Create new desktop
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.kioskMode.0.tooltip=This kiosk mode may prevent specific third party software to run correctly together with SEB, like some screen recording software or the Windows onscreen keyboard.
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.kioskMode.1=Disable explorer Shell
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.kioskMode.1.tooltip=This kiosk mode is compatible with some screen recording/proctoring software and the Windows onscreen keyboard
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.kioskMode.1.tooltip=This kiosk mode is compatible with some screen recording/proctoring software and the Windows onscreen keyboard.
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.kioskMode.2=None (for debugging only)
sebserver.examconfig.props.label.kioskMode.2.tooltip=SEB runs without kiosk mode, switching to other applications is possible. Use this for debugging purposes only.
@ -1208,11 +1208,11 @@ sebserver.examconfig.props.validation.WindowsSizeValidator=Invalid number
sebserver.configtemplate.action.list=Configuration Template
sebserver.configtemplate.list.title=Configuration Templates
sebserver.configtemplate.list.empty=There is currently no SEB-Exam configuration template available. Please create a new one.
sebserver.configtemplate.list.empty=There is currently no SEB-Exam configuration template available. Please create a new one
sebserver.configtemplate.list.actions= Access: A Configuration Template from other institution cannot be modified. select first an Exam Configuration template from the list first please select an Exam Configuration template from the list Configuration Template
sebserver.configtemplate.action.list.view=View Configuration Template
@ -1251,31 +1251,31 @@ sebserver.configtemplate.attr.type.COMPOSITE_TABLE=Table
sebserver.configtemplate.attrs.list.title=Exam Configuration Attributes
sebserver.configtemplate.attrs.list.title.subtitle=Table of all exam configuration attributes of this template technical name of the exam configuration attribute with the display name in brackets if available<br/><br/>{0} technical name of the exam configuration attribute with the display name in brackets if available.<br/><br/>{0}
sebserver.configtemplate.attrs.list.view.tooltip=The view/tab where the exam configuration attribute belongs to<br/><br/>{0}
sebserver.configtemplate.attrs.list.view.tooltip=The view/tab where the exam configuration attribute belongs to.<br/><br/>{0} group on the view/tab where the exam configuration attribute belongs to<br/><br/>{0} group on the view/tab where the exam configuration attribute belongs to.<br/><br/>{0}
sebserver.configtemplate.attrs.list.type.tooltip=The type of the exam configuration attribute<br/><br/>{0}
sebserver.configtemplate.attrs.list.type.tooltip=The type of the exam configuration attribute.<br/><br/>{0}
sebserver.configtemplate.attr.list.actions.modify=Edit Attribute
sebserver.configtemplate.attr.list.actions.setdefault=Set Default Values
sebserver.configtemplate.attr.list.actions.removeview=Remove From View
sebserver.configtemplate.attr.list.actions.attach-default-view=Attach To View select first an Attribute from the list first please select an Attribute from the list
sebserver.configtemplate.attr.form.title=Configuration Template Attribute
sebserver.configtemplate.attr.form.title.subtitle= technical name of the exam configuration attribute with the display name in brackets if available.
sebserver.configtemplate.attr.form.type.tooltip=The type of the exam configuration attribute
sebserver.configtemplate.attr.form.type.tooltip=The type of the exam configuration attribute.
sebserver.configtemplate.attr.form.view.tooltip=The view/tab where the exam configuration attribute belongs to
sebserver.configtemplate.attr.form.view.tooltip=The view/tab where the exam configuration attribute belongs to. group on the view/tab where the exam configuration attribute belongs to group on the view/tab where the exam configuration attribute belongs to.
sebserver.configtemplate.attr.form.value=Configuration Template Attribute Value
sebserver.configtemplate.attr.form.value.tooltip=The SEB exam configuration attribute value that can be set as default for this template
@ -1294,38 +1294,38 @@ sebserver.monitoring.exam.action.detail.view=Back To Monitoring
sebserver.monitoring.exam.action.list.view=Monitoring select first an Exam from the list first please select an Exam from the list
sebserver.monitoring.exam.list.empty=There are currently no running exams name of the exam<br/><br/>Use the filter above to narrow down a specific exam name<br/>{0} name of the exam.<br/><br/>Use the filter above to narrow down to a specific exam name.<br/>{0}
sebserver.monitoring.exam.list.column.type.tooltip=The type of the exam<br/><br/>Use the filter above to set a specific exam type<br/>{0}
sebserver.monitoring.exam.list.column.type.tooltip=The type of the exam.<br/><br/>Use the filter above to set a specific exam type.<br/>{0}
sebserver.monitoring.exam.list.column.startTime=Start Time {0}
sebserver.monitoring.exam.list.column.startTime.tooltip=The start date and time of the exam<br/><br/>{0}
sebserver.monitoring.exam.list.column.startTime.tooltip=The start date and time of the exam.<br/><br/>{0}
sebserver.monitoring.exam.list.column.endTime=End Time {0}
sebserver.monitoring.exam.list.column.endTime.tooltip=The end date and time of the exam<br/><br/>{0}
sebserver.monitoring.exam.list.column.endTime.tooltip=The end date and time of the exam.<br/><br/>{0}
sebserver.monitoring.exam=Monitoring Exam: {0} Name or Session user session identifier or username sent by the SEB client after LMS login user session identifier or username sent by the SEB client after LMS login.
sebserver.monitoring.connection.list.column.address=IP Address
sebserver.monitoring.connection.list.column.address.tooltip=The IP address from the host the SEB client is connecting to the SEB Server
sebserver.monitoring.connection.list.column.address.tooltip=The IP address from the host the SEB client is connecting to the SEB Server.
sebserver.monitoring.connection.list.column.status.tooltip=The current connection status Name or Session user session identifier or username sent by the SEB client after LMS login user session identifier or username sent by the SEB client after LMS login.
sebserver.monitoring.connection.form.address=IP Address
sebserver.monitoring.connection.form.address.tooltip=The IP address from the host the SEB client is connecting to the SEB Server
sebserver.monitoring.connection.form.address.tooltip=The IP address from the host the SEB client is connecting to the SEB Server.
sebserver.monitoring.connection.form.status.tooltip=The current connection status
sebserver.monitoring.connection.form.exam.tooltip=The exam name
sebserver.monitoring.exam.connection.emptySelection=Please select first a Connection from the list select first an active Connection from the list
sebserver.monitoring.exam.connection.emptySelection=At first please select a Connection from the list first please select an active Connection from the list
sebserver.monitoring.exam.connection.title=SEB Client Connection
sebserver.monitoring.exam.connection.action.view=View Details
@ -1351,15 +1351,15 @@ sebserver.monitoring.exam.connection.eventlist.title=Events
sebserver.monitoring.exam.connection.eventlist.title.tooltip=All events and logs sent by the SEB Client
sebserver.monitoring.exam.connection.eventlist.empty=No event found
sebserver.monitoring.exam.connection.eventlist.type=Event Type
sebserver.monitoring.exam.connection.eventlist.type.tooltip=The type of the log event<br/><br/>Use the filter above to set a specific event type<br/>{0}
sebserver.monitoring.exam.connection.eventlist.type.tooltip=The type of the log event.<br/><br/>Use the filter above to set a specific event type.<br/>{0}
sebserver.monitoring.exam.connection.eventlist.clienttime=Client Time {0}
sebserver.monitoring.exam.connection.eventlist.clienttime.tooltip=The time the SEB client has sent within the log event<br/><br/>{0}
sebserver.monitoring.exam.connection.eventlist.clienttime.tooltip=The time the SEB client has sent within the log event.<br/><br/>{0}
sebserver.monitoring.exam.connection.eventlist.servertime=Server Time {0}
sebserver.monitoring.exam.connection.eventlist.servertime.tooltip=The exact time (UTC) the SEB Server has received the log event<br/><br/>{0}
sebserver.monitoring.exam.connection.eventlist.servertime.tooltip=The exact time (UTC) the SEB Server has received the log event.<br/><br/>{0}
sebserver.monitoring.exam.connection.eventlist.value.tooltip=The value of the log event<br/><br/>{0}
sebserver.monitoring.exam.connection.eventlist.value.tooltip=The value of the log event.<br/><br/>{0}
sebserver.monitoring.exam.connection.eventlist.text.tooltip=The text of the log event<br/><br/>{0}
sebserver.monitoring.exam.connection.eventlist.text.tooltip=The text of the log event.<br/><br/>{0}
@ -1388,31 +1388,31 @@ sebserver.logs.activity.seblogs.details=Show Details
sebserver.userlogs.list.title=User Activity Logs
sebserver.userlogs.list.column.institution.tooltip=The institution of the user activity log<br/><br/>Use the filter above to specify the institution<br/>{0}
sebserver.userlogs.list.column.institution.tooltip=The institution of the user activity log.<br/><br/>Use the filter above to specify the institution.<br/>{0}
sebserver.userlogs.list.column.user.tooltip=The user account of the user activity log<br/><br/>Use the filter above to specify a user account<br/>{0}
sebserver.userlogs.list.column.user.tooltip=The user account of the user activity log.<br/><br/>Use the filter above to specify a user account.<br/>{0}
sebserver.userlogs.list.column.dateTime=Date {0}
sebserver.userlogs.list.column.dateTime.tooltip=The date when the user activity log happened<br/><br/>Use the filter above to specify a from- and to-date range<br/>{0}
sebserver.userlogs.list.column.dateTime.tooltip=The date when the user activity log happened.<br/><br/>Use the filter above to specify a from- and to-date range.<br/>{0}
sebserver.userlogs.list.column.activityType=User Activity
sebserver.userlogs.list.column.activityType.tooltip=The type of the user activity<br/><br/>Use the filter above to specify a activity type<br/>{0}
sebserver.userlogs.list.column.activityType.tooltip=The type of the user activity.<br/><br/>Use the filter above to specify an activity type.<br/>{0}
sebserver.userlogs.list.column.entityType=Domain Type
sebserver.userlogs.list.column.entityType.tooltip=The domain type of the user activity<br/><br/>Use the filter above to specify a domain type<br/>{0}
sebserver.userlogs.list.column.entityType.tooltip=The domain type of the user activity.<br/><br/>Use the filter above to specify a domain type.<br/>{0}
sebserver.userlogs.form.user.tooltip=The user account of the user activity log
sebserver.userlogs.form.user.tooltip=The user account of the user activity log.
sebserver.userlogs.form.dateTime=Date {0}
sebserver.userlogs.form.dateTime.tooltip=The date when the user activity log happened
sebserver.userlogs.form.dateTime.tooltip=The date when the user activity log happened.
sebserver.userlogs.form.activityType=User Activity
sebserver.userlogs.form.activityType.tooltip=The type of the user activity
sebserver.userlogs.form.activityType.tooltip=The type of the user activity.
sebserver.userlogs.form.entityType=Domain Type
sebserver.userlogs.form.entityType.tooltip=The domain type of the user activity
sebserver.userlogs.form.entityType.tooltip=The domain type of the user activity.
sebserver.userlogs.form.entityId.tooltip=The internal entity identifier of the domain object
sebserver.userlogs.form.message.tooltip=The user activity log message<br/>This is usually a data model representation of the domain object
sebserver.userlogs.form.message.tooltip=The user activity log message.<br/>This is usually a data model representation of the domain object
sebserver.userlogs.details.title=User Activity Log Details select first a User Log from the list first please select a User Log from the list
sebserver.userlogs.list.empty=No User activity logs can be found. Please adapt or clear the filter
@ -1421,19 +1421,19 @@ sebserver.seblogs.list.title=SEB Client Logs
sebserver.seblogs.list.empty=No SEB client logs available. Please adapt or clear the filter select first a SEB client Log from the list first please select a SEB client Log from the list
sebserver.seblogs.list.column.institution.tooltip=The institution where the exam belongs to<br/><br/>Use the filter above to specify the institution<br/>{0}
sebserver.seblogs.list.column.institution.tooltip=The institution where the exam belongs to.<br/><br/>Use the filter above to specify the institution.<br/>{0}
sebserver.seblogs.list.column.exam.tooltip=The exam of the SEB client logs<br/><br/>Use the filter above to specify an exam<br/>{0}
sebserver.seblogs.list.column.exam.tooltip=The exam of the SEB client logs.<br/><br/>Use the filter above to specify an exam.<br/>{0}
sebserver.seblogs.list.column.client-session=User Session-ID
sebserver.seblogs.list.column.client-session.tooltip=The user or user-session identifier<br/><br/>Use the filter above narrow down a user identifier name<br/>{0}
sebserver.seblogs.list.column.client-session.tooltip=The user or user-session identifier.<br/><br/>Use the filter above to narrow down to a user identifier name.<br/>{0}
sebserver.seblogs.list.column.type=Event Type
sebserver.seblogs.list.column.type.tooltip=The SEB client log event type<br/><br/>Use the filter above to specify log type<br/>{0}
sebserver.seblogs.list.column.type.tooltip=The SEB client log event type.<br/><br/>Use the filter above to specify log type.<br/>{0}
sebserver.seblogs.list.column.time=Event Time {0}
sebserver.seblogs.list.column.time.tooltip=The SEB client log time<br/><br/>Use the filter above to specify from- and to-date and time<br/>{0}
sebserver.seblogs.list.column.time.tooltip=The SEB client log time.<br/><br/>Use the filter above to specify from- and to-date and time.<br/>{0}
sebserver.seblogs.list.column.value.tooltip=The SEB client log value<br/><br/>{0}
sebserver.seblogs.list.column.value.tooltip=The SEB client log value.<br/><br/>{0}
sebserver.seblogs.details.title=SEB Client Log Details
@ -1442,31 +1442,31 @@ sebserver.seblogs.details.exam.title=Exam Details
sebserver.seblogs.form.column.client-session.tooltip=The user or user-session identifier
sebserver.seblogs.form.column.client-session.tooltip=The user or user session identifier.
sebserver.seblogs.form.column.type=Event Type
sebserver.seblogs.form.column.type.tooltip=The SEB client log event type
sebserver.seblogs.form.column.type.tooltip=The SEB client log event type.
sebserver.seblogs.form.column.server-time=Server Time
sebserver.seblogs.form.column.server-time.tooltip=The exact time when the SEB Server got the event log sent by an SEB client
sebserver.seblogs.form.column.server-time.tooltip=The exact time when the SEB Server got the event log sent by a SEB client.
sebserver.seblogs.form.column.client-time=SEB Client Time
sebserver.seblogs.form.column.client-time.tooltip=The time that was send within the log from SEB client
sebserver.seblogs.form.column.client-time.tooltip=The time that was send within the log from a SEB client.
sebserver.seblogs.form.column.value.tooltip=The SEB client log event value
sebserver.seblogs.form.column.message.tooltip=The SEB client log message
sebserver.seblogs.form.column.connection.session-id=User Session-ID
sebserver.seblogs.form.column.connection.session-id.tooltip=The user or user-session identifier
sebserver.seblogs.form.column.connection.session-id.tooltip=The user or user session identifier.
sebserver.seblogs.form.column.connection.address=SEB client Address
sebserver.seblogs.form.column.connection.address.tooltip=The IP address of the SEB client
sebserver.seblogs.form.column.connection.token=SEB Connection Token
sebserver.seblogs.form.column.connection.token.tooltip=The connection token that was generated by the SEB Server to identify the SEB client connection
sebserver.seblogs.form.column.connection.token.tooltip=The connection token that was generated by the SEB Server to identify the SEB client connection.
sebserver.seblogs.form.column.connection.status=Connection Status
sebserver.seblogs.form.column.connection.status.tooltip=The current SEB client connection status
sebserver.seblogs.form.column.connection.status.tooltip=The current SEB client connection status. name of the exam name of the exam.
sebserver.seblogs.form.column.exam.description.tooltip=The description of the exam
sebserver.seblogs.form.column.exam.description.tooltip=The description of the exam.
sebserver.seblogs.form.column.exam.type.tooltip=The type of the exam
sebserver.seblogs.form.column.exam.startTime=Start Time